Artifact 70e2724b1a552a857b2dfe84a65bd21e96a19f36c7024fcbf547defcc662a2c0:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 2330) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 2330) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module paraset; % Parameter determining module. % Author: Stanley L. Kameny. % Last change date: 23 June 1993. % determines the parameters !!nfpd, !!nbfpd, and !!maxbflexp % for floating point numbers. !!nfpd, !!nbfpd, and !!maxbflexp are % computed at load, but !!maxbflexp may have to be fixed up at run time % if !!flexperr is true. imports errorp, errorset!*, neq, roundconstants; exports !!mfefix, find!!nbfpd, find!!nfpd, infinityp; global '(!!nfpd !!nbfpd !!!~xx !!yy !!maxbflexp !!flexperr !!plumax !!epsqrt !!flint !!flbint !!floatbits); flag('(!!nfpd !!nbfpd !!maxflexp),'share); symbolic procedure find!!nfpd; begin scalar x,y,z;integer i; x:=y:=9.0; repeat <<x := 10.0*x+y; i := i+1>> until (z := x+1.0)=x; if 10.0*fix(z/10) - 1.0 neq x then i := i - 1; return !!nfpd:=i end; symbolic procedure find!!nbfpd; begin scalar x,y,z;integer i; x:=y:=1.0; repeat <<x := 2.0*x+y; i := i+1>> until (z := x+1.0)=x; if 2.0*fix(z/2) - 1.0 neq x then i := i-1; return !!nbfpd:=i end; symbolic procedure find!!maxbflexp; begin scalar z; integer n; !!!~xx := 1.0; while not errorp (z := errorset!*( '(progn (setq !!yy (plus 1.0 (times !!!~xx 2.0))) (and (not (infinityp !!yy)) (greaterp !!yy !!!~xx))),nil)) and car z do <<n := n+1; !!!~xx := !!yy>>; !!flexperr := not errorp z and not car z; return !!maxbflexp := n end; symbolic procedure infinityp u; % Check for a representation of an IEEE floating point infinity. not(x eq '!- or digit x) where x=car explode u; symbolic procedure !!mfefix; <<if !!flexperr then begin integer n; !!flexperr := !!plumax := nil; while errorp errorset!*('(explode !!!~xx),nil) do <<!!!~xx := !!!~xx/2.0; n := n+1>>; !!maxbflexp := !!maxbflexp - n; end; if not !!plumax then roundconstants()>>; find!!nfpd(); find!!nbfpd(); find!!maxbflexp(); !!epsqrt := 10.0**((-1 - !!nfpd)/2); !!flint := 10.0**!!nfpd; !!flbint := 2.0 ** !!nbfpd; !!floatbits := (10*(!!nfpd + 1))/3; % Smallest power of 2 that does % not fit in mantissa. Note that 10/3 > log(10)/log(2). endmodule; end;