Artifact 871a2479344c02bbdead42ae8aed9dad85ac5a20aa7e7f7b93eccf6cbd0b7618:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 11389) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% % Buffers.SL - Buffer Collection Manipulation Functions % % Author: Alan Snyder % Hewlett-Packard/CRC % Date: 12 July 1982 % % Further changes by Will Galway, University of Utah. % This file contains functions that manipulate the set of existing % buffers. It is intended that someday EMODE will be reorganized % so that all such functions will eventually be in this file. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 5-Aug-82, WFG: % Some functions moved here from EMODE1.RED, changes made to % support arbitrary "data-modes". (load common) (fluid '(declared_data_modes BufferNames CurrentBufferName)) (setf declared_data_modes NIL) % Declare (or redeclare) a "data-mode" name and associated routine for % creating a buffer of that mode. % Also see "declare_file_mode", used to associate data modes with filenames % (or "file extensions"). (de declare_data_mode (name buffer-creator) (let ((old-decl (Ass (function string-equal) name declared_data_modes))) (cond (old-decl (setf (cdr old-decl) buffer-creator)) (T (setf declared_data_modes (cons (cons name buffer-creator) declared_data_modes)))))) % Create a buffer with name given by BufferName (an identifier), using % routine buffer-creator to create the buffer's environment. Puts the % (name . environment) pair into "BufferNames" alist, returns the % environment. (de CreateBuffer (BufferName buffer-creator) (cond ((atsoc BufferName BufferNames) % Complain if the buffer already exists. (EMODEError (list "Buffer" BufferName "exists"))) % Otherwise, enter the (name . environment) pair into the association % list of buffers. (T (let ((env (apply buffer-creator NIL))) (setf BufferNames (cons (cons BufferName env) BufferNames)) env)))) % Switch to a new current buffer, creating it if necessary. (But without % establishing that buffer's keyboard bindings.) Use buffer-creator to % create the buffer, or ask the user for a hint if buffer-creator is NIL. % Create a "view" of the selected buffer, "destroying" the "current view". % NEED TO contrast this with "SelectBuffer", which (in effect) gives us an % "invisible view" (or "internal view"?) of a buffer? (A "view" to be used % for internal purposes, rather than for use from the keyboard.) (de select_or_create_buffer (buffer-name buffer-creator) (cond % Don't do anything if trying to select the "current buffer". ((not (eq buffer-name CurrentBufferName)) (prog (new-env) (return (cond % Just select the buffer if it's already present. ((setf new-env (atsoc buffer-name BufferNames)) (setf new-env (cdr new-env)) % get cdr of (name . env) % Now "look into" the newly selected buffer. % Get rid of the current "view", replace it with the new % view. Go through fancy foot work to create new view in % context of current view. (let ((new-view (apply (cdr (atsoc 'buffers_view_creator new-env)) (list buffer-name)))) (remove_current_view) (SelectWindow new-view))) % Otherwise, create the new buffer if not already around. (T (while (null buffer-creator) (let ((mode-name (prompt_for_string (BldMsg "Mode for buffer %w: " buffer-name) % Default mode-name is "text", should this be % parameterized? "text" ))) % Use "generalized assoc" function to look up the % associated creator, if any. (setf buffer-creator (Ass (function string-equal) mode-name declared_data_modes)) % "Beep" if unknown mode-name (and ask again). (cond ((null buffer-creator) (ding)) % Otherwise, extract "good part" of (mode-name . % buffer-creator) pair. (T (setf buffer-creator (cdr buffer-creator)))))) (show_message (BldMsg "Creating buffer %w" buffer-name)) (setf new-env (CreateBuffer buffer-name buffer-creator)) % Get rid of the current "view", replace it with the new view. (let ((new-view (apply (cdr (atsoc 'buffers_view_creator new-env)) (list buffer-name)))) (remove_current_view) (SelectWindow new-view))))))))) % "Choose" a buffer (name taken from keyboard), make it the current buffer % and establish its mode as the current mode. (de ChooseBuffer () (let ((buffer-name (String-UpCase (prompt_for_string "Buffer Name: " last_buffername)))) % Strings with 1 character have size 0, avoid creating something with % the empty string for a name! (cond ((Geq (size buffer-name) 0) % Set up new default buffername for next ChooseBuffer. (setf last_buffername (Id2String CurrentBufferName)) (select_or_create_buffer (intern buffer-name) NIL) (EstablishCurrentMode))))) % Create a (default) "view" (or "window") into a text buffer. Details of % the window location (etc?) depend on the current window layout. (de create_text_view (buffer-name) (cond % If the current buffer also uses a "text view". ((eq buffers_view_creator (function create_text_view)) % Just modify (destructively) the current "view" (or "window") % environment to look into the new buffer, return the current % environment. (SelectBuffer buffer-name) % Let window know what buffer it's looking into (wierd)! (setf WindowsBufferName buffer-name) % Save (and return) the current "view" environment. (SaveEnv CurrentWindowDescriptor)) % Otherwise (if current view isn't into "text"), create a framed window % of an appropriate size and at an appropriate location. % (For lack of a better idea, just use a window like that used by "two % window" mode.) (T % Make sure two_window_midpoint is a reasonable value. (cond ((or (not (numberp two_window_midpoint)) (LessP two_window_midpoint 3) (GreaterP two_window_midpoint (difference (row ScreenDelta) 5))) (setf two_window_midpoint (fix (times 0.5 (difference (row ScreenDelta) 2)))))) (FramedWindowDescriptor buffer-name % Upper left corner (coords (sub1 (Column ScreenBase)) (plus (Row ScreenBase) two_window_midpoint 1)) (coords (plus 2 (Column ScreenDelta)) (plus (difference (row ScreenDelta) two_window_midpoint) -2)))))) % Declare the routine for creating "text mode" buffers. (declare_data_mode "text" 'create_text_buffer) % Return the environment for a "raw" text buffer (everything except % keyboard bindings). (de create_raw_text_buffer () % Environment bindings for this buffer. % May prefer to use backquote to do this, but current version is buggy % for lists of the form `( (a .b) ). Also, it's important not to share % any substructure with other alists built by this routine. (list % The following 4 "per buffer" variables should be defined for a buffer % of any "data mode". Also need to define ModeEstablishExpressions, % but that's left to the caller of this routine. (cons 'buffers_view_creator 'create_text_view) (cons 'buffers_file_reader 'read_channel_into_text_buffer) (cons 'buffers_file_writer 'write_text_buffer_to_channel) (cons 'buffers_file NIL) % Name of file associated with buffer. % Variables unique to "text data mode" follow. % Initial vector allows only one line. (Should really be parameterized % somehow?) (cons 'CurrentBufferText (MkVect 0)) % 0 is upper bound, one element. (cons 'CurrentBufferSize 1) % Start with one line of text (but zero % characters in the line! ) (cons 'CurrentLine NIL) (cons 'CurrentLineIndex 0) (cons 'point 0) % MarkLineIndex corresponds to CurrentLineIndex, but for "mark". (cons 'MarkLineIndex 0) (cons 'MarkPoint 0) % Corresponds to "point". )) % Create a text buffer--uses "raw text" environment "plus" keyboard % bindings appropriate for "text". (de create_text_buffer () (cons (cons 'ModeEstablishExpressions FundamentalTextMode) (create_raw_text_buffer))) (declare_data_mode "rlisp" 'create_rlisp_buffer) (declare_data_mode "lisp" 'create_lisp_buffer) % Return the environment for a new "Rlisp" buffer. (de create_rlisp_buffer () % Same as "text buffer" but with a different keyboard dispatch table. (cons (cons 'ModeEstablishExpressions RlispMode) (create_raw_text_buffer))) % Return the environment for a new "lisp" buffer. (de create_lisp_buffer () (cons (cons 'ModeEstablishExpressions LispMode) (create_raw_text_buffer))) (de buffer-create (buffer-name buffer-creator) % Create a new buffer. The name of the new buffer will be the specified name % if no buffer already exists with that name. Otherwise, a similar name will % be chosen. The actual buffer name is returned. The buffer is not % selected. (setq buffer-name (buffer-make-unique-name buffer-name)) (CreateBuffer buffer-name buffer-creator) buffer-name ) (de buffer-make-unique-name (buffer-name) % Return a buffer name not equal to the name of any existing buffer. (for* (with (root-name (string-concat (id2string buffer-name) "-"))) (for count 0 (+ count 1)) (for name buffer-name (intern (string-concat root-name (BldMsg "%d" count)))) (do (if (not (buffer-exists name)) (exit name))) )) (de buffer-exists (buffer-name) (atsoc buffer-name BufferNames)) (de buffer-kill (buffer-name) (if (and (buffer-exists buffer-name) (> (length BufferNames) 1)) (progn (setq BufferNames (DelatQ buffer-name BufferNames)) (if (eq CurrentBufferName buffer-name) (progn (setq CurrentBufferName nil) (SelectBuffer (car (car BufferNames))))) (if (eq WindowsBufferName buffer-name) (setq WindowsBufferName CurrentBufferName)) )) ) (de select-buffer-if-existing (buffer-name) % This function will select and establish the specified buffer, if it exists. % Otherwise, it will select and establish an arbitrary existing buffer. (prog (buffer-env) (if (setq buffer-env (atsoc buffer-name BufferNames)) (setq buffer-env (cdr buffer-env)) (if (setq buffer-env (atsoc 'MAIN BufferNames)) (progn (setq buffer-name 'MAIN) (setq buffer-env (cdr buffer-env))) (progn (setq buffer-name (car (car BufferNames))) (setq buffer-env (cdr (car BufferNames))) ) )) (if CurrentBufferName (DeSelectBuffer CurrentBufferName)) (RestoreEnv buffer-env) (setq CurrentBufferName buffer-name) (EstablishCurrentMode) ))