Artifact 5f988f9007eea0cde858c5f6894c2667ddc69b674051a024b2eb45e8533a7819:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 13553) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% % 20-LAP.RED - Dec-20 PSL assembler % % Author: Eric Benson % Symbolic Computation Group % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 1 February 1982 % Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah % % 27-May-1983 Mark R. Swanson % Added IndWord support for Extended adressing on -20 fluid '(LabelOffsets!* CurrentOffset!* CodeSize!* CodeBase!* Entries!* ForwardInternalReferences!* NewBitTableEntry!* LapReturnValue!* !*WritingFaslFile InitOffset!* !*PGWD !*PWrds); CompileTime << flag('(SaveEntry DefineEntries DepositInstruction OpcodeValue OperandValue DepositWord DepositWordExpression DepositHalfWords LabelValue DepositItem DepositHalfWordIDNumber FindLabels OneLapLength MakeRelocInf MakeRelocWord), 'InternalFunction); smacro procedure LabelP X; atom X; >>; LoadTime << !*PWrds := T; >>; lisp procedure Lap U; begin scalar LapReturnValue!*, LabelOffsets!*, Entries!*; if not !*WritingFaslFile then CurrentOffset!* := 0; U := Pass1Lap U; FindLabels U; if !*PGWD then for each X in U do if atom X then Prin2 X else PrintF(" %p%n", X); if not !*WritingFaslFile then CodeBase!* := GTBPS CodeSize!*; for each X in U do if not LabelP X then if first X = '!*entry then SaveEntry X else DepositInstruction X; DefineEntries(); if not !*WritingFaslFile and !*PWrds then ErrorPrintF("*** %p: base %o, length %d words", for each X in Entries!* collect first car X, CodeBase!*, CodeSize!*); return MkCODE LapReturnValue!*; end; lisp procedure SaveEntry X; if second X = '!*!*!*Code!*!*Pointer!*!*!* then LapReturnValue!* := % Magic token that tells LAP to return (if !*WritingFaslFile then CurrentOffset!* % a code pointer else IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*)) else if not !*WritingFaslFile then << Entries!* := (rest X . CurrentOffset!*) . Entries!*; if not LapReturnValue!* then LapReturnValue!* := IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) >> else if second X = '!*!*Fasl!*!*InitCode!*!* then InitOffset!* := CurrentOffset!* else if FlagP(second X, 'InternalFunction) then put(second X, 'InternalEntryOffset, CurrentOffset!*) else << FindIDNumber second X; DFPrintFasl list('PutEntry, MkQuote second X, MkQuote third X, CurrentOffset!*) >>; lisp procedure DefineEntries(); for each X in Entries!* do PutD(first car X, second car X, MkCODE IPlus2(CodeBase!*, cdr X)); lisp procedure DepositInstruction X; % % Legal forms are: % (special_form . any) % (opcode) % (opcode address) % (opcode ac address) % begin scalar Op, Y, A, E; return if (Y := get(first X, 'InstructionDepositFunction)) then Apply(Y, list X) else << NewBitTableEntry!* := 0; Op := OpcodeValue first X; if null(Y := rest X) then A := E := 0 else << E := OperandValue first Y; if null(Y := rest Y) then A := 0 else << A := E; E := OperandValue first Y >> >>; UpdateBitTable(1, NewBitTableEntry!*); DepositAllFields(Op, A, E) >>; end; lisp procedure DepositAllFields(Op, A, E); << @IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) := ILOR(ILSH(Op, 27), ILOR(ILSH(A, 23), E)); CurrentOffset!* := IAdd1 CurrentOffset!* >>; lisp procedure OpcodeValue U; if PosIntP U then U else get(U, 'OpcodeValue) or StdError BldMsg("Unknown opcode %r", U); lisp procedure OperandValue U; % % Legal forms are: % number % other atom (label) % (special . any) fluid, global, etc. % (indexed register address) % (indirect other_op) % begin scalar X; return if PosIntP U then U else if NegIntP U then ILAND(U, 8#777777) else if LabelP U then ILAND(LabelValue U, 8#777777) else if (X := get(first U, 'OperandValueFunction)) then Apply(X, list U) else if (X := WConstEvaluable U) then OperandValue X else StdError BldMsg("Unknown operand %r", U); end; lisp procedure BinaryOperand U; % % (op x x) can occur in expressions % begin scalar X; return if (X := WConstEvaluable U) then X else << X := if GetD first U then first U else get(first U, 'DOFN); U := rest U; if NumberP first U then Apply(X, list(first U, LabelValue second U)) else if NumberP second U then Apply(X, list(LabelValue first U, second U)) else StdError BldMsg("Expression too complicated in LAP %r", U) >>; end; % Add others to this list if they arise put('difference, 'OperandValueFunction, 'BinaryOperand); put('WPlus2, 'OperandValueFunction, 'BinaryOperand); lisp procedure RegisterOperand U; begin scalar V; U := second U; return if PosIntP U then U else if (V := get(U, 'RegisterNumber)) then V else StdError BldMsg("Unknown register %r", U); end; put('REG, 'OperandValueFunction, 'RegisterOperand); DefList('((nil 0) (t1 6) (t2 7) (t3 8) (t4 9) (t5 10) (t6 11) (st 8#17)), 'RegisterNumber); lisp procedure ImmediateOperand U; OperandValue second U; % immediate does nothing on the PDP10 put('immediate, 'OperandValueFunction, 'ImmediateOperand); lisp procedure IndexedOperand U; begin scalar V; V := OperandValue second U; U := OperandValue third U; return ILOR(ILSH(V, 18), U); end; put('indexed, 'OperandValueFunction, 'IndexedOperand); lisp procedure LapValueCell U; ValueCellLocation second U; DefList('((fluid LapValueCell) (!$fluid LapValueCell) (global LapValueCell) (!$global LapValueCell)), 'OperandValueFunction); lisp procedure LapEntry U; FunctionCellLocation second U; put('entry, 'OperandValueFunction, 'LapEntry); lisp procedure LapInternalEntry U; begin scalar X; U := second U; NewBitTableEntry!* := const RELOC_HALFWORD; return if (X := Atsoc(U, LabelOffsets!*)) then << X := cdr X; if !*WritingFaslFile then X else IPlus2(CodeBase!*, X) >> else << if not !*WritingFaslFile then FunctionCellLocation U else if (X := get(U, 'InternalEntryOffset)) then X else << ForwardInternalReferences!* := (CurrentOffset!* . U) . ForwardInternalReferences!*; 0 >> >>; % will be modified later end; put('InternalEntry, 'OperandValueFunction, 'LapInternalEntry); lisp procedure DepositWordBlock X; for each Y in cdr X do DepositWordExpression Y; put('fullword, 'InstructionDepositFunction, 'DepositWordBlock); put('indword, 'InstructionDepositFunction, 'DepositIndWord); lisp procedure DepositIndWord X; begin scalar Infpart; InfPart := cadr X; if not !*WritingFaslFile then DepositWord MkItem(8#40,ILAND(8#777777, LabelValue InfPart)) else << if LabelP InfPart then @IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) := % RELOC_CODE_OFFSET = 0 MkItem(8#40, LabelValue InfPart); CurrentOffset!* := IAdd1 CurrentOffset!*; UpdateBitTable(1, const RELOC_HALFWORD) >>; end; lisp procedure DepositHalfWordBlock X; begin scalar L, R; X := rest X; while not null X do << L := first X; X := rest X; if null X then R := 0 else << R := first X; X := rest X >>; DepositHalfWords(L, R) >>; end; put('halfword, 'InstructionDepositFunction, 'DepositHalfWordBlock); CommentOutCode << lisp procedure DepositByteBlock X; case length X of 0: DepositWord 0; 1: DepositBytes(first X, 0, 0, 0, 0); 2: DepositBytes(first X, second X, 0, 0, 0); 3: DepositBytes(first X, second X, third X, 0, 0); 4: DepositBytes(first X, second X, third X, fourth X, 0); default: << DepositBytes(first X, second X, third X, fourth X, fourth rest X); DepositByteBlock rest rest rest rest rest X >>; end; put('byte, 'InstructionDepositFunction, 'DepositByteBlock); >>; lisp procedure DepositString X; begin scalar Y; X := StrInf second X; Y := StrPack StrLen X; for I := 1 step 1 until Y do DepositWord @IPlus2(X, I); end; put('string, 'InstructionDepositFunction, 'DepositString); lisp procedure DepositFloat X; % this will not work in cross-assembly << X := second X; % don't need to strip tag on PDP10 DepositWord FloatHighOrder X; DepositWord FloatLowOrder X >>; put('float, 'InstructionDepositFunction, 'DepositFloat); lisp procedure DepositWord X; << @IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) := X; UpdateBitTable(1, 0); CurrentOffset!* := IAdd1 CurrentOffset!* >>; lisp procedure DepositWordExpression X; % Only limited expressions now handled begin scalar Y; return if FixP X then DepositWord Int2Sys X else if LabelP X then << @IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) := LabelValue X; UpdateBitTable(1, const RELOC_HALFWORD); CurrentOffset!* := IAdd1 CurrentOffset!* >> else if first X = 'MkItem then DepositItem(second X, third X) else if first X = 'FieldPointer then DepositFieldPointer(second X, third X, fourth X) else if (Y := WConstEvaluable X) then DepositWord Int2Sys Y else StdError BldMsg("Expression too complicated %r", X); end; lisp procedure DepositHalfWords(L, R); begin scalar Y; if not (FixP L or (L := WConstEvaluable L)) then StdError "Left half too complex"; if PairP R and first R = 'IDLoc then DepositHalfWordIDNumber(L, second R) else if (Y := WConstEvaluable R) then DepositWord ILOR(ILSH(L, 18), Y) else StdError BldMsg("Halfword expression too complicated %r", R); end; lisp procedure LabelValue U; begin scalar V; return if CodeP U then Inf U else if (V := Atsoc(U, LabelOffsets!*)) then << V := cdr V; if !*WritingFaslFile then << NewBitTableEntry!* := const RELOC_HALFWORD; V >> else IPlus2(CodeBase!*, V) >> else StdError BldMsg("Unknown label %r in LAP", U); end; lisp procedure DepositItem(TagPart, InfPart); if not !*WritingFaslFile then DepositWord MkItem(TagPart, if LabelP InfPart then LabelValue InfPart else if first InfPart = 'IDLoc then IDInf second InfPart else StdError BldMsg("Unknown inf in MkItem %r", InfPart)) else << if LabelP InfPart then @IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) := % RELOC_CODE_OFFSET = 0 MkItem(TagPart, LabelValue InfPart) else if first InfPart = 'IDLoc then @IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) := MkItem(TagPart, MakeRelocInf(const RELOC_ID_NUMBER, FindIDNumber second InfPart)) else StdError BldMsg("Unknown inf in MkItem %r", InfPart); CurrentOffset!* := IAdd1 CurrentOffset!*; UpdateBitTable(1, const RELOC_INF) >>; lisp procedure DepositHalfWordIDNumber(LHS, X); if not !*WritingFaslFile or ILEQ(IDInf X, 128) then DepositWord ILOR(ILSH(LHS, 18), IDInf X) else << @IPlus2(CodeBase!*, CurrentOffset!*) := ILOR(ILSH(LHS, 18), MakeRelocHalfWord(const RELOC_ID_NUMBER, FindIDNumber X)); CurrentOffset!* := IAdd1 CurrentOffset!*; UpdateBitTable(1, const RELOC_HALFWORD) >>; lisp procedure SystemFaslFixup(); << while not null ForwardInternalReferences!* do << Field(@IPlus2(CodeBase!*, car first ForwardInternalReferences!*), 18, 18) := get(cdr first ForwardInternalReferences!*, 'InternalEntryOffset) or << ErrorPrintF( "***** %r not defined in this module; normal function call being used", cdr first ForwardInternalReferences!*); MakeRelocHalfWord(const RELOC_FUNCTION_CELL, FindIDNumber cdr first ForwardInternalReferences!*) >>; ForwardInternalReferences!* := cdr ForwardInternalReferences!* >>; MapObl function lambda(X); RemProp(X, 'InternalEntryOffset) >>; fluid '(LapCodeList!*); lisp procedure FindLabels LapCodeList!*; << CodeSize!* := 0; for each X in LapCodeList!* do CodeSize!* := IPlus2(CodeSize!*, OneLapLength X) >>; lisp procedure OneLapLength U; begin scalar X; return if atom U then << LabelOffsets!* := (U . IPlus2(CurrentOffset!*, CodeSize!*)) . LabelOffsets!*; 0 >> else if (X := get(car U, 'LapLength)) then if PosIntP X then X else Apply(X, list U) else % minor klugde for long constants << if length U = 3 and FixP(X := third U) and not ImmediateP X then begin scalar Y; RPlaca(rest rest U, Y := StringGensym()); NConc(LapCodeList!*, list(Y, list('fullword, X))); end; 1 >>; end; DefList('((!*entry LapEntryLength) (float 2) (string LapStringLength) (fullword LapWordLength) (halfword LapHalfwordLength) (byte LapByteLength)), 'LapLength); lisp procedure LapEntryLength U; << LabelOffsets!* := (second U . IPlus2(CurrentOffset!*, CodeSize!*)) . LabelOffsets!*; 0 >>; lisp procedure LapStringLength U; StrPack StrLen StrInf second U; lisp procedure LapWordLength U; length rest U; lisp procedure LapHalfwordLength U; ILSH(IAdd1 length rest U, -1); lisp procedure LapByteLength U; StrPack length rest U; on SysLisp; syslsp procedure DepositFieldPointer(Opr, Start, Len); << LispVar NewBitTableEntry!* := 0; Opr := OperandValue Opr; @IPlus2(LispVar CodeBase!*, LispVar CurrentOffset!*) := ILOR(ILSH(36 - (Start + Len), 30), ILOR(ILSH(Len, 24), Opr)); UpdateBitTable(1, LispVar NewBitTableEntry!*); LispVar CurrentOffset!* := IAdd1 LispVar CurrentOffset!* >>; syslsp procedure IndirectOperand U; ILOR(ILSH(1, 22), OperandValue second U); put('Indirect, 'OperandValueFunction, 'IndirectOperand); % ExtraRegLocation is in 20-FASL put('ExtraReg, 'OperandValueFunction, 'ExtraRegLocation); syslsp procedure MakeRelocWord(RelocTag, RelocInf); LSH(RelocTag, 34) + Field(RelocInf, 2, 34); syslsp procedure MakeRelocInf(RelocTag, RelocInf); LSH(RelocTag, 16) + Field(RelocInf, 20, 16); syslsp procedure MakeRelocHalfWord(RelocTag, RelocInf); LSH(RelocTag, 16) + Field(RelocInf, 20, 16); off SysLisp; END;