Artifact 72f0b54efb54530e927a3e1370a93128fbdd5e90305cfcbc9304e576975186eb:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 18494) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 18494) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module symatvec; % Symmetry % Author : Karin Gatermann % Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer % Informationstechnik Berlin % Heilbronner Str. 10 % W-1000 Berlin 31 % Germany % Email: % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % functions for matrix vector operations % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure gen!+can!+bas(dimension); % returns the canonical basis of R^dimension as a vector list begin scalar eins,nullsq,i,j,ll; eins:=(1 ./ 1); nullsq:=(nil ./ 1); ll:= for i:=1:dimension collect for j:=1:dimension collect if i=j then eins else nullsq; return ll; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % matrix functions % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure alg!+matrix!+p(mat1); % returns true if the matrix is a matrix from algebraic level begin scalar len,elem; if length(mat1)<1 then rederr("should be a matrix"); if not(car (mat1) = 'mat) then rederr("should be a matrix"); mat1:=cdr mat1; if length(mat1)<1 then rederr("should be a matrix"); len:=length(car mat1); for each elem in cdr mat1 do if not(length(elem)=len) then rederr("should be a matrix"); return t; end; symbolic procedure matrix!+p(mat1); % returns true if the matrix is a matrix in internal structure begin scalar dimension,z,res; if length(mat1)<1 then return nil; dimension:=length(car mat1); res:=t; for each z in cdr mat1 do if not(dimension = length(z)) then res:=nil; return res; end; symbolic procedure squared!+matrix!+p(mat1); % returns true if the matrix is a matrix in internal structure begin if (matrix!+p(mat1) and (get!+row!+nr(mat1) = get!+col!+nr(mat1))) then return t; end; symbolic procedure equal!+matrices!+p(mat1,mat2); % returns true if the matrices are equal ( internal structure) begin scalar s,z,helpp,mathelp,sum,rulesum,rule1,rule2; if (same!+dim!+squared!+p(mat1,mat2)) then << mathelp:= mk!+mat!+plus!+mat(mat1, mk!+scal!+mult!+mat((-1 ./ 1),mat2)); sum:=(nil ./ 1); for each z in mathelp do for each s in z do if !*complex then sum:=addsq(sum,multsq(s,mk!+conjugate!+sq s)) else sum:=addsq(sum,multsq(s,s)); % print!-sq(sum); rulesum:=change!+sq!+to!+algnull(sum); if rulesum = 0 then helpp:=t else helpp:=nil; % print!-sq(simp rulesum); % if null(numr(simp prepsq(sum))) then helpp:=t % else helpp:=nil; >> else helpp:=nil; return helpp; end; symbolic procedure get!+row!+nr(mat1); % returns the number of rows begin return length(mat1); end; symbolic procedure get!+col!+nr(mat1); % returns the number of columns begin return length(car mat1); end; symbolic procedure get!+mat!+entry(mat1,z,s); % returns the matrix element in row z and column s begin return nth(nth(mat1,z),s); end; symbolic procedure same!+dim!+squared!+p(mat1,mat2); % returns true if the matrices are both squared matrices % of the same dimension % (internal structur) begin if (squared!+matrix!+p(mat1) and squared!+matrix!+p(mat2) and (get!+row!+nr(mat1) = get!+row!+nr(mat1))) then return t; end; symbolic procedure mk!+transpose!+matrix(mat1); % returns the transposed matrix (internal structure) begin scalar z,s,tpmat1; if not(matrix!+p(mat1)) then rederr("no matrix in transpose"); tpmat1:=for z:=1:get!+col!+nr(mat1) collect for s:=1:get!+row!+nr(mat1) collect get!+mat!+entry(mat1,s,z); return tpmat1 end; symbolic procedure mk!+conjugate!+matrix(mat1); % returns the matrix with conjugate elements (internal structure) begin scalar z,s,tpmat1; if not(matrix!+p(mat1)) then rederr("no matrix in conjugate matrix"); tpmat1:=for z:=1:get!+row!+nr(mat1) collect for s:=1:get!+col!+nr(mat1) collect mk!+conjugate!+sq(get!+mat!+entry(mat1,z,s)); return tpmat1 end; symbolic procedure mk!+hermitean!+matrix(mat1); % returns the transposed matrix (internal structure) begin if !*complex then return mk!+conjugate!+matrix(mk!+transpose!+matrix(mat1)) else return mk!+transpose!+matrix(mat1); end; symbolic procedure unitarian!+p(mat1); % returns true if matrix is orthogonal or unitarian resp. begin scalar mathermit,unitmat1; mathermit:=mk!+mat!+mult!+mat(mk!+hermitean!+matrix(mat1),mat1); unitmat1:=mk!+unit!+mat(get!+row!+nr(mat1)); if equal!+matrices!+p(mathermit,unitmat1) then return t; end; symbolic procedure mk!+mat!+mult!+mat(mat1,mat2); % returns a matrix= matrix1*matrix2 (internal structure) begin scalar dims1,dimz1,dims2,s,z,res,sum,k; if not(matrix!+p(mat1)) then rederr("no matrix in mult"); if not(matrix!+p(mat2)) then rederr("no matrix in mult"); dims1:=get!+col!+nr(mat1); dimz1:=get!+row!+nr(mat1); dims2:=get!+col!+nr( mat2); if not(dims1 = get!+row!+nr(mat2)) then rederr("matrices can not be multiplied"); res:=for z:=1:dimz1 collect for s:=1:dims2 collect << sum:=(nil ./ 1); for k:=1:dims1 do sum:=addsq(sum, multsq( get!+mat!+entry(mat1,z,k), get!+mat!+entry(mat2,k,s) ) ); sum:=subs2 sum where !*sub2=t; sum >>; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+mat!+plus!+mat(mat1,mat2); % returns a matrix= matrix1 + matrix2 (internal structure) begin scalar dims,dimz,s,z,res,sum; if not(matrix!+p(mat1)) then rederr("no matrix in add"); if not(matrix!+p(mat2)) then rederr("no matrix in add"); dims:=get!+col!+nr(mat1); dimz:=get!+row!+nr(mat1); if not(dims = get!+col!+nr(mat2)) then rederr("wrong dimensions in add"); if not(dimz = get!+row!+nr(mat2)) then rederr("wrong dimensions in add"); res:=for z:=1:dimz collect for s:=1:dims collect << sum:=addsq( get!+mat!+entry(mat1,z,s), get!+mat!+entry(mat2,z,s) ); sum:=subs2 sum where !*sub2=t; sum >>; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+mat!*mat!*mat(mat1,mat2,mat3); % returns a matrix= matrix1*matrix2*matrix3 (internal structure) begin scalar res; res:= mk!+mat!+mult!+mat(mat1,mat2); return mk!+mat!+mult!+mat(res,mat3); end; symbolic procedure add!+two!+mats(mat1,mat2); % returns a matrix=( matrix1, matrix2 )(internal structure) begin scalar dimz,z,res; if not(matrix!+p(mat1)) then rederr("no matrix in add"); if not(matrix!+p(mat2)) then rederr("no matrix in add"); dimz:=get!+row!+nr(mat1); if not(dimz = get!+row!+nr(mat2)) then rederr("wrong dim in add"); res:=for z:=1:dimz collect append(nth(mat1,z),nth(mat2,z)); return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+scal!+mult!+mat(scal1,mat1); % returns a matrix= scalar*matrix (internal structure) begin scalar res,z,s,prod; if not(matrix!+p(mat1)) then rederr("no matrix in add"); res:=for each z in mat1 collect for each s in z collect << prod:=multsq(scal1,s); prod:=subs2 prod where !*sub2=t; prod >>; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+trace(mat1); % returns the trace of the matrix (internal structure) begin scalar spurx,s; if not(squared!+matrix!+p(mat1)) then rederr("no square matrix in add"); spurx :=(nil ./ 1); for s:=1:get!+row!+nr(mat1) do spurx :=addsq(spurx,get!+mat!+entry(mat1,s,s)); spurx :=subs2 spurx where !*sub2=t; return spurx end; symbolic procedure mk!+block!+diagonal!+mat(mats); % returns a blockdiagonal matrix from % a list of matrices (internal structure) begin if length(mats)<1 then rederr("no list in mkdiagonalmats"); if length(mats)=1 then return car mats else return fill!+zeros(car mats,mk!+block!+diagonal!+mat(cdr(mats))); end; symbolic procedure fill!+zeros(mat1,mat2); % returns a blockdiagonal matrix from 2 matrices (internal structure) begin scalar nullmat1,nullmat2; nullmat1:=mk!+null!+mat(get!+row!+nr(mat2),get!+col!+nr(mat1)); nullmat2:=mk!+null!+mat(get!+row!+nr(mat1),get!+col!+nr(mat2)); return append(add!+two!+mats(mat1,nullmat2), add!+two!+mats(nullmat1,mat2)); end; symbolic procedure mk!+outer!+mat(innermat); % returns a matrix for algebraic level begin scalar res,s,z; if not(matrix!+p(innermat)) then rederr("no matrix in mkoutermat"); res:= for each z in innermat collect for each s in z collect prepsq s; return append(list('mat),res); end; symbolic procedure mk!+inner!+mat(outermat); % returns a matrix in internal structure begin scalar res,s,z; res:= for each z in cdr outermat collect for each s in z collect simp s; if matrix!+p(res) then return res else rederr("incorrect input in mkinnermat"); end; symbolic procedure mk!+resimp!+mat(innermat); % returns a matrix in internal structure begin scalar res,s,z; res:= for each z in innermat collect for each s in z collect resimp s; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+null!+mat(dimz,dims); % returns a matrix of zeros in internal structure begin scalar nullsq,s,z,res; nullsq:=(nil ./ 1); res:=for z:=1:dimz collect for s:=1:dims collect nullsq; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+unit!+mat(dimension); % returns a squared unit matrix in internal structure begin return gen!+can!+bas(dimension); end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % vector functions % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure vector!+p(vector1); % returns the length of a vector % vector -- list of sqs begin if length(vector1)>0 then return t; end; symbolic procedure get!+vec!+dim(vector1); % returns the length of a vector % vector -- list of sqs begin return length(vector1); end; symbolic procedure get!+vec!+entry(vector1,elem); % returns the length of a vector % vector -- list of sqs begin return nth(vector1,elem); end; symbolic procedure mk!+mat!+mult!+vec(mat1,vector1); % returns a vector= matrix*vector (internal structure) begin scalar z; return for each z in mat1 collect mk!+real!+inner!+product(z,vector1); end; symbolic procedure mk!+scal!+mult!+vec(scal1,vector1); % returns a vector= scalar*vector (internal structure) begin scalar entry,res,h; res:=for each entry in vector1 collect << h:=multsq(scal1,entry); h:=subs2 h where !*sub2=t; h >>; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+vec!+add!+vec(vector1,vector2); % returns a vector= vector1+vector2 (internal structure) begin scalar ent,res,h; res:=for ent:=1:get!+vec!+dim(vector1) collect << h:= addsq(get!+vec!+entry(vector1,ent), get!+vec!+entry(vector2,ent)); h:=subs2 h where !*sub2=t; h >>; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+squared!+norm(vector1); % returns a scalar= sum vector_i^2 (internal structure) begin return mk!+inner!+product(vector1,vector1); end; symbolic procedure my!+nullsq!+p(scal); % returns true, if ths sq is zero begin if null(numr( scal)) then return t; end; symbolic procedure mk!+null!+vec(dimen); % returns a vector of zeros begin scalar nullsq,i,res; nullsq:=(nil ./ 1); res:=for i:=1:dimen collect nullsq; return res; end; symbolic procedure mk!+conjugate!+vec(vector1); % returns a vector of zeros begin scalar z,res; res:=for each z in vector1 collect mk!+conjugate!+sq(z); return res; end; symbolic procedure null!+vec!+p(vector1); % returns a true, if vector is the zero vector begin if my!+nullsq!+p(mk!+squared!+norm(vector1)) then return t; end; symbolic procedure mk!+normalize!+vector(vector1); % returns a normalized vector (internal structure) begin scalar scalo,vecres; scalo:=simp!* {'sqrt, mk!*sq(mk!+squared!+norm(vector1))}; if my!+nullsq!+p(scalo) then vecres:= mk!+null!+vec(get!+vec!+dim(vector1)) else << scalo:=simp prepsq scalo; scalo:=quotsq((1 ./ 1),scalo); vecres:= mk!+scal!+mult!+vec(scalo,vector1); >>; return vecres; end; symbolic procedure mk!+inner!+product(vector1,vector2); % returns the inner product of vector1 and vector2 (internal structure) begin scalar z,sum,vec2; if not(get!+vec!+dim(vector1) = get!+vec!+dim(vector2)) then rederr("wrong dimensions in innerproduct"); sum:=(nil ./ 1); if !*complex then vec2:=mk!+conjugate!+vec(vector2) else vec2:=vector2; for z:=1:get!+vec!+dim(vector1) do sum:=addsq(sum,multsq( get!+vec!+entry(vector1,z), get!+vec!+entry(vec2,z) ) ); sum:=subs2 sum where !*sub2=t; return sum; end; symbolic procedure mk!+real!+inner!+product(vector1,vector2); % returns the inner product of vector1 and vector2 (internal structure) begin scalar z,sum; if not(get!+vec!+dim(vector1) = get!+vec!+dim(vector2)) then rederr("wrong dimensions in innerproduct"); sum:=(nil ./ 1); for z:=1:get!+vec!+dim(vector1) do sum:=addsq(sum,multsq( get!+vec!+entry(vector1,z), get!+vec!+entry(vector2,z) ) ); sum:=subs2 sum where !*sub2=t; return sum; end; symbolic procedure mk!+Gram!+Schmid(vectorlist,vector1); % returns a vectorlist of orthonormal vectors % assumptions: vectorlist is orthonormal basis, internal structure begin scalar i,orthovec,scalo,vectors1; orthovec:=vector1; for i:=1:(length(vectorlist)) do << scalo:= negsq(mk!+inner!+product(orthovec,nth(vectorlist,i))); orthovec:=mk!+vec!+add!+vec(orthovec, mk!+scal!+mult!+vec(scalo,nth(vectorlist,i))); >>; orthovec:=mk!+normalize!+vector(orthovec); if null!+vec!+p(orthovec) then vectors1:=vectorlist else vectors1:=add!+vector!+to!+list(orthovec,vectorlist); return vectors1 end; symbolic procedure Gram!+Schmid(vectorlist); % returns a vectorlist of orthonormal vectors begin scalar ortholist,i; if length(vectorlist)<1 then rederr("error in Gram Schmid"); if vector!+p(car vectorlist) then ortholist:=nil else rederr("strange in Gram-Schmid"); for i:=1:length(vectorlist) do ortholist:=mk!+Gram!+Schmid(ortholist,nth(vectorlist,i)); return ortholist; end; symbolic procedure add!+vector!+to!+list(vector1,vectorlist); % returns a list of vectors consisting of vectorlist % and the vector1 at the end % internal structure begin return append(vectorlist,list(vector1)); end; symbolic procedure mk!+internal!+mat(vectorlist); % returns a matrix consisting of columns % equal to the vectors in vectorlist % internal structure begin return mk!+transpose!+matrix(vectorlist); end; symbolic procedure mat!+veclist(mat1); % returns a vectorlist consisting of the columns of the matrix % internal structure begin return mk!+transpose!+matrix(mat1); end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % some useful functions % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% symbolic procedure change!+sq!+to!+int(scal1); % scal1 -- sq which is an integer % result is a nonnegative integer begin scalar nr; nr:=simp!* prepsq scal1; if (denr(nr) = 1) then return numr(nr) else rederr("no integer in change!+sq!+to!+int"); end; symbolic procedure change!+int!+to!+sq(scal1); % scal1 -- integer for example 1 oder 2 oder 3 % result is a sq begin return (scal1 ./ 1); end; symbolic procedure change!+sq!+to!+algnull(scal1); begin scalar rulesum,storecomp; if !*complex then << storecomp:=t; off complex; >> else << storecomp:=nil; >>; rulesum:=evalwhereexp ({'(list (list (REPLACEBY (COS (!~ X)) (TIMES (QUOTIENT 1 2) (PLUS (EXPT E (TIMES I (!~ X))) (EXPT E (MINUS (TIMES I (!~ X))))) )) (REPLACEBY (SIN (!~ X)) (TIMES (QUOTIENT 1 (times 2 i)) (difference (EXPT E (TIMES I (!~ X))) (EXPT E (MINUS (TIMES I (!~ X))))) )) )) , prepsq(scal1)}); rulesum:=reval rulesum; if storecomp then on complex; % print!-sq(simp (rulesum)); return rulesum; end; symbolic procedure mk!+conjugate!+sq(mysq); begin return conjsq(mysq); % return subsq(mysq,'(( i . (minus i)))); end; symbolic procedure mk!+equation(arg1,arg2); begin return list('equal,arg1,arg2); end; symbolic procedure outer!+equation!+p(outerlist); begin if eqcar(outerlist, 'equal) then return t end; symbolic procedure mk!+outer!+list(innerlist); begin return append (list('list),innerlist) end; symbolic procedure mk!+inner!+list(outerlist); begin if outer!+list!+p(outerlist) then return cdr outerlist; end; symbolic procedure outer!+list!+p(outerlist); begin if eqcar(outerlist, 'list) then return t end; symbolic procedure equal!+lists!+p(ll1,ll2); begin return (list!+in!+list!+p(ll1,ll2) and list!+in!+list!+p(ll2,ll1)); end; symbolic procedure list!+in!+list!+p(ll1,ll2); begin if length(ll1)=0 then return t else return (memq(car ll1,ll2) and list!+in!+list!+p(cdr ll1,ll2)); end; symbolic procedure print!-matrix(mat1); begin writepri (mkquote mk!+outer!+mat(mat1),'only); end; symbolic procedure print!-sq(mysq); begin writepri (mkquote prepsq(mysq),'only); end; endmodule; end;