Artifact 7afaaef5afc6bf53e65a0ad8de0057ad987ed95a4ebc0ffa476c3f53b00d1401:
- File
— part of check-in
2011-10-17 17:58:33
on branch master
— svn:eol-style, svn:executable and line endings for files
in historical/r36 treegit-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8182) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module minitex; % support of minimal tex syntax for % reduce help file compilation. % author: Herbert Melenk, ZIB Berlin % input: list of single characters in Latex subset syntax % % output: list of rows, tagged by line number and max column % length. % % supported syntax elements: % % ^ exponent % _ index % \frac{ ... }{ ... } % % escape sequences \{ \} \_ \^ \\ fluid '(ESCAPE RAISE LOWER X0 Y0 CON); fluid '(xlo xhi yhi ylo minitex_input minitex_page); ESCAPE := '!\; RAISE := '!^; LOWER := '!_; X0 := 2; Y0 := 3; CON := 4; symbolic procedure mintex_convert0 s; if null s then s else if null cdr s then s else if car s ='!\ and cadr s = '!\ then !$eol!$ . mintex_convert0 cddr s else car s . mintex_convert0 cdr s; symbolic procedure mintex_convert s; mintex_convert0 s; symbolic procedure minitex(string); begin scalar q,w; integer r,c; minitex_page := for i:=-20:20 collect {i}; minitex_input := mintex_convert string; q := make_chain(0,'hugo); if null q then return nil; minitex_collect q; for each l in minitex_page do if (l:=cdr l) then <<r:=r+1; if length(l)>c then c:=length(l); w:=l.w; >>; return r.c. reverse w; end; symbolic procedure minitex_pop_char(); if minitex_input then begin scalar c; c := car minitex_input; minitex_input := cdr minitex_input; return c; end; symbolic procedure minitex_skip(cc); begin scalar c; c := nil; while c neq cc do c:=minitex_pop_char(); end; symbolic procedure minitex_next_char(); if minitex_input then car minitex_input; symbolic procedure struct(type); {type,0,0,0}; symbolic procedure make_chain(font,term); begin integer indpos,xact,d,fh, lxlo, lxhi, lylo,lyhi, yindhi,yindlo; scalar c,cc,cell,new,end_code; fh:=1; % font height end_code := 0; cell := struct('chain); loop: c := minitex_pop_char(); cc := minitex_next_char(); if(c = '!{ and null term) then <<term := '!}; goto loop>>; if (c = term or c = nil) then goto finish; % if (c = '! ) then goto loop; if (c = !$eol!$) then goto loop; % handle escaped single characters if(c = ESCAPE and (cc = '! or cc = '!_ or cc = '!{ or cc = '!} or cc = '!$)) then << indpos := -1; new := make_char(font,0,minitex_pop_char()); goto after_syntax; >>; if(c = ESCAPE) then << indpos := -1; new := make_escape(font,term); if(new = -999) then goto loop; % /* ignore? */ >> else if(c = LOWER or c = RAISE) then << if(indpos > -1) then << xact:=indpos; yhi := yindhi; ylo = yindlo;>> else << indpos:=xact; yindhi:= yhi; yindlo := ylo;>>; new := make_chain(1,nil); if(c = RAISE) then d := - 1 else d := + 1; nth(new,Y0) := d; ylo := ylo+d; yhi := yhi+d; >> else if(c = '!{) then new := make_chain(font,'!}) else << indpos := -1; new := make_char(font,0,c); >>; after_syntax: if not pairp new then <<end_code := new; goto finish>>; nth(cell,CON):=append(nth(cell,CON),{new}); nth(new,X0) := xact; xact := xact + xhi; if(xact>lxhi) then lxhi := xact else xact:=lxhi; if(ylo<lylo) then lylo:=ylo; if(yhi>lyhi) then lyhi:=yhi; if(term) then goto loop; finish: ylo := lylo; yhi := lyhi; xlo := lxlo; xhi := lxhi; if pairp nth(cell,CON) then return(cell); end; symbolic procedure make_char(font,cs,c); begin scalar cell; cell := struct('char); nth(cell,CON) := c; ylo := 0; yhi:=1; xlo := 0; xhi:=1; return(cell); end; symbolic procedure make_frac(font); begin scalar cell; scalar numr,denr,line; integer nxhi,dxhi,nyhi,dyhi,nylo,dylo; integer lxhi; integer yline,ydist; ydist := 1; cell := struct('chain); while minitex_input and car minitex_input neq '!{ do minitex_input:=cdr minitex_input; yline := 0; numr := make_chain(font,nil); nxhi := xhi; nyhi := yhi; nylo := ylo; while minitex_input and car minitex_input neq '!{ do minitex_input:=cdr minitex_input; xhi := 0; xlo := 0; yhi := 0; ylo := 0; denr := make_chain(font,nil); dxhi := xhi; dyhi := yhi; dylo := ylo; % /* move the shorter one to the middle */ if(dxhi > nxhi) then << lxhi := dxhi; nth(numr,X0) := (dxhi - nxhi)/2; >> else << lxhi := nxhi; nth(denr,X0) := (nxhi - dxhi)/2; >>; % /* make line */ line := make_line(0,yline,lxhi,yline); % /* put num on top */ nth(numr,Y0) := yline - ydist - (nyhi-1); % /* put denr below */ nth(denr,Y0) := yline + ydist - dylo; % /* total frame */ xlo := 0; xhi := lxhi; ylo := yline - ydist -(nyhi-nylo); yhi := yline + ydist +(dyhi-dylo); % /* make chain */ nth(cell,CON) := {line,numr,denr}; return cell; end; symbolic procedure make_line(x,y,x1,y1); <<nth(cell,X0):=x; nth(cell,Y0):=y; nth(cell,CON):=x1; cell>> where cell=struct('line); symbolic procedure make_multi(font); begin scalar cell,new; integer base; minitex_skip('!}); minitex_skip('!}); cell := struct('chain); nth(cell,CON) :=nil; while pairp (new :=make_chain(font,!$eol!$)) do << nth(cell,CON) := append(nth(cell,CON),{new}); nth(new,Y0) := base; base:=base + (yhi-ylo) + 1; >>; yhi := base; return cell; end; symbolic procedure make_end(font); <<minitex_skip('!}); -1>>; %---------------------- dispatch ----------------------------------- fluid '(nullum); nullum := struct('chain); nth(nullum,CON):= nil; symbolic procedure make_escape(font,term); if my_compare('(!f !r !a !c)) then make_frac(font) else if my_compare('(!r !f !r !a !c)) then make_frac(font) else if my_compare('(!b !e !g !i !n { !m !u !l !t !i )) then make_multi(font) else if my_compare('(!e !n !d)) then make_end(font) else if my_compare('(!e !m)) then nullum else if my_compare('(!n !a !m !e)) then nullum else if my_compare('(!i !t)) then nullum else <<prin2 "######## \"; for each c in minitex_input do prin2 c; rederr "Mini-TEX: function not implemented"; >>; symbolic procedure my_compare s; begin scalar i,c; i := minitex_input; while s and (c := minitex_pop_char()) and c=car s do s:= cdr s; if null s then return t; minitex_input := i; return nil; end; %-------------- interprete structure: fill into page --------------- symbolic procedure minitex_collect u; minitex_do(0,0,0,u); symbolic procedure minitex_do(x,y,font,box); <<if null get(car box,'minitex) then <<print box; rederr "minitex: cannot expand object">>; apply(get(car box,'minitex),list(x,y,font,box)); >>; put('chain,'minitex,'minitex_chain); symbolic procedure minitex_chain(x,y,font,box); << x:=x+nth(box,X0); y := y+nth(box,Y0); for each u in nth(box,CON) do minitex_do(x,y,font,u) >>; put('char,'minitex,'minitex_char); symbolic procedure minitex_char(x,y,font,box); begin x:=x+nth(box,X0); y := y+nth(box,Y0); minitex_putchar(x,y,nth(box,CON)); end; put('line,'minitex,'minitex_line); symbolic procedure minitex_line(x,y,font,box); begin x:=x+nth(box,X0); y := y+nth(box,Y0); for i:=x:x+nth(box,CON) do minitex_putchar(i,y,'!-); end; symbolic procedure minitex_putchar(x,y,c); begin scalar r; x:=x+2; r:=assoc(y,minitex_page); while length r<x do r:=nconc(r,{'! }); nth(r,x):=c; end; end; minitex '(a b c ^ { d e f } g); minitex append(explode2 "\begin{multilineoutput}{1cm}" , append({!$eol!$, 1, !$eol!$,2, !$eol!$ , 3, !$eol!$}, explode2 "\end{multilineoutput}"));