Artifact 7c2e0f61ee3d99d786c6ae20ab576bf406c5d7b3667ea8986db45a654519a37c:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
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— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8303) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% TEST-FUNCTION-PRIMITIVES Machine Independent for Test 5 and 6 % % Author: M. L. Griss % Symbolic Computation Group % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 21 October 1982 % Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah % % Based on P20:Function-Primitives.Red % <PSL.TESTS>P-FUNCTION-PRIMITIVES.RED.4, 2-Mar-83 11:46:30, Edit by KESSLER % Put in Dealloc's before jump and jcall (search rrk) % Every ID has a "function cell". It does not necessarily contain a legal % Lisp item, and therefore should not be accessed directly by Lisp functions. % In this implementation the function cell contains an instruction to be % executed. There are 3 possibilites for this instruction, for which the % following predicates and updating functions exist: % % FUnBoundP(ID) -- the function is not defined % FLambdaLinkP(ID) -- the function is interpreted % FCodeP(ID) -- the function is compiled % % MakeFUnBound(ID) -- undefine the function % MakeFLambdaLink(ID) -- specify that the function is interpreted % MakeFCode(ID, CodePtr) -- specify that the function is compiled, % and that the code resides at the address % associated with CodePtr % % GetFCodePointer(ID) -- returns the contents of the function cell as a % code pointer % % See the templates in XXX-ASM.RED: % % DefinedFunctionCellFormat!* % UndefinedFunctionCellFormat!* % These functions currently check that they have proper arguments, % but this may change since they are only used by functions that % have checked them already. % Note that on some machines, SYMFNC(x) is entire SYMFNC cell. % on others it points into the cell, at the "address" part. % % Fairly Portable versions, based on assumption that % Starts with OPCODE, probably !*JCALL % !*Jcall SymfncBase UndefinedFunction in ShouldBeUndefined cell % Needs the machine-dependent procedures in XXX-HEADER: % !%Store!-JCALL(CodeAddress,StoreAddress) % to Create a !*Jcall(CodeAddress) at StoreAddress % !%Copy!-Function!-Cell(From,to) % to copy appropriate # words or bytes of Function cell on syslisp; smacro procedure SymFncBase D; % The Address of CELL, % to which !*JCALL and !*CALL jump Symfnc + AddressingUnitsPerFunctionCell*D; % Unbound Functions have a JCALL UndefinedFunction: % in the function cell, installed by the template syslsp procedure FUnBoundP Fn; % Check If undefn or Not If not IDP Fn then NonIdError(Fn,'FunboundP) else if (SymFnc IdLoc ShouldBeUndefined eq SymFnc IdInf Fn) % Instead of SYMFNCBASE Idloc UndefinedFunction, since its % of course DEFINED, and has to agree with the KernelTime template then 'T else 'NIL; syslsp procedure MakeFUnBound(D); % Install the correct Bit Pattern in SYMFNC cell If not IDP D then NonIdError(D,'MakeFUnbound) else !%copy!-function!-cell(symfncbase Idloc ShouldBeUndefined, symfncbase IdInf D); syslsp procedure FLambdaLinkP fn; If not IDP Fn then NonIdError(Fn,'FunboundP) else if (SymFnc IdLoc CompiledCallingInterpreted eq SymFnc(IdInf Fn)) % This installed by MakeFlambdaLink then 'T else 'NIL; syslsp procedure MakeFlambdaLink D; % Install the correct Bit Pattern in SYMFNC cell If not IDP D then NonIdError(D,'MakeFUnbound) else !%store!-JCALL(symfnc Idloc CompiledCallingInterpreted, Symfncbase IdInf D); % SetUp as above syslsp procedure FcodeP Fn; % Check if Code or Interp If not IDP Fn then NonIdError(Fn,'FcodeP) else if FUnboundP Fn or FLambdaLinkP Fn then NIL else T; syslsp procedure MakeFCode(U, CodePtr); % Make U a compiled function if IDP U then if CodeP CodePtr then <<!%Store!-JCALL(CodeInf Codeptr, SymfncBase IdInf U); NIL >> else NonIDError(U, 'MakeFCode); syslsp procedure GetFCodePointer U; % Get code pointer for U if IDP U then if FCodeP U then MkCODE SymFnc U % do we want Fcodep check else NIL else NonIDError(U, 'GetFCodePointer); %/Check that IS codeP? % Code Calling Primitives % See PI: P-APPLY-LAP.RED by BENSON % See also Pxxx:APPLY-LAP.RED Fluid '(CodePtr!* CodeForm!* CodeNarg!*); LAP '((!*entry CodePrimitive expr 15) % Takes the code pointer stored in the fluid variable CodePtr!* % and jumps to its address, without disturbing any of the argument % registers. This can be flagged 'InternalFunction for compilation % before this file is compiled or done as an 'OpenCode and 'ExitOpenCode % property for the compiler. (!*ALLOC 0) (!*MOVE (Fluid CodePtr!*) (reg t1)) (!*FIELD (reg t1) (reg t1) % get CodeINF (WConst InfStartingBit) (WConst InfBitLength)) % rrk - 03/02/83 If alloc did anything we need to get rid of it before the jump (!*Dealloc 0) (!*JUMP (memory (reg t1) (Wconst 0))) (!*EXIT 0) ); LAP '((!*entry CompiledCallingInterpreted expr 15) % Called by some convention from the function cell of an ID which % has an interpreted function definition. It should store the % Linkreg into % the fluid variable CodeForm!* without disturbing the argument % registers % % (!*ALLOC 0) (!*CALL SaveRegisters) % !*CALL to avoid resetting LinkInfo (!*Move (reg LinkReg) (fluid CodeForm!*)) (!*Move (reg NargReg) (fluid CodeNarg!*)) % rrk - 03/02/83 If alloc did anything we need to get rid of it before the jump (!*Dealloc 0) (!*JCALL CompiledCallingInterpretedAux) (!*Exit 0) ); LAP '((!*entry FastApply expr 0) % Called with a functional form in (reg t1) and argument registers % loaded. If it is a code pointer or an ID, the function address % associated with either should be jumped to. If it is anything else % except a lambda form, an error should be signaled. If it is a lambda % form, store (reg t1) in the fluid variable CodeForm!* and % (!*JCALL FastLambdaApply) % (FastLambdaApply may be flagged 'InternalFunction). (!*ALLOC 0) (!*MOVE (reg t1) (FLUID CodeForm!*)) % save input form (!*FIELD (reg t2) (reg t1) (WConst TagStartingBit) (WConst TagBitLength)) (!*FIELD (reg t1) (reg t1) (WConst InfStartingBit) (WConst InfBitLength)) (!*JUMPNOTEQ (Label NotAnID) (reg t2) (WConst ID)) (!*MOVE (reg t1) (reg LinkReg)) % Reset IDLOC name % NargReg is OK (!*WTIMES2 (reg t1) (WConst AddressingUnitsPerFunctionCell)) % rrk 03/03/83 (!*Dealloc 0) (!*JUMP (MEMORY (reg t1) (WArray SymFnc))) NotAnID (!*JUMPNOTEQ (Label NotACodePointer) (reg t2) (WConst CODE)) % rrk 03/03/83 (!*Dealloc 0) (!*JUMP (MEMORY (reg t1) (WConst 0))) NotACodePointer (!*JUMPNOTEQ (Label IllegalFunctionalForm) (reg t2) (WConst PAIR)) (!*MOVE (MEMORY (reg t1) (WConst 0)) (reg t2)) % CAR with pair already untagged (!*JUMPNOTEQ (Label IllegalFunctionalForm) (reg t2) (QUOTE LAMBDA)) % rrk 03/03/83 (!*Dealloc 0) % Note that t1 is INF of the PAIR (!*JCALL FastLambdaApply) % CodeForm!* % Already Loaded IllegalFunctionalForm (!*MOVE (QUOTE "Illegal functional form in Apply") (reg 1)) (!*MOVE (FLUID CodeForm!*) (reg 2)) (!*CALL List2) % rrk 03/03/83 (!*Dealloc 0) (!*JCALL StdError) % (!*EXIT 0) --> what is this! ); Exported Warray CodeArgs[15]; syslsp procedure SaveRegisters(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, % Duplicate in P-APPLY A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15); << CodeArgs[14] := A15; CodeArgs[13] := A14; CodeArgs[12] := A13; CodeArgs[11] := A12; CodeArgs[10] := A11; CodeArgs[9] := A10; CodeArgs[8] := A9; CodeArgs[7] := A8; CodeArgs[6] := A7; CodeArgs[5] := A6; CodeArgs[4] := A5; CodeArgs[3] := A4; CodeArgs[2] := A3; CodeArgs[1] := A2; CodeArgs[0] := A1 >>; LAP '((!*ENTRY UndefinedFunctionAux expr 0) % Called by some convention from the function cell of an ID (probably % the same as CompiledCallingInterpreted) for an undefined function. % Should call Error with the ID as part of the error message. (!*ALLOC 0) (!*CALL SaveRegisters) % !*CALL so as not to change LinkInfo % Was stored in UndefnCode!* UndefnNarg!* % rrk 03/03/83 (!*Dealloc 0) (!*JCALL UndefinedFunctionAuxAux) % (!*EXIT 0) ); off syslisp; End;