Artifact 633714ad7542b82f8b15e7e4a172a3aa588652c0b4ea6c75d6db8c8f302f9a45:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3594) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module helpasst; algebraic procedure assist(); <<write " Argument of ASSISTHELP must be an integer between 3 and 14. "; write " Each integer corresponds to a section number in the documentation:"; write " 3: switches ", " 4: lists "," 5: bags ", " 6: sets "; write " 7: utilities ", " 8: properties and flags ", " 9: control functions "; write " 10: handling of polynomials "; write " 11: handling of transcendental functions"; write " 12: handling of n-dimensional vectors "; write " 13: grassmann variables "," 14: matrices";>>; algebraic procedure assisthelp(n); if n = assist then assist() else if not fixp n then rederr("Argument must be an integer") else if n>=15 then "Argument must be less then 15" else if n<3 then "Argument must be greater or equal to 3" else begin scalar xx; xx:= asflist(n,assist_func); return if length xx=1 then rest first xx else for each i in xx collect rest i end$ algebraic( assist_func:= {{3, "switches", "switchorg"}, {4, "dot", "mklist", "algnlist", "frequency", "sequences", "split", "kernlist"}, {4, "delete", "delete_all", "remove"}, {4, "elmult", "insert", "insert_keep_order", "merge_list"}, {4, "last", "belast", "position", "depth", "mkdepth_one", "pair", "delpair", "appendn"}, {4, "repfirst", "represt", "asfirst", "aslast", "asrest","restaslist", "asflist", "asslist"}, {5, "putbag", "clearbag", "bagp", "baglistp", "alistp", "abaglistp", "listbag"}, {6, "union", "setp", "mkset", "diffset", "symdiff"}, {7, "mkidnew", "list_to_ids", "oddp", "followline", "detidnum", "dellastdigit", "=="}, {7, "randomlist", "mkrandtabl"}, {7, "permutations", "perm_to_num", "num_to_perm", "combnum", "combinations", "cyclicpermlist", "symmetrize", "remsym"}, {7, "extremum", "sortnumlist", "sortlist","algsort"}, {7, "funcvar", "implicit", "depatom", "explicit", "simplify", "korderlist", "remcom"}, {7, "checkproplist", "extractlist", "array_to_list", "list_to_array"}, {7, "remvector", "remindex", "mkgam"}, {8, "putflag", "putprop", "displayprop", "displayflag", "clearflag", "clearprop"}, {9, "nordp", "depvarp", "alatomp", "alkernp", "precp"}, {9, "show", "suppress", "clearop", "clearfunctions"}, {10, "alg_to_symb", "symb_to_alg"}, {10, "gcdnl", "distribute", "leadterm", "redexpr", "monom", "lowestdeg", "splitterms", "splitplusminus", "norm_mon", "norm_pol", "list_coeff_pol"}, {11, "trigexpand", "hypexpand","trigreduce","hypreduce"}, {12, "sumvect", "minvect", "sscalvect", "crossvect", "mpvect"}, {13, "putgrass", "remgrass", "grassp", "grassparity", "ghostfactor"}, {14, "mkidm", "baglmat", "coercemat", "unitmat","submat", "matsubr", "matsubc", "matextr", "matextc"}, {14, "hconcmat", "vconcmat", "tpmat", "hermat", "seteltmat", "geteltmat"}}); endmodule; end;