Artifact 8759b11cc986a072ccc04c14b440b7fab3245fe51eb8a0b01f2429cc21c6a56b:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 6010) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
5-Apr-83 07:45:56-MST,6095;000000000001 Return-path: <@UTAH-CS:GRISS@HP-HULK> Received: from UTAH-CS by UTAH-20; Tue 5 Apr 83 07:42:55-MST Date: 5 Apr 1983 0632-PST From: GRISS@HP-HULK Subject: summary.tim Message-Id: <418401264.19777.hplabs@HP-VENUS> Received: by HP-VENUS via CHAOSNET; 5 Apr 1983 06:34:23-PST Received: by UTAH-CS.ARPA (3.320.5/3.7.6) id AA04724; 5 Apr 83 07:41:25 MST (Tue) To: kessler@HP-VENUS, griss@HP-VENUS SUMMARY TESTS on 2-Apr-83 Total Times (TOTAL BLKDOLPHIN): Tot 386690.000, avg 20352.105, dev 26417.830 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL LM2): Tot 98971.000, avg 5209.000, dev 5183.557 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL STDAPOLLO): Tot 108814.000, avg 5727.053, dev 5053.535 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL STDHP9836): Tot 117890.000, avg 6204.737, dev 5954.895 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL FRANZ750): Tot 156825.000, avg 8253.947, dev 8252.232 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL STD750): Tot 100368.000, avg 5282.526, dev 5518.533 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL FRANZ780): Tot 102524.000, avg 5396.000, dev 5561.586 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL FAST780): Tot 56199.000, avg 2957.842, dev 3255.864 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL STD780): Tot 70686.000, avg 3720.316, dev 4218.948 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL FASTHP9836): Tot 47420.000, avg 2495.789, dev 2380.819 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL TESTEXT20): Tot 24202.000, avg 1273.789, dev 1291.616 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL EXT20): Tot 23036.000, avg 1212.421, dev 1204.962 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL TEST20): Tot 23300.000, avg 1226.316, dev 1211.688 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL STD20): Tot 21334.000, avg 1122.842, dev 1158.361 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL TESTCRAY): Tot 3511.080, avg 184.794, dev 166.001 , 19.000 tests Ratio of Total Times to STD20 (RATIO (TOTAL BLKDOLPHIN) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 18.126, avg 18.126, dev 22.806 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL LM2) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 4.639, avg 4.639, dev 4.475 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL STDAPOLLO) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 5.100, avg 5.100, dev 4.363 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL STDHP9836) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 5.526, avg 5.526, dev 5.141 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL FRANZ750) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 7.351, avg 7.351, dev 7.124 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL STD750) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 4.705, avg 4.705, dev 4.764 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL FRANZ780) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 4.806, avg 4.806, dev 4.801 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL FAST780) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 2.634, avg 2.634, dev 2.811 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL STD780) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 3.313, avg 3.313, dev 3.642 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL FASTHP9836) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 2.223, avg 2.223, dev 2.055 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL TESTEXT20) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 1.134, avg 1.134, dev 1.115 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL EXT20) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 1.080, avg 1.080, dev 1.040 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL TEST20) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 1.092, avg 1.092, dev 1.046 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL STD20) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 1.000, avg 1.000, dev 1.000 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL TESTCRAY) (TOTAL STD20)): Tot 0.165, avg 0.165, dev 0.143 , 1.000 tests Average Each test Ratios to STD20 (TOTAL RATIO (BLKDOLPHIN) (STD20)): Tot 432.295, avg 22.752, dev 31.310 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (LM2) (STD20)): Tot 95.112, avg 5.006, dev 2.463 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (STDAPOLLO) (STD20)): Tot 106.651, avg 5.613, dev 2.300 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (STDHP9836) (STD20)): Tot 109.025, avg 5.738, dev 2.072 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (FRANZ750) (STD20)): Tot 168.689, avg 8.878, dev 7.563 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (STD750) (STD20)): Tot 85.098, avg 4.479, dev 0.923 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (FRANZ780) (STD20)): Tot 112.513, avg 5.922, dev 5.652 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (FAST780) (STD20)): Tot 46.153, avg 2.429, dev 0.517 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (STD780) (STD20)): Tot 56.645, avg 2.981, dev 0.672 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (FASTHP9836) (STD20)): Tot 44.557, avg 2.345, dev 0.849 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (TESTEXT20) (STD20)): Tot 24.473, avg 1.288, dev 0.539 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (EXT20) (STD20)): Tot 21.802, avg 1.147, dev 0.279 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (TEST20) (STD20)): Tot 22.377, avg 1.178, dev 0.336 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (STD20) (STD20)): Tot 19.000, avg 1.000, dev 0.000 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (TESTCRAY) (STD20)): Tot 3.605, avg 0.190, dev 0.095 , 19.000 tests 68000 Total times (RATIO (TOTAL STDHP9836) (TOTAL FASTHP9836)): Tot 2.486, avg 2.486, dev 2.501 , 1.000 tests (RATIO (TOTAL STDAPOLLO) (TOTAL STDHP9836)): Tot 0.923, avg 0.923, dev 0.849 , 1.000 tests 68000 average ratios (TOTAL RATIO (STDHP9836) (FASTHP9836)): Tot 46.617, avg 2.454, dev 0.119 , 19.000 tests (TOTAL RATIO (STDAPOLLO) (STDHP9836)): Tot 18.653, avg 0.982, dev 0.160 , 19.000 tests -------