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— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 16359) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 16359) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module bfauxil; % Support for the roots package and ROUNDED domain. % Author: Stanley L. Kameny <valley!>. % Definitions of ilog2, irootn, icbrt, isqrt and support supplied by % John Abbott. % Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990. Stanley L. Kameny. All Rights Reserved. Comment support for modules allroot and isoroot, and for ROUNDED domain logic; exports !!shbinflp, bf2flr, bfdiffer, bfdivide, bfinverse, bflessp, bfminus, bfsqrt, cflot, conv!:bf2i, difbf, exptbf, fl2int, gf2bf, gf2fl, gfdiffer, gfdot, gfminus, gfplus, gfquotient, gfsqrt, gftimes, grpbf, icbrt, ilog2, invbf, irootn, isqrt, normbf, plubf, r2bf, r2fl, realrat; imports abs!:, ashift, bflerrmsg, bfloat, bfminusp, bfnzp, bfp!:, bfzerop!:, bfzp, conv!:mt, cut!:ep, decprec!:, difference!:, divbf, divide!:, ep!:, eqcar, error1, errorp, errorset!*, evenp, fl2bf, gcdn, geq, gfim, gfrl, gfzerop, greaterp!:, hypot, i2bf!:, leq, lshift, make!:ibf, minus!:, minusp!:, msd!:, mt!:, order!:, plus!:, preci!:, read!:num, rndpwr, round!:mt, sgn, sqrt, terrlst, timbf, times!:, typerr; fluid '(!:prec!: !:bprec!:); global '(bfone!* bfhalf!* bfz!*); global '(!!nfpd !!nbfpd !!shbinfl vv!! !!flbint); global '(!!minflbf !!maxflbf); symbolic procedure normbf x; begin scalar mt,s,r;integer ep,ep1; if (mt := mt!: x)=0 then go to ret; if mt<0 then <<mt := -mt; s := t>>; ep := ep!: x; while remainder(mt,1073741824)=0 do << % 2**30 mt := lshift(mt,-30); ep := ep+30 >>; while remainder(mt,256)=0 do << mt := lshift(mt,-8); ep := ep+8 >>; while not oddintp mt do << mt := lshift(mt,-1); ep := ep+1>>; if s then mt := -mt; ret: return make!:ibf(mt,ep) end; %symbolic procedure divbf(u,v); normbf divide!:(u,v,!:bprec!:); symbolic procedure bfdivide(u,v); if atom u then u/v else divbf(u,v); %symbolic procedure timbf(u,v); rndpwr times!:(u,v); symbolic procedure bftimes(u,v); if atom u then u*v else timbf(u,v); symbolic procedure plubf(a,b); % this function calculates the normalized rounded sum of a and b, % but avoids generating large numbers if magnitude difference is large. rndpwr begin scalar ma,mb,ea,eb,d,ld,p; if (ma:=mt!: a)=0 then return b; if (mb:=mt!: b)=0 then return a; if (d := (ea := ep!: a)-(eb := ep!: b))=0 then return make!:ibf(ma+mb,ea); ld := d+msd!: abs ma - msd!: abs mb; p := !:bprec!:+1; if ld>p then return a; if ld<-p then return b; if d>0 then return make!:ibf(ashift(ma,d)+mb,eb) else return make!:ibf(ma+ashift(mb,-d),ea) end; symbolic procedure bfplus(u,v); if atom u then u+v else plubf(u,v); symbolic procedure difbf(a,b); % this function calculates the normalized rounded difference of a and b, % but avoids generating large numbers if magnitude difference is large. rndpwr begin scalar ma,mb,ea,eb,d,ld,p; if (ma:=mt!: a)=0 then return minus!: b; if (mb:=mt!: b)=0 then return a; if (d := (ea := ep!: a)-(eb := ep!: b))=0 then return make!:ibf(ma - mb,ea); ld := d+msd!: abs ma - msd!: abs mb; p := !:bprec!:+1; if ld>p then return a; if ld<-p then return minus!: b; if d>0 then return make!:ibf(ashift(ma,d) - mb,eb) else return make!:ibf(ma - ashift(mb,-d),ea) end; symbolic procedure bfdiffer(u,v); if atom u then u - v else difbf(u,v); symbolic procedure invbf u; divbf(bfone!*,u); symbolic procedure bfinverse u; if atom u then 1.0/u else invbf u; symbolic procedure bfminus u; if atom u then -u else minus!: u; symbolic procedure bflessp(a,b); if atom a then a<b else grpbf(b,a); symbolic procedure grpbf(a,b); % this function calculates a > b, but avoids generating large numbers % if magnitude difference is large. <<if ma=0 then mb<0 else if mb=0 then ma>0 else if ma>0 and mb<0 then t else if ma<0 and mb>0 then nil else (if do>0 then ma>0 % the case |a| > |b| else if do<0 then ma<0 % the case |a| < |b| else if de=0 then ma>mb % exponents are the same else if de>0 then ashift(ma,de)>mb else ma>ashift(mb,-de)) where do=order!: a - order!: b, de=ep!: a - ep!: b>> where ma=mt!: a,mb=mt!: b; %symbolic procedure bfminusp u; if atom u then minusp u else minusp!: u; %symbolic procedure bfzp u; if atom u then zerop u else mt!: u=0; %symbolic procedure bf!:zerop u; if atom u then zerop u else mt!: u=0; %symbolic procedure bfnzp u; not bfzp u; %symbolic procedure bfloat x; if floatp x then fl2bf x else %normbf(if atom x then if fixp x then i2bf!: x else read!:num x else x); symbolic procedure !!shbinflp; begin integer n; vv!! := 9.0; while n<300 and not errorp errorset!*('(vv!!!*1e10),nil) do n := n+10; return n<300 end; symbolic procedure vv!!!*1e10; vv!! := vv!!*1.0e10; symbolic (!!shbinfl := !!shbinflp()); symbolic procedure bfsqrt x; % computes sqrt x by Newton's method. if minusp!: x then terrlst(x,'bfsqrt) else begin scalar nx,dx,dc,k7,nf; if bfzerop!: x then return bfz!*; k7 := !:bprec!: + 7; dc := make!:ibf (1, (-k7+(order!: x + 10)/2)); nx := if not oddintp ep!:(nx := conv!:mt(x,2)) then make!:ibf((2+3*mt!: nx)/5, (ep!: nx/2)) else make!:ibf((9+5*mt!: nx)/10, ((ep!: nx - 1)/2)); nf := 1; loop: if (nf := 2*nf)>k7 then nf := k7; dx := times!:(bfhalf!*,plus!:(divide!:(x,nx,nf),nx)); if nf>=k7 and not greaterp!:(abs!: difference!:(dx,nx),dc) then return rndpwr nx; nx := dx; go to loop end; symbolic procedure realrat x; begin scalar d,g; if bfp!: x then go to bf; if eqcar(x,'quotient) then if fixp cadr x and fixp caddr x then <<x := if (d := caddr x)<0 then -cadr x else cadr x; d := abs d; go to ret>> else x := cadr x/caddr x; if zerop x then return (0 . 1); if not floatp x then return (x . 1); x := bfloat x; bf: d := cddr(x := normbf x); x := cadr x; if x=0 then return (0 . 1); if d< 0 then d := lshift(1,-d) else <<x := ashift(x,d); d := 1>>; ret: g := gcdn(abs x,d); return (x/g) . (d/g) end; remflag ('(fl2int),'lose); symbolic procedure fl2int x; <<x := fl2bf x; (if d=0 then m else ashift(m,d)) where m=mt!: x,d=ep!: x>>; flag ('(fl2int),'lose); symbolic procedure cflot x; if floatp x then x else if atom x then float x else bf2flr x; symbolic procedure conv!:bf2i nmbr; % This function converts a <BIG-FLOAT>, i.e., a BINARY BIG-FLOAT % representation of "n", to an integer. The result % is the integer part of "n". % **** For getting the nearest integer to "n", please use % **** the combination MT!:( CONV!:EP(NMBR,0)). % NMBR is a BIG-FLOAT representation of the number "n". % if ep!:(nmbr := cut!:ep(nmbr, 0)) = 0 then mt!: nmbr % else ashift (mt!: nmbr, ep!: nmbr); symbolic procedure bf2flr u; % u is always bigfloat. % Converts bfloat to float by rounding at !!nbfpd binary digits. % We use error1 rather than rerror, because we want to catch such an % error in an errorset. begin scalar ep,m,y; if bfzerop!: u then return 0.0; ep := ep!:(u := round!:mt(u,!!nbfpd)); if grpbf(!!minflbf,y := abs!: u) or grpbf(y,!!maxflbf) then error1(); if ep<0 then <<ep := ep+!!nbfpd; m := t>>; ep := 2.0**ep; if ep = 0.0 then error1(); % underflow return if not m then ep * mt!: u else ep * mt!: u / !!flbint end; symbolic procedure gf2fl a; % force into float format. if atom a then a else if bfp!: a then bf2flr a else (gf2fl car a) . gf2fl cdr a; symbolic procedure gf2bf a; if a then % force into bfloat format. if atom a then bfloat a else if bfp!: a then a else (gf2bf car a) . gf2bf cdr a; symbolic procedure r2bf u; % translate any real number object to bigfloat. if atom u then bfloat u else if bfp!: u then u else if numberp car u then divbf(i2bf!: car u,i2bf!: cdr u) else if eqcar(u,'quotient) then divbf(i2bf!: cadr u,i2bf!: caddr u) else if eqcar(u,'!:rn!:) then r2bf cdr u else r2bf cadr u; symbolic procedure r2fl u; % translate any real number object to float. if u=0 then 0.0 else if atom u then float u else if numberp car u then (float car u)/cdr u else if eqcar(u,'quotient) then (float cadr u)/caddr u else if bfp!: u then bf2flr u else if eqcar(u,'!:rn!:) then r2fl cdr u else r2fl cadr u; symbolic procedure gfplus(u,v); if atom car u then gffplus(u,v) else gbfplus(u,v); symbolic procedure gffplus(u,v); (car u+car v) . (cdr u+cdr v); symbolic procedure gbfplus(u,v); (plubf(car u,car v)) . plubf(cdr u,cdr v); symbolic procedure gfdiffer(u,v); if atom car u then gffdiff(u,v) else gbfdiff(u,v); symbolic procedure gffdiff(u,v); (car u - car v) . (cdr u - cdr v); symbolic procedure gbfdiff(u,v); (difbf(car u,car v)) . difbf(cdr u,cdr v); symbolic procedure gftimes(u,v); if atom car u then gfftimes(u,v) else gbftimes(u,v); symbolic procedure gfftimes(u,v); begin scalar ru,iu,rv,iv; ru := car u; iu := cdr u; rv := car v; iv := cdr v; return (ru*rv - iu*iv) . (ru*iv+iu*rv) end; symbolic procedure gbftimes(u,v); begin scalar ru,iu,rv,iv; ru := car u; iu := cdr u; rv := car v; iv := cdr v; return (difbf(timbf(ru,rv),timbf(iu,iv))) . plubf(timbf(ru,iv),timbf(iu,rv)) end; symbolic procedure gfquotient(u,v); if atom car u then gffquot(u,v) else gbfquot(u,v); symbolic procedure gffquot(u,v); begin scalar ru,iu,rv,iv,d; ru := car u; iu := cdr u; rv := car v; iv := cdr v; d := rv*rv+iv*iv; return ((ru*rv+iu*iv)/d) . ((iu*rv - ru*iv)/d) end; symbolic procedure gbfquot(u,v); begin scalar ru,iu,rv,iv,d; ru := car u; iu := cdr u; rv := car v; iv := cdr v; d := plubf(timbf(rv,rv),timbf(iv,iv)); return divbf(plubf(timbf(ru,rv),timbf(iu,iv)),d) . divbf(difbf(timbf(iu,rv),timbf(ru,iv)),d) end; symbolic procedure gfminus u; (bfminus car u) . (bfminus cdr u); symbolic procedure gfrotate u; (bfminus cdr u) . (car u); %symbolic procedure gfrl u; car u; %symbolic procedure gfim u; cdr u; %symbolic procedure gfzerop u; % if not atom gfrl u then mt!: gfrl u = 0 and mt!: gfim u = 0 % else equal(u,(0.0 . 0.0)); symbolic procedure gfdot(u,v); if atom car u then gffdot(u,v) else gbfdot(u,v); symbolic procedure gffdot(u,v); car u*car v+cdr u*cdr v; symbolic procedure gbfdot(u,v); plubf(timbf(car u,car v),timbf(cdr u,cdr v)); symbolic procedure gfrsq u; gfdot(u,u); symbolic procedure gffrsq u; car u*car u+cdr u*cdr u; symbolic procedure gbfrsq u; plubf(timbf(car u,car u),timbf(cdr u,cdr u)); symbolic procedure gffmult(r,u); (r*car u) . (r*cdr u); symbolic procedure gffsqrt x; begin scalar x0,nx,xd,xd0,rl,im; rl := gfrl x; im := gfim x; rl := sqrt(hypot(rl,im)/2+rl/2); im := im/(2*rl); nx := rl . im; repeat <<x0 := nx; nx := gffmult(0.5,gffplus(x0,gffquot(x,x0))); xd0 := xd; xd := gffrsq gffdiff(x,gfftimes(nx,nx))>> until xd0 and xd0 - xd<=0.0; return x0 end; symbolic procedure gbfmult(r,u); <<r := bfloat r; (timbf(r,car u)) . (timbf(r,cdr u))>>; symbolic procedure gbfsqrt x; begin scalar x0,nx,xd,xd0,rl; nx := <<rl := (bfsqrt timbf(bfhalf!*,plubf(bfsqrt gfrsq x,gfrl x))); rl . timbf(bfhalf!*,divbf(gfim x,rl))>>; repeat <<x0 := nx; nx := gbfmult(bfhalf!*,gbfplus(x0,gbfquot(x,x0))); xd0 := xd; xd := gbfrsq gbfdiff(x,gbftimes(nx,nx))>> until xd0 and mt!: difbf(xd0,xd)<=0; return x0 end; symbolic smacro procedure rl2gfc x; x . if atom x then 0.0 else bfz!*; symbolic procedure gfsqrt x; % computes gfsqrt x by Newton's method, for both gf and gbf. begin scalar xn,neg,negi; if gfzerop x then return x; if bfminusp gfrl x then <<x := gfminus x; neg := t; if bfminusp gfim x then nil else negi := t >>; if bfzp gfim x then <<x := gfrl x; xn := rl2gfc(if atom x then sqrt x else bfsqrt x); go to ret>>; xn := if atom gfrl x then gffsqrt x else gbfsqrt x; if negi then xn := gfminus xn; ret: return if neg then gfrotate xn else xn end; symbolic procedure sgn x; if x>0 then 1 else if x<0 then -1 else 0; symbolic procedure exptbf(x,n,a); % Computes a*x**n in bfloat arithmetic for positive x % and positive integer n. begin lp: if oddintp n then a := timbf(a,x); % not evenp n n := lshift (n, -1); if n=0 then return a; x := timbf(x,x); go to lp end; symbolic procedure icbrt(x); % x is a number : result is integer s approx cube root of x, % i.e. if x > 0 then s**3 <= n < (s+1)**3 o/w s**3 >= n > (s-1)**3. irootn(fix2(x),3); symbolic procedure fix2 x; if fixp x then x else fl2int x; symbolic procedure ilog2 n; % n is an integer. Result is an integer r, s.t. 2**r <= abs(n) % < 2**(r+1). begin scalar ans, powers!-of!-2, pwr; if n<=0 then terrlst(n,'ilog2); pwr := 2; powers!-of!-2 := pwr . nil; while n>pwr do <<powers!-of!-2 := pwr . powers!-of!-2; pwr := pwr*pwr>>; ans := 0; while(pwr := car(powers!-of!-2)) neq 2 do <<powers!-of!-2 := cdr(powers!-of!-2); if n >= pwr then << n := n/pwr; ans := ans + 1; >>; ans := ans*2>>; if n >= 2 then ans := ans + 1; return ans end; symbolic procedure isqrt(x); % x is a number : result is integer s approx square root of x, % i.e. if x > 0 then s**2 <= n < (s+1)**2 o/w s**2 >= n > (s-1)**2. if x<=0 then terrlst(x,'isqrt) else irootn(fix2(x), 2); symbolic procedure qroundup(m,n); % m, n are integers, n>0 : result is least integer >= m/n. if m<0 then -((-m)/n) else (m+n-1)/n; symbolic procedure irootn(n,r); % n, r are integers : result is integer s approx r'th root of n, % i.e. if n > 0 then s**r <= n < (s+1)**r o/w s**r >= n > (s-1)**r. if not fixp n then typerr(n,"integer") else if not fixp r or r<=0 then typerr(r,"positive integer") else if n<0 then if evenp r then typerr(r,"odd integer") else -irootn(-n,r) else if r = 1 then n else if n = 0 then 0 else begin scalar ans; ans := irootn1(n,r,ilog2 n,(ilog2 r)/2); if ans**r>n then return ans - 1 else return ans end; symbolic procedure irootn!-power2(p, q); % p, q are positive integers. % Result is an integer (slightly) greater than 2**(p/q). % Uses the first few terms of the Taylor expansion (tweaked a bit). % Error (of numans/denans) is at most 0.03%. begin scalar whole!-part, p1, numans, denans; whole!-part := (p+q/2)/q; p1 := p-q*whole!-part; numans := q^3/100 + 1000*q^3 + 693*q^2*p1 + 243*q*p1^2 + 57*p1^3; denans := 1000*q^3; return 1+ (2^whole!-part * numans)/denans % add 1 to force rounding up end; symbolic procedure irootn1(n,r,logn,xs); % n, r integers >0, logn is ilog2(n), xs is the excess # bits in the % top 1/2. % result is s, s.t. s**r <= n < (s+1)**r or (s-1)**r <= n < s**r. begin scalar x, upb, size, tmp; size := logn / r; if size < 17 then upb := irootn!-power2(1+logn, r) else <<x := size/2 - xs; upb := irootn1(n/2**(x*r), r, logn-r*x, xs)*2**x; tmp := upb**(r-1); return (((r-1)*upb)*tmp+n)/(r*tmp)>>; repeat <<x := upb; upb := x - qroundup(x - n/x**(r-1),r)>> until upb >= x; return x end; put('irootn,'number!-of!-args,2); % For VALUECHK. endmodule; end;