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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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module groebtra; % calculation of a Groebner base with the Buchberger algorithm % including the backtracking information which denotes the % dependency between base and input polynomials % Authors: H. Melenk, H.M. Moeller, W. Neun % November 1988 fluid '( % switches from the user interface !*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm !*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!* !*groebstat !*groebdivide !*groebprot vdpvars!* % external names of the variables !*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm vdpSortMode!* % term ordering mode secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values fourthvalue!* factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring factorlvevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated probcount!* % counting subproblems vbcCurrentMode!* % current domain for base coeffs. groetags!* % starting point of tag variables groetime!* ); global '(gvarslast); switch groebopt,groebfac,groebres,trgroeb,trgroebs,trgroeb1, trgroebr,groebstat,groebprot; % variables for counting and numbering fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!* basecount!* hzerocount!*); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Interface symbolic procedure groebnertraeval u; % backtracking Groebner calculation begin integer n; scalar !*groebfac,!*groebrm,!*groebprot,!*gsugar; n := length u; if n=1 then return groebnertra1(reval car u,nil,nil) else if n neq 2 then rerror(groebnr2,10, "GROEBNERT called with wrong number of arguments") else return groebnertra1(reval car u,reval cadr u,nil) end; put('groebnert,'psopfn,'groebnertraeval); smacro procedure vdpnumber f; vdpgetprop(f,'number) ; symbolic procedure groebnertra1(u,v,mod1); % Buchberger algorithm system driver. u is a list of expressions % and v a list of variables or NIL in which case the variables in u % are used. begin scalar vars,w,y,z,x,np,oldorder,groetags!*,tagvars; integer pcount!*,nmod; u := for each j in getrlist u collect <<if not eqcar(j,'equal) or not (idp (w:=cadr j) or (pairp w and w = reval w and get(car w,'simpfn)='simpiden)) then rerror(groebnr2,11, "groebnert parameter not {...,name = polynomial,...}") else cadr j . caddr j >>; if null u then rerror(groebnr2,12,"Empty list in Groebner") else if null cdr u then return 'list . list('equal,cdar u,caar u);; w := for each x in u collect cdr x; if mod1 then <<z := nil; for each vect in w do <<if not eqcar(vect,'list) then rerror(groebnr2,13,"Non list given to groebner"); if nmod=0 then nmod:= length cdr vect else if nmod<(x:=length cdr vect) then nmod=x; z := append(cdr vect,z); >>; if not eqcar(mod1,'list) then rerror(groebnr2,14,"Illegal column weights specified"); vars := groebnervars(z,v); tagvars := for i:=1:nmod collect mkid('! col,i); w := for each vect in w collect <<z:=tagvars; y := cdr mod1; 'plus . for each p in cdr vect collect 'times . list('expt,car z,car y) . <<z := cdr z; y := cdr y; if null y then y := '(1); list p>> >>; groetags!* := length vars + 1; vars := append(vars,tagvars); >> else vars := groebnervars(w,v); groedomainmode(); if null vars then vdperr 'groebner; oldorder := vdpinit vars; % cancel common denominators u := pair(for each x in u collect car x,w); u := for each x in u collect <<z := simp cdr x; multsq(simp car x,denr z ./ 1) . reorder numr z>>; w := for each j in u collect cdr j; % optimize varable sequence if desired if !*groebopt then<< w:=vdpvordopt (w,vars); vars := cdr w; w := car w; vdpinit vars>>; w := pair (for each x in u collect car x,w); w := for each j in w collect <<z := f2vdp cdr j; vdpPutProp(z,'cofact,car j)>>; if not !*vdpInteger then <<np := t; for each p in w do np := if np then vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p else nil; if not np then <<!*vdpModular:= nil; !*vdpinteger := T>>; >>; w := groebtra2 w; w := if mod1 then groebnermodres(w,nmod,tagvars) else groebnertrares w; setkorder oldorder; gvarslast := 'list . vars; return w; end; symbolic procedure groebnertrares w; begin scalar c,u; return 'list . for each j in w collect <<c := prepsq vdpgetprop(j,'cofact); u := vdp2a j; if c=0 then u else list('equal,u,c) >>; end; symbolic procedure groebnermodres(w,n,tagvars); begin scalar x,c,oldorder; c := for each u in w collect prepsq vdpgetprop(u,'cofact); oldorder := setkorder tagvars; w := for each u in w collect 'list . <<u := numr simp vdp2a u; for i := 1:n collect prepf if not domainp u and mvar u = nth(tagvars,i) then <<x := lc u; u := red u; x>> else nil >>; setkorder oldorder; % reestablish term order for output w := for each u in w collect vdp2a a2vdp u; w := pair(w,c); return 'list . for each p in w collect if cdr p=0 then car p else list('equal,car p,cdr p); end; symbolic procedure preduceteval pars; % trace version of PREDUCE % parameters: % 1 expression to be reduced % formula or equation % 2 polynomials or equations; base for reduction % must be equations with atomic lhs % 3 optional: list of variables begin scalar vars,x,y,u,v,w,z,oldorder,!*factor,!*exp,!*gsugar; integer pcount!*; !*exp := t; pars := groeparams(pars,2,3); y := car pars; u := cadr pars; v:= caddr pars; u := for each j in getrlist u collect <<if not eqcar(j,'equal) then j . j else cadr j . caddr j>>; if null u then rerror(groebnr2,15,"Empty list in preducet"); w := for each p in u collect cdr p; % the polynomials groedomainmode(); vars := if null v then for each j in gvarlis w collect !*a2k j else getrlist v; if not vars then vdperr 'preducet; oldorder := vdpinit vars; u := for each x in u collect <<z := simp cdr x; multsq(simp car x,denr z ./ 1) . reorder numr z>>; w := for each j in u collect <<z := f2vdp cdr j; vdpputprop(z,'cofact,car j)>>; if not eqcar(y,'equal) then y := list('equal,y,y); x := a2vdp caddr y; % the expression vdpputprop(x,'cofact,simp cadr y); % the lhs (name etc.) w := tranormalform(x,w, 'sort,'f); u := list('equal,vdp2a w,prepsq vdpgetprop(w,'cofact)); setkorder oldorder; return u; end; put('preducet,'psopfn,'preduceteval); symbolic procedure groebnermodeval u; % Groebner for moduli calculation (if n=0 or n>3 then rerror(groebnr2,16, "groebnerm called with wrong number of arguments") else groebnertra1(reval car u, if n>=2 then reval cadr u else nil, if n>=3 then reval caddr u else '(list 1)) ) where n = length u; put('groebnerm,'psopfn,'groebnermodeval); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % some macros for local usage only smacro procedure tt(s1,s2); % lcm of leading terms of s1 and s2 vevlcm(vdpevlmon s1,vdpevlmon s2); symbolic procedure groebtra2 (p); % setup all global variables for the Buchberger algorithm % printing of statistics begin scalar groetime!*,tim1,spac,spac1,p1,factortime!*, pairsdone!*,factorlvevel!*; factortime!* := 0; groetime!* := time(); vdponepol(); % we construct dynamically hcount!* := pcount!* := mcount!* := fcount!* := bcount!* := b4count!* := hzerocount!* := basecount!* := 0; if !*trgroeb then << prin2 "Groebner Calculation with Backtracking starts "; terprit 2 >>; spac := gctime(); p1:= groebTra3 (p); if !*trgroeb or !*trgroebr or !*groebstat then << spac1 := gctime() - spac; terpri(); prin2t "statistics for Groebner calculation"; prin2t "==================================="; prin2 " total computing time (including gc): "; prin2((tim1 := time()) - groetime!*); prin2t " milliseconds "; prin2 " (time spent for garbage collection: "; prin2 spac1; prin2t " milliseconds)"; terprit 1; prin2 "H-polynomials total: "; prin2t hcount!*; prin2 "H-polynomials zero : "; prin2t hzerocount!*; prin2 "Crit M hits: "; prin2t Mcount!*; prin2 "Crit F hits: "; prin2t Fcount!*; prin2 "Crit B hits: "; prin2t bcount!*; prin2 "Crit B4 hits: "; prin2t B4count!* >>; return p1; end; symbolic procedure groebTra3 (g0); begin scalar x,g,d,d1,d2,p,p1,s,h,g99,one; x := for each fj in g0 collect vdpenumerate trasimpcont fj; for each fj in x do g := vdplsortin(fj,g0); g0 := g; g := nil; % iteration : while (d or g0) and not one do begin if g0 then << % take next poly from input h := car g0; g0 := cdr g0; p := list(nil,h,h) >> else << % take next poly from pairs p := car d; d := cdr d; s := traspolynom (cadr p, caddr p); tramess3(p,s); h := groebnormalform(s,g99,'tree); %piloting wo cofact if vdpzero!? h then groebmess4(p,d) else h := trasimpcont tranormalform(s,g99,'tree,'h) >>; if vdpzero!? h then goto bott; if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then % base 1 found << tramess5(p,h); g0 := d := nil; g:= list h; goto bott>>; s:= nil; % h polynomial is accepted now h := vdpenumerate h; tramess5(p,h); % construct new critical pairs d1 := nil; for each f in g do if groebmoducrit(f,h) then <<d1 := groebcplistsortin( list(tt(f,h),f,h) , d1); if tt(f,h) = vdpevlmon(f) then <<g := delete (f,G); groebmess2 f>> >>; groebmess51(d1); d2 := nil; while d1 do <<d1 := groebinvokecritf d1; p1 := car d1; d1 := cdr d1; if groebbuchcrit4(cadr p1,caddr p1,car p1) then d2 := append (d2, list p1); d1 := groebinvokecritm (p1,d1) >>; d := groebinvokecritb (h,d); d := groebcplistmerge(d,d2); g := h . g; g99 := groebstreeadd(h, g99); groebmess8(g,d); bott: end; return groebtra3post g; end; symbolic procedure groebtra3post (g); % final reduction begin scalar r,p; g := vdplsort g; while g do <<p := tranormalform(car G,cdr G,'sort,'f); if not vdpzero!? p then r := trasimpcont p . r; g := cdr g>>; return reversip r; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Reduction of polynomials % symbolic procedure tranormalform(f,g,type,mode); % general procedure for reduction of one polynomial from a set % f is a polynomial, G is a Set of polynomials either in % a search tree or in a sorted list % type describes the ordering of the set G: % 'TREE G is a search tree % 'SORT G is a sorted list % 'LIST G is a list, but not sorted % f has to be reduced modulo G % version for idealQuotient: doing side effect calculations for % the cofactors; only headterm reduction begin scalar c,vev,divisor,break; while not vdpzero!? f and not break do begin vev:=vdpevlmon f; c:=vdpLbc f; divisor := if type = 'tree then groebsearchinstree (vev,g) else groebsearchinlist (vev,g); if divisor and !*trgroebs then << prin2 "//-"; prin2 vdpnumber divisor >>; if divisor then if !*vdpInteger then f := trareduceonestepint(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else f := trareduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else break := t; end; if mode = 'f then f := tranormalform1(f,g,type,mode); return f end; symbolic procedure tranormalform1(f,g,type,mode); % reduction of subsequent terms begin scalar c,vev,divisor,break,f1; mode := nil; f1 := f; while not vdpzero!? f and not vdpzero!? f1 do <<f1 := f; break := nil; while not vdpzero!? f1 and not break do <<vev:=vdpevlmon f1; c:=vdpLbc f1; f1 := vdpred f1; divisor := if type = 'tree then groebsearchinstree (vev,g) else groebsearchinlist (vev,g); if divisor and !*trgroebs then << prin2 "//-"; prin2 vdpnumber divisor >>; if divisor then << if !*vdpInteger then f := trareduceonestepint(f,nil,c,vev,divisor) else f := trareduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor); break := t>> >> >>; return f; end; % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % special reduction procedures symbolic procedure trareduceonestepint(f,dummy,c,vev,g1); % reduction step for integer case: % calculate f= a*f - b*g a,b such that leading term vanishes % (vev of lvbc g divides vev of lvbc f) % % and calculate f1 = a*f1 % return value=f, secondvalue=f1 begin scalar vevlcm,a,b,cg,x,fcofa,gcofa; dummy := nil; fcofa := vdpgetprop(f,'cofact); if null fcofa then fcofa := nil ./ 1; gcofa := vdpgetprop(g1,'cofact); if null gcofa then gcofa := nil ./ 1; vevlcm := vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1); cg := vdpLbc g1; % calculate coefficient factors x := vbcgcd(c,cg); a := vbcquot(cg,x); b := vbcquot(c,x); f:= vdpilcomb1 (f, a, vevzero(), g1,vbcneg b, vevlcm); x := vdpilcomb1tra (fcofa, a, vevzero(), gcofa ,vbcneg b, vevlcm); vdpputprop(f,'cofact,x); return f; end; symbolic procedure trareduceonesteprat(f,dummy,c,vev,g1); % reduction step for rational case: % calculate f= f - g/vdpLbc(f) % begin scalar x,fcofa,gcofa,vev; dummy := nil; fcofa := vdpgetprop(f,'cofact); gcofa := vdpgetprop(g1,'cofact); vev := vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1); x := vbcneg vbcquot(c,vdplbc g1); f := vdpilcomb1(f,a2vbc 1,vevzero(), g1,x,vev); x := vdpilcomb1tra (fcofa,a2vbc 1 , vevzero(), gcofa,x,vev); vdpputprop(f,'cofact,x); return f; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % calculation of an S-polynomial % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure traspolynom (p1,p2); begin scalar s,ep1,ep2,ep,rp1,rp2,db1,db2,x,cofac1,cofac2; if vdpzero!? p1 then return p1; if vdpzero!? p1 then return p2; cofac1 := vdpgetprop(p1,'cofact); cofac2 := vdpGetProp(p2,'cofact); ep1 := vdpevlmon p1; ep2 := vdpevlmon p2; ep := vevlcm(ep1, ep2); rp1 := vdpred p1; rp2 := vdpred p2; db1 := vdpLbc p1; db2 := vdpLbc p2; if !*vdpinteger then <<x:=vbcgcd(db1,db2); db1:=vbcquot(db1,x); db2:=vbcquot(db2,x)>>; ep1 := vevdif(ep,ep1); ep2 := vevdif(ep,ep2); db2 := vbcneg db2; s := vdpilcomb1 (rp2,db1,ep2,rp1,db2,ep1); x := vdpilcomb1tra (cofac2,db1,ep2,cofac1,db2,ep1); vdpputprop(s,'cofact,x); return s; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Normalisation with cofactors taken into account % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure trasimpcont(p); if !*vdpInteger then trasimpconti p else trasimpcontr p; % routines for integer coefficient case: % calculation of contents and dividing all coefficients by it symbolic procedure trasimpconti (p); % calculate the contents of p and divide all coefficients by it begin scalar res,num,cofac; if vdpzero!? p then return p; cofac := vdpgetprop(p,'cofact); num := car vdpcontenti p; if not vbcplus!? num then num := vbcneg num; if not vbcplus!? vdpLbc p then num:=vbcneg num; if vbcone!? num then return p; res := vdpreduceconti (p,num,nil); cofac:=vdpreducecontitra(cofac,num,nil); res := vdpputprop(res,'cofact,cofac); return res; end; % routines for rational coefficient case: % calculation of contents and dividing all coefficients by it symbolic procedure trasimpcontr (p); % calculate the contents of p and divide all coefficients by it begin scalar res,cofac; cofac := vdpgetprop(p,'cofact); if vdpzero!? p then return p; if vbcone!? vdpLbc p then return p; res := vdpreduceconti (p,vdplbc p,nil); cofac:=vdpreducecontitra(cofac,vdplbc p,nil); res := vdpputprop(res,'cofact,cofac); return res; end; symbolic procedure vdpilcomb1tra (cofac1,db1,ep1,cofac2,db2,ep2); % the linear combination, here done for the cofactors % (standard quotients) addsq(multsq(cofac1,vdp2f vdpfmon(db1,ep1) ./ 1), multsq(cofac2,vdp2f vdpfmon(db2,ep2) ./ 1)); symbolic procedure vdpreducecontitra(cofac,num,dummy); % divide the cofactor by a number <<dummy := nil; quotsq(cofac,simp vbc2a num)>>; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % special handling of moduli % symbolic procedure groebmoducrit(p1,p2); null groetags!* or pnth(vdpevlmon p1,groetags!*) = pnth(vdpevlmon p2,groetags!*); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % trace messages % symbolic procedure tramess0 x; if !*trgroeb then <<prin2t "adding member to intermediate quotient base:"; vdpprint x; terpri()>>; symbolic procedure tramess1 (x,p1,p2); if !*trgroeb then <<prin2 "pair ("; prin2 vdpnumber p1; prin2 ","; prin2 vdpnumber p2; prin2t ") adding member to intermediate quotient base:"; vdpprint x; terpri()>>; symbolic procedure tramess5(p,h); if car p then % print for true h-Polys << hcount!* := hcount!* + 1; if !*trgroeb then << terpri(); prin2 "H-polynomial "; prin2 pcount!*; groebmessff(" from pair (",cadr p,nil); groebmessff(",", caddr p,")"); vdpprint h; prin2t "with cofactor"; writepri(mkquote prepsq vdpgetprop(h,'cofact),'only); groetimeprint() >> >> else if !*trgroeb then << % print for input polys prin2t "candidate from input:"; vdpprint h; groetimeprint() >>; symbolic procedure tramess3(p,s); if !*trgroebs then << prin2 "S-polynomial "; prin2 " from "; groebpairprint p; vdpprint s; prin2t "with cofactor"; writepri(mkquote prepsq vdpGetProp(s,'cofact),'only); groetimeprint(); terprit 3 >>; endmodule; end;