Artifact 7b2543ce59a637dab65a839bbcda6424df7f6b677ca83f99d0e046fd93cae0bd:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 24112) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Text-Buffer.SL % % Author: Alan Snyder % Hewlett-Packard/CRC % Date: 20 August 1982 % Revised: 23 February 1983 % % A text buffer. Supports the primitive editing functions. The strings in a % text buffer are never modified. This allows EQ to be used to minimize % redisplay. % % 23-Feb-83 Alan Snyder % Revise stream operations to work with any type of object. % 15-Feb-83 Alan Snyder % Revise insertion code to reduce unnecessary consing. % Remove char-blank? macro (NMODE has a function char-blank?). % 19-Jan-83 Jeff Soreff % Name made settable in text buffer. % 3-Dec-82 Alan Snyder % Added cleanup method. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (BothTimes (load objects)) (CompileTime (load fast-int fast-vectors fast-strings)) (de create-text-buffer (name) % not for direct use in NMODE (let ((buffer (make-instance 'text-buffer 'name name))) buffer)) (defflavor text-buffer ( (last-line 0) % index of last line in buffer (n >= 0) (line-pos 0) % index of "current" line (0 <= n <= last-line) (char-pos 0) % index of "current" character in current line % (0 <= n <= linelength) lines % vector of strings name % string name of buffer (file-name NIL) % string name of attached file (or NIL) (modified? NIL) % T => buffer is different than file marks % ring buffer of marks (mode NIL) % the buffer's Mode (previous-buffer NIL) % (optional) previous buffer (p-list NIL) % association list of properties ) () (gettable-instance-variables line-pos char-pos) (settable-instance-variables file-name modified? mode previous-buffer name) (initable-instance-variables name) ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Private Macros: (CompileTime (progn (defmacro with-current-line ((var) . forms) `(let ((,var (vector-fetch lines line-pos))) ,@forms )) (defmacro with-current-line ((var) . forms) % avoid compiler bug! `(let ((**LINES** lines)) (let ((,var (vector-fetch **LINES** line-pos))) ,@forms ))) (defmacro with-current-line-copied ((var) . forms) `(let ((**LINES** lines) (**LINE-POS** line-pos)) (let ((,var (copystring (vector-fetch **LINES** **line-pos**)))) (vector-store **LINES** **line-pos** ,var) ,@forms ))) )) % End of CompileTime %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (defmethod (text-buffer position) () % Return the "current position" in the buffer as a BUFFER-POSITION object. (buffer-position-create line-pos char-pos) ) (defmethod (text-buffer set-position) (bp) % Set the "current position" in the buffer from the specified % BUFFER-POSITION object. Clips the line-position and char-position. (=> self goto (buffer-position-line bp) (buffer-position-column bp)) ) (defmethod (text-buffer buffer-end-position) () % Return the BUFFER-POSITION object corresponding to the end of the buffer. (buffer-position-create last-line (string-length (vector-fetch lines last-line)) )) (defmethod (text-buffer goto) (lpos cpos) % Set the "current position" in the buffer. Clips the line-position and % char-position. (if (< lpos 0) (setf lpos 0)) (if (> lpos last-line) (setf lpos last-line)) (setf line-pos lpos) (=> self set-char-pos cpos) ) (defmethod (text-buffer set-line-pos) (lpos) % Set the "current line position" in the buffer. Clips the line-position % and char-position. (when (~= lpos line-pos) (if (< lpos 0) (setf lpos 0)) (if (> lpos last-line) (setf lpos last-line)) (setf line-pos lpos) (with-current-line (l) (if (> char-pos (string-length l)) (setf char-pos (string-length l)) )) )) (defmethod (text-buffer set-char-pos) (cpos) % Set the "current character position" in the buffer. Clips the specified % position to lie in the range 0..line-length. (if (< cpos 0) (setf cpos 0)) (with-current-line (l) (if (> cpos (string-length l)) (setf cpos (string-length l)) )) (setf char-pos cpos) ) (defmethod (text-buffer clip-position) (bp) % Return BP if BP is a valid position for this buffer, otherwise return a new % buffer-position with clipped values. (let ((lpos (buffer-position-line bp)) (cpos (buffer-position-column bp)) (clipped NIL) ) (cond ((< lpos 0) (setf lpos 0) (setf clipped T)) ((> lpos last-line) (setf lpos last-line) (setf clipped T)) ) (cond ((< cpos 0) (setf cpos 0) (setf clipped T)) ((> cpos (string-length (vector-fetch lines lpos))) (setf cpos (string-length (vector-fetch lines lpos))) (setf clipped T) )) (if clipped (buffer-position-create lpos cpos) bp ))) (defmethod (text-buffer size) () % Return the actual size of the buffer (number of lines). This number will % include the "fake" empty line at the end of the buffer, should it exist. (+ last-line 1) ) (defmethod (text-buffer visible-size) () % Return the apparent size of the buffer (number of lines). This number % will NOT include the "fake" empty line at the end of the buffer, should it % exist. (if (>= (string-upper-bound (vector-fetch lines last-line)) 0) (+ last-line 1) % The last line is real! last-line % The last line is fake! )) (defmethod (text-buffer contents) () % Return the text contents of the buffer (a copy thereof) as a vector of % strings (the last string is implicitly without a terminating NewLine). (sub lines 0 last-line) ) (defmethod (text-buffer current-line) () % Return the current line (as a string). (with-current-line (l) l)) (defmethod (text-buffer fetch-line) (n) % Fetch the specified line (as a string). Lines are indexed from 0. (if (or (< n 0) (> n last-line)) (ContinuableError 0 (BldMsg "Line index %w out of range." n) "") (vector-fetch lines n) )) (defmethod (text-buffer store-line) (n new-line) % Replace the specified line with a new string. (if (or (< n 0) (> n last-line)) (ContinuableError 0 (BldMsg "Line index %w out of range." n) "") % else (setf modified? T) (vector-store lines n new-line) (if (= line-pos n) (let ((len (string-length new-line))) (if (> char-pos len) (setf char-pos len) ))) )) (defmethod (text-buffer select) () % Attach the buffer to the current window, making it the current buffer. (buffer-select self) ) (defmethod (text-buffer set-mark) (bp) % PUSH the specified position onto the ring buffer of marks. % The specified position thus becomes the current "mark". (ring-buffer-push marks bp) ) (defmethod (text-buffer set-mark-from-point) () % PUSH the current position onto the ring buffer of marks. % The current position thus becomes the current "mark". (ring-buffer-push marks (buffer-position-create line-pos char-pos)) ) (defmethod (text-buffer mark) () % Return the current "mark". (ring-buffer-top marks) ) (defmethod (text-buffer previous-mark) () % POP the current mark off the ring buffer of marks. % Return the new current mark. (ring-buffer-pop marks) (ring-buffer-top marks) ) (defmethod (text-buffer get) (property-name) % Return the object associated with the specified property name (ID). % Returns NIL if named property has not been defined. (let ((pair (atsoc property-name p-list))) (if (PairP pair) (cdr pair)))) (defmethod (text-buffer put) (property-name property) % Associate the specified object with the specified property name (ID). % GET on that property-name will henceforth return the object. (let ((pair (atsoc property-name p-list))) (if (PairP pair) (rplacd pair property) (setf p-list (cons (cons property-name property) p-list)) ))) (defmethod (text-buffer reset) () % Reset the contents of the buffer to empty and "not modified". (setf lines (MkVect 1)) (vector-store lines 0 "") (setf last-line 0) (setf line-pos 0) (setf char-pos 0) (setf modified? NIL) ) (defmethod (text-buffer extract-region) (delete-it bp1 bp2) % Delete (if delete-it is non-NIL) or copy (otherwise) the text between % position BP1 and position BP2. Return the deleted (or copied) text as a % pair (CONS direction-of-deletion vector-of-strings). The returned % direction is +1 if BP1 <= BP2, and -1 otherwise. The current position is % set to the beginning of the region if deletion is performed. (setf bp1 (=> self clip-position bp1)) (setf bp2 (=> self clip-position bp2)) (prog (dir text text-last l1 c1 l2 c2 line1 line2) (setf dir 1) % the default case % ensure that BP1 is not beyond BP2 (let ((comparison (buffer-position-compare bp1 bp2))) (if (> comparison 0) (psetq dir -1 bp1 bp2 bp2 bp1)) (if (and delete-it (~= comparison 0)) (setf modified? T)) ) (setf l1 (buffer-position-line bp1)) (setf c1 (buffer-position-column bp1)) (setf l2 (buffer-position-line bp2)) (setf c2 (buffer-position-column bp2)) % Ensure the continued validity of the current position. (if delete-it (=> self set-position bp1)) % Create a vector for the extracted text. (setf text-last (- l2 l1)) % highest index in TEXT vector (setf text (MkVect text-last)) (setf line1 (vector-fetch lines l1)) % first line (partially) in region (cond ((= l1 l2) % region lies within a single line (easy!) (vector-store text 0 (substring line1 c1 c2)) (if delete-it (vector-store lines l1 (string-concat (substring line1 0 c1) (string-rest line1 c2) ))) (return (cons dir text)))) % Here if region spans multiple lines. (setf line2 (vector-fetch lines l2)) % last line (partially) in region (vector-store text 0 (string-rest line1 c1)) (vector-store text text-last (substring line2 0 c2)) % Copy remaining text from region. (for (from i 1 (- text-last 1)) (do (vector-store text i (vector-fetch lines (+ l1 i))))) (when delete-it (vector-store lines l1 (string-concat (substring line1 0 c1) (string-rest line2 c2))) (=> self &delete-lines (+ l1 1) text-last) ) (return (cons dir text)) )) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The following methods are not really primitive, but are provided as % a public service. (defmethod (text-buffer current-line-length) () % Return the number of characters in the current line. (with-current-line (l) (string-length l))) (defmethod (text-buffer current-line-empty?) () % Return T if the current line contains no characters. (with-current-line (l) (string-empty? l))) (defmethod (text-buffer current-line-blank?) () % Return T if the current line contains no non-blank characters. (with-current-line (l) (for (from i 0 (string-upper-bound l)) (always (char-blank? (string-fetch l i))) ))) (defmethod (text-buffer at-line-start?) () % Return T if we are positioned at the start of the current line. (= char-pos 0)) (defmethod (text-buffer at-line-end?) () % Return T if we are positioned at the end of the current line. (with-current-line (l) (> char-pos (string-upper-bound l)))) (defmethod (text-buffer at-buffer-start?) () % Return T if we are positioned at the start of the buffer. (and (= line-pos 0) (= char-pos 0))) (defmethod (text-buffer at-buffer-end?) () % Return T if we are positioned at the end of the buffer. (and (>= line-pos last-line) (> char-pos (string-upper-bound (vector-fetch lines last-line))))) (defmethod (text-buffer current-line-is-first?) () % Return T if the current line is the first line in the buffer. (= line-pos 0)) (defmethod (text-buffer current-line-is-last?) () % Return T if the current line is the last line in the buffer. (>= line-pos last-line)) (defmethod (text-buffer current-line-fetch) (n) % Return the character at character position N within the current line. % An error is generated if N is out of range. (with-current-line (l) (if (and (>= n 0) (<= n (string-upper-bound l))) (string-fetch l n) (ContinuableError 0 (BldMsg "Character index %w out of range." n) "") ))) (defmethod (text-buffer current-line-store) (n c) % Store the character C at char position N within the current line. % An error is generated if N is out of range. (with-current-line-copied (l) (if (and (>= n 0) (<= n (string-upper-bound l))) (progn (string-store l n c) (vector-store lines line-pos l) (setf modified? T) ) (ContinuableError 0 (BldMsg "Character index %w out of range." n) "") ))) (defmethod (text-buffer move-to-buffer-start) () % Move to the beginning of the buffer. (setf line-pos 0) (setf char-pos 0) ) (defmethod (text-buffer move-to-buffer-end) () % Move to the end of the buffer. (setf line-pos last-line) (with-current-line (l) (setf char-pos (string-length l))) ) (defmethod (text-buffer move-to-start-of-line) () % Move to the beginning of the current line. (setf char-pos 0)) (defmethod (text-buffer move-to-end-of-line) () % Move to the end of the current line. (with-current-line (l) (setf char-pos (string-length l)))) (defmethod (text-buffer move-to-next-line) () % Move to the beginning of the next line. % If already at the last line, move to the end of the line. (cond ((< line-pos last-line) (setf line-pos (+ line-pos 1)) (setf char-pos 0)) (t (=> self move-to-end-of-line)))) (defmethod (text-buffer move-to-previous-line) () % Move to the beginning of the previous line. % If already at the first line, move to the beginning of the line. (if (> line-pos 0) (setf line-pos (- line-pos 1))) (setf char-pos 0)) (defmethod (text-buffer move-forward) () % Move to the next character in the current buffer. % Do nothing if already at the end of the buffer. (if (=> self at-line-end?) (=> self move-to-next-line) (setf char-pos (+ char-pos 1)) )) (defmethod (text-buffer move-backward) () % Move to the previous character in the current buffer. % Do nothing if already at the start of the buffer. (if (> char-pos 0) (setf char-pos (- char-pos 1)) (when (> line-pos 0) (setf line-pos (- line-pos 1)) (=> self move-to-end-of-line) ))) (defmethod (text-buffer next-character) () % Return the character to the right of the current position. % Return NIL if at the end of the buffer. (with-current-line (l) (if (>= char-pos (string-length l)) (if (= line-pos last-line) NIL (char EOL) ) (string-fetch l char-pos) ))) (defmethod (text-buffer previous-character) () % Return the character to the left of the current position. % Return NIL if at the beginning of the buffer. (if (= char-pos 0) (if (= line-pos 0) NIL #\EOL) (with-current-line (l) (string-fetch l (- char-pos 1))) )) (defmethod (text-buffer insert-character) (c) % Insert character C at the current position in the buffer and advance past % that character. Implementation note: some effort is made here to avoid % unnecessary consing. (if (= c #\EOL) (=> self insert-eol) % else (with-current-line (l) (let* ((current-length (string-length l)) (head-string (when (> char-pos 0) (if (= char-pos current-length) l (substring l 0 char-pos)))) (tail-string (when (< char-pos current-length) (if (= char-pos 0) l (substring l char-pos current-length)))) (s (string c)) ) (when head-string (setf s (string-concat head-string s))) (when tail-string (setf s (string-concat s tail-string))) (vector-store lines line-pos s) (setf char-pos (+ char-pos 1)) (setf modified? T) )))) (defmethod (text-buffer insert-eol) () % Insert a line-break at the current position in the buffer and advance to % the beginning of the newly-formed line. Implementation note: some effort % is made here to avoid unnecessary consing. (with-current-line (l) (=> self &insert-gap line-pos 1) (let* ((current-length (string-length l)) (head-string (when (> char-pos 0) (if (= char-pos current-length) l (substring l 0 char-pos)))) (tail-string (when (< char-pos current-length) (if (= char-pos 0) l (substring l char-pos current-length)))) ) (vector-store lines line-pos (or head-string "")) (setf line-pos (+ line-pos 1)) (vector-store lines line-pos (or tail-string "")) (setf char-pos 0) (setf modified? T) ))) (defmethod (text-buffer insert-line) (l) % Insert the specified string as a new line in front of the current line. % Advance past the newly inserted line. Note: L henceforth must never be % modified. (=> self &insert-gap line-pos 1) (vector-store lines line-pos l) (setf line-pos (+ line-pos 1)) (setf modified? T) ) (defmethod (text-buffer insert-string) (s) % Insert the string S at the current position. Advance past the % newly-inserted string. Note: S must not contain EOL characters! Note: S % henceforth must never be modified. Implementation note: some effort is % made here to avoid unnecessary consing. (let ((insert-length (string-length s))) (when (> insert-length 0) (with-current-line (l) (let* ((current-length (string-length l)) (head-string (when (> char-pos 0) (if (= char-pos current-length) l (substring l 0 char-pos)))) (tail-string (when (< char-pos current-length) (if (= char-pos 0) l (substring l char-pos current-length)))) ) (when head-string (setf s (string-concat head-string s))) (when tail-string (setf s (string-concat s tail-string))) (vector-store lines line-pos s) (setf char-pos (+ char-pos insert-length)) (setf modified? T) ))))) (defmethod (text-buffer insert-text) (v) % V is a vector of strings similar to LINES (e.g., the last string in V is % considered to be an unterminated line). Thus, V must have at least one % element. Insert this stuff at the current position and advance past it. (with-current-line (l) (let ((v-last (vector-upper-bound v))) (=> self &insert-gap line-pos v-last) (let ((vec lines) (prefix-text (substring l 0 char-pos)) (suffix-text (string-rest l char-pos)) ) (vector-store vec line-pos (string-concat prefix-text (vector-fetch v 0))) (for (from i 1 v-last) (do (setf line-pos (+ line-pos 1)) (vector-store vec line-pos (vector-fetch v i)))) (setf char-pos (string-length (vector-fetch vec line-pos))) (vector-store vec line-pos (string-concat (vector-fetch vec line-pos) suffix-text)) (setf modified? T) )))) (defmethod (text-buffer delete-next-character) () % Delete the next character. % Do nothing if at the end of the buffer. (with-current-line (l) (if (= char-pos (string-length l)) (if (= line-pos last-line) NIL % else (at end of line other than last) (vector-store lines line-pos (string-concat l (vector-fetch lines (+ line-pos 1)))) (=> self &delete-lines (+ line-pos 1) 1) (setf modified? T) ) % else (not at the end of a line) (vector-store lines line-pos (string-concat (substring l 0 char-pos) (string-rest l (+ char-pos 1)) )) (setf modified? T) ))) (defmethod (text-buffer delete-previous-character) () % Delete the previous character. % Do nothing if at the beginning of the buffer. (if (not (=> self at-buffer-start?)) (progn (=> self move-backward) (=> self delete-next-character) (setf modified? T) ))) % Implementation note: On the 9836, the following implementation of the % read-from-stream method using GETC is slightly slower than a much simpler % implementation of read-from-stream using GETL (although the GETL method is % highly optimized). For a file with 874 lines, using GETC took 7480 ms vs. % 7130 ms. when using GETL. The problem with GETL, however, is that it does % not report whether the last line of the file is terminated with a Newline or % not. This functional difference could conceivably be important. Luckily, % the improvement in speed is sufficiently small to be irrelevant. (defmethod (text-buffer read-from-stream) (s) (=> self reset) (let* ((line-buffer (make-string 200 0)) (buffer-top 200) (getc-method (object-get-handler s 'getc)) line-size ch ) (while T (setf line-size 0) (setf ch (apply getc-method (list s))) (while (not (or (null ch) (= ch #\LF))) (cond ((>= line-size buffer-top) (setf line-buffer (concat line-buffer (make-string 200 0))) (setf buffer-top (+ buffer-top 200)) )) (string-store line-buffer line-size ch) (setf line-size (+ line-size 1)) (setf ch (apply getc-method (list s))) ) (if (not (and (null ch) (= line-size 0))) (=> self insert-line (sub line-buffer 0 (- line-size 1))) ) (when (null ch) (if (> line-size 0) (=> self delete-previous-character)) (exit) )) (=> self move-to-buffer-start) (=> self set-modified? NIL) )) (defmethod (text-buffer write-to-stream) (s) (let* ((vec lines) (putl-method (object-get-handler s 'putl)) ) (for (from i 0 (- last-line 1)) (do (apply putl-method (list s (vector-fetch vec i))))) (=> s puts (vector-fetch vec last-line)) )) (defmethod (text-buffer cleanup) () % Discard any unused storage. (if (and previous-buffer (not (buffer-is-selectable? previous-buffer))) (setf previous-buffer NIL)) (TruncateVector lines last-line) ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Private methods: (defmethod (text-buffer init) (init-plist) (setf lines (MkVect 0)) (vector-store lines 0 "") (setf marks (ring-buffer-create 16)) (ring-buffer-push marks (buffer-position-create 0 0)) ) (defmethod (text-buffer &insert-gap) (lpos n-lines) % Insert N-LINES lines at position LPOS, moving the remaining lines upward % (if any). LPOS may range from 0 (insert at beginning of buffer) to % LAST-LINE + 1 (insert at end of buffer). The new lines are not % specifically initialized (they retain their old values). (when (> n-lines 0) (=> self &ensure-room n-lines) (let ((vec lines)) (for (from i last-line lpos -1) (do (vector-store vec (+ i n-lines) (vector-fetch vec i))) ) (setf last-line (+ last-line n-lines)) ))) (defmethod (text-buffer &ensure-room) (lines-needed) % Ensure that the LINES vector is large enough to add the specified number % of additional lines. (let* ((current-bound (vector-upper-bound lines)) (lines-available (- current-bound last-line)) (lines-to-add (- lines-needed lines-available)) ) (when (> lines-to-add 0) (let ((minimum-incr (>> current-bound 2))) % Increase by at least 25% (if (< minimum-incr 64) (setf minimum-incr 64)) (if (< lines-to-add minimum-incr) (setf lines-to-add minimum-incr)) ) (let ((new-lines (make-vector (+ current-bound lines-to-add) NIL))) (for (from i 0 current-bound) (do (vector-store new-lines i (vector-fetch lines i)))) (setf lines new-lines) )))) (defmethod (text-buffer &delete-lines) (lpos n-lines) % Remove N-LINES lines starting at position LPOS, moving the remaining lines % downward (if any) and NILing out the obsoleted lines at the end of the % LINES vector (to allow the strings to be reclaimed). LPOS may range from % 0 to LAST-LINE. (when (> n-lines 0) (let ((vec lines)) (for (from i (+ lpos n-lines) last-line) (do (vector-store vec (- i n-lines) (vector-fetch vec i))) ) (setf last-line (- last-line n-lines)) (for (from i 1 n-lines) (do (vector-store vec (+ last-line i) NIL)) ) )))