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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 30743) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 30743) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module facprim; % Factorize a primitive multivariate polynomial. % Author: P. M. A. Moore, 1979. % Modifications by: Arthur C. Norman, Anthony C. Hearn. fluid '(!*force!-zero!-set !*overshoot !*overview !*trfac alphalist alphavec bad!-case best!-factor!-count best!-known!-factors best!-modulus best!-set!-pointer chosen!-prime current!-factor!-product deltam f!-numvec factor!-level factor!-trace!-list factored!-lc factorvec facvec fhatvec forbidden!-primes forbidden!-sets full!-gcd hensel!-growth!-size image!-content image!-factors image!-lc image!-mod!-p image!-poly image!-set image!-set!-modulus input!-leading!-coefficient input!-polynomial inverted inverted!-sign irreducible known!-factors kord!* m!-image!-variable modfvec modular!-info multivariate!-factors multivariate!-input!-poly no!-of!-best!-sets no!-of!-primes!-to!-try no!-of!-random!-sets non!-monic null!-space!-basis number!-of!-factors one!-complete!-deg!-analysis!-done othervars poly!-mod!-p polynomial!-to!-factor previous!-degree!-map prime!-base reconstructing!-gcd reduction!-count save!-zset split!-list target!-factor!-count true!-leading!-coeffts usable!-set!-found valid!-image!-sets vars!-to!-kill zero!-set!-tried zerovarset zset); global '(largest!-small!-modulus); %*********************************************************************** % % Primitive multivariate polynomial factorization more or less as % described by Paul Wang in: Math. Comp. vol.32 no.144 oct 1978 pp. % 1215-1231 'An Improved Multivariate Polynomial Factoring Algorithm' % %*********************************************************************** %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % This code works by using a local database of fluid variables % whose meaning is (hopefully) obvious. % they are used as follows: % % global name: set in: comments: % % m!-factored!-leading! create!.images only set if non-numeric % -coefft % m!-factored!-images factorize!.images vector % m!-input!-polynomial factorize!-primitive! % -polynomial % m!-best!-image!-pointer choose!.best!.image % m!-image!-factors choose!.best!.image vector % m!-true!-leading! choose!.best!.image vector % -coeffts % m!-prime choose!.best!.image % irreducible factorize!.images predicate % inverted create!.images predicate % m!-inverted!-sign create!-images +1 or -1 % non!-monic determine!-leading! predicate % -coeffts % (also reconstruct!-over! % -integers) % m!-number!-of!-factors choose!.best!.image % m!-image!-variable square!.free!.factorize % or factorize!-form % m!-image!-sets create!.images vector % this last contains the images of m!-input!-polynomial and the % numbers associated with the factors of lc m!-input!-polynomial (to be % used later) the latter existing only when the lc m!-input!-polynomial % is non-integral. ie.: % m!-image!-sets=< ... , (( d . u ), a, d) , ... > ( a vector) % where: a = an image set (=association list); % d = cont(m!-input!-polynomial image wrt a); % u = prim.part.(same) which is non-trivial square-free % by choice of image set.; % d = vector of numbers associated with factors in lc % m!-input!-polynomial (these depend on a as well); % the number of entries in m!-image!-sets is defined by the fluid % variable, no.of.random.sets. %*********************************************************************** % Multivariate factorization part 1. entry point for this code: % (** NB ** the polynomial is assumed to be non-trivial, primitive and % square free.) %*********************************************************************** symbolic procedure factorize!-primitive!-polynomial u; % U is primitive square free and at least linear in % m!-image!-variable. M!-image!-variable is the variable preserved in % the univariate images. This function determines a random set of % integers and a prime to create a univariate modular image of u, % factorize it and determine the leading coeffts of the factors in the % full factorization of u. Finally the modular image factors are grown % up to the full multivariates ones using the hensel construction. % Result is simple list of irreducible factors. if not(m!-image!-variable eq mvar u) then errach "factorize variable" else if degree!-in!-variable(u,m!-image!-variable) = 1 then list u else if degree!-in!-variable(u,m!-image!-variable) = 2 then factorize!-quadratic u else if fac!-univariatep u then univariate!-factorize u else begin scalar valid!-image!-sets,factored!-lc,image!-factors,prime!-base, one!-complete!-deg!-analysis!-done,zset,zerovarset,othervars, multivariate!-input!-poly,best!-set!-pointer,reduction!-count, true!-leading!-coeffts,number!-of!-factors, inverted!-sign,irreducible,inverted,vars!-to!-kill, forbidden!-sets,zero!-set!-tried,non!-monic, no!-of!-best!-sets,no!-of!-random!-sets,bad!-case, target!-factor!-count,modular!-info,multivariate!-factors, hensel!-growth!-size,alphalist, previous!-degree!-map,image!-set!-modulus, best!-known!-factors,reconstructing!-gcd,full!-gcd; % base!-timer:=time(); % trace!-time display!-time( % " Entered multivariate primitive polynomial code after ", % base!-timer - base!-time); % Note that this code works by using a local database of fluid % variables that are updated by the subroutines directly called % here. This allows for the relatively complicated interaction % between flow of data and control that occurs in the factorization % algorithm. factor!-trace << printstr "From now on we shall refer to this polynomial as U."; printstr "We now create an image of U by picking suitable values "; printstr "for all but one of the variables in U."; prin2!* "The variable preserved in the image is "; prinvar m!-image!-variable; terpri!*(nil) >>; initialize!-fluids u; % set up the fluids to start things off. % w!-time:=time(); tryagain: get!-some!-random!-sets(); choose!-the!-best!-set(); % trace!-time << % display!-time("Modular factoring and best set chosen in ", % time()-w!-time); % w!-time:=time() >>; if irreducible then return list u else if bad!-case then << if !*overshoot then prin2t "Bad image sets - loop"; bad!-case:=nil; goto tryagain >>; reconstruct!-image!-factors!-over!-integers(); % trace!-time << % display!-time("Image factors reconstructed in ",time()-w!-time); % w!-time:=time() >>; if irreducible then return list u else if bad!-case then << if !*overshoot then prin2t "Bad image factors - loop"; bad!-case:=nil; goto tryagain >>; determine!.leading!.coeffts(); % trace!-time << % display!-time("Leading coefficients distributed in ", % time()-w!-time); % w!-time:=time() >>; if irreducible then return list u else if bad!-case then << if !*overshoot then prin2t "Bad split shown by LC distribution"; bad!-case:=nil; goto tryagain >>; if determine!-more!-coeffts()='done then << % trace!-time << % display!-time("All the coefficients distributed in ", % time()-w!-time); % w!-time:=time() >>; return check!-inverted multivariate!-factors >>; % trace!-time << % display!-time("More coefficients distributed in ", % time()-w!-time); % w!-time:=time() >>; reconstruct!-multivariate!-factors(nil); if bad!-case and not irreducible then << if !*overshoot then prin2t "Multivariate overshoot - restart"; bad!-case:=nil; goto tryagain >>; % trace!-time % display!-time("Multivariate factors reconstructed in ", % time()-w!-time); if irreducible then return list u; return check!-inverted multivariate!-factors end; symbolic procedure check!-inverted multi!-faclist; begin scalar inv!.sign,l; if inverted then << inv!.sign:=1; multi!-faclist:= for each x in multi!-faclist collect << l:=invert!.poly(x,m!-image!-variable); inv!.sign:=(car l) * inv!.sign; cdr l >>; if not(inv!.sign=inverted!-sign) then errorf list("INVERSION HAS LOST A SIGN",inv!.sign) >>; return multivariate!-factors:=multi!-faclist end; symbolic procedure getcof(p, v, n); % Get coeff of v^n in p. % I bet this exists somewhere under a different name.... if domainp p then if n=0 then p else nil else if mvar p = v then if ldeg p=n then lc p else getcof(red p, v, n) else addf(multf((lpow p .* 1) .+ nil, getcof(lc p, v, n)), getcof(red p, v, n)); symbolic procedure factorize!-quadratic u; % U is a primitive square-free quadratic. It factors if and only if % its discriminant is a perfect square. begin scalar a, b, c, discr, f1, f2, x; % I am unreasonably cautious here - I THINK that the image variable % should be the main var here, but in case things have got themselves % reordered & to make myself bomb proof against future changes I will % not assume same. a := getcof(u, m!-image!-variable, 2); b := getcof(u, m!-image!-variable, 1); c := getcof(u, m!-image!-variable, 0); if dmode!* = '!:mod!: and current!-modulus = 2 then % problems if b=1 and c=1 then return list u; % Irreducible. discr := addf(multf(b, b), multf(a, multf(-4, c))); discr := sqrtf2 discr; if discr=-1 then return list u; % Irreducible. x := addf(multf(a, multf(2, !*k2f m!-image!-variable)), b); f1 := addf(x, discr); f2 := addf(x, negf discr); f1 := quotf(f1, cdr contents!-with!-respect!-to(f1, m!-image!-variable)); f2 := quotf(f2, cdr contents!-with!-respect!-to(f2, m!-image!-variable)); return list(f1, f2) end; symbolic procedure sqrtd2 d; % Square root of domain element or -1 if it does not have an exact one. % Possibly needs upgrades to deal with non-integer domains, e.g. in % modular arithmetic just half of all values have square roots (= are % quadratic residues), but finding the roots is (I think) HARD. In % floating point it could be taken that all positive values have square % roots. Anyway somebody can adjust this as necessary and I think that % SQRTF2 will then behave properly... if d=nil then nil else if not fixp d or d<0 then -1 else begin scalar q, r, rold; q := pmam!-sqrt d; % Works even if D is really huge. r := q*q-d; repeat << rold := abs r; q := q - (r+q)/(2*q); % / truncates, so this rounds to nearest r := q*q-d >> until abs r >= rold; if r=0 then return q else return -1 end; symbolic procedure pmam!-sqrt n; % Find the square root of n and return integer part + 1. N is fixed % pt on input. As it may be very large, i.e. > largest allowed % floating pt number, it is scaled appropriately. begin scalar s,ten!*!*6,ten!*!*12,ten!*!*14; s:=0; ten!*!*6:=10**6; ten!*!*12:=ten!*!*6**2; ten!*!*14:=100*ten!*!*12; while n>ten!*!*14 do << s:=iadd1 s; n:=1+n/ten!*!*12 >>; return (fix sqrt float n + 1)*10**(6*s) end; symbolic procedure sqrtf2 p; % Return square root of the polynomial P if there is an exact one, % else returns -1 to indicate failure. if domainp p then sqrtd2 p else begin scalar v, d, qlc, q, r, w; if not evenp (d := ldeg p) or (qlc := sqrtf2 lc p) = -1 then return -1; d := d/2; v := mvar p; q := (mksp(v, d) .* qlc) .+ nil; % First approx to sqrt(P) r := multf(2, q); p := red p; % Residue while not domainp p and mvar p = v and ldeg p >= d and (w := quotf(lt p .+ nil, r)) neq nil do << p := addf(p, multf(negf w, addf(multf(2, q), w))); q := addf(q, w) >>; if null p then return q else return -1 end; symbolic procedure initialize!-fluids u; % Set up the fluids to be used in factoring primitive poly. begin scalar w,w1; if !*force!-zero!-set then << no!-of!-random!-sets:=1; no!-of!-best!-sets:=1 >> else << no!-of!-random!-sets:=9; % we generate this many and calculate their factor counts. no!-of!-best!-sets:=5; % we find the modular factors of this many. >>; image!-set!-modulus:=5; vars!-to!-kill:=variables!-to!-kill lc u; multivariate!-input!-poly:=u; no!-of!-primes!-to!-try := 5; target!-factor!-count:=degree!-in!-variable(u,m!-image!-variable); if not domainp lc multivariate!-input!-poly then if domainp (w:= trailing!.coefft(multivariate!-input!-poly, m!-image!-variable)) then << inverted:=t; % note that we are 'inverting' the poly m!-input!-polynomial. w1:=invert!.poly(multivariate!-input!-poly,m!-image!-variable); multivariate!-input!-poly:=cdr w1; inverted!-sign:=car w1; % to ease the lc problem, m!-input!-polynomial <- poly % produced by taking numerator of (m!-input!-polynomial % with 1/m!-image!-variable substituted for % m!-image!-variable). % m!-inverted!-sign is -1 if we have inverted the sign of % the resulting poly to keep it +ve, else +1. factor!-trace << prin2!* "The trailing coefficient of U wrt "; prinvar m!-image!-variable; prin2!* "(="; prin2!* w; printstr ") is purely numeric so we 'invert' U to give: "; prin2!* " U <- "; printsf multivariate!-input!-poly; printstr "This simplifies any problems with the leading "; printstr "coefficient of U." >> >> else << % trace!-time prin2t "Factoring the leading coefficient:"; % wtime:=time(); factored!-lc:= factorize!-form!-recursion lc multivariate!-input!-poly; % trace!-time display!-time("Leading coefficient factored in ", % time()-wtime); % factorize the lc of m!-input!-polynomial completely. factor!-trace << printstr "The leading coefficient of U is non-trivial so we must "; printstr "factor it before we can decide how it is distributed"; printstr "over the leading coefficients of the factors of U."; printstr "So the factors of this leading coefficient are:"; fac!-printfactors factored!-lc >> >>; make!-zerovarset vars!-to!-kill; % Sets ZEROVARSET and OTHERVARS. if null zerovarset then zero!-set!-tried:=t else << zset:=make!-zeroset!-list length zerovarset; save!-zset:=zset >> end; symbolic procedure variables!-to!-kill lc!-u; % Picks out all the variables in u except var. Also checks to see if % any of these divide lc u: if they do they are dotted with t otherwise % dotted with nil. result is list of these dotted pairs. for each w in cdr kord!* collect if (domainp lc!-u) or didntgo quotf(lc!-u,!*k2f w) then (w . nil) else (w . t); %*********************************************************************** % Multivariate factorization part 2. Creating image sets and picking % the best one. fluid '(usable!-set!-found); symbolic procedure get!-some!-random!-sets(); % here we create a number of random sets to make the input % poly univariate by killing all but 1 of the variables. at % the same time we pick a random prime to reduce this image % poly mod p. begin scalar image!-set,chosen!-prime,image!-lc,image!-mod!-p, image!-content,image!-poly,f!-numvec,forbidden!-primes,i,j, usable!-set!-found; valid!-image!-sets:=mkvect no!-of!-random!-sets; i:=0; while i < no!-of!-random!-sets do << % wtime:=time(); generate!-an!-image!-set!-with!-prime( if i<idifference(no!-of!-random!-sets,3) then nil else t); % trace!-time % display!-time(" Image set generated in ",time()-wtime); i:=iadd1 i; putv(valid!-image!-sets,i,list( image!-set,chosen!-prime,image!-lc,image!-mod!-p,image!-content, image!-poly,f!-numvec)); forbidden!-sets:=image!-set . forbidden!-sets; forbidden!-primes:=list chosen!-prime; j:=1; while (j<3) and (i<no!-of!-random!-sets) do << % wtime:=time(); image!-mod!-p:=find!-a!-valid!-prime(image!-lc,image!-poly, not numberp image!-content); if not(image!-mod!-p='not!-square!-free) then << % trace!-time % display!-time(" Prime and image mod p found in ", % time()-wtime); i:=iadd1 i; putv(valid!-image!-sets,i,list( image!-set,chosen!-prime,image!-lc,image!-mod!-p, image!-content,image!-poly,f!-numvec)); forbidden!-primes:=chosen!-prime . forbidden!-primes >>; j:=iadd1 j >> >> end; symbolic procedure choose!-the!-best!-set(); % Given several random sets we now choose the best by factoring % each image mod its chosen prime and taking one with the % lowest factor count as the best for hensel growth. begin scalar split!-list,poly!-mod!-p,null!-space!-basis, known!-factors,w,n,fnum,remaining!-split!-list; modular!-info:=mkvect no!-of!-random!-sets; % wtime:=time(); for i:=1:no!-of!-random!-sets do << w:=getv(valid!-image!-sets,i); get!-factor!-count!-mod!-p(i,get!-image!-mod!-p w, get!-chosen!-prime w,not numberp get!-image!-content w) >>; split!-list:=sort(split!-list,function lessppair); % this now contains a list of pairs (m . n) where % m is the no: of factors in image no: n. the list % is sorted with best split (smallest m) first. % trace!-time % display!-time(" Factor counts found in ",time()-wtime); if caar split!-list = 1 then << irreducible:=t; return nil >>; w:=nil; % wtime:=time(); for i:=1:no!-of!-best!-sets do << n:=cdar split!-list; get!-factors!-mod!-p(n, get!-chosen!-prime getv(valid!-image!-sets,n)); w:=(car split!-list) . w; split!-list:=cdr split!-list >>; % pick the best few of these and find out their % factors mod p. % trace!-time % display!-time(" Best factors mod p found in ",time()-wtime); remaining!-split!-list:=split!-list; split!-list:=reversip w; % keep only those images that are fully factored mod p. % wtime:=time(); check!-degree!-sets(no!-of!-best!-sets,t); % the best image is pointed at by best!-set!-pointer. % trace!-time % display!-time(" Degree sets analysed in ",time()-wtime); % now if these didn't help try the rest to see % if we can avoid finding new image sets altogether: if bad!-case then << bad!-case:=nil; % wtime:=time(); while remaining!-split!-list do << n:=cdar remaining!-split!-list; get!-factors!-mod!-p(n, get!-chosen!-prime getv(valid!-image!-sets,n)); w:=(car remaining!-split!-list) . w; remaining!-split!-list:=cdr remaining!-split!-list >>; % trace!-time % display!-time(" More sets factored mod p in ",time()-wtime); split!-list:=reversip w; % wtime:=time(); check!-degree!-sets(no!-of!-random!-sets - no!-of!-best!-sets,t); % best!-set!-pointer hopefully points at the best image. % trace!-time % display!-time(" More degree sets analysed in ",time()-wtime) >>; one!-complete!-deg!-analysis!-done:=t; factor!-trace << w:=getv(valid!-image!-sets,best!-set!-pointer); prin2!* "The chosen image set is: "; for each x in get!-image!-set w do << prinvar car x; prin2!* "="; prin2!* cdr x; prin2!* "; " >>; terpri!*(nil); prin2!* "and chosen prime is "; printstr get!-chosen!-prime w; printstr "Image polynomial (made primitive) = "; printsf get!-image!-poly w; if not(get!-image!-content w=1) then << prin2!* " with (extracted) content of "; printsf get!-image!-content w >>; prin2!* "The image polynomial mod "; prin2!* get!-chosen!-prime w; printstr ", made monic, is:"; printsf get!-image!-mod!-p w; printstr "and factors of the primitive image mod this prime are:"; for each x in getv(modular!-info,best!-set!-pointer) do printsf x; if (fnum:=get!-f!-numvec w) and not !*overview then << printstr "The numeric images of each (square-free) factor of"; printstr "the leading coefficient of the polynomial are as"; prin2!* "follows (in order):"; prin2!* " "; for i:=1:length cdr factored!-lc do << prin2!* getv(fnum,i); prin2!* "; " >>; terpri!*(nil) >> >> end; %*********************************************************************** % Multivariate factorization part 3. Reconstruction of the % chosen image over the integers. symbolic procedure reconstruct!-image!-factors!-over!-integers(); % The Hensel construction from modular case to univariate % over the integers. begin scalar best!-modulus,best!-factor!-count,input!-polynomial, input!-leading!-coefficient,best!-known!-factors,s,w,i, x!-is!-factor,x!-factor; s:=getv(valid!-image!-sets,best!-set!-pointer); best!-known!-factors:=getv(modular!-info,best!-set!-pointer); best!-modulus:=get!-chosen!-prime s; best!-factor!-count:=length best!-known!-factors; input!-polynomial:=get!-image!-poly s; if ldeg input!-polynomial=1 then if not(x!-is!-factor:=not numberp get!-image!-content s) then errorf list("Trying to factor a linear image poly: ", input!-polynomial) else begin scalar brecip,ww,om,x!-mod!-p; number!-of!-factors:=2; prime!-base:=best!-modulus; x!-factor:=!*k2f m!-image!-variable; putv(valid!-image!-sets,best!-set!-pointer, put!-image!-poly!-and!-content(s,lc get!-image!-content s, multf(x!-factor,get!-image!-poly s))); om:=set!-modulus best!-modulus; brecip:=modular!-reciprocal red (ww:=reduce!-mod!-p input!-polynomial); x!-mod!-p:=!*f2mod x!-factor; alphalist:=list( (x!-mod!-p . brecip), (ww . modular!-minus modular!-times(brecip,lc ww))); do!-quadratic!-growth(list(x!-factor,input!-polynomial), list(x!-mod!-p,ww),best!-modulus); w:=list input!-polynomial; % All factors apart from X-FACTOR. set!-modulus om end else << input!-leading!-coefficient:=lc input!-polynomial; factor!-trace << printstr "Next we use the Hensel Construction to grow these modular"; printstr "factors into factors over the integers." >>; w:=reconstruct!.over!.integers(); if irreducible then return t; if (x!-is!-factor:=not numberp get!-image!-content s) then << number!-of!-factors:=length w + 1; x!-factor:=!*k2f m!-image!-variable; putv(valid!-image!-sets,best!-set!-pointer, put!-image!-poly!-and!-content(s,lc get!-image!-content s, multf(x!-factor,get!-image!-poly s))); fix!-alphas() >> else number!-of!-factors:=length w; if number!-of!-factors=1 then return irreducible:=t >>; if number!-of!-factors>target!-factor!-count then return bad!-case:=list get!-image!-set s; image!-factors:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; i:=1; factor!-trace printstr "The full factors of the image polynomial are:"; for each im!-factor in w do << putv(image!-factors,i,im!-factor); factor!-trace printsf im!-factor; i:=iadd1 i >>; if x!-is!-factor then << putv(image!-factors,i,x!-factor); factor!-trace << printsf x!-factor; printsf get!-image!-content getv(valid!-image!-sets,best!-set!-pointer) >> >> end; symbolic procedure do!-quadratic!-growth(flist,modflist,p); begin scalar fhatvec,alphavec,factorvec,modfvec,facvec, current!-factor!-product,i,deltam,m; fhatvec:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; alphavec:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; factorvec:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; modfvec:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; facvec:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; current!-factor!-product:=1; i:=0; for each ff in flist do << putv(factorvec,i:=iadd1 i,ff); current!-factor!-product:=multf(ff,current!-factor!-product) >>; i:=0; for each modff in modflist do << putv(modfvec,i:=iadd1 i,modff); putv(alphavec,i,cdr get!-alpha modff) >>; deltam:=p; m:=deltam*deltam; while m<largest!-small!-modulus do << quadratic!-step(m,number!-of!-factors); m:=m*deltam >>; hensel!-growth!-size:=deltam; alphalist:=nil; for j:=1:number!-of!-factors do alphalist:=(reduce!-mod!-p getv(factorvec,j) . getv(alphavec,j)) . alphalist end; symbolic procedure fix!-alphas(); % We extracted a factor x (where x is the image variable) % before any alphas were calculated, we now need to put % back this factor and its coresponding alpha which incidently % will change the other alphas. begin scalar om,f1,x!-factor,a,arecip,b; om:=set!-modulus hensel!-growth!-size; f1:=reduce!-mod!-p input!-polynomial; x!-factor:=!*f2mod !*k2f m!-image!-variable; arecip:=modular!-reciprocal (a:=evaluate!-mod!-p(f1,m!-image!-variable,0)); b:=times!-mod!-p(modular!-minus arecip, quotfail!-mod!-p(difference!-mod!-p(f1,a),x!-factor)); alphalist:=(x!-factor . arecip) . (for each aa in alphalist collect ((car aa) . remainder!-mod!-p(times!-mod!-p(b,cdr aa),car aa))); set!-modulus om end; %*********************************************************************** % Multivariate factorization part 4. Determining the leading % coefficients. symbolic procedure determine!.leading!.coeffts(); % This function determines the leading coeffts to all but a constant % factor which is spread over all of the factors before reconstruction. begin scalar delta,c,s; s:=getv(valid!-image!-sets,best!-set!-pointer); delta:=get!-image!-content s; % cont(the m!-input!-polynomial image). if not domainp lc multivariate!-input!-poly then << true!-leading!-coeffts:= distribute!.lc(number!-of!-factors,image!-factors,s, factored!-lc); if bad!-case then << bad!-case:=list get!-image!-set s; target!-factor!-count:=number!-of!-factors - 1; if target!-factor!-count=1 then irreducible:=t; return bad!-case >>; delta:=car true!-leading!-coeffts; true!-leading!-coeffts:=cdr true!-leading!-coeffts; % if the lc problem exists then use Wang's algorithm to % distribute it over the factors. if not !*overview then factor!-trace << printstr "We now determine the leading coefficients of the "; printstr "factors of U by using the factors of the leading"; printstr "coefficient of U and their (square-free) images"; printstr "referred to earlier:"; for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do << prinsf getv(image!-factors,i); prin2!* " with l.c.: "; printsf getv(true!-leading!-coeffts,i) >> >>; if not onep delta then factor!-trace << if !*overview then << printstr "In determining the leading coefficients of the factors"; prin2!* "of U, " >>; prin2!* "We have an integer factor, "; prin2!* delta; printstr ", left over that we "; printstr "cannot yet distribute correctly." >> >> else << true!-leading!-coeffts:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do putv(true!-leading!-coeffts,i,lc getv(image!-factors,i)); if not onep delta then factor!-trace << prin2!* "U has a leading coefficient = "; prin2!* delta; printstr " which we cannot "; printstr "yet distribute correctly over the image factors." >> >>; if not onep delta then << for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do << putv(image!-factors,i,multf(delta,getv(image!-factors,i))); putv(true!-leading!-coeffts,i, multf(delta,getv(true!-leading!-coeffts,i))) >>; divide!-all!-alphas delta; c:=expt(delta,isub1 number!-of!-factors); multivariate!-input!-poly:=multf(c,multivariate!-input!-poly); non!-monic:=t; factor!-trace << printstr "(a) We multiply each of the image factors by the "; printstr "absolute value of this constant and multiply"; prin2!* "U by "; if not(number!-of!-factors=2) then << prin2!* delta; prin2!* "**"; prin2!* isub1 number!-of!-factors >> else prin2!* delta; printstr " giving new image factors"; printstr "as follows: "; for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do printsf getv(image!-factors,i) >> >>; % If necessary, fiddle the remaining integer part of the % lc of m!-input!-polynomial. end; endmodule; end;