Artifact 8181adbc7d8e12af3907bb8042a6b2c50ebab1aaab5422007f6c5843803f4544:
- Executable file
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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 23582) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% Floating point tests. A C Norman and Codemist Ltd. 1994 % % The code here is for use by people who have read and % enjoyed "Software manual for the elementary functions" by % Cody and Waite (Prentice Hall, 1980). It attempts to % measure the accuracy of some of the elementary functions % in the implementation of REDUCE that it is run on. Good % implementations should show maximum errors of only a few % units in the last place, and errors reasonably evenly % distributed between +ve and -ve. Various special cases are % tested too. The layout for presenting results from this code % is somewhat crude at present. % % call fptest() to perform complete set of tests; symbolic; on comp; fluid '(ibeta it irnd ngrd machep negep iexp minexp maxexp eps epsneg xmin xmax iy one zero x); symbolic procedure fptest(); begin scalar ibeta,it,irnd,ngrd,machep,negep,iexp,minexp, maxexp,eps,epsneg,xmin,xmax; iy:=100001; % seed for random number gereration; machar(); % only expt is left after this lot. hurrah; test!-arcsin(); test!-atan(); test!-tan(); test!-sin(); test!-sqrt(); test!-log(); test!-exp(); princ "fp tests over"; terpri() end; symbolic procedure machar(); begin scalar one,zero,a,b,beta,betam1,betain,i,k,x,y,z,mx; one:=float 1; zero:=float 0; a:=one; repeat a:=a+a until not (((a+one)-a)-one = zero); b:=one; repeat b:=b+b until not ((a+b)-a = zero); ibeta:=fix((a+b)-a); princ list("ibeta = ",ibeta); terpri(); beta:=float ibeta; it:=0; b:=one; repeat << it:=it+1; b:=b*beta >> until not (((b+one)-b)-one = zero); irnd:=0; betam1:=beta-one; if ((a+betam1)-a) neq zero then irnd:=1; princ list("it=",it,"irnd=",irnd); terpri(); negep:=it+3; betain:=one/beta; a:=one; for i:=1:negep do a:=a*betain; b:=a; while ((one-a)-one) = zero do << a:=a*beta; negep:=negep-1 >>; negep:=-negep; epsneg:=a; if not ((ibeta=2) or (irnd=0)) then << a := (a*(one+a))/(one+one); if ((one-a)-one) neq zero then epsneg:=a >>; princ list("negep=",negep,"epsneg=",epsneg); terpri(); machep:=-it-3; a:=b; while ((one+a)-one) = zero do << a:=a*beta; machep:=machep+1 >>; eps:=a; if not (ibeta=2 or irnd=0) then << a:=(a*(one+a))/(one+one); if (one+a)-one neq zero then eps:=a >>; princ list("machep=",machep,"eps=",eps); terpri(); ngrd:=0; if irnd=0 and ((one+eps)*one-one) neq zero then ngrd:=1; princ list("ngrd=",ngrd); terpri(); i:=0; k:=1; z:=betain; l400: y:=z; z:=y*y; a:=z*one; if (a+a=zero) or (abs z >= y) then go to l410; i:=i+1; k:=k+k; goto l400; l410: % assume it is not a decimal machine! ; iexp:=i+1; mx:=k+k; l450: xmin:=y; y:=y*betain; a:=y*one; if (a+a=zero) or (abs y >= xmin) or ((a * (one + eps)) = a) then goto l460; k:=k+1; goto l450; l460: minexp:=-k; princ list("iexp=",iexp,"minexp=",minexp,"xmin=",xmin); terpri(); if not (mx>k+k-3 or ibeta=10) then << mx:=mx+mx; iexp:=iexp+1 >>; maxexp:=mx+minexp; maxexp:=maxexp-2; % allow for 2 reserved exponents in ieee format; i:=maxexp+minexp; if (ibeta=2) and (i=0) then maxexp:=maxexp-1; if i>20 then maxexp:=maxexp-1; if a neq y then maxexp:=maxexp-2; princ list("maxexp=",maxexp); terpri(); xmax:=one-epsneg; if xmax*one neq xmax then xmax:=one-beta*epsneg; xmax:=xmax/(beta*beta*beta*xmin); i:=maxexp+minexp+3; if i>0 then << for j:=1:i do if ibeta=2 then xmax:=xmax+xmax else xmax:=xmax*beta >>; princ list("xmax=",xmax); terpri(); princ "end of machar"; terpri() end; symbolic procedure rnd(); % random floating point number in range 0 to 1; begin iy:=iy*125; iy:=remainder(iy,2796203); return float(iy)/2796203.0 end; symbolic procedure randl(x); exp(x*rnd()); symbolic procedure tab_to_column n; while posn() < n do princ " "; symbolic procedure heading(name,trials,from,to); << terpri(); princ name; tab_to_column 20; princ trials; princ " trials"; tab_to_column 40; princ "from "; princ from; princ " to "; princ to; terpri() >>; symbolic procedure errsigns(k1,k2,k3); << princ "+ve: "; princ k1; tab_to_column 20; princ "zero: "; princ k2; tab_to_column 40; princ "-ve: "; princ k3; terpri() >>; symbolic procedure maxrel(w,x1,d); << princ "mre was "; princ w; princ " at "; princ x1; princ " lost "; princ d; princ " digits"; terpri(); >>; symbolic procedure rmserr(w,d); << princ "rms was "; princ w; princ " lost "; princ d; princ " digits"; terpri() >>; symbolic procedure specials(a,b,c); << princ a; princ b; princ " "; princ c; terpri() >>; symbolic procedure errortest u; begin scalar w; w := errorset(u, t, t); if atom w then << princ "Evaluation of "; prin1 u; princ " failed"; terpri() >> else << prin1 u; princ " = "; print car w >>; end; symbolic procedure test!-arcsin(); begin scalar a,ait,albeta,b,beta,betap,c1,c2,del,half,pi,r6,r7,one,xsq,two,l, k,em,ob32,w,x,xl,xn,x1,y,z,zero,zz,i,i1,j,k1,k2,k3,n,expon,zsum, ysq,xm,s; beta:=float ibeta; albeta:=log beta; ait:=float it; zero:=float 0; one:=float 1; half:=0.5; two:=float 2; k:=fix(log10(beta**it))+1; c1:=201.0/128.0; c2:=4.8382679489661923132e-4; a:=-0.125; b:=-a; n:=2000; xn:=float n; i1:=0; l:=-1; for j:=1:5 do << princ list("start of test ",j," of arcsin/arccos"); terpri(); k1:=0; k3:=0; l:=-l; x1:=zero; r6:=zero; r7:=zero; del:=(b-a)/xn; xl:=a; for i:=1:n do << x:=del*rnd()+xl; if j>2 then << ysq := half - half*abs x; x:=(half-(ysq+ysq)) + half; if j=5 then x:=-x; y:=sqrt(ysq); y:=y+y >> else << y:=x; ysq:=y*y >>; zsum:=zero; xm:=float(k+k+1); if l>0 then z:=asin x else z:=acos x; for m:=1:k do << zsum:=ysq*(zsum+1.0/xm); xm:=xm-2.0; zsum:=zsum*(xm/(xm+1.0)) >>; zsum:=zsum*y; if j=1 or j=4 then << zz:=y+zsum; zsum:=(y-zz)+zsum; if irnd neq 1 then zz:=zz + (zsum+zsum) >> else << s:=c1+c2; zsum:=((c1-s) + c2) - zsum; zz:=s+zsum; zsum:=((s-zz)+zsum)-y; s:=zz; zz:=s+zsum; zsum:=(s-zz)+zsum; if irnd neq 1 then zz:=zz+(zsum+zsum)>>; w:=1.0; if z neq zero then w:=(z-zz)/z; if w>zero then k1:=k1+1; if w<zero then k3:=k3+1; w:=abs w; if w>r6 then << r6:=w; x1:=x >>; r7:=r7+w*w; xl:=xl+del >>; k2:=n-k1-k3; r7:=sqrt(r7/xn); heading("arcsin/arccos",n,a,b); errsigns(k1,k2,k3); w:=-999.0; if r6 neq zero then w:=log abs r6/albeta; maxrel(w,x1,max(ait+w,zero)); w:=-999.0; if r7 neq zero then w:=log abs r7/albeta; rmserr(w,max(ait+w,zero)); if j=2 then << a:=0.75; b:=1.0 >> else if j=4 then << b:=-a; a:=-1.0; c1:=c1+c1; c2:=c2+c2; l:=-l >> >>; for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd()*a; z:=asin x + asin(-x); specials("asin(x)+asin(-x) ",x,z) >>; betap:=beta**it; x:=rnd()/betap; for i:=1:5 do << z:=x-asin x; specials("small args to asin ",x,z); x := x/beta >>; expon:=float minexp * 0.75; x:=beta**expon; y:=asin x; specials("tiny arg ",x,y); x:=1.2; errortest list('asin, x); princ "end of test on arcsin/arccos"; terpri() end; symbolic procedure test!-atan(); begin scalar a,ait,albeta,b,beta,betap,c1,c2,del,half,pi,r6,r7,one,xsq,two, em,ob32,w,x,xl,xn,x1,y,z,zero,zz,i,i1,j,k1,k2,k3,n,expon,zsum; beta:=float ibeta; albeta:=log beta; ait:=float it; zero:=float 0; one:=float 1; half:=0.5; two:=float 2; a:=-0.0625; b:=-a; ob32:=b*half; n:=2000; xn:=float n; i1:=0; for j:=1:4 do << princ list("start of test ",j," of atan"); terpri(); k1:=0; k3:=0; x1:=zero; r6:=zero; r7:=zero; del:=(b-a)/xn; xl:=a; for i:=1:n do << x:=del*rnd()+xl; if j=2 then x:=((one+x*a)-one)*16.0; z:=atan x; if j=1 then << xsq:=x*x; em:=17.0; zsum:=xsq/em; for i1:=1:7 do << em := em-two; zsum:=(one/em - zsum)*xsq >>; zsum:=-x*zsum; zz:=x+zsum; zsum:=(x-zz)+zsum; if irnd=0 then zz:=zz+(zsum+zsum) >> else if j=2 then << y:=x-0.0625; y:=y/(one+x*a); zz:=(atan y - 8.1190004042651526021/100000.0)+ob32; zz:=zz+ob32 >> else << z:=z+z; y:=x/((half+x*half)*((half-x)+half)); zz := atan y >>; w:=1.0; if z neq zero then w:=(z-zz)/z; if w>zero then k1:=k1+1; if w<zero then k3:=k3+1; w:=abs w; if w>r6 then << r6:=w; x1:=x >>; r7:=r7+w*w; xl:=xl+del >>; k2:=n-k1-k3; r7:=sqrt(r7/xn); heading("atan",n,a,b); errsigns(k1,k2,k3); w:=-999.0; if r6 neq zero then w:=log abs r6/albeta; maxrel(w,x1,max(ait+w,zero)); w:=-999.0; if r7 neq zero then w:=log abs r7/albeta; rmserr(w,max(ait+w,zero)); a:=b; if j=1 then b:=two-sqrt(3.0); if j=2 then b:=sqrt(two)-one; if j=3 then b:=one >>; a:=5.0; for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd()*a; z:=atan x + atan(-x); specials("atan(x)+atan(-x) ",x,z) >>; betap:=beta**it; x:=rnd()/betap; for i:=1:5 do << z:=x-atan x; specials("small args to atan ",x,z); x := x/beta >>; a:=-two; b:=4.0; for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd()*b+a; y:=rnd(); w:=-y; z:=atan(x/y) - atan2(x,y); zz:=atan(x/w) - atan2(x,w); princ list("atan vs atan2 ",x,y,w," ",z,zz); terpri() >>; expon:=float minexp * 0.75; x:=beta**expon; y:=atan x; specials("tiny arg ",x,y); specials("xmax ",xmax,atan xmax); specials("atan(xmax,xmin) ",xmax,atan2(xmax,xmin)); princ "end of test on atan"; terpri(); end; symbolic procedure test!-sqrt(); begin scalar beta,sqbeta,albeta,ait,one,zero,n,xn,c,k1,k2,k3, x1,r6,r7,a,b,x,y,z,w,w1; princ "start of tests on sqrt"; terpri(); beta:=float(ibeta); sqbeta:=sqrt(beta); albeta:=log(beta); ait:=float(it); one:=float(1); zero:=float(0); a:=one/sqbeta; b:=one; n:=2000; xn:=float(n); for j:=1:2 do << c:=log(b/a); k1:=0; k3:=0; x1:=zero; r6:=zero; r7:=zero; for i:=1:n do << x:=a*randl(c); y:=x*x; z:=sqrt(y); w:=(z-x)/x; if w>zero then k1:=k1+1; if w<zero then k3:=k3+1; w:=abs w; if w>=r6 then << r6:=w; x1:=x >>; r7:=r7+w*w >>; k2:=n-k1-k3; heading("sqrt",n,a,b); errsigns(k1,k2,k3); r7:=sqrt(r7/xn); w:=-999.0; if r6 neq zero then w:=log(abs r6)/albeta; maxrel(w,x1,max(ait+w,zero)); w:=-999.0; if r7 neq zero then w:=log(r7)/albeta; rmserr(w,max(ait+w,zero)); a:=one; b:=sqbeta >>; specials("sqrt(xmin)",xmin,sqrt(xmin)); specials("1-epsneg ",one-epsneg,sqrt(one-epsneg)); specials("1 ",one,sqrt(one)); specials("1+eps ",one+eps,sqrt(one+eps)); specials("xmax ",xmax,sqrt(xmax)); specials("zero ",zero,sqrt(zero)); errortest list('sqrt, - one); end; symbolic procedure sign(a,b); if minusp b then if minusp a then a else -a else if minusp a then -a else a; symbolic procedure test!-log(); begin scalar a,ait,albeta,b,beta,c,del,eight,half,one, r6,r7,tenth,w,x,xl,xn,x1,y,z,zero,zz,i,i1,j,k1,k2,k3,n; princ "start of tests on log"; terpri(); beta:=float ibeta; albeta:=log beta; ait:=float it; j:=it/3; zero:=float 0; one:=float 1; eight:=float 8; half:=one/float 2; tenth:=one/float 10; c:=one; for i:=1:j do c:=c/beta; b:=one+c; a:=one-c; n:=2000; xn:=float n; i1:=0; for j:=1:4 do << princ list("start of test ",j); terpri(); k1:=0; k3:=0; x1:=zero; r6:=zero; r7:=zero; del:=(b-a)/xn; xl:=a; for i:=1:n do << x:=del*rnd()+xl; if j=1 then << y:=(x-half)-half; zz:=log x; z:=one/3.0; z:=y*(z-y/4.0); z:=(z-half)*y*y+y >> else if j=2 then << x:=(x+eight)-eight; y:=x+x/16.0; z:=log x; zz:=log y - 7.7746816434842581/100000.0; zz:=zz-31.0/512.0 >> else if j=3 then << x:=(x+eight)-eight; y:=x+x*tenth; z:=log10 x; zz:=log10 y-3.7706015822504075/10000.0; zz:=zz-21.0/512.0 >> else << z:=log(x*x); zz:=log x; zz:=zz+zz >>; w:=one; if z neq zero then w:=(z-zz)/z; z:=sign(w,z); if z>zero then k1:=k1+1; if z<zero then k3:=k3+1; w:=abs w; if w>=r6 then << r6:=w; x1:=x >>; r7:=r7+w*w; xl:=xl+del >>; k2:=n-k1-k3; r7:=sqrt(r7/xn); if j=1 then princ "log vs taylor expansion" else if j=2 then princ "log vs 17/16 on" else if j=3 then princ "log10 vs 11/10 on" else princ "log vs squared arg"; terpri(); if not (j=1) then heading("log",n,a,b) else << princ list("c=",c); terpri() >>; errsigns(k1,k2,k3); w:=-999.0; if r6 neq zero then w:=log(abs r6)/albeta; maxrel(w,x1,max(ait+w,zero)); w:=-999.0; if r7 neq zero then w:=log(abs r7)/albeta; rmserr(w,max(ait+w,zero)); if j=1 then << a:=sqrt(half); b:=15.0/16.0 >> else if j=2 then << a:=sqrt(tenth); b:=0.9 >> else << a:=16.0; b:=240.0 >> >>; for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd(); x:=x+x+15.0; y:=one/x; z:=log x+log y; specials("log(1/x)+log(x) ",x,z) >>; specials( "log(1) ",one,log(one)); specials( "xmin ",xmin,log(xmin)); specials( "xmax ",xmax,log(xmax)); errortest list('log, -2.0); errortest list('log, zero); princ "end of tests on log"; terpri() end; symbolic procedure test!-exp(); begin scalar a,ait,albeta,b,beta,d,del,one,r6,r7,two,ten,v,w, x,xl,xn,x1,y,z,zero,zz,i1,j,k1,k2,k3,n; beta:=float ibeta; albeta:=log beta; ait:=float it; one:=float 1; two:=float 2; ten:=float 10; zero:=float 0; v:=0.0625; a:=two; b:=log(a)*0.5; a:=-b+v; d:=log(0.9*xmax); n:=2000; xn:=float n; i1:=0; for j:=1:3 do << k1:=0; k3:=0; x1:=zero; r6:=zero; r7:=zero; del:=(b-a)/xn; xl:=a; for i:=1:n do << x:=del*rnd()+xl; y:=x-v; if y<zero then x:=y+v; z:=exp x; zz:=exp y; if j neq 1 then z:=z*0.0625 - z*2.4453321046920570389/1000.0 else z:=z-z*6.058693718652421388/100.0; w:=one; if zz neq zero then w:=(z-zz)/zz; if w < zero then k1:=k1+1; if w>zero then k3:=k3+1; w:=abs w; if w>r6 then << r6:=w; x1:=x >>; r7:=r7+w*w; xl:=xl+del >>; k2:=n-k1-k3; r7:=sqrt(r7/xn); princ list("exp with v=",v); terpri(); heading("exp",n,a,b); errsigns(k1,k2,k3); w:=-999.0; if r6 neq zero then w:=log abs r6/albeta; maxrel(w,x1,max(ait+w,zero)); w:=-999.0; if r7 neq zero then w:=log abs r7/albeta; rmserr(w,max(ait+w,zero)); if j neq 2 then << v:=45.0 / 16.0; a:=-10*b; b:=4.0 * xmin * (beta**it); b:=log b >> else << a:=-two * a; b:=ten * a; if b<d then b:=d >> >>; for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd()*beta; y:=-x; z:=exp x * exp y - one; specials("exp(x)*exp(-x)-1 ",x,z) >>; specials("exp(0)-1 ",zero,exp(zero)-one); x:=float fix log xmin; specials("xmin ",x,exp(x)); x:=float fix log xmax; specials("xmax ",x,exp x); x:=x / two; v:=x/two; y:=exp x; z:=exp v; z:=z*z; princ list(x,y,v,z); terpri(); x:=-one/sqrt(xmin); errortest list('exp, x); x:=-x; errortest list('exp, x); princ "end of test on exp"; terpri() end; symbolic procedure test!-sin(); begin scalar a,ait,albeta,b,beta,betap,c,del,one,r6,r7,three,w, x,xl,xn,x1,y,z,zero,zz,expon,i1,j,k1,k2,k3,n; beta:=float ibeta; albeta:=log beta; ait:=float it; one:=float 1; three:=float 3; zero:=float 0; a:=zero; b:=1.570796327; c:=b; n:=2000; xn:=float n; i1:=0; for j:=1:3 do << princ list("start of test ",j," of sin/cos"); terpri(); k1:=0; k3:=0; x1:=zero; r6:=zero; r7:=zero; del:=(b-a)/xn; xl:=a; for i:=1:n do << x:=del*rnd()+xl; y:=x/three; y:=(x+y)-x; x:=three*y; if j neq 3 then << z:=sin x; zz:=sin y; w:=one; if z neq zero then w:=(z-zz*(three-4.0*zz*zz))/z >> else << z:=cos x; zz:=cos y; w:=one; if z neq zero then w:=(z+zz*(three-4.0*zz*zz))/z >>; if w < zero then k1:=k1+1; if w>zero then k3:=k3+1; w:=abs w; if w>r6 then << r6:=w; x1:=x >>; r7:=r7+w*w; xl:=xl+del >>; k2:=n-k1-k3; r7:=sqrt(r7/xn); heading("sin/cos",n,a,b); errsigns(k1,k2,k3); w:=-999.0; if r6 neq zero then w:=log abs r6/albeta; maxrel(w,x1,max(ait+w,zero)); w:=-999.0; if r7 neq zero then w:=log abs r7/albeta; rmserr(w,max(ait+w,zero)); a:=18.84955592; if j=2 then a:=b+c; b:=a+c >>; c:=one/beta**(it/2); z:=(sin(a+c)-sin(a-c))/(c+c); princ list("this should be about 1.0 ",z); terpri(); for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd()*a; z:=sin x + sin(-x); specials("sin(x)+sin(-x) ",x,z) >>; betap:=beta**it; x:=rnd()/betap; for i:=1:5 do << z:=x-sin x; specials("small args to sin ",x,z); x := x/beta >>; for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd()*a; z:=cos(x)-cos(-x); specials("cos(x)-cos(-x) ",x,z) >>; expon:=float minexp * 0.75; x:=beta**expon; y:=sin x; specials("tiny arg ",x,y); %-- z:=sqrt betap; %-- x:=z*(one-epsneg); %-- y:=sin x; %-- specials("?? ",x,y); %-- y:=sin z; %-- specials("??+ ",z,y); %-- x:=z*(one+eps); %-- y:=sin x; %-- specials("??++",x,y); x:=betap; errortest list('sin, x); princ "end of test on sin/cos"; terpri() end; symbolic procedure test!-tan(); begin scalar a,ait,albeta,b,beta,betap,c1,c2,del,half,pi,r6,r7, w,x,xl,xn,x1,y,z,zero,zz,i,i1,j,k1,k2,k3,n,expon; beta:=float ibeta; albeta:=log beta; ait:=float it; zero:=float 0; half:=0.5; pi:=3.1415926; a:=zero; b:=pi*0.25; n:=2000; xn:=float n; i1:=0; for j:=1:4 do << princ list("start of test ",j," of tan/cot"); terpri(); k1:=0; k3:=0; x1:=zero; r6:=zero; r7:=zero; del:=(b-a)/xn; xl:=a; for i:=1:n do << x:=del*rnd()+xl; y:=x*half; x:=y+y; if not (j=4) then << z:=tan x; zz:=tan y; w:=1.0; if z neq zero then << w:=((half-zz)+half)*((half+zz)+half); w:=(z-(zz+zz)/w)/z >> >> else << z:=cot x; zz:=cot y; w:=1.0; if z neq zero then << w:=((half-zz)+half)*((half+zz)+half); w:=(z+(w/(zz+zz)))/z >> >>; if w>zero then k1:=k1+1; if w<zero then k3:=k3+1; w:=abs w; if w>r6 then << r6:=w; x1:=x >>; r7:=r7+w*w; xl:=xl+del >>; k2:=n-k1-k3; r7:=sqrt(r7/xn); heading("tan/cot",n,a,b); errsigns(k1,k2,k3); w:=-999.0; if r6 neq zero then w:=log abs r6/albeta; maxrel(w,x1,max(ait+w,zero)); w:=-999.0; if r7 neq zero then w:=log abs r7/albeta; rmserr(w,max(ait+w,zero)); if j=1 then << a:=pi*0.875; b:=pi*1.125 >> else << a:=6.0*pi; b:=a+pi*0.25 >> >>; for i:=1:5 do << x:=rnd()*a; z:=tan x + tan(-x); specials("tan(x)+tan(-x) ",x,z) >>; betap:=beta**it; x:=rnd()/betap; for i:=1:5 do << z:=x-tan x; specials("small args to tan ",x,z); x := x/beta >>; expon:=float minexp * 0.75; x:=beta**expon; y:=tan x; specials("tiny arg ",x,y); c1:=-225.0; c2:=-0.950846454195142026; x:=11.0; y:=tan x; w:=((c1-y)+c2)/(c1+c2); z:=log abs w/albeta; princ list("the relative error in tan 11 is ",z,max(ait+z,zero)); terpri(); x:=beta**(it/2); errortest list('tan, x); x:=betap; errortest list('tan, x); princ "end of test on tan/cot"; terpri() end; on echo, time; out "fptest.log"; fptest(); out t; end;