Artifact 67930d98c90109755e7e42948a222774a49501350cb401c03a07bd7b07ca1bac:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 4701) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% % TOY-MODE.SL - A "toy" to demonstrate a "non-text" data mode % % Author: William F. Galway % Symbolic Computation Group % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 12 August 1982 % Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah % % In reality, this is really the same as text, but with a different refresh % algorithm. % Need to fix clear window problems at creation time, plus misc clear to % end of line problems plus onewindow/twowindow problems. (load nstruct) (declare_data_mode "toy" 'create_toy_buffer) % Taken from "create_text_buffer" (de create_toy_buffer () % Environment bindings for this buffer. % May prefer to use backquote to do this, but current version is buggy % for lists of the form `( (a .b) ). Also, it's important not to share % any substructure with other alists built by this routine. (list % The following 5 "per buffer" variables should be defined for a buffer % of any "data mode". (cons 'buffers_view_creator 'create_toy_view) (cons 'buffers_file_reader 'read_channel_into_text_buffer) (cons 'buffers_file_writer 'write_text_buffer_to_channel) (cons 'buffers_file NIL) % Name of file associated with buffer. (cons 'ModeEstablishExpressions RlispMode) % Variables unique to "text data mode" follow. % Initial vector allows only one line. (Should really be parameterized % somehow?) (cons 'CurrentBufferText (MkVect 0)) % 0 is upper bound, one element. (cons 'CurrentBufferSize 1) % Start with one line of text (but zero % characters in the line! ) (cons 'CurrentLine NIL) (cons 'CurrentLineIndex 0) (cons 'point 0) % MarkLineIndex corresponds to CurrentLineIndex, but for "mark". (cons 'MarkLineIndex 0) (cons 'MarkPoint 0) % Corresponds to "point". )) % Modified from "create_text_view" (de create_toy_view (buffer-name) (cond % If the current buffer also uses a "toy view" or "text view" (hum, % needs more work--not very modular! ) ((memq buffers_view_creator '(create_text_view create_toy_view)) % Just modify (destructively) the current "view" (or "window") % environment to look into the new buffer, use the proper refresh % algorithm, return the current environment. (SelectBuffer buffer-name) % Let window know what buffer it's looking into (wierd)! (setf WindowsBufferName buffer-name) (setf windows_refresher (function refresh_toy_window)) % Make sure the virtual screen is properly cleared and framed. (ClearVirtualScreen CurrentVirtualScreen) (FrameScreen CurrentVirtualScreen) % Save (and return) the current "view" environment. (SaveEnv CurrentWindowDescriptor)) % Otherwise (if current view isn't into "text" or "toy"), create a % framed window of an appropriate size and at an appropriate location. % (For lack of a better idea, just use a large window taking up most of % the screen--same as provided by "OneWindow".) (T (let ((new-view (FramedWindowDescriptor buffer-name % Upper left corner (coords (sub1 (Column ScreenBase)) (sub1 (Row ScreenBase))) % Size of window uses entire width of screen, leaves room for two % one line windows at bottom of screen. (coords (plus 2 (Column ScreenDelta)) (sub1 (Row ScreenDelta))) ))) (setf (cdr (atsoc 'windows_refresher new-view)) (function refresh_toy_window)) new-view)))) (fluid '(row_offset column_offset)) % Taken from refresh_framed_window. (de refresh_toy_window () (progn (setf row_offset 1) (setf column_offset 1) (quietly_copyd 'original-WriteToScreen 'WriteToScreen) (quietly_copyd 'WriteToScreen 'backwards-WriteToScreen) (refresh_text) (quietly_copyd 'WriteToScreen 'original-WriteToScreen) (refresh_frame_label) (MoveToScreenLocation CurrentVirtualScreen (plus row_offset (CountLinesFrom TopOfDisplayIndex CurrentLineIndex)) (difference (VirtualScreenWidth CurrentVirtualScreen) (plus column_offset (difference (LineColumn point CurrentLine) ShiftDisplayColumn)))))) (de backwards-WriteToScreen (Scrn chr rw col) (original-WriteToScreen Scrn chr rw (difference (VirtualScreenWidth Scrn) col))) (de quietly_copyd (dest src) (let ((*USERMODE NIL) (*REDEFMSG NIL)) (copyd dest src))) (de quietly_putd (fname ftype body) (let ((*USERMODE NIL) (*REDEFMSG NIL)) (putd fname ftype body)))