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module polrep; % Arithmetic operations on standard forms and quotients. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. % Copyright (c) 1991 RAND. All rights reserved. fluid '(!*asymp!* !*exp !*factor !*gcd !*lcm !*mcd !*rationalize frlis!* !*roundall !*rounded !*sqfree !*sub2 asymplis!* dmode!* subfg!* ncmp!* powlis!* wtl!* !*!*processed !*ncmp); global '(!*group rd!-tolerance!* cr!-tolerance!*); put('roundall,'simpfg,'((t (rmsubs)))); switch roundall; !*roundall := t; % Default is on. symbolic smacro procedure subtrsq(u,v); addsq(u,negsq v); symbolic procedure addsq(u,v); % U and V are standard quotients. % Value is canonical sum of U and V. if null numr u then v else if null numr v then u else if denr u=1 and denr v=1 then addf(numr u,numr v) ./ 1 else begin scalar x,y,z; if null !*exp then <<u := numr u ./ mkprod denr u; v := numr v ./ mkprod denr v>>; if !*lcm then x := gcdf!*(denr u,denr v) else x := gcdf(denr u,denr v); z := canonsq(quotf(denr u,x) ./ quotf(denr v,x)); y := addf(multf(denr z,numr u),multf(numr z,numr v)); if null y then return nil ./ 1; z := multf(denr u,denr z); return if x=1 or (x := gcdf(y,x))=1 then y ./ z else canonsq(quotf(y,x) ./ quotf(z,x)) end; symbolic procedure multsq(u,v); % U and V are standard quotients. % Value is canonical product of U and V. if null numr u or null numr v then nil ./ 1 else if denr u=1 and denr v=1 then multf(numr u,numr v) ./ 1 else begin scalar x,y,z; x := gcdf(numr u,denr v); y := gcdf(numr v,denr u); z := multf(quotf(numr u,x),quotf(numr v,y)); x := multf(quotf(denr u,y),quotf(denr v,x)); return canonsq(z ./ x) end; symbolic procedure negsq u; negf numr u ./ denr u; smacro procedure multpq(u,v); multsq(!*p2q u,v); symbolic procedure cancel u; %returns canonical form of non-canonical standard form U; if !*mcd or denr u=1 then multsq(numr u ./ 1,1 ./ denr u) else multsq(numr u ./ 1,simpexpt list(mk!*sq(denr u ./ 1),-1)); % ***** FUNCTIONS FOR ADDING AND MULTIPLYING STANDARD FORMS ***** symbolic smacro procedure peq(u,v); %tests for equality of powers U and V; u = v; symbolic procedure addf(u,v); % U and V are standard forms. Value is standard form for U+V. if null u then v else if null v then u else if domainp u then addd(u,v) else if domainp v then addd(v,u) else if peq(lpow u,lpow v) then (if null x then y else lpow u .* x .+ y) where x=addf(lc u,lc v),y=addf(red u,red v) else if ordpp(lpow u,lpow v) then lt u .+ addf(red u,v) else lt v .+ addf(u,red v); symbolic procedure addd(u,v); % U is a domain element, V a standard form. % Value is a standard form for U+V. if null v then u else if domainp v then adddm(u,v) else lt v .+ addd(u,red v); symbolic procedure adddm(u,v); % U and V are both non-zero domain elements. % Value is standard form for U+V. % The int-equiv-chk is needed to convert say (:MOD: . 0) to NIL. % A simpler function might therefore be possible and more efficient. if atom u and atom v then (if null dmode!* or not flagp(dmode!*,'convert) then !*n2f x else int!-equiv!-chk apply1(get(dmode!*,'i2d),x)) where x=plus2(u,v) else dcombine(u,v,'plus); symbolic procedure domainp u; atom u or atom car u; symbolic procedure noncomp u; pairp u and ((if pairp a then noncomfp u else flagp(a,'noncom)) where a=car u); symbolic procedure multf(u,v); % U and V are standard forms. % Value is standard form for U*V. begin scalar x,y; a: if null u or null v then return nil else if u=1 then return v % ONEP else if v=1 then return u % ONEP else if domainp u then return multd(u,v) else if domainp v then return multd(v,u) else if not(!*exp or ncmp!* or wtl!* or x) then <<u := mkprod u; v := mkprod v; x := t; go to a>>; x := mvar u; y := mvar v; if noncomfp v and (noncomp x or null !*!*processed) then return multfnc(u,v) else if x eq y then <<% Allow for free variables in rules. if not fixp ldeg u or not fixp ldeg v then x := x .** reval list('plus,ldeg u,ldeg v) else x := mkspm(x,ldeg u+ldeg v); % The order in the next line is IMPORTANT. See analysis % by J.H. Davenport et al. for details. y := addf(multf(red u,v),multf(!*t2f lt u,red v)); return if null x or null(u := multf(lc u,lc v)) then <<!*asymp!* := t; y>> else if x=1 then addf(u,y) else if null !*mcd then addf(!*t2f(x .* u),y) else x .* u .+ y>> else if ordop(x,y) then <<x := multf(lc u,v); y := multf(red u,v); return if null x then y else lpow u .* x .+ y>>; x := multf(u,lc v); y := multf(u,red v); return if null x then y else lpow v .* x .+ y end; symbolic procedure noncomfp u; % It's possible that ncmp!* would work here. !*ncmp and noncomfp1 u; symbolic procedure noncomfp1 u; not domainp u and (noncomp mvar u or noncomfp1 lc u or noncomfp1 red u); symbolic procedure multfnc(u,v); % Returns canonical product of U and V, with both main vars non- % commutative. begin scalar x,y; x := multf(lc u,!*t2f lt v); if null x then nil else if not domainp x and mvar x eq mvar u then x := addf(if null (y := mkspm(mvar u,ldeg u+ldeg x)) then nil else if y = 1 then lc x else !*t2f(y .* lc x), multf(!*p2f lpow u,red x)) else if noncomp mvar u then x := !*t2f(lpow u .* x) else x := multf(!*p2f lpow u,x) where !*!*processed=t; return addf(x,addf(multf(red u,v),multf(!*t2f lt u,red v))) end; symbolic procedure multd(u,v); % U is a domain element, V a standard form. % Value is standard form for U*V. if null v then nil else if v=1 then u % Common enough to be tested. else if domainp v then multdm(u,v) else lpow v .* multd(u,lc v) .+ multd(u,red v); symbolic procedure multdm(u,v); % U and V are both non-zero domain elements. % Value is standard form for U*V; if atom u and atom v then (lambda x; if null dmode!* or not flagp(dmode!*,'convert) then x else % int!-equiv!-chk apply1(get(dmode!*,'i2d),x)) times2(u,v) else dcombine(u,v,'times); smacro procedure multpf(u,v); multf(!*p2f u,v); symbolic procedure negf u; if null u then nil else if domainp u then !:minus if atom u and flagp(dmode!*,'convert) then apply1(get(dmode!*,'i2d),u) else u else lpow u .* negf lc u .+ negf red u; symbolic procedure degreef(pol,var); % Find degree of kernel in standard form pol. % Note: uniqueness of kernel assumed. if domainp pol then 0 else if mvar pol eq var then ldeg pol else max(degreef(lc pol,var),degreef(red pol,var)); put('!*sq,'lengthfn,'!*sqlength); symbolic procedure !*sqlength u; (if denr car u=1 then x else x+termsf denr car u) where x = termsf numr car u; symbolic procedure terms u; <<lprim "Please use LENGTH instead"; termsf numr simp!* u>>; flag('(terms),'opfn); flag('(terms),'noval); symbolic procedure termsf u; % U is a standard form. % Value is number of terms in U (excluding kernel structure). begin integer n; while not domainp u do <<n := n + termsf lc u; u := red u>>; return if null u then n else n+1 end; symbolic procedure tmsf u; % U is a standard form. % Value is number of terms in U (including kernel structure). begin integer n; scalar x; % Integer declaration initializes N to 0. while not domainp u do <<n := n+(if sfp(x := mvar u) then tmsf x else 1)+tmsf!* lc u; if ldeg u neq 1 then if ldeg u=2 then n := n+1 else n := n+2; u := red u>>; % Previously, if U was non-zero, we used to add % one more here. return if null u then n else n+1 end; symbolic procedure tmsf!* u; if numberp u and abs fix u=1 then 0 else tmsf u; % Was tmsf u+1. symbolic procedure tms u; tmsf numr simp!* u; flag('(tms),'opfn); flag('(tms),'noval); % ***** FUNCTIONS FOR WORKING WITH STRUCTURED FORMS ***** fluid '(!*really_off_exp); symbolic procedure offexpchk u; % Return structured form for standard quotient u. % The freevar check is required to correctly evaluate rules like % for all n let f(a^n-b^n)=c when exp is off and gcd on. if !*really_off_exp or (frlis!* and freevarinexptchk numr u or freevarinexptchk denr u) then u else canprod(mkprod numr u,mkprod denr u); symbolic procedure freevarinexptchk u; not domainp u and(not numberp ldeg u or freevarinexptchk lc u or freevarinexptchk red u); symbolic procedure mkprod u; begin scalar w,x,y,z,!*exp,!*sub2; if null u or kernlp u then return u; % First make sure there are no further simplifications. !*sub2 := t; x := subs2(u ./ 1); if denr x neq 1 then return u % We can't do much more here. else if numr x neq u then <<u := numr x; if null u or kernlp u then return u>>; !*exp := t; w := ckrn u; u := quotf(u,w); x := expnd u; if null x or kernlp x then return multf(w,x); % After this point, X is not KERNLP. % The check below for *MCD was suggested by James Davenport. % Without it, on gcd; off mcd,exp; (x**2+2x+1)/x+1; loops % forever. if !*mcd and (!*sqfree or !*factor or !*gcd) then y := fctrf x else <<y := ckrn x; x := quotf(x,y); y := list(y,x . 1)>>; if cdadr y>1 or cddr y then <<z := car y; for each j in cdr y do z := multf(mksp!*(car j,cdr j),z)>> else if not !*group and tmsf u>tmsf caadr y then z := multf(mksp!*(caadr y,cdadr y),car y) else z := mksp!*(u,1); return multf(w,z) end; symbolic procedure expnd u; if !*really_off_exp then u else begin scalar !*sub2,v; u := expnd1 u; return if !*sub2 and denr(v := subs2f u) = 1 then numr v else u end; symbolic procedure expnd1 u; if domainp u then u else addf(if not sfp mvar u or ldeg u<0 then multpf(lpow u,expnd1 lc u) else multf(exptf(expnd1 mvar u,ldeg u),expnd1 lc u), expnd1 red u); symbolic procedure canprod(p,q); % P and Q are kernel product standard forms, value is P/Q in % which a top level standard form kernel by itself has been % unwound. begin scalar v,w,x,y,z; if domainp q or red q or (not domainp p and red p) then return cancel(p ./ q); % Look for possible cancellations. while not domainp p or not domainp q do if sfpf p then <<z := cprod1(mvar p,ldeg p,v,w); v := car z; w := cdr z; p := lc p>> else if sfpf q then <<z := cprod1(mvar q,ldeg q,w,v); w := car z; v := cdr z; q := lc q>> else if domainp p then <<y := lpow q . y; q := lc q>> else if domainp q then <<x := lpow p . x; p := lc p>> else <<x := lpow p . x; y := lpow q . y; p := lc p; q := lc q>>; v := reprod(v,reprod(x,p)); w := reprod(w,reprod(y,q)); if minusf w then <<v := negf v; w := negf w>>; w := cancel(v ./ w); % Final check for unnecessary structure. v := numr w; if not domainp v and null red v and lc v=1 and ldeg v=1 and sfp(x := mvar v) then v := x; w := denr w; if not domainp w and null red w and lc w=1 and ldeg w=1 and sfp(x := mvar w) then w := x; return canonsq(v ./ w) end; symbolic procedure sfpf u; not domainp u and sfp mvar u; symbolic procedure sfp u; % True if mvar U is a standard form. not atom u and not atom car u; symbolic procedure reprod(u,v); % U is a list of powers, V a standard form. % Value is product of terms in U with V. <<while u do <<v := multpf(car u,v); u := cdr u>>; v>>; symbolic procedure cprod1(p,m,v,w); % U is a standard form, which occurs in a kernel raised to power M. % V is a list of powers multiplying P**M, W a list dividing it. % Value is a dotted pair of lists of powers after all possible % kernels have been cancelled. begin scalar z; z := cprod2(p,m,w,nil); w := cadr z; v := append(cddr z,v); z := cprod2(car z,m,v,t); v := cadr z; w := append(cddr z,w); if car z neq 1 then v := mksp(car z,m) . v; return v . w end; symbolic procedure cprod2(p,m,u,b); %P and M are as in CPROD1. U is a list of powers. B is true if P**M %multiplies U, false if it divides. %Value has three parts: the first is the part of P which does not %have any common factors with U, the second a list of powers (plus %U) which multiply U, and the third a list of powers which divide U; %it is implicit here that the kernel standard forms are positive; begin scalar n,v,w,y,z; while u and p neq 1 do <<if (z := gcdf(p,caar u)) neq 1 then <<p := quotf(p,z); y := quotf(caar u,z); if y neq 1 then v := mksp(y,cdar u) . v; if b then v := mksp(z,m+cdar u) . v else if (n := m-cdar u)>0 then w := mksp(z,n) . w else if n<0 then v := mksp(z,-n) . v>> else v := car u . v; u := cdr u>>; return (p . nconc!*(u,v) . w) end; symbolic procedure mkspm(u,p); %U is a unique kernel, P an integer; %value is 1 if P=0, NIL if U**P is 0, else standard power of U**P; % should we add a check for NOT(U EQ K!*) in first line? if p=0 then 1 else begin scalar x; if subfg!* and (x:= atsoc(u,asymplis!*)) and cdr x<=p then return nil; sub2chk u; return u .** p end; symbolic procedure sub2chk u; %determines if kernel U is such that a power substitution is %necessary; if subfg!* and(atsoc(u,powlis!*) or not atom u and car u memq '(expt sqrt)) then !*sub2 := t; % ***** FUNCTIONS FOR DIVIDING STANDARD FORMS ***** symbolic procedure quotsq(u,v); multsq(u,invsq v); symbolic procedure quotf!*(u,v); % We do the rationalizesq step to allow for surd divisors. if null u then nil else (if x then x else (if denr y = 1 then numr y else errach list("DIVISION FAILED",u,v)) where y=rationalizesq(u ./ v)) where x=quotf(u,v); symbolic procedure quotf(u,v); % begin scalar xexp; % xexp := !*exp; % !*exp := t; % u := quotf1(u,v); % !*exp := xexp; % return u % end; quotf1(u,v) where !*exp = t; symbolic procedure quotf1(p,q); % P and Q are standard forms. % Value is the quotient of P and Q if it exists or NIL. if null p then nil else if p=q then 1 else if q=1 then p else if domainp q then quotfd(p,q) else if domainp p then nil else if mvar p eq mvar q then begin scalar u,v,w,x,xx,y,z,z1; integer n; a:if idp(u := rank p) or idp(v := rank q) or u<v then return nil; % The above IDP test is because of the possibility of a free % variable in the degree position from LET statements. u := lt!* p; v := lt!* q; w := mvar q; x := quotf1(tc u,tc v); if null x then return nil; n := tdeg u-tdeg v; if n neq 0 then y := w .** n; % p := addf2zro(p,multf(if n=0 then q % p := addf(p,multf(negf x,if n=0 then q else multpf(y,q))); xx := multf(negf x,red q); % The following expression for p explicitly calculates the % needed remainder. It has to be this way for non-commuting % expressions. p := addf(red p,if n=0 then xx else multpf(y,xx)); % Leading terms of P and Q do not cancel if MCD is off. However, % there may be a problem with off exp. if p and (domainp p or not(mvar p eq w)) then return nil else if n=0 then go to b; z := aconc!*(z,y .* x); %provided we have a non-zero power of X, terms %come out in right order; if null p then return if z1 then rnconc(z,z1) else z; go to a; b: if null p then return rnconc(z,x) else if !*mcd then return nil else z1 := x; go to a end else if ordop(mvar p,mvar q) then quotk(p,q) else nil; % symbolic procedure addf2zro(p,q); % <<q := addf(p,q); % if not dmode!* memq '(!:rd!: !:cr!:) % or null q or null (p := quotf(q,p)) then q % else if domainp p then % if eqcar(p,'!:rd!:) % and lessp!:(abs!: bfloat round!* p,rd!-tolerance!*) % or eqcar(p,'!:cr!:) % and (lessp!:(plus!:(times!:(x,x),times!:(y,y)),cr!-tolerance!*) % where x=bfloat round!* tagrl p,y=bfloat round!* tagim p) % then nil else q>>; symbolic procedure rnconc(u,v); if null u then v else if !*ncmp and noncomfp1 u and noncomfp1 v then addf(u,v) else begin scalar w; % This is like nconc, but doesn't assume its second argument is a % list. w := u; while cdr w do <<w := cdr w>>; rplacd(w,v); return u end; symbolic procedure quotfd(p,q); % P is a standard form, Q a domain element. % Value is P/Q if exact division is possible, or NIL otherwise. if p=q then 1 else if flagp(dmode!*,'field) then divd(p,q) else if domainp p then quotdd(p,q) else quotk(p,q); symbolic procedure divd(v,u); % U is a domain element, V a standard form. % Value is standard form for V/U. if null u then if null v then rerror(poly,1,"0/0 formed") else rerror(poly,2,"Zero divisor") else if null v then nil else if domainp v then divdm(v,u) else lpow v .* divd(lc v,u) .+ divd(red v,u); symbolic procedure divdm(v,u); % U and V are both non-zero domain elements. % Value is standard form for V/U. if atom v and atom u then if remainder(v,u)=0 then v/u else !:rn2rd mkrn(v,u) else y % (if null dmode!* then y else int!-equiv!-chk y) where y=dcombine(v,u,'quotient); symbolic procedure quotdd(u,v); % U and V are domain elements. Value is U/V if division is exact, % NIL otherwise. begin scalar w; if atom u then if atom v then <<w := divide(u,v); return if cdr w = 0 then car w else nil>> else if (w := get(car v,'i2d)) then u := apply1(w,u) else if atom v and (w := get(car u,'i2d)) then v := apply1(w,v); return dcombine(u,v,'quotient) end; symbolic procedure quotk(p,q); (lambda w; if w then if null red p then list (lpow p .* w) else (lambda y;if y then lpow p .* w .+ y else nil) quotf1(red p,q) else nil) quotf1(lc p,q); symbolic procedure rank p; %P is a standard form %Value is the rank of P; if !*mcd then ldeg p else begin integer m,n; scalar y; n := ldeg p; y := mvar p; a: m := ldeg p; if null red p then return n-m; p := red p; if degr(p,y)=0 then return if m<0 then if n<0 then -m else n-m else n; go to a end; symbolic procedure lt!* p; %Returns true leading term of polynomial P; if !*mcd or ldeg p>0 then car p else begin scalar x,y; x := lt p; y := mvar p; a: p := red p; if null p then return x else if degr(p,y)=0 then return (y . 0) .* p; go to a end; symbolic procedure remf(u,v); %returns the remainder of U divided by V; if null v then rerror(poly,201,"Zero divisor") else cdr qremf(u,v); put('remainder,'polyfn,'remf); symbolic procedure qremf(u,v); % Returns the quotient and remainder of U divided by V. % Exp cannot be off, otherwise a loop can occur. e.g., % qremf('(((x . 1) . -1) . 1),'(((x . 2) . -3) . 4)). begin integer n; scalar !*exp,x,y,z; !*exp := t; if domainp v then return qremd(u,v); z := list nil; % Final value. a: if domainp u then return praddf(z,nil . u) else if mvar u eq mvar v then if (n := ldeg u-ldeg v)<0 then return praddf(z,nil . u) else <<x := qremf(lc u,lc v); y := multpf(lpow u,cdr x); z := praddf(z,(if n=0 then car x else multpf(mvar u .** n,car x)) . y); u := if null car x then red u else addf(addf(u,multf(if n=0 then v else multpf(mvar u .** n,v), negf car x)), negf y); go to a>> else if not ordop(mvar u,mvar v) then return praddf(z,nil . u); x := qremf(lc u,v); z := praddf(z,multpf(lpow u,car x) . multpf(lpow u,cdr x)); u := red u; go to a end; symbolic procedure praddf(u,v); % U and V are dotted pairs of standard forms. addf(car u,car v) . addf(cdr u,cdr v); symbolic procedure qremd(u,v); % Returns a dotted pair of quotient and remainder of form U % divided by domain element V. if null u then u . u else if v=1 then list u else if flagp(dmode!*,'field) then list multd(!:recip v,u) else if domainp u then !:divide(u,v) else begin scalar x; x := qremf(lc u,v); return praddf(multpf(lpow u,car x) . multpf(lpow u,cdr x), qremd(red u,v)) end; symbolic procedure lqremf(u,v); %returns a list of coeffs of powers of V in U, constant term first; begin scalar x,y; y := list u; while car(x := qremf(car y,v)) do y := car x . cdr x . cdr y; return reversip!* y end; symbolic procedure minusf u; %U is a non-zero standard form. %Value is T if U has a negative leading numerical coeff, %NIL otherwise; if null u then nil else if domainp u then if atom u then u<0 else apply1(get(car u,'minusp),u) else minusf lc u; symbolic procedure absf!* u; % Returns representation for absolute value of standard form U. (if domainp u then x else !*p2f mksp(list('abs,prepf x),1)) where x = absf u; symbolic procedure absf u; if minusf u then negf u else u; symbolic procedure canonsq u; % U is a standard quotient. Value is a standard quotient in which % the leading power of the denominator has a positive numerical % coefficient and the denominator is normalized where possible. if denr u=1 then u else if null numr u then nil ./ 1 else begin scalar x,y; % This example shows the following gcd check is needed: % a:=1+x/2; let x**2=0; a*a; % Should only be needed when an asymptotic reduction occurs. if asymplis!* and ((x := gcdf(numr u,denr u)) neq 1) then u := quotf(numr u,x) ./ quotf(denr u,x); % Now adjust for a positive leading numerical coeff in denr. x := lnc denr u; if x=1 then return u else if atom x then if minusp x then <<u := negf numr u ./ negf denr u; x := -x>> else nil else if apply1(get(car x,'minusp),x) then <<u := negf numr u ./ negf denr u; x:= apply2(get(car x,'difference), apply1(get(car x,'i2d),0), x)>>; % Now check for a global field mode, a leading domain coeff % with field properties or "unit" properties so we can adjust % numr and denr. The tests are done in the following order % since the other order will give wrong results with some % polynomials with decimal coefficients in dmode :gi:. return if not numberp x and (y := get(dmode!*,'unitsfn)) then apply2(y,u,x) else if flagp(dmode!*,'field) or not atom x and flagp(car x,'field) then fieldconv(x,u) else u end; symbolic procedure fieldconv(x,u); % U is a standard quotient and x the leading numerical coefficient % of the denominator. Returns inverse(x)*numr u/denr u. % X is a domain, but d may not be; dmode!* or x is field. begin scalar n,d,y; n := numr u; d := denr u; if null dmode!* then <<if not eqcar(x,'!:rn!:) then if (y := get(car x,'!:rn!:)) and atom y then x := apply1(y,x) else if get(car x,'quotient) then <<x := dcombine(1,x,'quotient); return multd(x,numr u) ./ multd(x,denr u)>> else errach list("field conversion",x); x := (car x) . (cddr x) . cadr x; return simpgd if domainp d then multd(x,n) ./ 1 else multd(x,n) ./ multd(x,d)>>; return if domainp d then divd(n,d) ./ 1 else divd(n,x) ./ divd(d,x) end; symbolic procedure simpgd u; if null flagp(dmode!*,'field) then u else begin scalar x; if (x := gcdf(numr u,denr u)) neq 1 then u := quotf(numr u,x) ./ quotf(denr u,x); return u end; symbolic procedure lnc u; % U is a standard form. Value is the leading numerical coefficient. if null u then 0 else if domainp u then u else lnc lc u; symbolic procedure invsq u; begin if null numr u then rerror(poly,3,"Zero divisor"); u := revpr u; if !*rationalize then u := gcdchk u; % Since result may not be in lowest terms. return canonsq u end; symbolic procedure gcdchk u; % Makes sure standard quotient u is in lowest terms. (if x neq 1 then quotf(numr u,x) ./ quotf(denr u,x) else u) where x = gcdf(numr u,denr u); endmodule; end;