Artifact 7fe2597350d649b21a421054b40c8d3e27e52c80dd41b9e614b0327bd7244e01:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4404) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4404) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
% <PSL.KERNEL>MINI-EDITOR.RED.3, 21-Sep-82 11:14:10, Edit by BENSON % Flagged internal functions %. PSL Structure Editor Module; %. Adapted By D. Morrison for PSL V1. %. Based on Nordstroms trimmed InterLISP editor %. Cleaned Up and commented by M. L. Griss, %. 8:57pm Monday, 2 November 1981 %. See PH:Editor.Hlp for guide CompileTime flag('(EDIT0 QEDNTH EDCOPY RPLACEALL FINDFIRST XCHANGE XINS), 'InternalFunction); FLUID '(QEDITFNS %. Keep track of which changed !*EXPERT %. Do not print "help" if NIL !*VERBOSE %. Dont do implicit "P" if NIL PROMPTSTRING!* %. For "nicer" interface EditorReader!* %. Use RLISP etc Syntax, ala Break EditorPrinter!* CL ); QEDITFNS:=NIL; !*Expert := NIL; !*Verbose := NIL; lisp procedure EDITF(FN); %. Edit a Copy of Function Body Begin scalar BRFL,X,SAVE,TRFL; %/ Capture !*BREAK, reset to NIL? X := GETD FN; If ATOM X OR CODEP CDR X then StdError BldMsg("%r is not an editable function", Fn); SAVE:=COPY CDR X; EDIT CDR X; If YESP "Change Definition?" then GO TO YES; RPLACW(CDR X,SAVE); %/ Why not Just PUTD again? RETURN NIL; YES: If NULL (FN MEMBER QEDITFNS) then QEDITFNS:=FN.QEDITFNS; RETURN FN; END; lisp procedure EDIT S; %. Edit a Structure, S begin scalar PROMPTSTRING!*; PROMPTSTRING!* := "edit> "; TERPRI(); If NOT !*EXPERT then PRIN2T "Type HELP<CR> for a list of commands."; %/ Savea copy for UNDO? RETURN EDIT0(S,EDITORREADER!* OR 'READ,EDITORPRINTER!* OR 'PRINT) END; lisp procedure EDIT0(S,READER,PRINTER); Begin scalar CL,CTLS,CTL,PLEVEL,TOP,TEMP,X,NNN; TOP:=LIST S; PLEVEL:=3; B: CTL:=TOP; CTLS:=LIST CTL; CL:=CAR TOP; NEXT: If !*VERBOSE then APPLY(PRINTER,LIST EDCOPY(CL,PLEVEL)); X:=APPLY(READER,NIL); If ATOM X then GO TO ATOMX else If NUMBERP CAR X then If CAR X = 0 then GO TO ILLG else If CAR X > 0 then XCHANGE(QEDNTH(CAR X - 1,CL),CTL,CDR X,CAR X) else XINS(QEDNTH(-(CAR X + 1),CL),CTL,CDR X,CAR X) else If CAR X = 'R then RPLACEALL(CADR X,CADDR X,CL) else GO TO ILLG; GO TO NEXT; F: TEMP:=FINDFIRST(APPLY(READER,NIL),CL,CTLS); If NULL TEMP then <<PRIN2T "NOT FOUND"; GO TO NEXT>>; CL:=CAR TEMP; CTLS:=CDR TEMP; CTL:=CAR CTLS; GO TO NEXT; ATOMX: If NUMBERP X then If X = 0 then CL:=CAR CTL else GO TO NUMBX else If X = 'P then !*VERBOSE OR APPLY(PRINTER,LIST EDCOPY(CL,PLEVEL)) else If X = 'OK then RETURN CAR TOP else If X = 'UP then GO TO UP else If X = 'B then BREAK() else If X = 'F then GO TO F else If X = 'PL then PLEVEL:=APPLY(READER,NIL) else If X MEMQ '(HELP !?) then EHELP() else If X EQ 'E then Apply(PRINTER,LIST EVAL Apply(READER,NIL)) else If X = 'T then GO TO B else GO TO ILLG; GO TO NEXT; UP: If CDR CTLS then GO TO UP1; PRIN2T "You are already at the top level"; GO TO NEXT; UP1: CTLS:=CDR CTLS; CTL:=CAR CTLS; CL:=CAR CTL; GO TO NEXT; NUMBX: NNN := X; X:=QEDNTH(ABS(X),CL); If NULL X then << PRIN2T "List empty"; GO TO NEXT >>; If NNN > 0 then CL:=CAR X; CTL:=X; CTLS:=CTL.CTLS; GO TO NEXT; ILLG: PRIN2T "Illegal command"; GO TO NEXT END; lisp procedure QEDNTH(N,L); If ATOM L then NIL else If N > 1 then QEDNTH(N-1,CDR L) else L; lisp procedure EDCOPY(L,N); If ATOM L then L else If N < 0 then "***" else EDCOPY(CAR L,N-1).EDCOPY(CDR L,N); lisp procedure RPLACEALL(A,NEW,S); If ATOM S then NIL else If CAR S = A then RPLACEALL(A,NEW,CDR RPLACA(S,NEW)) else <<RPLACEALL(A,NEW,CAR S); RPLACEALL(A,NEW,CDR S)>>; lisp procedure FINDFIRST(A,S,TRC); %. FIND Occurance of A in S Begin scalar RES; If ATOM S then RETURN NIL; If A MEMBER S then RETURN S. TRC; RETURN(FINDFIRST(A,CAR S,S.TRC) or FINDFIRST(A,CDR S,TRC)); %/ Add a PMAT here END; lisp procedure XCHANGE(S,CTL,NEW,N); If ATOM S then <<PRIN2T "List empty"; NIL>> else If N = 1 then <<RPLACA(CTL,NCONC(NEW,CDR S)); CL:=CAR CTL>> else RPLACD(S,NCONC(NEW,If CDDR S then CDDR S else NIL)); lisp procedure XINS(S,CTL,NEW,N); If ATOM S then <<PRIN2T "List empty"; NIL>> else If N = 1 then <<RPLACA(CTL,NCONC(NEW,S)); CL:=CAR CTL>> else RPLACD(S,NCONC(NEW,CDR S)); UNFLUID '(CL); lisp procedure EHELP; << EvLoad '(Help); DisplayHelpFile 'Editor >>; PUT('EDIT, 'HelpFunction, 'EHELP); PUT('EDITF, 'HelpFunction, 'EHELP); PUT('EDITOR, 'HelpFunction, 'EHELP); END;