Artifact 75f18e93af386720382864b07248e50bf5093dd1eeecec9b87fff832c4a1db2c:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 36348) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
(* include following two lines for terak *) (* [$s+] *) (* swapping mode to manage this large file *) (* [$g+] *) (* goto is legal *) PROGRAM Paslsp(symin, input, output); (************************************************************) (* this file contains global data declarations and *) (* function definitions to support a sub-standard lisp *) (* system. it is used with a compiler which compiles lisp *) (* to pascal source code. this file is divided into the *) (* following sections: *) (* 1. constant, type & global variable declarations. *) (* 2. lisp item selectors & constructors - these are *) (* the functions which know about the internal *) (* (pascal) representation of lisp data primitives. *) (* currently these are: integers (-4096..4095), *) (* characters, dotted pairs, identifiers, *) (* code pointers, error conditions, large integers & *) (* floating point numbers (most hooks exist). *) (* 3. stack allocation - variables local to a function *) (* are kept on a stack. *) (* 4. the garbage collector. *) (* 5. identifier lookup & entry - symbol table *) (* management. *) (* 6. standard lisp functions - pascal implementations *) (* taking lisp items as arguments and returning a *) (* lisp item. more standard lisp functions are found *) (* in *) (* 7. i/o primitives (not callable from lisp functions).*) (* 8. a lisp callable token scanner. *) (* 9. initialization. *) (* 10. apply *) (************************************************************) (* symin is input channel one--used to initialize "symbol *) (* table". input is input channel two--standard input. *) (* output is output channel one--the standard output. *) (************************************************************) (* written by martin l. griss, william f. galway and *) (* ralph ottenheimer. *) (* last changed 16 june 1981 *) (************************************************************) CONST (* constants relating to input / output *) sp = ' '; nul = 0; (* ascii codes *) ht = 9; lf = 10; cr = 13; inchns = 2; (* number of input channels. *) outchns = 1; (* number of output channels. *) eofcode = 26; (* magic character code for eof, ascii for *) (* cntrl-z. kludge, see note in rdtok. *) choffset = 1; (* add choffset to ascii code to get address *) (* in id space for corresponding identifier. *) eos = nul; (* terminator character for strings. *) (* constants relating to the token scanner *) toktype = 129; (* slot in idspace for toktype. *) chartype = 3; (* various token types *) inttype = 1; idtype = 2; (* constants relating to lisp data types and their representations. *) shift_const = 8192; (* tags and info are packed into an integer *) (* assumed to be at least 16 bits long. low order 13 bits *) (* are the info, top 3 are the tag. *) int_offset = 4096; (* small integers are stored 0..8191 *) (* instead of -4096..4095 because it will pack smaller *) (* under ucsd pascal. *) end_flag = -1; (* marks end of fixnum free list. *) (* the various tags - can't use a defined scalar type *) (* because of the lack of convertion functions. *) inttag = 0; (* info is an integer *) chartag = 1; (* info is a character code *) pairtag = 2; (* info points to pair *) idtag = 3; (* info points to identifier *) codetag = 4; (* info is index into a case statement *) (* that calls appropriate function. *) errtag = 5; (* info is an error code - see below. *) fixtag = 6; (* info points to a full word (or *) (* longer) integer. *) flotag = 7; (* info points to a float number. *) (* error codes. corresponding to tag = errtag. *) noprspace = 1; (* no more "pair space"--can't cons. *) notpair = 2; (* a pair operation attempted on a non-pair. *) noidspace = 3; (* no more free identifiers *) undefined = 4; (* used to mark undefined function cells (etc?) *) (* constants relating to data space *) maxpair = 2500; (* max number of pairs allowed. *) maxident = 400; (* max number of identifiers *) maxstrsp = 2000; (* size of string (literal) storage space. *) maxintsp = 50; (* max number of long integers allowed *) maxflosp = 2; (* max number of floating numbers allowed *) maxgcstk = 100; (* size of garbage collection stack. *) stksize = 500; (* stack size *) (* constants relating to the symbol table. *) hidmax = 50; (* number of hash values for identifiers *) nillnk = 0; (* when integers are used as pointers. *) TYPE onechar = char; (* note we allow zero for id_ptr, allowing a "nil" link. *) stringp = 1..maxstrsp; (* pointer into string space. *) id_ptr = 0..maxident; (* pointer into id space. *) any = integer; (* your basic lisp item *) itemtype = 0..7; (* the tags *) pair = PACKED RECORD prcar: any; prcdr: any; markflg: boolean; (* for garbage collection *) END; ascfile = PACKED FILE OF onechar; ident = PACKED RECORD (* identifier *) idname: stringp; val: any; (* value *) plist: any; (* property list *) funcell: any; (* function cell *) idhlink: id_ptr; (* hash link *) END; longint = integer; (* use integer[n] on terak *) VAR (* global information *) xnil, t: any; (* refers to identifiers "nil", and "t". *) junk: any; (* global to hold uneeded function results *) old_binds: any; (* saved fluid bindings *) (* "st" is the stack pointer into "stk". it counts the number of *) (* items on the stack, so it runs from zero while the stack starts *) (* at one. *) st: 0..stksize; stk: ARRAY[1..stksize] OF any; (* pair space *) prspace: PACKED ARRAY[1..maxpair] OF pair; (* all pairs stored here. *) freepair: integer; (* pointer to next free pair in prspace. *) (* identifier space *) idhead: ARRAY[0..hidmax] OF id_ptr; idspace: PACKED ARRAY[1..maxident] OF ident; freeident: integer; (* string space *) strspace: PACKED ARRAY[1..maxstrsp] OF onechar; freestr: stringp; (* large integer space *) intspace: ARRAY[1..maxintsp] OF longint; freeint: 1..maxintsp; (* floating point number space *) flospace: ARRAY[1..maxflosp] OF real; freefloat: 1..maxflosp; (* i/o channels *) symin: ascfile; input: ascfile; (* comment out for terak. *) inchnl: 1..inchns; (* current input channel number *) outchnl: 1..outchns; (* current output channel number *) (* "current character" for each input channel. *) (* may want to include more than one character at some later date *) (* (for more lookahead). *) ichrbuf: ARRAY[1..inchns] OF onechar; (* for collecting statistics. *) gccount: integer; (* counts garbage collections *) (* counts from last garbage collection. *) consknt: integer; (* number of times "cons" called *) pairknt: integer; (* number of pairs created *) (********************************************************) (* *) (* item selectors & constructors *) (* *) (********************************************************) FUNCTION Truep(predicate: any): boolean; BEGIN (* truep *) Truep := predicate <> xnil END (* truep *); FUNCTION Falsep(predicate: any): boolean; BEGIN (* Falsep *) Falsep := predicate = xnil END (* Falsep *); FUNCTION Tag_of(item: any): itemtype; BEGIN (* tag_of *) Tag_of := item DIV shift_const; END; (* tag_of *) FUNCTION Info_of(item: any): integer; BEGIN (* info_of *) IF item DIV shift_const = inttag THEN Info_of := item MOD shift_const - int_offset ELSE Info_of := item MOD shift_const END; (* info_of *) FUNCTION Mkitem(tag: itemtype; info: longint): any; (* do range checking on info. ints run from -4096 to +4095 *) (* everything else runs from 0 to 8191. ints & chars *) (* contain their info, all others points into an *) (* appropriate space. *) BEGIN (* mkitem *) IF info < 0 THEN (* this check probably not necessary *) Writeln('*****MKITEM: BAD NEG'); (* pack tag and info into 16-bit item. *) Mkitem := tag * shift_const + info END (* mkitem *); PROCEDURE Set_info(VAR item: any; newinfo: longint); BEGIN (* set_info *) item := Mkitem(Tag_of(item), newinfo) END; (* set_info *) PROCEDURE Set_tag(VAR item: any; newtag: itemtype); BEGIN (* set_tag *) item := Mkitem(newtag, Info_of(item)) END; (* set_tag *) FUNCTION Mkident(id: integer): any; BEGIN (* mkident *) Mkident := Mkitem(idtag, id); END; (* mkident *) FUNCTION Car(u: any): any; FORWARD; FUNCTION Cdr(u: any): any; FORWARD; FUNCTION Pairp(item: any): any; FORWARD; FUNCTION Mkfixint(fixint: longint): any; VAR p: integer; PROCEDURE Gc_int; (* Garbage collect large integer space. *) VAR i: integer; mark_flag: PACKED ARRAY[1..maxintsp] OF boolean; PROCEDURE Mark(u: any); BEGIN (* mark *) IF Truep(Pairp(u)) THEN BEGIN Mark(Car(u)); Mark(Cdr(u)) END ELSE IF Tag_of(u) = fixtag THEN mark_flag[Info_of(u)] := true END; (* mark *) BEGIN (* gc_int *) FOR i := 1 TO maxintsp DO (* clear mark flags *) mark_flag[i] := false; FOR i := 1 TO st DO (* mark from the stack *) Mark(stk[i]); FOR i := 1 TO maxident DO (* mark from the symbol table *) BEGIN Mark(idspace[i].val); Mark(idspace[i].plist); Mark(idspace[i].funcell) END; (* reconstruct free list *) FOR i := 1 TO maxintsp - 1 DO IF NOT mark_flag[i] THEN BEGIN intspace[i] := freeint; freeint := i END END; (* gc_int *) BEGIN (* mkfixint *) IF intspace[freeint] = end_flag THEN Gc_int; IF intspace[freeint] <> end_flag THEN (* convert to fixnum *) BEGIN p := freeint; freeint := intspace[freeint]; Mkfixint := Mkitem(fixtag, p); intspace[p] := fixint END ELSE Writeln('*****FIXNUM SPACE EXHAUSTED') END (* mkfixint *); FUNCTION Mkint(int: longint): any; BEGIN (* mkint *) IF (int < -int_offset) OR (int > int_offset - 1) THEN Mkint := Mkfixint(int) ELSE Mkint := Mkitem(inttag, int + int_offset) (* int was in range so add offset *) END (* mkint *); FUNCTION Mkpair(pr: integer): any; BEGIN (* mkpair *) Mkpair := Mkitem(pairtag, pr) END; (* mkpair *) PROCEDURE Int_val(item: any; VAR number: longint); (* returns integer value of item (int or fixnum). *) (* must return 'number' in var parameter instead *) (* of function value since long integers are not *) (* a legal function type in ucsd pascal. *) BEGIN (* int_val *) IF Tag_of(item) = inttag THEN number := Info_of(item) ELSE IF Tag_of(item) = fixtag THEN number := intspace[Info_of(item)] ELSE Writeln('***** ILLEGAL DATA TYPE FOR NUMERIC OPERATION') END (* int_val *); (********************************************************) (* *) (* stack allocation *) (* *) (********************************************************) PROCEDURE Alloc(n: integer); BEGIN IF n + st <= stksize THEN st := n+st ELSE BEGIN Writeln('*****LISP STACK OVERFLOW'); Writeln(' TRIED TO ALLOCATE ',n); Writeln(' CURRENT STACK TOP IS ',st); END; END; PROCEDURE Dealloc(n: integer); BEGIN IF st - n >= 0 THEN st := st - n ELSE Writeln('*****LISP STACK UNDERFLOW'); END; (* optimized allocs *) PROCEDURE Alloc1; BEGIN Alloc(1) END; PROCEDURE Dealloc1; BEGIN Dealloc(1) END; PROCEDURE Alloc2; BEGIN Alloc(2) END; PROCEDURE Dealloc2; BEGIN Dealloc(2) END; PROCEDURE Alloc3; BEGIN Alloc(3) END; PROCEDURE Dealloc3; BEGIN Dealloc(3) END; (********************************************************) (* *) (* the garbage collector *) (* *) (********************************************************) PROCEDURE Faststat; (* give quick summary of statistics gathered *) BEGIN Writeln('CONSES:',consknt); Writeln('PAIRS :',pairknt); Writeln('CONSES/PAIRS: ',consknt/pairknt); Writeln('ST :',st); END; PROCEDURE Gcollect; VAR i: integer; markedk: integer; (* counts the number of pairs marked *) freedk: integer; (* counts the number of pairs freed. *) gcstkp: 0..maxgcstk; (* note the garbage collection stack *) mxgcstk: 0..maxgcstk; (* is local to this procedure. *) gcstk: ARRAY[1..maxgcstk] OF integer; PROCEDURE Pushref(pr: any); (* push the address of an unmarked pair, if that's what it is. *) BEGIN IF Tag_of(pr) = pairtag THEN IF NOT prspace[Info_of(pr)].markflg THEN BEGIN IF gcstkp < maxgcstk THEN BEGIN gcstkp := gcstkp + 1; gcstk[gcstkp] := Info_of(pr); IF gcstkp > mxgcstk THEN mxgcstk := gcstkp; END ELSE Writeln('*****GARBAGE STACK OVERFLOW'); (* fatal error *) END; END; PROCEDURE Mark; (* "recursively" mark pairs referred to from gcstk. gcstk is used to *) (* simulate recursion. *) VAR prloc: integer; BEGIN WHILE gcstkp > 0 DO BEGIN prloc := gcstk[gcstkp]; gcstkp := gcstkp - 1; prspace[prloc].markflg := true; Pushref(prspace[prloc].prcdr); Pushref(prspace[prloc].prcar); (* trace the car first. *) END; END; BEGIN (* gcollect *) Writeln('***GARBAGE COLLECTOR CALLED'); gccount := gccount + 1; (* count garbage collections. *) Faststat; (* give summary of statistics collected *) consknt := 0; (* clear out the cons/pair counters *) pairknt := 0; gcstkp := 0; (* initialize the garbage stack pointer. *) mxgcstk := 0; (* keeps track of max stack depth. *) (* mark things from the "computation" stack. *) FOR i := 1 TO st DO BEGIN Pushref(stk[i]); Mark; END; (* mark things from identifier space. *) FOR i := 1 TO maxident DO BEGIN Pushref(idspace[i].val); Mark; Pushref(idspace[i].plist); Mark; Pushref(idspace[i].funcell); Mark; END; (* reconstruct free list by adding things to the head. *) freedk := 0; markedk := 0; FOR i:= 1 TO maxpair - 1 DO BEGIN IF prspace[i].markflg THEN BEGIN markedk := markedk + 1; prspace[i].markflg := false END ELSE BEGIN prspace[i].prcar := xnil; prspace[i].prcdr := Mkitem(pairtag, freepair); freepair := i; freedk := freedk + 1 END END (* for *); Writeln(freedk,' PAIRS FREED.'); Writeln(markedk,' PAIRS IN USE.'); Writeln('MAX GC STACK WAS ',mxgcstk); END (* gcollect *); (********************************************************) (* *) (* identifier lookup & entry *) (* *) (********************************************************) FUNCTION Nmhash(nm: stringp): integer; CONST hashc = 256; VAR i,tmp: integer; BEGIN tmp := 0; i := 1; (* get hash code from first three chars of string. *) WHILE (i <= 3) AND (strspace[nm+i] <> Chr(eos)) DO BEGIN tmp := Ord(strspace[nm+i]) + hashc*tmp; i := i + 1; END; Nmhash := Abs(tmp) MOD hidmax; (* abs because mod is screwy. *) END; FUNCTION Eqstr(s1,s2: stringp): boolean; BEGIN WHILE (strspace[s1] = strspace[s2]) AND (strspace[s1] <> Chr(eos)) DO BEGIN s1 := s1 + 1; s2 := s2 + 1; END; Eqstr := (strspace[s1] = strspace[s2]); END; PROCEDURE Nmlookup(nm: stringp; VAR found: boolean; VAR hash: integer; VAR loc: any); (* lookup a name in "identifier space". *) (* "hash" returns the hash value for the name. *) (* "loc" returns the location in the space for the (possibly new) *) (* identifier. *) BEGIN hash := Nmhash(nm); loc := Mkitem(idtag, idhead[hash]); (* default is identifier, but may be "error". *) (* start at appropriate hash chain. *) found := false; WHILE (Info_of(loc) <> nillnk) AND (NOT found) DO BEGIN found := Eqstr(nm, idspace[Info_of(loc)].idname); IF NOT found THEN Set_info(loc, idspace[Info_of(loc)].idhlink); (* next id in chain *) END; IF NOT found THEN (* find spot for new identifier *) BEGIN IF freeident=nillnk THEN (* no more free identifiers. *) loc := Mkitem(errtag, noidspace) ELSE BEGIN Set_info(loc, freeident); freeident := idspace[freeident].idhlink; END; END; END; PROCEDURE Putnm(nm: stringp; VAR z: any; VAR found: boolean); (* put a new name into identifier space, or return old location *) (* if it's already there. *) VAR tmp: ident; hash: integer; BEGIN Nmlookup(nm, found, hash, z); IF (NOT found) AND (Tag_of(z) = idtag) THEN BEGIN tmp.idname := nm; tmp.idhlink := idhead[hash]; (* put new ident at head of chain *) tmp.val := xnil; (* initialize value and property list *) tmp.plist := xnil; tmp.funcell := xnil; (* also, the function cell *) idhead[hash] := Info_of(z); idspace[Info_of(z)] := tmp; END; END; (********************************************************) (* *) (* standard lisp functions *) (* *) (********************************************************) (* the following standard lisp functions appear in *) (* reverse, append, memq, atsoc, get, *) (* put, remprop, eq, null, equal, error, errorset, *) (* abs, idp, numberp, atom, minusp, eval, apply, *) (* evlis, prin1, print, prin2t, list2 ... list5. *) FUNCTION Setq(VAR u: any; v: any): any; BEGIN (* setq *) (* should check to make sure u not t or nil. *) u := v; Setq := v END (* setq *); FUNCTION Atom(item : any): any; BEGIN (* atom *) IF Tag_of(item) <> pairtag THEN Atom := t ELSE Atom := xnil END (* atom *); FUNCTION Codep(item: any): any; BEGIN (* codep *) IF Tag_of(item) = codetag THEN Codep := t ELSE Codep := xnil END (* codep *); FUNCTION Idp(item: any): any; BEGIN (* idp *) IF Tag_of(item) = idtag THEN Idp := t ELSE Idp := xnil END (* idp *); FUNCTION Pairp(*item: any): any*); BEGIN (* pairp *) IF Tag_of(item) = pairtag THEN Pairp := t ELSE Pairp := xnil END (* pairp *); FUNCTION Constantp(item: any): any; BEGIN (* constantp *) IF NOT((Pairp(item) = t) OR (Idp(item) = t)) THEN Constantp := t ELSE Constantp := xnil END (* constantp *); FUNCTION Eq(u, v: any): any; BEGIN (* eq *) IF u = v THEN Eq := t ELSE Eq := xnil END (* eq *); FUNCTION Eqn(u, v: any): any; VAR i, j: longint; BEGIN (* eqn *) Int_val(u, i); Int_val(v, j); IF i = j THEN Eqn := t ELSE Eqn := xnil END (* eqn *); FUNCTION Fixp(item: any): any; BEGIN (* fixp *) IF (Tag_of(item) = inttag) OR (Tag_of(item) = fixtag) THEN Fixp := t ELSE Fixp := xnil END (* fixp *); FUNCTION Floatp(item: any): any; BEGIN (* floatp *) IF Tag_of(item) = flotag THEN Floatp := t ELSE Floatp := xnil END (* floatp *); FUNCTION Numberp(item: any): any; BEGIN (* numberp *) Numberp := Fixp(item) (* will have to fix for floats *) END (* numberp *); FUNCTION Cons(u, v: any): any; VAR p: integer; BEGIN (* cons *) (* push args onto stack, in case we need to garbage collect the *) (* references will be detected. *) Alloc(2); stk[st] := u; stk[st-1] := v; IF prspace[freepair].prcdr = xnil THEN Gcollect; p := freepair; freepair := Info_of(prspace[p].prcdr); prspace[p].prcar := u; prspace[p].prcdr := v; Cons := Mkpair(p); (* return new pair. *) consknt := consknt + 1; Dealloc(2); END (* cons *); FUNCTION Ncons(u: any): any; BEGIN Ncons := Cons(u, xnil) END; FUNCTION Xcons(u, v: any): any; BEGIN Xcons := Cons(v, u) END; FUNCTION Car(*u: any): any*); BEGIN IF Tag_of(u) = pairtag THEN Car := prspace[Info_of(u)].prcar ELSE Car := Mkitem(errtag, notpair); END; FUNCTION Cdr(*u: any): any*); BEGIN IF Tag_of(u) = pairtag THEN Cdr := prspace[Info_of(u)].prcdr ELSE Cdr := Mkitem(errtag, notpair); END; (* fluid binding *) FUNCTION Push_bind(bind: any): any; BEGIN (* push_bind *) old_binds := cons(bind, old_binds); push_bind := xnil END (* push_bind *); FUNCTION Lam_bind(alist: any): any; VAR bind: any; BEGIN (* lam_bind *) WHILE Truep(Pairp(alist)) DO BEGIN bind := Car(alist); alist := Cdr(alist); push_bind(bind); setvalue(Car(bind), Cdr(bind)) END; Lam_bind := xnil END (* lam_bind *); FUNCTION Prog_bind(id: any): any; BEGIN (* prog_bind *) Prog_bind := Lam_bind(cons(id, xnil)) END (* prog_bind *); FUNCTION Unbind(id: any): any; BEGIN (* unbind *) setvalue(id, cdr(atsoc(id, old_binds))) Unbind := xnil END (* unbind *); (* arithmetic functions *) FUNCTION Add1(i: any): any; VAR j: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, j); Add1 := Mkint(j + 1) END; FUNCTION Difference(i, j: any): any; VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); Difference := Mkint(i1 - i2) END; FUNCTION Divide(i, j: any): any; (* returns dotted pair (quotient . remainder). *) VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); IF i2 = 0 THEN Writeln('***** ATTEMPT TO DIVIDE BY 0 IN DIVIDE'); Divide := Cons(Mkint(i1 DIV i2), Mkint(i1 MOD i2)) END; FUNCTION Greaterp(i, j: any): any; VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); IF i1 > i2 THEN Greaterp := t ELSE Greaterp := xnil; END; FUNCTION Lessp(i, j: any): any; VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); IF i1 < i2 THEN Lessp := t ELSE Lessp := xnil; END; FUNCTION Minus(i: any): any; VAR j: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, j); Minus := Mkint(-j) END; FUNCTION Plus2(i, j: any): any; VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); Plus2 := Mkint(i1 + i2) END; FUNCTION Quotient(i, j: any): any; VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); IF i2 = 0 THEN Writeln('***** ATTEMPT TO DIVIDE BY 0 IN QUOTIENT'); Quotient := Mkint(i1 DIV i2) END; FUNCTION Remainder(i, j: any): any; VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); IF i2 = 0 THEN Writeln('***** ATTEMPT TO DIVIDE BY 0 IN REMAINDER'); Remainder := Mkint(i1 MOD i2) END; FUNCTION Times2(i, j: any): any; VAR i1, i2: longint; BEGIN Int_val(i, i1); Int_val(j, i2); Times2 := Mkint(i1 * i2) END; (* times2 *) (* symbol table support *) FUNCTION Value(u: any): any; BEGIN (* value *) Value := idspace[Info_of(u)].val END (* value *); FUNCTION Plist(u: any): any; BEGIN (* plist *) Plist := idspace[Info_of(u)].plist END (* plist *); FUNCTION Funcell(u: any): any; BEGIN (* funcell *) Funcell := idspace[Info_of(u)].funcell END (* funcell *); FUNCTION Setplist(u, v: any): any; BEGIN (* setplist *) END (* setplist *); (* also need setvalue, setfuncell, setplist. *) FUNCTION Xnot(u: any): any; BEGIN (* xnot *) Xnot := Eq(u, xnil) END (* xnot *); (********************************************************) (* *) (* i/o primitives *) (* *) (********************************************************) PROCEDURE Terpri; (* need to change for multiple output channels. *) BEGIN Writeln(output); END; PROCEDURE Wrtok(u: any); (* doesn't expand escaped characters in identifier names *) VAR i: integer; BEGIN IF Tag_of(u) = inttag THEN IF Info_of(u) = 0 THEN Write('0') ELSE Write(Info_of(u): 2+Trunc(Log(Abs(Info_of(u))))) ELSE IF Tag_of(u) = fixtag THEN Write(intspace[Info_of(u)]) ELSE IF Tag_of(u) = flotag THEN Write(flospace[Info_of(u)]) ELSE IF Tag_of(u) = idtag THEN BEGIN i := idspace[Info_of(u)].idname; WHILE (i <= maxstrsp) AND (strspace[i] <> Chr(eos)) DO BEGIN Write(strspace[i]); i:= i + 1; END; END ELSE IF Tag_of(u) = chartag THEN Write(Chr(Info_of(u) - choffset)) ELSE Writeln('WRTOK GIVEN ',Tag_of(u), Info_of(u)); END; PROCEDURE Rdchnl(chnlnum: integer; VAR ch: onechar); BEGIN IF (chnlnum < 1) OR (chnlnum > inchns) THEN Writeln('*****BAD INPUT CHANNEL FOR RDCHNL') ELSE CASE chnlnum OF 1: BEGIN ch := symin^; (* a little strange, but avoids *) Get(symin); (* initialization problems *) ichrbuf[inchnl] := symin^; END; 2: BEGIN ch := input^; Get(input); ichrbuf[inchnl] := input^; END; END; (* case *) END; (* rdchnl *) FUNCTION Eofchnl(chnlnum: integer): boolean; BEGIN IF (chnlnum < 1) OR (chnlnum > inchns) THEN Writeln('*****BAD INPUT CHANNEL FOR EOFCHNL') ELSE CASE chnlnum OF 1: Eofchnl := Eof(symin); 2: Eofchnl := Eof(input); END; END; (********************************************************) (* *) (* token scanner *) (* *) (********************************************************) FUNCTION Rdtok: any; VAR ch: onechar; i: integer; anint: longint; moreid: boolean; found: boolean; token: any; (* the token read *) FUNCTION Digit(ch: onechar): boolean; BEGIN Digit := ( '0' <= ch ) AND ( ch <= '9') END; FUNCTION Escalpha(VAR ch: onechar): boolean; (* test for alphabetic or escaped character. *) (* note possible side effect. *) BEGIN (* escalpha *) IF ( 'A' <= ch ) AND ( ch <= 'Z') THEN Escalpha := true ELSE IF ( Ord('A')+32 <= Ord(ch)) AND ( Ord(ch) <= Ord('Z')+32) THEN Escalpha := true (* lower case alphabetics *) ELSE IF ch='!' THEN BEGIN Rdchnl(inchnl,ch); Escalpha := true; END ELSE Escalpha := false; END (* escalpha *); FUNCTION Alphanum(VAR ch: onechar): boolean; (* test if escalfa or digit *) VAR b: boolean; BEGIN b := Digit(ch); IF NOT b THEN b := Escalpha(ch); Alphanum := b; END; FUNCTION Whitesp(ch: onechar): boolean; BEGIN (* may want a faster test *) Whitesp := (ch = sp) OR (Ord(ch) = cr) OR (Ord(ch) = lf) OR (Ord(ch) = ht) OR (Ord(ch) = nul) END; (* reads fixnums...need to read flonums too *) BEGIN (* rdtok *) IF NOT Eofchnl(inchnl) THEN REPEAT (* skip leading white space. *) Rdchnl(inchnl,ch) UNTIL (NOT Whitesp(ch)) OR Eofchnl(inchnl); IF Eofchnl(inchnl) THEN token := Mkitem(chartag, eofcode + choffset) (* should really return !$eof!$ *) ELSE BEGIN token := xnil; (* init to something *) IF Digit(ch) THEN Set_tag(token, inttag) ELSE IF Escalpha(ch) THEN Set_tag(token, idtag) ELSE Set_tag(token, chartag); CASE Tag_of(token) OF chartag: BEGIN Set_tag(token, idtag); idspace[toktype].val := Mkitem(inttag, chartype); Set_info(token, Ord(ch) + choffset); END; inttag: BEGIN idspace[toktype].val := Mkitem(inttag, inttype); anint := Ord(ch) - Ord('0'); WHILE Digit(ichrbuf[inchnl]) DO BEGIN Rdchnl(inchnl,ch); anint := 10 * anint + (Ord(ch) - Ord('0')) END; Set_info(token, anint) END; idtag: BEGIN idspace[toktype].val := Mkitem(inttag, idtype); i := freestr; (* point to possible new string *) moreid := true; WHILE (i < maxstrsp) AND moreid DO BEGIN strspace[i] := ch; i := i + 1; moreid := Alphanum(ichrbuf[inchnl]); IF moreid THEN Rdchnl(inchnl,ch); END; strspace[i] := Chr(eos); (* terminate string *) IF (i >= maxstrsp) THEN Writeln('*****STRING SPACE EXHAUSTED') ELSE (* look the name up, return item for it *) BEGIN Putnm(freestr, token, found); IF NOT found THEN freestr := i + 1; END; END; (* of case idtag *) END; (* of case *) END; Rdtok := token END; (* rdtok *) (********************************************************) (* *) (* initialization *) (* *) (********************************************************) FUNCTION Read: any; FORWARD; PROCEDURE Init; (* initialization procedure depends on *) (* ability to load stack with constants *) (* from a file. *) VAR strptr: stringp; nam: PACKED ARRAY[1..3] OF onechar; (* holds 'nil', other strings? *) i, n: integer; idref: any; found: boolean; (* init is divided into two parts so it can compile on terak *) PROCEDURE Init1; BEGIN (* initialize top of stack *) st := 0; freefloat := 1; (* define nil - the id, nil, is defined a little later. *) freeident := 1; xnil := Mkitem(idtag, freeident); (* initialize pair space. *) FOR i := 1 TO maxpair - 1 DO (* initialize free list. *) BEGIN prspace[i].markflg := false; (* redundant? *) prspace[i].prcar := xnil; (* just for fun *) prspace[i].prcdr := Mkitem(pairtag, i + 1) END; prspace[maxpair].prcar := xnil; prspace[maxpair].prcdr := xnil; (* end flag *) freepair := 1; (* point to first free pair *) (* initialize identifier space and string space. *) freestr := 1; FOR i := 0 TO hidmax - 1 DO idhead[i] := nillnk; FOR i := 1 TO maxident DO BEGIN IF i < maxident THEN idspace[i].idhlink := i + 1 ELSE (* nil to mark the final identifier in the table. *) idspace[i].idhlink := nillnk; (* set function cells to undefined *) idspace[i].funcell := Mkitem(errtag, undefined) END; (* nil must be the first identifier in the table--id #1 *) (* must fill in fields by hand for nil.*) (* putnm can handle any later additions. *) nam := 'NIL'; strptr := freestr; FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO BEGIN strspace[strptr] := nam[i]; strptr:= strptr + 1; END; strspace[strptr] := Chr(eos); Putnm(freestr, xnil, found); IF NOT found THEN freestr := strptr + 1; (* make the single character ascii identifiers, except nul(=eos). *) FOR i := 1 TO 127 DO BEGIN strspace[freestr] := Chr(i); strspace[freestr + 1] := Chr(eos); Putnm(freestr, idref, found); IF NOT found THEN freestr := freestr + 2; IF i = Ord('T') THEN t := idref; (* returns location for 't. *) END; (* init fixnum free list. *) FOR i := 1 TO maxintsp - 1 DO intspace[i] := i + 1; intspace[maxintsp] := end_flag; freeint := 1; (* clear the counters *) gccount := 0; consknt := 0; pairknt := 0; END (* init1 *); PROCEDURE Init2; VAR token: any; BEGIN (* load "symbol table" with identifiers, constants, and functions. *) inchnl := 1; (* select symbol input file. *) (* reset(symin,''); *) (* for terak *) token := Rdtok; (* get count of identifiers. *) IF Tag_of(token) <> inttag THEN Writeln('*****BAD SYMBOL TABLE, INTEGER EXPECTED AT START'); n := Info_of(token); FOR i := 1 TO n DO token := Rdtok; (* reading token magically loads it into id space. *) token := Rdtok; (* look for zero terminator. *) IF (Tag_of(token) <> inttag) OR (Info_of(token) <> 0) THEN Writeln('*****BAD SYMBOL TABLE, ZERO EXPECTED AFTER IDENTIFIERS'); token := Rdtok; (* count of constants *) IF Tag_of(token) <> inttag THEN Writeln('*****BAD SYMBOL TABLE, INTEGER EXPECTED BEFORE CONSTANTS'); n := Info_of(token); Alloc(n); (* space for constants on the stack *) FOR i := 1 TO n DO stk[i] := Read; token := Rdtok; IF (Tag_of(token) <> inttag) OR (Info_of(token) <> 0) THEN Writeln('*****BAD SYMBOL TABLE, ZERO EXPECTED AFTER CONSTANTS'); token := Rdtok; (* count of functions. *) IF Tag_of(token) <> inttag THEN Writeln('*****BAD SYMBOL TABLE, INTEGER EXPECTED BEFORE FUNCTIONS'); n := Info_of(token); FOR i := 1 TO n DO (* for each function *) (* store associated code *) idspace[Rdtok].funcell := Mkitem(codetag, i); token := Rdtok; IF (Tag_of(token) <> inttag) OR (Info_of(token) <> 0) THEN Writeln('*****BAD SYMBOL TABLE, ZERO EXPECTED AFTER FUNCTIONS'); inchnl := 2; (* select standard input. *) END (* init2 *); BEGIN (* init *) Init1; Init2; END (* init *); (********************************************************) (* *) (* apply *) (* *) (********************************************************) FUNCTION Apply(fn, arglist: any): any; VAR arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5: any; numargs: integer; BEGIN (* apply *) IF Tag_of(fn) <> codetag THEN Writeln('*****APPLY: UNDEFINED FUNCTION.') ELSE BEGIN (* spread the arguments *) numargs := 0; WHILE Truep(Pairp(arglist)) DO BEGIN numargs := numargs + 1; CASE numargs OF 1: arg1 := Car(arglist); 2: arg2 := Car(arglist); 3: arg3 := Car(arglist); 4: arg4 := Car(arglist); 5: arg5 := Car(arglist); 6: Writeln('APPLY: TOO MANY ARGS SUPPLIED.') END (* case *); arglist := Cdr(arglist) END (* while *) END (* if *); CASE Info_of(fn) OF 1: Apply := Atom(arg1); END (* case *) END (* apply *); (*??* Missing closing point at end of program. *??*) (*??* Missing closing point at end of program. *??*)