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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 93990) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module groebnr2; % Part 2 of the Groebner package. imports groebner,vdp2dip; create!-package('(groebnr2 groebman glexconv groebres groebmes groebrst groebtra groeweak hilberts hilbertp hggroeb), '(contrib groebner)); % Other packages needed. load!-package 'groebner; endmodule; module groebman; % Operators for manipulation of bases and % polynomials in Groebner style. fluid '(!*factor !*complex !*exp); % standard REDUCE switch fluid '( % switches from the user interface !*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm !*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!* !*fullreduction !*groebstat !*groebprot !*gltbasis !*groebsubs !*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm vdpsortmode!* % term ordering mode secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values fourthvalue!* factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring factorlvevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated probcount!* % counting subproblems vbccurrentmode!* % current domain for base coeffs. vbcmodule!* % for modular calculation: current prime ); global '(groebrestriction % interface: name of function groebresmax % maximum number of internal results gvarslast % output: variable list groebprotfile gltb ); flag ('(groebrestriction groebresmax gvarslast groebprotfile gltb),'share); % variables for counting and numbering fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!* basecount!* hzerocount!*); % control of the polynomial arithmetic actually loaded fluid '(currentvdpmodule!*); symbolic procedure gsorteval pars; % reformat a polynomial or a list of polynomials by a distributive % ordering; a list will be sorted and zeros are elimiated begin scalar vars,u,v,w,oldorder,nolist,!*factor,!*exp,!*gsugar; integer n,pcount!*; !*exp := t; n := length pars; u := reval car pars; v := if n>1 then reval cadr pars else nil; if not eqcar(u,'list) then <<nolist := t; u := list('list,u)>>; w := for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; vars :=vars := groebnervars(w,v); if not vars then vdperr 'gsort; oldorder := vdpinit vars; !*vdpinteger :=nil; w := for each j in w collect a2vdp j; w := vdplsort w; w := for each x in w collect vdp2a x; while member(0,w) do w := delete(0,w); setkorder oldorder; return if nolist and w then car w else 'list . w; end; put('gsort,'psopfn,'gsorteval); symbolic procedure gspliteval pars; % split a polynomial into leading monomial and reductum; begin scalar vars,x,u,v,w,oldorder,!*factor,!*exp,!*gsugar; integer n,pcount!*; !*exp := t; n := length pars; u := reval car pars; v := if n>1 then reval cadr pars else nil; u := list('list,u); w := for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; vars :=vars := groebnervars(w,v); if not vars then vdperr 'gsplit; oldorder := vdpinit vars; !*vdpinteger :=nil; w := a2vdp car w; if vdpzero!? w then x := w else <<x := vdpfmon(vdplbc w,vdpevlmon w); w := vdpred w>>; w := list('list,vdp2a x,vdp2a w); setkorder oldorder; return w; end; put('gsplit,'psopfn,'gspliteval); symbolic procedure gspolyeval pars; % calculate the S Polynomial from two given polynomials begin scalar vars,u,u1,u2,v,w,oldorder,!*factor, !*exp,!*gsugar; integer n,pcount!*; !*exp := t; n := length pars; if n<2 or n#>3 then rerror(groebnr2,1,"GSpoly, illegal number or parameters"); u1:= car pars; u2:= cadr pars; u := list('list,u1,u2); v := if n>2 then groerevlist caddr pars else nil; w := for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; vars := vars := groebnervars(w,v); if not vars then vdperr 'gspoly; groedomainmode(); oldorder := vdpinit vars; w := for each j in w collect f2vdp numr simp j; w := vdp2a groebspolynom3 (car w,cadr w); setkorder oldorder; return w; end; put('gspoly,'psopfn,'gspolyeval); symbolic procedure gvarseval u; % u is a list of polynomials; gvars extracts the variables from u begin integer n; scalar v,!*factor,!*exp,!*gsugar; !*exp := t; n := length u; v := for each j in groerevlist reval car u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; v := groebnervars(v,nil); v := if n= 2 then intersection (v,groerevlist reval cadr u) else v; return 'list . v end; put('gvars,'psopfn,'gvarseval); symbolic procedure greduceeval pars; % Polynomial reduction modulo a Groebner basis driver. u is an % expression and v a list of expressions. Greduce calculates the % polynomial u reduced wrt the list of expressions v reduced to a % groebner basis modulo using the optional caddr argument as the % order of variables. % 1 expression to be reduced % 2 polynomials or equations; base for reduction % 3 optional: list of variables begin scalar vars,x,u,v,w,np,oldorder,!*factor,!*groebfac,!*exp; scalar !*gsugar; integer n,pcount!*; !*exp := t; if !*groebprot then groebprotfile := list 'list; n := length pars; x := reval car pars; u := reval cadr pars; v := if n>2 then reval caddr pars else nil; w := for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; if null w then rerror(groebnr2,2,"Empty list in Greduce"); vars := groebnervars(w,v); if not vars then vdperr 'greduce; oldorder := vdpinit vars; groedomainmode(); % cancel common denominators w := for each j in w collect reorder numr simp j; % optimize varable sequence if desired if !*groebopt then<< w:=vdpvordopt (w,vars); vars := cdr w; w := car w; vdpinit vars>>; w := for each j in w collect f2vdp j; if !*groebprot then w := for each j in w collect vdpenumerate j; if not !*vdpinteger then <<np := t; for each p in w do np := if np then vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p else nil; if not np then <<!*vdpmodular:= nil; !*vdpinteger := t>>; >>; w := groebner2(w,nil); x := a2vdp x; if !*groebprot then <<w := for each j in w collect vdpenumerate j; groebprotsetq('candidate,vdp2a x); for each j in w do groebprotsetq(mkid('poly,vdpnumber j), vdp2a j)>>; w := car w; !*vdpinteger := nil; w := groebnormalform(x , w, 'sort); w := vdp2a w; setkorder oldorder; gvarslast := 'list . vars; return if w then w else 0; end; put('greduce,'psopfn,'greduceeval); % preduceeval moved to put('preduce,'psopfn,'preduceeval); endmodule; module glexconv; % Newbase-Algorithm: % Faugere, Gianni, Lazard, Mora fluid '(!*factor !*complex !*exp !*gcd !*ezgcd); % REDUCE switch fluid '( % switches from the user interface !*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm !*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!* !*fullreduction !*groebstat !*groebprot !*gltbasis !*groebsubs !*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm !*gsugar % sugar mode vdpsortmode!* % term ordering mode secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values fourthvalue!* factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring factorlvevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated probcount!* % counting subproblems vbccurrentmode!* % current domain for base coeffs. vbcmodule!* % for modular calculation: current prime glexdomain!* % information wrt current domain !*gsugar ); global '(groebrestriction % interface: name of function groebresmax % maximum number of internal results gvarslast % output: variable list groebprotfile gltb ); flag ('(groebrestriction groebresmax gvarslast groebprotfile gltb),'share); switch groebopt,groebfac,groebres,trgroeb,trgroebs,trgroeb1, trgroebr,groebstat,gltbasis; % variables for counting and numbering fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!* basecount!* hzerocount!*); % control of the polynomial arithmetic actually loaded fluid '(currentvdpmodule!*); fluid '(glexmat!*); % matrix for the indirect lex ordering %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % interface functions % parameters; % glexconvert(basis,[vars],[maxdeg=n],[newvars={x,y,..}]) symbolic procedure glexconverteval u; begin integer n; scalar !*groebfac,!*groebrm,!*factor,!*gsugar, v, bas,vars,maxdeg,newvars,!*exp; !*exp := t; u := for each p in u collect reval p; bas := car u ; u := cdr u; while u do << v := car u; u := cdr u; if eqcar(v,'list) and null vars then vars := v else if eqcar(v,'equal) then if(v := cdr v)and eqcar(v,'maxdeg) then maxdeg := cadr v else if eqcar(v,'newvars) then newvars := cadr v else <<prin2 (car v); rerror(groebnr2,4,"Glexconvert, keyword unknown")>> else rerror(groebnr2,5, "Glexconvert, too many positional parameters")>>; return glexbase1(bas,vars,maxdeg,newvars); end; put('glexconvert,'psopfn,'glexconverteval); symbolic procedure glexbase1(u,v,maxdeg,nv); begin scalar vars,w,nd,oldorder,!*gcd,!*ezgcd,!*gsugar; integer pcount!*; !*gcd := t; w := for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; if null w then rerror(groebnr2,6,"Empty list in Groebner"); vars := groebnervars(w,v); !*vdpinteger := !*vdpmodular := nil; if not flagp(dmode!*,'field) then !*vdpinteger := t else if !*modular then !*vdpmodular := t; if null vars then vdperr 'groebner; oldorder := vdpinit vars; % cancel common denominators w := for each j in w collect reorder numr simp j; % optimize varable sequence if desired w := for each j in w collect f2vdp j; for each p in w do nd := nd or not vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p; if nd then <<!*vdpmodular:= nil; !*vdpinteger := t; glexdomain!* := 2>> else glexdomain!* := 1; if glexdomain!*=1 and not !*vdpmodular then !*ezgcd:=t; if null maxdeg then maxdeg := 200; if nv then nv := groerevlist nv; if null nv then nv := vars else for each x in nv do if not member(x,vars) then <<rerror(groebnr2,7,list("new variable ",x, " is not a basis variable"))>>; u := for each v in nv collect a2vdp v; gbtest w; w := glexbase2(w,u,maxdeg); w := 'list . for each j in w collect prepf j; setkorder oldorder; gvarslast := 'list . vars; return w; end; fluid '(glexeqsys!* glexvars!* glexcount!* glexsub!*); symbolic procedure glexbase2(oldbase,vars,maxdeg); % in contrast to documented algorithm monbase ist a list of % triplets (mon.cof.vect) % such that cof * mon == vect modulo oldbase % (cof is needed because of the integer algoritm) begin scalar lexbase, staircase, monbase; scalar monom, listofnexts, vect,q,glexeqsys!*,glexvars!*, glexsub!*; integer n; if not groezerodim!?(oldbase,length vars) then prin2t "####### warning: ideal is not zerodimensional ######"; % prepare matrix for the indirect lex ordering glexmat!* := for each u in vars collect vdpevlmon u; monbase := staircase := lexbase := nil; monom := a2vdp 1; listofnexts := nil; while not(monom = nil) do << if not glexmultipletest(monom,staircase) then << vect := glexnormalform(monom,oldbase); q := glexlinrel(monom,vect,monbase); if q then <<lexbase := q . lexbase; maxdeg := nil; staircase := monom . staircase; >> else <<monbase := glexaddtomonbase(monom,vect,monbase); n := n #+1; if maxdeg and n#> maxdeg then rerror(groebnr2,8, "No univar. polynomial within degree bound"); listofnexts := glexinsernexts(monom,listofnexts,vars)>>; >>; if null listofnexts then monom := nil else << monom := car listofnexts ; listofnexts := cdr listofnexts >>; >>; return lexbase; end; symbolic procedure glexinsernexts(monom,l,vars); begin scalar x; for each v in vars do << x := vdpprod(monom,v); if not vdpmember(x,l) then <<vdpputprop(x,'factor,monom); vdpputprop(x,'monfac,v); l := glexinsernexts1(x,l); >>; >>; return l; end; symbolic procedure glexmultipletest(monom,staircase); if null staircase then nil else if vevmtest!?(vdpevlmon monom, vdpevlmon car staircase) then t else glexmultipletest(monom, cdr staircase); symbolic procedure glexinsernexts1(m,l); if null l then list m else if glexcomp(vdpevlmon m,vdpevlmon car l) then m.l else car l . glexinsernexts1(m,cdr l); symbolic procedure glexcomp(ev1,ev2); % true if ev1 is greater than ev2 % we use an indirect ordering here (mapping via newbase variables) glexcomp0(glexcompmap(ev1,glexmat!*), glexcompmap(ev2,glexmat!*)); symbolic procedure glexcomp0(ev1,ev2); if null ev1 then nil else if null ev2 then glexcomp0(ev1,'(0)) else if (car ev1 #- car ev2) = 0 then glexcomp0(cdr ev1,cdr ev2) else if car ev1 #< car ev2 then t else nil; symbolic procedure glexcompmap (ev,ma); if null ma then nil else glexcompmap1(ev,car ma) . glexcompmap(ev,cdr ma); symbolic procedure glexcompmap1(ev1,ev2); % the dot product of two vectors if null ev1 or null ev2 then 0 else (car ev1 #* car ev2) #+ glexcompmap1(cdr ev1,cdr ev2); symbolic procedure glexaddtomonbase(monom,vect,monbase); % primary effect: (monom . vect) . monbase % secondary effect: builds the equation system begin scalar x; if null glexeqsys!* then <<glexeqsys!* := a2vdp 0; glexcount!*:=-1>>; x := mkid('gunivar,glexcount!*:=glexcount!*+1); glexeqsys!* := vdpsum(glexeqsys!*,vdpprod(a2vdp x,cdr vect)); glexsub!* := (x .(monom . vect)) . glexsub!*; glexvars!* := x . glexvars!*; return (monom . vect) . monbase; end; symbolic procedure glexlinrelold(monom,vect,monbase); if monbase then begin scalar sys,sub,auxvars,r,v,x; integer n; v := cdr vect; for each b in reverse monbase do <<x := mkid('gunivar,n); n := n+1; v := vdpsum(v,vdpprod(a2vdp x,cddr b)); sub := (x . b) . sub; auxvars := x . auxvars>>; while not vdpzero!? v do <<sys := vdp2f vdpfmon(vdplbc v,nil) . sys; v := vdpred v>>; x := sys; sys := groelinsolve(sys,auxvars); if null sys then return nil; % construct the lex polynomial if !*trgroeb then prin2t " ======= constructing new basis polynomial"; r := vdp2f vdpprod(monom,car vect) ./ 1; for each s in sub do r:= addsq(r,multsq(vdp2f vdpprod(cadr s,caddr s) ./ 1, cdr assoc(car s,sys))); r := vdp2f vdpsimpcont f2vdp numr r; return r; end; symbolic procedure glexlinrel(monom,vect,monbase); if monbase then begin scalar sys,r,v,x; v := vdpsum(cdr vect,glexeqsys!*); while not vdpzero!? v do <<sys := vdp2f vdpfmon(vdplbc v,nil) . sys; v := vdpred v>>; x := sys; sys := groelinsolve(sys,glexvars!*); if null sys then return nil; % construct the lex polynomial r := vdp2f vdpprod(monom,car vect) ./ 1; for each s in glexsub!* do r:= addsq(r,multsq(vdp2f vdpprod(cadr s,caddr s) ./ 1, cdr assoc(car s,sys))); r := vdp2f vdpsimpcont f2vdp numr r; return r; end; symbolic procedure glexnormalform(m,g); % reduce m wrt basis G; % the reduction product is preserved in m for later usage begin scalar cof,vect,r,f,fac1; if !*trgroeb then prin2t " ======= reducing "; fac1 := vdpgetprop(m,'factor); if fac1 then vect := vdpgetprop(fac1,'vector); if vect then << f := vdpprod(cdr vect,vdpgetprop(m,'monfac)); cof := car vect>> else << f := m; cof := a2vdp 1>>; r := glexnormalform1(f,g,cof); vdpputprop(m,'vector,r); if !*trgroeb then <<vdpprint vdpprod(car r,m); prin2t " =====> "; vdpprint cdr r>>; return r; end; symbolic procedure glexnormalform1(f,g,cof); begin scalar f1,c,vev,divisor,done,fold,a,b; integer n; fold := f; f1 := vdpzero(); a:= a2vdp 1; while not vdpzero!? f do begin vev:=vdpevlmon f; c:=vdplbc f; divisor := groebsearchinlist (vev,g); if divisor then done := t; if divisor then if !*vdpinteger then << f:=groebreduceonestepint(f,a,c,vev,divisor); b := secondvalue!*; cof := vdpprod(b,cof); if not vdpzero!? f1 then f1 := vdpprod(b,f1); >> else f := groebreduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else <<f1 := vdpappendmon (f1,vdplbc f,vdpevlmon f); f := vdpred f; >>; end; if not done then return cof . fold; f := groebsimpcont2(f1,cof); cof := secondvalue!*; return cof . f; end; symbolic procedure groelinsolve(equations,xvars); (begin scalar r,q,test,oldmod,oldmodulus; if !*trgroeb then prin2t " ======= testing linear dependency "; r := t; if not !*modular and glexdomain!*=1 then <<oldmod := dmode!*; if oldmod then setdmode(get(oldmod,'dname),nil); oldmodulus := current!-modulus; setmod list 16381; % = 2**14-3 setdmode('modular,t); r := groelinsolve1(for each u in equations collect numr simp prepf u, xvars); setdmode('modular,nil); setmod list oldmodulus; if oldmod then setdmode(get(oldmod,'dname),t); >> where !*ezgcd=nil; if null r then return nil; r := groelinsolve1(equations,xvars); if null r then return nil; % divide out the common content for each s in r do if not(denr cdr s = 1) then test := t; if test then return r; q := numr cdr car r; % for each s in cdr r do % if q neq 1 then % q := gcdf!*(q,numr cdr s); % if q=1 then return r; % r := for each s in r collect % car s . (quotf(numr cdr s, q) ./ 1); return r; end) where !*ezgcd=!*ezgcd; % stack old value symbolic procedure groelinsolve1(equations,xvars); % Gaussian elimination in integer mode % free of unexact divisions (see Davenport et al,CA, pp86-87 % special cases: trivial equations are ruled out early % INPUT: % equations: list of standard forms % xvars: variables for the solution % OUTPUT: % list of pairs (var . solu) where solu is a standard quotient % % internal data structure: standard forms as polynomials in xvars begin scalar oldorder,x,p,solutions,val,later,break,gc,field; oldorder := setkorder xvars; field := dmode!* and flagp(dmode!*,'field); equations := for each eqa in equations collect reorder eqa; for each eqa in equations do if eqa and domainp eqa then break:= t; if break then goto empty; equations := sort(equations,function grloelinord); again: break := nil; for each eqa in equations do if not break then % car step: eliminate equations of type 23 = 0 % and 17 * u = 0 % and 17 * u + 22 = 0; << if null eqa then equations := delete(eqa,equations) else if domainp eqa then break := t % inconsistent system else if not member(mvar eqa,xvars) then break := t else if domainp red eqa or not member(mvar red eqa,xvars) then <<equations := delete (eqa,equations); x := mvar eqa; val := if lc eqa = 1 then negf red eqa ./ 1 else multsq(negf red eqa ./ 1, 1 ./lc eqa); solutions := (x . val) . solutions; equations := for each q in equations collect groelinsub(q,list(x.val)); later := for each q in later collect groelinsub(q,list(x.val)); break := 0; >>; >>; if break = 0 then goto again else if break then goto empty; % perform an elimination loop if null equations then goto ready; equations := sort(equations,function grloelinord); p := car equations; x := mvar p; equations := for each eqa in cdr equations collect if mvar eqa = x then << if field then eqa := addf(eqa, negf multf(quotf(lc eqa,lc p),p)) else <<gc := gcdf(lc p,lc eqa); eqa := addf(multf(quotf(lc p,gc),eqa), negf multf(quotf(lc eqa,gc),p))>>; if not domainp eqa then eqa := numr multsq(eqa ./ 1, 1 ./ lc eqa); %%%%%%eqa := groelinscont(eqa,xvars); eqa>> else eqa; later := p . later; goto again; ready: % do backsubstitutions while later do <<p := car later; later := cdr later; p := groelinsub(p,solutions); if domainp p or not member(mvar p,xvars) or (not domainp red p and member(mvar red p,xvars)) then <<break := t; later := nil>>; x := mvar p; val := if lc p = 1 then negf red p ./ 1 else quotsq(negf red p ./ 1 , lc p ./ 1); solutions := (x . val) . solutions; >>; if break then goto empty else goto finis; empty: solutions := nil; finis: setkorder oldorder; solutions := for each s in solutions collect car s . (reorder numr cdr s ./ reorder denr cdr s); return solutions; end; symbolic procedure grloelinord(u,v); % apply ordop to the mainvars of u and v ordop(mvar u, mvar v); symbolic procedure groelinscont(f,vars); % reduce content from standard form f if domainp f then f else begin scalar c; c := groelinscont1(lc f,red f,vars); if c=1 then return f; prin2 "*************content: ";print c; return quotf(f,c); end; symbolic procedure groelinscont1(q,f,vars); % calculate the contents of standard form f if null f or q=1 then q else if domainp f or not member(mvar f,vars) then gcdf!*(q,f) else groelinscont1(gcdf!*(q,lc f),red f,vars); symbolic procedure groelinsub(s,a); % s is a standard form linear in the top level variables % a is an assiciation list (variable . sq) . ... % The value is the standard form, where all substitutions % from a are done in s (common denominator ignored). numr groelinsub1(s,a); symbolic procedure groelinsub1(s,a); if domainp s then s ./ 1 else (if x then addsq(multsq(cdr x,lc s ./ 1),y) else addsq(lt s .+ nil ./ 1,y)) where x=assoc(mvar s,a),y=groelinsub1(red s,a); endmodule; module groebres; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % optimization of h-Polynomials by resultant calculation and % factorization % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fluid '(!*trgroeb ); % the resultant is calculated from a h-polynomial and its predecessor % if both are bivariate in the same variables and if these variables % are the last ones in vdpvars*. symbolic procedure groebtestresultant(h1,h2,lv); begin scalar v1,hlist; v1 := indexcpl(vevsum0(lv,h1),1); if groebrescheck!?(2,v1,lv) and indexcpl(vevsum0(lv,h2),1)=v1 then hlist := reverse vdplsort groebhlistfromresultant (h1,h2,cadr reverse vdpvars!*) else if groebrescheck1!?(2,v1,lv) and indexcpl(vevsum0(lv,h2),1)=v1 then hlist := reverse vdplsort groebhlistfromresultant (h1,h2,caddr reverse vdpvars!*); if null hlist then return nil; return 'resultant . for each x in hlist collect list(h2,vdpenumerate x); end; symbolic procedure groebhlistfromresultant(h1,h0,x); % new h-polynomial calculation: calculate % the resultant of the two distributive polynomials h1 and h0 % with respect to x. begin scalar ct00,hh,hh1,hs2; ct00:= time(); hh:= vdpsimpcont groebresultant(h1,h0,x); if !*trgroeb then <<terpri(); printb 57; prin2t " *** the resultant from "; vdpprint h1; prin2t " *** and"; vdpprint h0; prin2t " *** is"; vdpprint hh; printb 57; terprit 4 >>; hs2:= nil; if not vdpzero!? hh then << hh1:= vdp2a vdprectoint(hh,vdplcm hh); hh1:= fctrf !*q2f simp hh1; if cdr hh1 and cddr hh1 then hs2:= for each p in cdr hh1 collect a2vdp prepf car p; if !*trgroeb and hs2 then <<prin2 " factorization of resultant successful:"; terprit 2; for each x in hs2 do vdpprint x; terprit 2; ct00:= time() - ct00; prin2 " time for factorization:"; prin2 ct00; terpri() >>; >>; return hs2 end; symbolic procedure groebresultant(p1,p2,x); begin scalar q1,q2,q; q1:=vdp2a vdprectoint(p1,vdplcm p1); q2:=vdp2a vdprectoint(p2,vdplcm p2); q:=a2vdp prepsq simpresultant list(q1,q2,x); return q; end; symbolic procedure groebrescheck!?(a,h1,vl); length h1 = a and car h1 = vl - 1; symbolic procedure groebrescheck1!?(a,h1,vl); length h1 = a and car h1 = vl - 2 and cadr h1 = vl - 1; endmodule; module groebmes; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % trace messages for the algorithms % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fluid '(vdpvars!* !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr hcount!* hzerocount!* factorlevel!* basecount!* groetime!* pcount!*); symbolic procedure groebpairprint (p); <<groebmessff(" pair(",cadr p,nil); groebmessff(",",caddr p,nil); prin2 "), "; prin2 " lcm = ";print car p; >>; symbolic procedure groetimeprint; << prin2 ">> accum. cpu time:"; prin2 (time() - groetime!*); prin2t " ms"; >>; symbolic procedure groebmessff (m1,f,m2); << prin2 m1; prin2 vdpnumber f; if !*gsugar then <<prin2 "/";prin2 gsugar f>>; if m2 then prin2t m2 >>; symbolic procedure groebmess0 (p); if !*trgroeb then << vdpprint p; >>; symbolic procedure groebmess1 (g,d); if !*trgroeb then << prin2 " variables: "; print vdpvars!*; printbl(); prin2t " Start of ITERATION "; terpri (); >>; symbolic procedure groebmess2 f; if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); groebmessff ("polynomial ",f," eliminated"); groetimeprint()>>; symbolic procedure groebmess2a(f,cf,fn); if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); groebmessff ("polynomial ",f,nil); groebmessff (" elim. with cofactor ",cf," to"); vdpprint fn; terpri(); groetimeprint()>>; symbolic procedure groebmess3(p,s); if !*trgroebs then << prin2 "S-polynomial from "; groebpairprint p; vdpprint s; terpri(); groetimeprint(); terprit 3 >>; symbolic procedure groebmess4 (p,d); << hcount!* := hcount!*+1; hzerocount!* := hzerocount!*+1; if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); printbl(); groebmessff(" reduction (",cadr p,nil); groebmessff(",", caddr p,nil); prin2 ") leads to 0; "; << prin2 n; prin2 if n=1 then " pair" else " pairs">> where n=length d; prin2t " left"; printbl(); groetimeprint()>>; >>; symbolic procedure groebmess41 (p); << hcount!* := hcount!*+1; hzerocount!* := hzerocount!*+1; if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); printbl(); groebmessff(" polynomial(", p,nil); prin2 ") reduced to 0;"; terpri(); printbl(); groetimeprint()>>; >>; symbolic procedure groebmess5(p,h); if car p then % print for true h-Polys << hcount!* := hcount!* + 1; if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); prin2 "H-polynomial "; prin2 pcount!*; prin2 " ev:"; prin2 vdpevlmon h; groebmessff(" from pair (",cadr p,nil); groebmessff(",", caddr p,")"); vdpprint h; terpri(); groetimeprint() >> >> else if !*trgroeb then << % print for input polys prin2t "from actual problem input:"; vdpprint h; groetimeprint() >>; symbolic procedure groebmess50(g); if !*trgroeb1 then << prin2 "list of active polynomials:"; for each d1 in g do <<prin2 vdpgetprop(d1,'number); prin2 " ">>; terprit 2 >>; symbolic procedure groebmess51(d); if !*trgroeb1 then << prin2t "Candidates for pairs in this step:"; for each d1 in d do groebpairprint (d1); terprit 2 >>; symbolic procedure groebmess52(d); if !*trgroeb1 then << prin2t "Actual new pairs from this step:"; for each d1 in d do groebpairprint (d1); terprit 2 >>; symbolic procedure groebmess7 h; if !*trgroebs then <<prin2t "Testing factorization for "; vdpprint h>>; symbolic procedure groebmess8 (g,d); if !*trgroeb1 then << prin2t " actual pairs: "; if null d then prin2t "null" else for each d1 in d do groebpairprint d1; groetimeprint() >> else if !*trgroeb then << prin2 n; prin2t if n=1 then " pair" else " pairs" >> where n=length d; symbolic procedure groebmess13(g,problems); if !*trgroeb or !*trgroebr then << if g then << basecount!* := basecount!* +1; printbl(); printbl(); prin2 "end of iteration "; for each f in reverse factorlevel!* do <<prin2 f; prin2 ".">>; prin2 "; basis "; prin2 basecount!*; prin2t ":"; prin2 "{"; for each g1 in g do vdpprin3t g1; prin2t "}"; printbl(); printbl(); groetimeprint(); >> else << printbl(); prin2 "end of iteration branch "; for each f in reverse factorlevel!* do <<prin2 f; prin2 ".">>; prin2t " "; printbl(); groetimeprint(); >>; if problems and !*trgroeb then << groetimeprint(); terpri(); printbl(); prin2 " number of partial problems still to be solved:"; prin2t length problems; terpri(); prin2 " preparing next problem "; if car car problems = 'file then prin2 cdr car problems else if cadddr car problems then vdpprint car cadddr car problems; % head of list G terpri(); >> >>; symbolic procedure groebmess14 (h,hf); if !*trgroeb then << prin2 "******************* factorization of polynomial "; (if x then prin2t x else terpri() ) where x = vdpnumber(h); % vdpprint h; prin2t " factors:"; for each g in hf do vdpprint car g; groetimeprint(); >>; symbolic procedure groebmess15 f; if !*trgroeb then <<prin2t "***** monomial factor reduced:"; vdpprint vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,f)>>; symbolic procedure groebmess19(p,restr,u); if !*trgroeb then << printbl(); prin2 "calculation branch "; for each f in reverse factorlevel!* do <<prin2 f; prin2 ".">>; prin2t " cancelled because"; vdpprint p; prin2t "is member of an actual abort condition"; printbl(); printbl(); >>; symbolic procedure groebmess19a(p,u); if !*trgroeb then << printbl(); prin2 "during branch preparation "; for each f in reverse u do <<prin2 f; prin2 ".">>; prin2t " cancelled because"; vdpprint p; prin2t "was found in the ideal branch"; printbl(); >>; symbolic procedure groebmess20 (p); if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); prin2 "secondary reduction starting with"; vdpprint p>>; symbolic procedure groebmess21(p1,p2); if !*trgroeb then << prin2 "polynomial "; prin2 vdpnumber p1; prin2 " replaced during secondary reduction by "; vdpprint p2; >>; symbolic procedure groebmess22(factl,abort1,abort2); if null factl then nil else if !*trgroeb then begin integer n; prin2t "BRANCHING after factorization point"; n := 0; for each x in reverse factl do << n := n+1; prin2 "branch "; for each f in reverse factorlevel!* do <<prin2 f;prin2 ".";>>; prin2t n; for each y in car x do vdpprint y; prin2t "simple IGNORE restrictions for this branch:"; for each y in abort1 do vdpprint y; for each y in cadr x do vdpprint y; if abort2 or caddr x then <<prin2t "set type IGNORE restrictions for this branch:"; for each y in abort2 do vdpprintset y; for each y in caddr x do vdpprintset y; >>; printbl()>>; end; symbolic procedure groebmess23 (g0,rest1,rest2); if !*trgroeb then if null factorlevel!* then prin2t "** starting calculation ******************************" else << prin2 "** resuming calculation for branch "; for each f in reverse factorlevel!* do <<prin2 f; prin2 ".">>; terpri(); if rest1 or rest2 then << prin2t "-------IGNORE restrictions for this branch:"; for each x in rest1 do vdpprint x; for each x in rest2 do vdpprintset x; >>; >>; symbolic procedure groebmess24(h,problems1,restr); % if !*trgroeb then <<prin2t "**********polynomial affected by branch restriction:"; vdpprint h; if restr then prin2t "under current restrictions"; for each x in restr do vdpprint x; if null problems1 then prin2t " CANCELLED" else <<prin2t "partitioned into"; vdpprintset car problems1; >>; >>; symbolic procedure groebmess25 (h,abort2); % if !*trgroeb then <<prin2t "reduction of set type cancel conditions by"; vdpprint h; prin2t "remaining:"; for each x in abort2 do vdpprintset x; >>; symbolic procedure groebmess26 (f1,f2); if !*trgroebs and not vdpequal(f1,f2) then <<terpri(); prin2t "during final reduction"; vdpprint f1; prin2t "reduced to"; vdpprint f2; terpri();>>; symbolic procedure groebmess27 r; if !*trgroeb then <<terpri(); prin2t "factor ignored (considered already):"; vdpprint r>>; symbolic procedure groebmess27a (h,r); if !*trgroeb then <<terpri(); vdpprint h; prin2t " reduced to zero by factor"; vdpprint r>>; symbolic procedure groebmess28 r; if !*trgroeb then <<prin2 "interim content reduction:"; print r>>; symbolic procedure printbl(); printb (linelength nil #- 2); symbolic procedure printb n; <<for i:=1:n do prin2 "-"; terpri()>>; symbolic procedure vdpprintset l; % print polynomials in one line; if l then << prin2 "{"; vdpprin2 car l; for each x in cdr l do <<prin2 "; "; vdpprin2 x>>; prin2t "}";>>; symbolic procedure vdpprin2l u; <<prin2 "("; vdpprin2 car u; for each x in cdr u do <<prin2 ","; vdpprin2 x;>>; prin2 ")";>>; endmodule; module groebrst; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % restrictions for polynomials during Groebner base calculation % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fluid '(groebrestriction!*); symbolic procedure groebtestrestriction (h,arg); if groebrestriction!* = 'nonnegative then groebnonneg(h,arg) else if groebrestriction!* = 'positive then groebpos(h,arg) else if groebrestriction!* = 'zeropoint then groebzero(h,arg) else rerror(groebnr2,9, "Groebner: general restrictions not yet implemented"); symbolic procedure groebnonneg(h,arg); % test if h is a polynomial which can have the value zero with % only nonnegative variable settings. begin scalar x,break,vev1,vevl,problems,problems1,r; if vdpzero!? h then return nil else if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then goto finish; % first test the coefficients if vdpredzero!? h then return nil; % simple monomial break := nil; x := h; while not vdpzero!? x and not break do <<vev1 := vdpevlmon x; if not vbcplus!? vdplbc x then break := t; if not break then x := vdpred x>>; if break then return nil; % at least one negative coeff if vevzero!? vev1 then goto finish; % nonneg. solution imposs. % homogenous polynomial: find combinations of % variables which are solutions x := h; vev1 := vdpevlmon x; vevl := vevsplit(vev1); problems := for each x in vevl collect list x; x := vdpred x; while not vdpzero!? x do << vev1 := vdpevlmon x; vevl := vevsplit(vev1); problems1 := nil; for each e in vevl do for each p in problems do <<r := if not member(e,p) then e . p else p; problems1 := union(list r, problems1)>>; problems := problems1; x := vdpred x; >>; problems := % lift vevs to polynomials for each p in problems collect for each e in p collect vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,e); % rule out problems contained in others for each x in problems do for each y in problems do if not eq(x,y) and subset!?(x,y) then problems := delete (y,problems); % rule out some by cdr problems1 := nil; while problems do <<if vdpdisjoint!? (car problems,arg) then problems1 := car problems . problems1; problems := cdr problems; >>; finish: groebmess24(h,problems1,arg); return if null problems1 then 'cancel else 'restriction . problems1; end; symbolic procedure groebpos(h,dummy); % test if h is a polynomial which can have the value zero with % only positive (nonnegative and nonzero) variable settings. begin scalar x,break,vev1; if vdpzero!? h then return nil else if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then return nil; % a simple monomial can never have pos. zeros if vdpredzero!? h then return groebposcancel(h); break := nil; x := h; % test coefficients while not vdpzero!? x and not break do <<vev1 := vdpevlmon x; if not vbcplus!? vdplbc x then break := t; if not break then x := vdpred x>>; if not break then return groebposcancel(h); if not groebposvevaluate h then groebposcancel(h); return nil; end; symbolic procedure groebposvevaluate h; t; % test if a polynomial can become zero under user restrictions % here a dummy to be rplaced elsewhere symbolic procedure groebzero(h,dummy); begin scalar l; l:=vdplastmon h; if l and vevzero!? cdr l then return groebposcancel h; return nil; end; symbolic procedure groebposcancel(h); << groebmess24(h,nil,nil); 'cancel>>; endmodule; module groebtra; % calculation of a Groebner base with the Buchberger algorithm % including the backtracking information which denotes the % dependency between base and input polynomials % Authors: H. Melenk, H.M. Moeller, W. Neun % November 1988 fluid '( % switches from the user interface !*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm !*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!* !*groebstat !*groebdivide !*groebprot vdpvars!* % external names of the variables !*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm vdpsortmode!* % term ordering mode secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values fourthvalue!* factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring factorlvevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated probcount!* % counting subproblems vbccurrentmode!* % current domain for base coeffs. groetags!* % starting point of tag variables groetime!* ); global '(gvarslast); switch groebopt,groebfac,groebres,trgroeb,trgroebs,trgroeb1, trgroebr,groebstat,groebprot; % variables for counting and numbering fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!* basecount!* hzerocount!*); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Interface symbolic procedure groebnertraeval u; % backtracking Groebner calculation begin integer n; scalar !*groebfac,!*groebrm,!*groebprot,!*gsugar; n := length u; if n=1 then return groebnertra1(reval car u,nil,nil) else if n neq 2 then rerror(groebnr2,10, "GROEBNERT called with wrong number of arguments") else return groebnertra1(reval car u,reval cadr u,nil) end; put('groebnert,'psopfn,'groebnertraeval); smacro procedure vdpnumber f; vdpgetprop(f,'number) ; symbolic procedure groebnertra1(u,v,mod1); % Buchberger algorithm system driver. u is a list of expressions % and v a list of variables or NIL in which case the variables in u % are used. begin scalar vars,w,y,z,x,np,oldorder,groetags!*,tagvars; integer pcount!*,nmod; u := for each j in getrlist u collect <<if not eqcar(j,'equal) or not (idp (w:=cadr j) or (pairp w and w = reval w and get(car w,'simpfn)='simpiden)) then rerror(groebnr2,11, "GROEBNERT parameter not {...,name = polynomial,...}") else cadr j . caddr j >>; if null u then rerror(groebnr2,12,"Empty list in Groebner") else if null cdr u then return 'list . list('equal,cdar u,caar u);; w := for each x in u collect cdr x; if mod1 then <<z := nil; for each vect in w do <<if not eqcar(vect,'list) then rerror(groebnr2,13,"Non list given to GROEBNER"); if nmod=0 then nmod:= length cdr vect else if nmod<(x:=length cdr vect) then nmod=x; z := append(cdr vect,z); >>; if not eqcar(mod1,'list) then rerror(groebnr2,14,"Illegal column weights specified"); vars := groebnervars(z,v); tagvars := for i:=1:nmod collect mkid('! col,i); w := for each vect in w collect <<z:=tagvars; y := cdr mod1; 'plus . for each p in cdr vect collect 'times . list('expt,car z,car y) . <<z := cdr z; y := cdr y; if null y then y := '(1); list p>> >>; groetags!* := length vars + 1; vars := append(vars,tagvars); >> else vars := groebnervars(w,v); groedomainmode(); if null vars then vdperr 'groebner; oldorder := vdpinit vars; % cancel common denominators u := pair(for each x in u collect car x,w); u := for each x in u collect <<z := simp cdr x; multsq(simp car x,denr z ./ 1) . reorder numr z>>; w := for each j in u collect cdr j; % optimize varable sequence if desired if !*groebopt then<< w:=vdpvordopt (w,vars); vars := cdr w; w := car w; vdpinit vars>>; w := pair (for each x in u collect car x,w); w := for each j in w collect <<z := f2vdp cdr j; vdpputprop(z,'cofact,car j)>>; if not !*vdpinteger then <<np := t; for each p in w do np := if np then vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p else nil; if not np then <<!*vdpmodular:= nil; !*vdpinteger := t>>; >>; w := groebtra2 w; w := if mod1 then groebnermodres(w,nmod,tagvars) else groebnertrares w; setkorder oldorder; gvarslast := 'list . vars; return w; end; symbolic procedure groebnertrares w; begin scalar c,u; return 'list . for each j in w collect <<c := prepsq vdpgetprop(j,'cofact); u := vdp2a j; if c=0 then u else list('equal,u,c) >>; end; symbolic procedure groebnermodres(w,n,tagvars); begin scalar x,c,oldorder; c := for each u in w collect prepsq vdpgetprop(u,'cofact); oldorder := setkorder tagvars; w := for each u in w collect 'list . <<u := numr simp vdp2a u; for i := 1:n collect prepf if not domainp u and mvar u = nth(tagvars,i) then <<x := lc u; u := red u; x>> else nil >>; setkorder oldorder; % reestablish term order for output w := for each u in w collect vdp2a a2vdp u; w := pair(w,c); return 'list . for each p in w collect if cdr p=0 then car p else list('equal,car p,cdr p); end; symbolic procedure preduceteval pars; % trace version of PREDUCE % parameters: % 1 expression to be reduced % formula or equation % 2 polynomials or equations; base for reduction % must be equations with atomic lhs % 3 optional: list of variables begin scalar vars,x,y,u,v,w,z,oldorder,!*factor,!*exp,!*gsugar; integer n,pcount!*; !*exp := t; pars := groeparams(pars,2,3); y := car pars; u := cadr pars; v:= caddr pars; u := for each j in getrlist u collect <<if not eqcar(j,'equal) then j . j else cadr j . caddr j>>; if null u then rerror(groebnr2,15,"Empty list in PREDUCET"); w := for each p in u collect cdr p; % the polynomials groedomainmode(); vars := if null v then for each j in gvarlis w collect !*a2k j else getrlist v; if not vars then vdperr 'preducet; oldorder := vdpinit vars; u := for each x in u collect <<z := simp cdr x; multsq(simp car x,denr z ./ 1) . reorder numr z>>; w := for each j in u collect <<z := f2vdp cdr j; vdpputprop(z,'cofact,car j)>>; if not eqcar(y,'equal) then y := list('equal,y,y); x := a2vdp caddr y; % the expression vdpputprop(x,'cofact,simp cadr y); % the lhs (name etc.) w := tranormalform(x,w, 'sort,'f); u := list('equal,vdp2a w,prepsq vdpgetprop(w,'cofact)); setkorder oldorder; return u; end; put('preducet,'psopfn,'preduceteval); symbolic procedure groebnermodeval u; % Groebner for moduli calculation (if n=0 or n>3 then rerror(groebnr2,16, "GROEBNERM called with wrong number of arguments") else groebnertra1(reval car u, if n>=2 then reval cadr u else nil, if n>=3 then reval caddr u else '(list 1)) ) where n = length u; put('groebnerm,'psopfn,'groebnermodeval); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % some macros for local usage only smacro procedure tt(s1,s2); % lcm of leading terms of s1 and s2 vevlcm(vdpevlmon s1,vdpevlmon s2); symbolic procedure groebtra2 (p); % setup all global variables for the Buchberger algorithm % printing of statistics begin scalar groetime!*,tim1,spac,spac1,p1,factortime!*, pairsdone!*,factorlvevel!*; factortime!* := 0; groetime!* := time(); vdponepol(); % we construct dynamically hcount!* := pcount!* := mcount!* := fcount!* := bcount!* := b4count!* := hzerocount!* := basecount!* := 0; if !*trgroeb then << prin2 "Groebner Calculation with Backtracking starts "; terprit 2; >>; spac := gctime(); p1:= groebtra3 (p); if !*trgroeb or !*trgroebr or !*groebstat then << spac1 := gctime() - spac; terpri(); prin2t "statistics for Groebner calculation"; prin2t "==================================="; prin2 " total computing time (including gc): "; prin2((tim1 := time()) - groetime!*); prin2t " milliseconds "; prin2 " (time spent for garbage collection: "; prin2 spac1; prin2t " milliseconds)"; terprit 1; prin2 "H-polynomials total: "; prin2t hcount!*; prin2 "H-polynomials zero : "; prin2t hzerocount!*; prin2 "Crit M hits: "; prin2t mcount!*; prin2 "Crit F hits: "; prin2t fcount!*; prin2 "Crit B hits: "; prin2t bcount!*; prin2 "Crit B4 hits: "; prin2t b4count!*; >>; return p1; end; symbolic procedure groebtra3 (g0); begin scalar x,g,d,d1,d2,p,p1,s,h,g99,one; x := for each fj in g0 collect vdpenumerate trasimpcont fj; for each fj in x do g := vdplsortin(fj,g0); g0 := g; g := nil; % iteration : while (d or g0) and not one do begin if g0 then << % take next poly from input h := car g0; g0 := cdr g0; p := list(nil,h,h); >> else << % take next poly from pairs p := car d; d := cdr d; s := traspolynom (cadr p, caddr p); tramess3(p,s); h := groebnormalform(s,g99,'tree); %piloting wo cofact if vdpzero!? h then groebmess4(p,d) else h := trasimpcont tranormalform(s,g99,'tree,'h); >>; if vdpzero!? h then goto bott; if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then % base 1 found << tramess5(p,h); g0 := d := nil; g:= list h; goto bott>>; s:= nil; % h polynomial is accepted now h := vdpenumerate h; tramess5(p,h); % construct new critical pairs d1 := nil; for each f in g do if groebmoducrit(f,h) then <<d1 := groebcplistsortin( list(tt(f,h),f,h) , d1); if tt(f,h) = vdpevlmon(f) then <<g := delete (f,g); groebmess2 f>>; >>; groebmess51(d1); d2 := nil; while d1 do <<d1 := groebinvokecritf d1; p1 := car d1; d1 := cdr d1; if groebbuchcrit4(cadr p1,caddr p1,car p1) then d2 := append (d2, list p1); d1 := groebinvokecritm (p1,d1); >>; d := groebinvokecritb (h,d); d := groebcplistmerge(d,d2); g := h . g; g99 := groebstreeadd(h, g99); groebmess8(g,d); bott: end; % ITERATION return groebtra3post g; end; symbolic procedure groebtra3post (g); % final reduction begin scalar r,p; g := vdplsort g; while g do <<p := tranormalform(car g,cdr g,'sort,'f); if not vdpzero!? p then r := trasimpcont p . r; g := cdr g>>; return reversip r; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Reduction of polynomials % symbolic procedure tranormalform(f,g,type,mode); % general procedure for reduction of one polynomial from a set % f is a polynomial, G is a Set of polynomials either in % a search tree or in a sorted list % type describes the ordering of the set G: % 'TREE G is a search tree % 'SORT G is a sorted list % 'LIST G is a list, but not sorted % f has to be reduced modulo G % version for idealQuotient: doing side effect calculations for % the cofactors; only headterm reduction begin scalar c,vev,divisor,break; while not vdpzero!? f and not break do begin vev:=vdpevlmon f; c:=vdplbc f; divisor := if type = 'tree then groebsearchinstree (vev,g) else groebsearchinlist (vev,g); if divisor and !*trgroebs then << prin2 "//-"; prin2 vdpnumber divisor; >>; if divisor then if !*vdpinteger then f := trareduceonestepint(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else f := trareduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else break := t; end; if mode = 'f then f := tranormalform1(f,g,type,mode); return f; end; symbolic procedure tranormalform1(f,g,type,mode); % reduction of subsequent terms begin scalar c,vev,divisor,break,f1; f1 := f; while not vdpzero!? f and not vdpzero!? f1 do <<f1 := f; break := nil; while not vdpzero!? f1 and not break do <<vev:=vdpevlmon f1; c:=vdplbc f1; f1 := vdpred f1; divisor := if type = 'tree then groebsearchinstree (vev,g) else groebsearchinlist (vev,g); if divisor and !*trgroebs then << prin2 "//-"; prin2 vdpnumber divisor; >>; if divisor then << if !*vdpinteger then f := trareduceonestepint(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else f := trareduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor); break := t>>; >>; >>; return f; end; % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % special reduction procedures symbolic procedure trareduceonestepint(f,dummy,c,vev,g1); % reduction step for integer case: % calculate f= a*f - b*g a,b such that leading term vanishes % (vev of lvbc g divides vev of lvbc f) % % and calculate f1 = a*f1 % return value=f, secondvalue=f1 begin scalar vevlcm,a,b,cg,x,fcofa,gcofa; fcofa := vdpgetprop(f,'cofact); if null fcofa then fcofa := nil ./ 1; gcofa := vdpgetprop(g1,'cofact); if null gcofa then gcofa := nil ./ 1; vevlcm := vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1); cg := vdplbc g1; % calculate coefficient factors x := vbcgcd(c,cg); a := vbcquot(cg,x); b := vbcquot(c,x); f:= vdpilcomb1 (f, a, vevzero(), g1,vbcneg b, vevlcm); x := vdpilcomb1tra (fcofa, a, vevzero(), gcofa ,vbcneg b, vevlcm); vdpputprop(f,'cofact,x); return f; end; symbolic procedure trareduceonesteprat(f,dummy,c,vev,g1); % reduction step for rational case: % calculate f= f - g/vdpLbc(f) % begin scalar x,fcofa,gcofa,vev; fcofa := vdpgetprop(f,'cofact); gcofa := vdpgetprop(g1,'cofact); vev := vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1); x := vbcneg vbcquot(c,vdplbc g1); f := vdpilcomb1(f,a2vbc 1,vevzero(), g1,x,vev); x := vdpilcomb1tra (fcofa,a2vbc 1 , vevzero(), gcofa,x,vev); vdpputprop(f,'cofact,x); return f; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % calculation of an S-polynomial % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure traspolynom (p1,p2); begin scalar s,ep1,ep2,ep,rp1,rp2,db1,db2,x,cofac1,cofac2; if vdpzero!? p1 then return p1; if vdpzero!? p1 then return p2; cofac1 := vdpgetprop(p1,'cofact); cofac2 := vdpgetprop(p2,'cofact); ep1 := vdpevlmon p1; ep2 := vdpevlmon p2; ep := vevlcm(ep1, ep2); rp1 := vdpred p1; rp2 := vdpred p2; db1 := vdplbc p1; db2 := vdplbc p2; if !*vdpinteger then <<x:=vbcgcd(db1,db2); db1:=vbcquot(db1,x); db2:=vbcquot(db2,x)>>; ep1 := vevdif(ep,ep1); ep2 := vevdif(ep,ep2); db2 := vbcneg db2; s := vdpilcomb1 (rp2,db1,ep2,rp1,db2,ep1); x := vdpilcomb1tra (cofac2,db1,ep2,cofac1,db2,ep1); vdpputprop(s,'cofact,x); return s; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Normalisation with cofactors taken into account % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure trasimpcont(p); if !*vdpinteger then trasimpconti p else trasimpcontr p; % routines for integer coefficient case: % calculation of contents and dividing all coefficients by it symbolic procedure trasimpconti (p); % calculate the contents of p and divide all coefficients by it begin scalar res,num,cofac; if vdpzero!? p then return p; cofac := vdpgetprop(p,'cofact); num := car vdpcontenti p; if not vbcplus!? num then num := vbcneg num; if not vbcplus!? vdplbc p then num:=vbcneg num; if vbcone!? num then return p; res := vdpreduceconti (p,num,nil); cofac:=vdpreducecontitra(cofac,num,nil); res := vdpputprop(res,'cofact,cofac); return res; end; % routines for rational coefficient case: % calculation of contents and dividing all coefficients by it symbolic procedure trasimpcontr (p); % calculate the contents of p and divide all coefficients by it begin scalar res,cofac; cofac := vdpgetprop(p,'cofact); if vdpzero!? p then return p; if vbcone!? vdplbc p then return p; res := vdpreduceconti (p,vdplbc p,nil); cofac:=vdpreducecontitra(cofac,vdplbc p,nil); res := vdpputprop(res,'cofact,cofac); return res; end; symbolic procedure vdpilcomb1tra (cofac1,db1,ep1,cofac2,db2,ep2); % the linear combination, here done for the cofactors % (standard quotients) addsq(multsq(cofac1,vdp2f vdpfmon(db1,ep1) ./ 1), multsq(cofac2,vdp2f vdpfmon(db2,ep2) ./ 1)); symbolic procedure vdpreducecontitra(cofac,num,dummy); % divide the cofactor by a number quotsq(cofac,simp vbc2a num); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % special handling of moduli % symbolic procedure groebmoducrit(p1,p2); null groetags!* or pnth(vdpevlmon p1,groetags!*) = pnth(vdpevlmon p2,groetags!*); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % trace messages % symbolic procedure tramess0 x; if !*trgroeb then <<prin2t "adding member to intermediate quotient base:"; vdpprint x; terpri()>>; symbolic procedure tramess1 (x,p1,p2); if !*trgroeb then <<prin2 "pair ("; prin2 vdpnumber p1; prin2 ","; prin2 vdpnumber p2; prin2t ") adding member to intermediate quotient base:"; vdpprint x; terpri()>>; symbolic procedure tramess5(p,h); if car p then % print for true h-Polys << hcount!* := hcount!* + 1; if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); prin2 "H-polynomial "; prin2 pcount!*; groebmessff(" from pair (",cadr p,nil); groebmessff(",", caddr p,")"); vdpprint h; prin2t "with cofactor"; writepri(mkquote prepsq vdpgetprop(h,'cofact),'only); groetimeprint() >> >> else if !*trgroeb then << % print for input polys prin2t "candidate from input:"; vdpprint h; groetimeprint() >>; symbolic procedure tramess3(p,s); if !*trgroebs then << prin2 "S-polynomial "; prin2 " from "; groebpairprint p; vdpprint s; prin2t "with cofactor"; writepri(mkquote prepsq vdpgetprop(s,'cofact),'only); groetimeprint(); terprit 3 >>; endmodule; module groeweak; % weak test for f ~ 0 modulo G fluid '(!*groebweak current!-modulus pairsdone!* !*vdpinteger groebmodular!* !*groebfac); switch groebweak; symbolic procedure groebweakzerotest(f,g,type); % test f==0 modulo G with ON MODULAR begin scalar f1,c,vev,divisor,oldmode,a; integer n,oldprim; if vdpzero!? f then return f; if current!-modulus= 1 then setmod list 2097143; oldmode := setdmode('modular,t); f := groebvdp2mod f; f1 := vdpzero(); a:= vbcfi 1; while not vdpzero!? f and vdpzero!? f1 do begin vev:=vdpevlmon f; c:=vdplbc f; if type = 'sort then while g and vevcompless!? (vev,vdpevlmon (car g)) do g := cdr g; divisor := if type = 'tree then groebsearchinstree(vev,g) else groebsearchinlist (vev,g); if divisor and !*trgroebs then << prin2 "//m-"; prin2 vdpnumber divisor; >>; if divisor then if vdplength divisor = 1 then f := vdpcancelmvev(f,vdpevlmon divisor) else <<divisor := groebvdp2mod(divisor); if divisor then f := groebreduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else f1 := f>> else f1 := f; % ready: end; if not vdpzero!? f1 and !*trgroebs then <<prin2t " - nonzero result in modular reduction:"; vdpprint f1; >>; setdmode('modular,nil); if oldmode then setdmode(get(oldmode,'dname),t); return vdpzero!? f1; end; smacro procedure tt(s1,s2); % lcm of leading terms of s1 and s2 vevlcm(vdpevlmon s1,vdpevlmon s2); symbolic procedure groebweaktestbranch!=1(poly,g,d); % test GB(G) == {1} in modular style groebweakbasistest(list poly,g,d); symbolic procedure groebweakbasistest(g0,g,d); begin scalar oldmode,d,d1,d2,p,p1,s,h; scalar !*vdpinteger; % switch to field type calclulation return nil; if not !*groebfac then return nil; if current!-modulus= 1 then setmod list 2097143; if !*trgroeb then prin2t "---------------- modular test of branch ------"; oldmode := setdmode('modular,t); g0 := for each p in g0 collect groebvdp2mod p; g := for each p in g collect groebvdp2mod p; d := for each p in d collect list (car p, groebvdp2mod cadr p, groebvdp2mod caddr p); while d or g0 do begin if g0 then << % take next poly from input h := car g0; g0 := cdr g0; p := list(nil,h,h); >> else << % take next poly from pairs p := car d; d := delete (p,d); s := groebspolynom (cadr p, caddr p); h:=groebsimpcontnormalform groebnormalform(s,g,'sort); if vdpzero!? h then !*trgroeb and groebmess4(p,d); >>; if vdpzero!? h then <<pairsdone!* := (vdpnumber cadr p . vdpnumber caddr p) . pairsdone!*; goto bott>>; if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then % base 1 found << !*trgroeb and groebmess5(p,h); goto stop>>; s:= nil; h := vdpenumerate h; !*trgroeb and groebmess5(p,h); % construct new critical pairs d1 := nil; for each f in g do <<d1 := groebcplistsortin(list(tt(f,h),f,h),d1); if tt(f,h) = vdpevlmon(f) then <<g := delete (f,g); !*trgroeb and groebmess2 f>>; >>; !*trgroeb and groebmess51(d1); d2 := nil; while d1 do <<d1 := groebinvokecritf d1; p1 := car d1; d1 := cdr d1; d2 := groebinvokecritbuch4 (p1,d2); d1 := groebinvokecritm (p1,d1); >>; d := groebinvokecritb (h,d); d := groebcplistmerge(d,d2); g := h . g; goto bott; stop: d := g := g0 := nil; bott: end; if !*trgroeb and null g then prin2t "**** modular test detects empty branch!"; if !*trgroeb then prin2t "------ end of modular test of branch ------"; setdmode('modular,nil); if oldmode then setdmode(get(oldmode,'dname),t); return null g; end; fluid '(!*localtest); symbolic procedure groebfasttest(g0,g,d,g99); if !*localtest then <<!*localtest := nil; groebweakbasistest(g0,g,d)>> else if !*groebweak and g and vdpunivariate!? car g then groebweakbasistest(g0,g,d); symbolic procedure groebvdp2mod f; %convert a vdp in modular form % in case of headterm loss, nil is returned begin scalar u,c,mf,s; u := vdpgetprop(f,'modimage); if u then return if u='nasty then nil else u; mf := vdpresimp f; if !*gsugar then vdpputprop(mf,'sugar,vdpgetprop(f,'sugar)); c := errorset!*(list('vbcinv,mkquote vdplbc mf),nil); if not pairp c then <<prin2t "************** nasty module (loss of headterm) ****"; print f; print u; vdpprint f; vdpprint u; vdpputprop(f,'modimage,'nasty); return nil>>; u := vdpvbcprod(mf,car c); vdpputprop(u,'number,vdpgetprop(f,'number)); vdpputprop(f,'modimage,u); if !*gsugar then vdpputprop(u,'sugar,vdpgetprop(f,'sugar)); return u; end; symbolic procedure groebmodeval(f,break); % evaluate LISP form r with REDUCE modular domain begin scalar oldmode,a,!*vdpinteger,groebmodular!*; groebmodular!* := t; if current!-modulus= 1 then setmod list 2097143; oldmode := setdmode('modular,t); a := errorset!*(f,t); setdmode('modular,nil); if oldmode then setdmode(get(oldmode,'dname),t); return if atom a then nil else car a; end; endmodule; module hilberts; % Hilbert series of a set of Monomials. % Author: Joachim Hollman, Royal Institute for Technology, % Stockholm, Sweden % email: <> Comment -------------------------------------------------------- A very brief "description" of the method used. M=k[x,y,z]/(x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2) x. 0 --> ker(x.) --> M --> M --> M/x --> 0 M/x = k[x,y,z]/(x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2,x) = k[x,y,z]/(x,y^2) ker(x.) = ((x) + (x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2))/(x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2) = = (x,y^2)/(x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2) Hilb(ker(x.)) = Hilb - Hilb (x,y^2) (x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2) = 1/(1-t)^3 - Hilb - k[x,y,z]/(x,y^2) - (1/(1-t)^3 - Hilb k[x,y,z]/(x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2) = Hilb -Hilb M k[x,y,z]/(x,y^2) If you only keep the numerator in Hilb = N(t)/(1-t)^3 M then you get (1-t)N (t) = N (t) - t (N (t) - N (t) ) I I+(x) I Ann(x) + I i.e. N (t) = N (t) + t N (t) (*) I I+(x) Ann(x) + I Where I = (x^2*y,x*z^2,y^2) I + (x) = (x,y^2) I + Ann(x) = (x*y,z^2,y^2) N (t) is the numerator polynomial in Hilb I k[x,y,z]/I Equation (*) is what we use to compute the numerator polynomial, i.e. we "divide out" one variable at a time until we reach a base case. (One is not limited to single variables but I don't know of any good strategy for selecting a monomial.) Usage: hilb({monomial_1,...,monomial_n} [,variable]) ; fluid '(nvars!*); % ************** MACROS ETC. ************** smacro procedure term(c,v,e); list('times,c,list('expt,v,e)); % -------------- safety check -------------- smacro procedure var!-p(m); and(m,atom(m),not(numberp(m))); smacro procedure check!-expt(m); and(eqcar(m,'expt),var!-p(cadr(m)),numberp(caddr(m))); smacro procedure check!-single!-var(m); if var!-p(m) then t else check!-expt(m); smacro procedure check!-mon(m); if check!-single!-var(m) then t else if eqcar(m,'times) then check!-times(cdr(m)) else nil; smacro procedure check!-args(monl,var); and(listp monl,eqcar(monl,'list),var!-p(var), check!-monl(monl)); symbolic procedure make!-vector (n,pat); begin scalar v; v:=mkvect n; for i:=1:n do putv(v,i,pat); return v; end; % -------------- monomials -------------- smacro procedure alloc!-mon(n); make!-vector(n,0); smacro procedure get!-nth!-exp(mon,n); getv(mon,n); smacro procedure set!-nth!-exp(mon,n,d); putv(mon,n,d); smacro procedure get!-tdeg(mon); getv(mon,0); smacro procedure set!-tdeg(mon,d); putv(mon,0,d); % -------------- ideals -------------- smacro procedure the!-empty!-ideal(); list(nil,nil); smacro procedure get!-next!-mon(ideal); <<x:=caadr ideal; if cdadr ideal then ideal:=list(car ideal,cdadr ideal) else ideal:=the!-empty!-ideal(); x>>; smacro procedure not!-empty!-ideal(ideal); cadr ideal; smacro procedure first!-mon(ideal); caadr ideal; smacro procedure append!-ideals(ideal1,ideal2); list(car ideal2,append(cadr ideal1,cadr ideal2)); symbolic procedure insert!-var(var,ideal); % inserts variable var as last generator of ideal begin scalar last; last:=list(make!-one!-var!-mon(var)); return(list(last,append(cadr ideal,last))); end; symbolic procedure add!-to!-ideal(mon,ideal); % add mon as generator to the ideal begin scalar last; last := list(mon); if ideal = the!-empty!-ideal() then rplaca(cdr(ideal),last) else rplacd(car(ideal),last); rplaca(ideal,last); end; % ************** END OF MACROS ETC. ************** % ************** INTERFACE TO ALGEBRAIC MODE ************** symbolic procedure hilbsereval(u); begin scalar l,monl,var; l:=length(u); if l < 1 or l > 2 then rerror(groebnr2,17, "Usage: hilb({monomial_1,...,monomial_n} [,variable])") else if l = 1 then << monl:= reval car u; var:= 'x; >> else << monl:= reval car u; var:= reval cadr u; >>; monl := 'list . for each aa in (cdr monl) collect reval aa; if not check!-args(monl,var) then rerror(groebnr2,18, "Usage: hilb({monomial_1,...,monomial_n} [,variable])"); % return(aeval % list('QUOTIENT, % coefflist2prefix(NPol(gltb2arrideal(monl)), var), % list('EXPT,list('PLUS,1,list('TIMES,-1,var)), % nvars!*))); return(aeval coefflist2prefix(npol(gltb2arrideal(monl)), var)); end; % define "hilb" to be the algebraic mode function put('hilb,'psopfn,'hilbsereval); symbolic procedure check!-monl(monl); begin scalar flag,tmp; flag:=t; monl:=gltb!-fix(monl); while monl and flag do << tmp:=car monl; flag:=check!-mon(tmp); monl:=cdr monl; >>; return(flag); end; symbolic procedure check!-times(m); begin scalar flag,tmp; flag:=t; while m and flag do << tmp:= car m; flag:=check!-single!-var(tmp); m:=cdr m; >>; return(flag); end; symbolic procedure coefflist2prefix(cl,var); begin scalar i,poly; i:=0; for each c in cl do << poly:= cons(term(c,var,i),poly); i:=i+1; >>; return (cons('plus,poly)); end; symbolic procedure indets(l); % "indets" returns a list containing all the % indeterminates of l. % l is supposed to have a form similar to the variable % GLTB in the Groebner basis package. % (LIST (EXPT Z 2) (EXPT X 2) Y) begin scalar varlist; for each m in l do if m neq 'list then if atom(m) then varlist:=union(list(m),varlist) else if eqcar(m,'expt) then varlist:=union(list(cadr(m)),varlist) else varlist:=union(indets(cdr(m)),varlist); return(varlist); end; symbolic procedure build!-assoc(l); % Given a list of indeterminates (x1 x2 ...xn) we produce % an a-list of the form ((x1.1) (x2.2)... (xn.n)) begin scalar i; i:=0; return(for each var in l collect progn(i:=i+1,cons(var,i))); end; symbolic procedure mons(l); % rewrite the leading monomials (i.e. GLTB). % the result is a list of monomials of the form: % (variable . exponent) or ((variable1 . exponent1) ... % (variablen . exponentn)) % % mons('(LIST (EXPT Z 2) (EXPT X 2) (TIMES Y (EXPT X 3)))); % (((Y . 1) (X . 3)) (X . 2) (Z . 2)) begin scalar monlist; for each m in l do if m neq 'list then monlist:= if atom(m) then cons(cons(m,1),monlist) else if eqcar(m,'expt) then cons(cons(cadr(m),caddr(m)),monlist) else (for each x in cdr(m) collect mons!-aux(x)) . monlist; return(monlist); end; symbolic procedure mons!-aux(m); if atom(m) then cons(m,1) else if eqcar(m,'expt) then cons(cadr(m),caddr(m)); symbolic procedure lmon2arrmon(m); % list-monomial to array-monomial % a list-monomial has the form: (variable_number . exponent) % or is a list with entries of this form. % "variable_number" is the number associated with the variable, % see build!-assoc() begin scalar tdeg,mon; mon:=alloc!-mon(nvars!*); tdeg:=0; if listp m then for each varnodotexp in m do << set!-nth!-exp(mon,car varnodotexp, cdr varnodotexp); tdeg:=tdeg+cdr varnodotexp; >> else << set!-nth!-exp(mon,car m, cdr m); tdeg:=tdeg+cdr m; >>; set!-tdeg(mon,tdeg); return(mon); end; symbolic procedure gltb!-fix(l); % sometimes GLTB has the form (list (list...)) % instead of (list ...) if and(listp cadr l,caadr(l) = 'list) then cadr l else l; symbolic procedure ge(m1,m2); if get!-tdeg(m1) >= get!-tdeg(m2) then t else nil; symbolic procedure get!-end!-ptr(l); begin scalar ptr; while l do << ptr:=l; l:=cdr l; >>; return(ptr); end; symbolic procedure gltb2arrideal(xgltb); % Convert the monomial ideal given by GLTB (in list form) % to a list of vectors where each vector represents a monomial. begin scalar l; l:=indets(gltb!-fix(xgltb)); nvars!* := length(l); l:= sublis(build!-assoc(l),mons(gltb!-fix(xgltb))); l:=for each m in l collect lmon2arrmon(m); l:=sort(l,'ge); return(list(get!-end!-ptr(l),l)); end; % ************** END OF INTERFACE TO ALGEBRAIC MODE ************** %************** PROCEDURES ************** symbolic procedure npol(ideal); % recursively computes the numerator of the Hilbert series begin scalar v,si; v:=next!-var(ideal); if not v then return(base!-case!-pol(ideal)); si:=split!-ideal(ideal,v); return(shift!-add(npol(car si),npol(cadr si))); end; symbolic procedure divides!-by!-var(var,mon); begin scalar div; if get!-nth!-exp(mon,var) = 0 then return(nil); div:=alloc!-mon(nvars!*); for i:=1 : nvars!* do set!-nth!-exp(div,i,get!-nth!-exp(mon,i)); set!-nth!-exp(div,var,get!-nth!-exp(mon,var)-1); set!-tdeg(div,get!-tdeg(mon)-1); return(div); end; symbolic procedure divides(m1,m2); % does m1 divide m2? % m1 and m2 are monomials % result: either nil (when m1 does not divide m2) or m2/m1 begin scalar m,d,i; i:=1; m:=alloc!-mon(nvars!*); set!-tdeg(m,d:=get!-tdeg(m2)-get!-tdeg(m1)); while d >= 0 and i <= nvars!* do << set!-nth!-exp(m,i,d:=get!-nth!-exp(m2,i) - get!-nth!-exp(m1,i)); i:= i+1; >>; if d < 0 then return (nil) else return(m); end; symbolic procedure shift!-add(p1,p2); % p1+z*p2 % p1 and p2 are polynomials (nonempty coefficient lists) begin scalar p,pptr; pptr:=p:=cons(car p1,nil); p1:=cdr p1; while p1 and p2 do << rplacd(pptr,cons(car p1 + car p2,nil)); p1:=cdr p1; p2:=cdr p2; pptr:=cdr pptr; >>; if p1 then rplacd(pptr,p1) else rplacd(pptr,p2); return(p); end; symbolic procedure rem!-mult(ipp1,ipp2); % the union of two ideals with redundancy of generators eliminated begin scalar fmon,inew,isearch,primeflag,x; % fix; x is used in the macro... inew := the!-empty!-ideal(); while not!-empty!-ideal(ipp1) and not!-empty!-ideal(ipp2) do begin if get!-tdeg(first!-mon(ipp2)) < get!-tdeg(first!-mon (ipp1)) then << fmon:=get!-next!-mon(ipp1); isearch:=ipp2; >> else << fmon:=get!-next!-mon(ipp2); isearch:=ipp1; >>; primeflag:=t; while primeflag and not!-empty!-ideal(isearch) do if divides(get!-next!-mon(isearch),fmon) then primeflag:=nil; if primeflag then add!-to!-ideal(fmon,inew); end; if not!-empty!-ideal(ipp1) then return(append!-ideals(inew,ipp1)) else return(append!-ideals(inew,ipp2)); end; symbolic procedure next!-var(ideal); % extracts a variable in the ideal suitable for division begin scalar x,m,var; repeat << m:=get!-next!-mon(ideal); var:=get!-var!-if!-not!-single(m); >> until var or ideal = the!-empty!-ideal(); return(var); end; symbolic procedure get!-var!-if!-not!-single(mon); % returns nil if the monomial is in a single variable, % otherwise the index of the second variable of the monomial begin scalar i,foundvarflag,exp; i := 0; foundvarflag:=nil; while not foundvarflag do << i:=i+1; exp:=get!-nth!-exp(mon,i); if exp > 0 then foundvarflag:=t; >>; foundvarflag:=nil; while i < nvars!* and not foundvarflag do << i:=i+1; exp:=get!-nth!-exp(mon,i); if exp > 0 then foundvarflag:=t; >>; if foundvarflag then return(i) else return(nil); end; symbolic procedure make!-one!-var!-mon(vindex); % returns the monomial consisting of the single variable vindex begin scalar mon; mon := alloc!-mon(nvars!*); for i := 1:nvars!* do set!-nth!-exp(mon,i,0); set!-nth!-exp(mon,vindex,1); set!-tdeg(mon,1); return(mon); end; symbolic procedure split!-ideal(ideal,var); % splits the ideal into two simpler ideals begin scalar div,ideal1,ideal2,m,x; ideal1 := the!-empty!-ideal(); ideal2 := the!-empty!-ideal(); while not!-empty!-ideal(ideal) do << m:=get!-next!-mon(ideal); if div:=divides!-by!-var(var,m) then add!-to!-ideal(div,ideal2) else add!-to!-ideal(m,ideal1); >>; ideal2:=rem!-mult(ideal1,ideal2); ideal1:=insert!-var(var,ideal1); return(list(ideal1,ideal2)); end; symbolic procedure base!-case!-pol(ideal); % in the base case every monomial is of the form Xi^ei % result : the numerator polynomial of the Hilbert series % i.e. (1-z^e1)*(1-z^e2)*... begin scalar p,degsofar,e,tdeg; tdeg:=0; for each mon in cadr ideal do tdeg:=tdeg + get!-tdeg(mon); p:=make!-vector(tdeg,0); putv(p,0,1); degsofar:=0; for each mon in cadr ideal do << e:=get!-tdeg(mon); for j:= degsofar step -1 until 0 do putv(p,j+e,getv(p,j+e)-getv(p,j)); degsofar:=degsofar+e; >>; return(vector2list(p)); end; symbolic procedure vector2list v; % Convert a vector v to a list. No type checking is done. begin scalar u; for i:= upbv v step -1 until 0 do u := getv(v,i) . u; return u; end; endmodule; module hilbertp; % Computing Hilbert Polynomial from the Hilbert series. Comment Authors: H. Michael Moeller, Fernuniversitaet Hagen, Germany email: MA105@DHAFEU11.bitnet H. Melenk, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin, Germany email: ; symbolic procedure newhilbi (bas,var,vars); begin scalar baslt,n,u,grad,h,joa,a,ii,dim0,varx,dmode!*,!*modular; % extract leading terms baslt:= for each p in cdr bas collect <<u := hgspliteval list (p,vars); cadr u>>; % replace non atomic elements in the varlist by gensyms for each x in cdr vars do if (pairp x) then baslt := cdr subeval list(list('equal,x,gensym()), 'list . baslt); % compute the Hilbertseries joa := hilbsereval list ('list . baslt,var); % get the Hilbert polynomial grad := deg(joa,var); a:= for i:=0:grad collect coeffn (joa,var,i); n:= length cdr vars; %dim0 := (for i:=1:n product (var + i))/( for i:=1:n product i); varx := !*a2f var; dim0 := 1; for i:=1:n do dim0:= multf (addd(i,varx),dim0); dim0 := multsq(dim0 ./ 1,1 ./ (for i:=1:n product i)); h := multsq(car(a) ./ 1,dim0); a := cdr(a); ii := 0; while a do << dim0 := multsq (dim0, addf(varx,numr simp (minus ii) ) ./ addf(varx,numr simp (n -ii))); ii := ii + 1; if not (car a = 0) then h := addsq (h , multsq(car(a) ./ 1 ,dim0)); a := cdr(a) >>; return mk!*sq h; end; symbolic procedure psnewhilbi (u); begin scalar zz,pl,vl; pl:=reval car u; if cdr u then vl:=listeval(cadr u,nil); zz := 'list.groebnervars(cdr pl,vl); return newhilbi(pl,'x,zz) end; put ('hilbertpolynomial , 'psopfn ,'psnewhilbi); symbolic procedure hgspliteval pars; % A variant of Gsplit from % Split a polynomial into leading monomial and reductum. begin scalar vars,x,u,v,w,oldorder,!*factor,!*exp; integer n,pcount!*; !*exp := t; n := length pars; u := reval car pars; v := if n>1 then reval cadr pars else nil; u := list('list,u); w := for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; vars :=groebnervars(w,v); if not vars then vdperr 'hilbertpolynomial; oldorder := vdpinit vars; w := a2vdp car w; if vdpzero!? w then x := w else % <<x := vdpfmon(vdplbc w,vdpevlmon w); <<x := vdpfmon('( 1 . 1),vdpevlmon w); w := vdpred w>>; w := list('list,vdp2a x,vdp2a w); setkorder oldorder; return w; end; % simple Array access method for one- and two-dimensional arrays % NO check against misusage is done! % Usage: Rar:=makeRarray list dim1; Rar:=makeRarray list(dim1,dim2); % val:=getRarray(Rar,ind1); val:=getrarray(Rar,ind1,ind2); % putRarray(Rar,ind1,val); PutRarray(Rar,in1,ind2,val); % for two dimensional array access only ! macro procedure functionindex2(u); begin scalar dims,ind1,ind2; dims := cadr u; ind1 := caddr u; ind2 := cadddr u; return %%%% ((ind1 #- 1) #* cadr dims) #+ ind2; list ('iplus2,ind2,list('itimes2,list('cadr,dims), list('iplus2,ind1,-1))); end; macro procedure getrarray u; begin scalar arry,inds; arry := cadr(u); inds := cddr u; if length(inds) = 1 then return list('getv,list('cdr,arry),car inds) else return list('getv,list('cdr,arry), 'functionindex2 . list('car,arry) . inds); end; symbolic procedure makerarray dims; begin scalar u,n; n := for each i in dims product i; u := mkvect n; return dims . u; end; macro procedure putrarray u; begin scalar arry,inds, val; arry := cadr(u); inds := cddr u; val := nth (u,length u); % PSL: lastcar u; if length(inds) = 2 then return list('putv,list('cdr,arry),car inds,val) else return list('putv,list('cdr,arry), 'functionindex2 . list('car,arry).car inds. cadr inds . nil , val); end; procedure hilbertzerodimp(nrall, n, rarray); begin integer i, k, count, vicount; count := 0; i := 0; while ((i:= i+1) <= nrall and count < n) do begin vicount := 1; for k := 1:n do if (getrarray(rarray,i,k) = 0) then vicount := vicount + 1; if vicount = n then count := count + 1; end; return count = n; end; symbolic procedure groezerodim!?(f,n); begin scalar explist,a; integer r; %explist:= list( vev(lt(f1)),...,vev(lt(fr)) ); explist:= for each fi in f collect vdpevlmon fi; r:= length(f); a := makerarray list(r,n); for i:=1 step 1 until r do for k:=1 step 1 until n do putrarray(a ,i,k, nth(nth(explist,i),k)); return hilbertzerodimp (r, n, a); end; symbolic procedure gzerodimeval u; begin scalar vl; if cdr u then vl:=reval cadr u; return gzerodim1(reval car u,vl) end; put('gzerodim!?,'psopfn,'gzerodimeval); symbolic procedure gzerodim1(u,v); begin scalar vars,w,z,dv,oldorder; w := for each j in getrlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; if null w then rerror(groebnr2,21, "Empty list in HilbertPolynomial"); vars := groebnervars(w,v); oldorder := vdpinit vars; w := for each j in w collect f2vdp numr simp j; w := groezerodim!? (w,length vars); setkorder oldorder; return if w then newhilbi(u,'x,'list . v) else nil; end; symbolic procedure gbtest(g); % test, if the given set of polynomials is a Groebner basis. % only fast to compute plausilbility test. begin scalar fredu,g1,r,s; g := vdplsort g; % make abbreviated version of G g1:= for each p in g collect << r := vdpred p; if vdpzero!? r then p else vdpsum(vdpfmon(vdplbc p,vdpevlmon p), vdpfmon(vdplbc r,vdpevlmon r)) >>; while g1 do <<for each p in cdr g1 do if not groebbuchcrit4t(vdpevlmon car g1,vdpevlmon p) then <<s := groebspolynom(car g1,p); if not vdpzero!? s and null groebsearchinlist (vdpevlmon s,cddr g1) then rerror(groebnr2,22, "****** Not a GROEBNER basis wrt current ordering"); >>; if groebsearchinlist(vdpevlmon car g1,cdr g1) then fredu := t; g1 := cdr g1; >>; if fredu then <<terpri!* t; prin2t "WARNING:system is not a fully reduced GROEBNER basis"; prin2t "with current term ordering"; >>; end; endmodule; module hggroeb; % Homogeneous Graded Grobner bases. % Buchberger algorithm for homogeneous graded polynomial % systems. d1 and d2 are positive integers (d2 may be % infinity). Compute the basis for the sectin [d1,d2]. % % see Becker-Weispfenning, Chapter 10. % % A local redefinition of the function groebspolynom is % used to exclude pairs which do not fit into the grade interval. fluid '(dd!-1!*, dd!-2!*); % imported fluids. fluid '(dipsortmode!* !*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular !*groebprot !*gltbasis pcount!*); global '(groebprotfile gltb gvarslast); symbolic procedure dd_groebner!* q; (begin scalar vars,w,np,oldorder,!*redefmsg; integer pcount!*; w := for each j in groerevlist u collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j; vars := groebnervars(w,nil); if null vars then rerror(groebner,4,"Empty system Groebner"); groedomainmode(); oldorder := vdpinit vars; % cancel common denominators w := for each j in w collect f2vdp numr simp j; dd_homog!-check w; if not !*vdpinteger then <<np := t; for each p in w do np := if np then vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p else nil; if not np then <<!*vdpmodular:= nil; !*vdpinteger := t>>; >>; if !*groebprot then <<groebprotfile := '(list)>>; w := dd!-bbg(w); if !*gltbasis then gltb := 'list . for each base in w collect 'list . for each j in base collect vdp2a vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,vdpevlmon j); w := 'list . for each j in w collect vdp2a j; vdpcleanup(); gvarslast := 'list . vars; return w; end) where dd!-1!*=ieval car q, dd!-2!*=reval cadr q, u=reval caddr q; put('dd_groebner,'psopfn,'dd_groebner!*); put('dd_groebner,'number!-of!-args,3); symbolic procedure dd!-bbg w; begin scalar r; copyd('groebspolynom,'dd!-groebspolynom); r:=errorset({'groebner2,mkquote w,nil},t,nil); copyd('groebspolynom,'true!-groebspolynom); if errorp r then rederr "dd_groebner failed"; return caar r; end; symbolic procedure dd_homog!-check w; begin scalar d,q,tst,q; if not memq(dipsortmode!*,'(graded weighted gradlex revgradlex)) then typerr(dipsortmode!*,"term order for dd_groebner"); for each p in w do <<q:=p; p:=vdppoly p; d:=ev!-gamma(dipevlmon p); p:=dipmred p; while not dipzero!? p do <<tst:=tst or d neq ev!-gamma(dipevlmon p); p:=dipmred p>>; if tst then typerr(vdp2a q,"homogeneous polynomial"); >>; end; copyd('true!-groebspolynom,'groebspolynom); symbolic procedure dd!-groebspolynom(p1,p2); (if (dd!-1!* <= d and (dd!-2!*='infinity or d <= dd!-2!*)) then true!-groebspolynom(p1,p2) else a2vdp 0) where d=ev!-gamma vevlcm(vdpevlmon p1, vdpevlmon p2); endmodule; end;