Artifact 83912bf4833cd95a5164faf3eee0c3e43d5bf6df31ae6b747b54fcf3cd9c8102:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 1359) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
12-Apr-83 10:11:22-MST,1358;000000000001 Return-path: <marti@rand-unix> Received: from RAND-UNIX by UTAH-20; Tue 12 Apr 83 10:09:52-MST Date: Tuesday, 12 Apr 1983 09:05-PST To: griss at UTAH-20, kessler at UTAH-20 Subject: Timing test foul up. From: marti at rand-unix Yes, you are right, they are for the 780. Corrected table is: a b c d e Empty 10000 360 360 432 51 85 Slow 10000 360 360 1072 629 1258 CDR 1 (100) 6496 6497 5632 1700 2142 CDR 2 (100) 2919 2918 1296 1292 1734 CDDR (100) 2410 2410 912 1088 1377 ListOnlyCDR1 20253 20522 5264 6630 9656 ListOnlyCDDR 31733 31741 8080 13940 15708 ListOnlyCDR2 38784 38784 30368 9299 10761 ListOnlyCDDR2 49969 49978 33328 14569 18139 REVERSE (10) 4402 4443 976 714 1156 MyREVERSE (10) 5353 4340 2640 782 1139 MyREVERSE2 (10) 4965 4861 1472 612 1479 LENGTH (100) 8569 8570 5872 1734 2380 Arithmetic (10000) 12694 13083 23808 952 1632 EVAL (10000) 15374 15783 19616 6511 10200 TAK 18 12 6 4813 4818 4880 765 1377 GTAK 18 12 6 4732 4738 7408 4454 7463 gtsta g0 77765 80279 66656 2363 4573 gtsta g1 92125 93813 74544 2431 4505 a = Dolphin 1.5 meg, Interlisp-D. b = Dolphin 1 meg, Interlisp-D. c = VAX Interlisp (not newest??). d = VAX 780 PSL RAND (tests by JBM). e = VAX 750 PSL RAND (tests by JBM). Heaven only knows where I got those from. I can't find them in the newsletters. Jed.