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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 26964) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 26964) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module expres$ % Author: R. Liska % Version REDUCE 3.6 05/1991 global '(!*outp)$ % declarations for 3.4 fluid '(!*wrchri orig!* posn!*)$ switch wrchri$ global '(olddimension!* dimension!* coordindx!* cyclic1!* cyclic2!* sfprod!* nscal!*)$ flag('(share),'eval)$ % So that SHARE recognized by FASL. share olddimension!*,dimension!*,coordindx!*,cyclic1!*,cyclic2!*, sfprod!*,nscal!*$ !*precise := nil; % Needed in this module. nscal!*:=0$ put('tensor,'tag,'tens)$ put('tensor,'fn,'tensfn)$ put('tensor,'evfn,'expres)$ put('tens,'prifn,'tenspri)$ flag('(tensor),'sprifn)$ put('tens,'setprifn,'settenspri)$ put('tensor,'typeletfn,'tenslet)$ symbolic procedure ptensor x$ 'tensor$ symbolic procedure poptensor u$ if null u then 'tensor else nil$ deflist('((tensor ptensor) (tensop poptensor) (df getrtypecar) (diff getrtypecar) (!& ptensor) (!# ptensor) (!? ptensor) (grad ptensor) (div ptensor) (lapl ptensor) (curl ptensor) (vect ptensor) (dyad ptensor) (dirdf ptensor)),'rtypefn)$ put('cons,'rtypefn,'getrtypecons)$ put('rcons,'evfn,'evrcons)$ remprop('cons,'psopfn)$ symbolic procedure getrtypecons u$ if getrtypecar u eq 'tensor then 'tensor else 'rcons$ symbolic procedure evrcons(u,v)$ rcons cdr u$ symbolic procedure tensor u$ for each a in u do <<put(a,'rtype,'tensop)$ put(a,'avalue,list('tensor,mktensor(0 , (0 . 1)))) >>$ deflist('((tensor rlis)),'stat)$ symbolic procedure tenslet(u,v,typu,b,typv)$ if not atom u then lprie list(" Non atom tensor variable ",u) else if b then <<if not eqcar(v,'tensor) then v:= mktensor(0, if eqcar(v,'!*sq) then cadr v else simp!* v)$ rmsubs()$ put(u,'rtype,'tensop)$ put(u,'avalue,list('tensor,v)) >> else <<remprop(u,'rtype)$ remprop(u,'avalue) >>$ %====================================================================== % Data structure for tensor quantities % ==================================== % (tensor nr rnk val car !*sqvar!*) % nr - integer, should be equal to actual nscal!*, otherwise % the quantity has been defined in previous coor. system % number of coordinate system % rnk - integer, 0,1,2 % rank of the tensor % 0 - scalar % 1 - vertor % 2 - dyad (matrix) % val - value % s.q. for rnk = 0 % list of s.q.s for rnk = 1 % list of lists of s.q.s for rnk = 2 % !*sqvar!* used in resimplification routine %====================================================================== % Smacro definitions for access of data structure subparts %====================================================================== smacro procedure tensrnk u$ % determines rank from cddr of datastructure car u$ smacro procedure tensval u$ % determines value from cddr of datastructure cadr u$ symbolic procedure mktensor(rnk,u)$ 'tensor . nscal!* . rnk . u . if !*resubs then !*sqvar!* else list nil$ symbolic procedure settenspri(u,v)$ if not atom u then lprie list(" Non-atom tensor variable ",u) else <<prin2!* u$ prin2!* get('setq,'prtch)$ tenspri v >>$ symbolic procedure tenspri u$ begin scalar rnk$ u:=cddr u$ rnk:=car u$ u:=cadr u$ if rnk=0 then <<pmaprin u$ terpri!* t >> else if rnk=1 then <<tenspri1 u$ orig!*:=0$ terpri!* t >> else if rnk=2 then <<prin2!* " ( "$ tenspri1 car u$ for each i in cdr u do <<prin2!* " , "$ terpri!* t$ tenspri1 i >>$ prin2!* " ) "$ orig!*:=0$ terpri!* t >> else lprie list(" Can't print tensor ",u," with rank ",rnk) end$ symbolic procedure tenspri1 u$ <<prin2!* " ( "$ orig!*:=posn!*$ pmaprin car u$ for each i in cdr u do <<prin2!* " , "$ terpri!* t$ pmaprin i >>$ orig!*:=orig!* - 3$ prin2!* " ) " >>$ symbolic procedure pmaprin u$ maprin(!*outp:=prepsq!* u)$ symbolic procedure updatedimen()$ if olddimension!* = dimension!* then t else <<if dimension!* =2 then <<coordindx!* :='(2 1)$ cyclic1!* :='(1 2)$ cyclic2!* :='(2 1) >> else if dimension!* =3 then <<coordindx!* :='(3 2 1)$ cyclic1!* :='(2 3 1)$ cyclic2!* :='(3 1 2) >> else lprie list(" Can't handle dimension = ",dimension!*)$ olddimension!* := dimension!* >>$ symbolic procedure expres(expn,v)$ express expn$ symbolic procedure resimptens u$ mktensor(caddr u,if caddr u=0 then resimp cadddr u else if caddr u=1 then for each a in cadddr u collect resimp a else if caddr u=2 then for each a in cadddr u collect for each b in a collect resimp b else lprie list("Can't handle tensor ",u, " with rank ",caddr u))$ symbolic procedure express expn$ begin scalar lst,matrx,rnk,opexpress$ if not atom expn then go to op$ if get(expn,'rtype) eq 'tensop and (rnk:=get(expn,'avalue)) and car rnk memq '(tensor tensop) and (rnk:=cadr rnk) then return if cadr rnk=nscal!* then if car cddddr rnk then rnk else resimptens rnk else lprie list(" You must rebind tensor ",expn, " in the new coordinate system")$ return mktensor(0,simp!* expn)$ op:if car expn = 'vect then return mktensor (1,testdim1 for each a in cdr expn collect simp!* a) else if car expn = 'dyad then return mktensor (2,testdim2 for each a in cdr expn collect for each b in a collect simp!* b) else if car expn eq 'tensor then return if cadr expn=nscal!* then if car cddddr expn then expn else resimptens expn else lprie list(" You must rebind tensor ",expn, " in the new coordinate system")$ lst:=for each a in cdr expn collect cddr express a$ if (opexpress:=get(car expn,'express)) then <<rnk:=eval(opexpress . list mkquote lst)$ return mktensor(car rnk,cadr rnk)>>$ if get(car expn,'simpfn) then return mktensor(0,simp( car expn . for each a in lst collect if car a=0 then list('!*sq,cdr a,nil) else typerr(expn," well formed scalar ") ))$ lst:=for each a in lst collect if car a=0 then prepsq cdr a else typerr(expn," well formed tensor")$ return mktensor(0,!*k2q(car expn.lst)) end$ procedure testdim1 u$ if length u=dimension!* then u else <<lprie "Bad number of vector components"$u>>$ procedure testdim2 u$ begin scalar x$ if length u = dimension!* then t else go to er$ x:=u$ a:if length car u = dimension!* then t else go to er$ x:=cdr x$ if x then go to a$ return u$ er:lprie "Bad number of dyad components"$ return u end$ %====================================================================== % Procedures in EXPRESS properties of operators are returning % (rnk val), their argument is list of (rnk val) symbolic procedure vectors arglist$ for each i in arglist do <<put(i,'rtype,'tensop)$ put(i,'simpfn,'simpiden)$ put(i,'avalue,list('tensop, mktensor(1,reverse for each a in coordindx!* collect simp list(i,a) )) )>>$ deflist('((vectors rlis)),'stat)$ symbolic procedure dyads arglist$ for each i in arglist do <<put(i,'rtype,'tensop)$ put(i,'simpfn,'simpiden)$ put(i,'avalue,list('tensop, mktensor(2,reverse for each a in coordindx!* collect reverse for each b in coordindx!* collect simp list(i,a,b)))) >>$ deflist('((dyads rlis)),'stat)$ symbolic procedure plusexpress u$ begin scalar z$ z:=car u$ a:u:=cdr u$ if null u then return z$ z:=plus2ex(z,car u)$ go to a end$ put('plus,'express,'plusexpress)$ symbolic procedure plus2ex(x,y)$ begin scalar mtx,mty,slx,sly,rnk,ans,ans1$ rnk:=tensrnk x$ if not(rnk=tensrnk y) then lprie "Tensor mishmash"$ if rnk=0 then return list(rnk,addsq(cadr x,cadr y)) else if rnk=1 then <<slx:=tensval x$ sly:=tensval y$ while slx do <<ans:=addsq(car slx,car sly) . ans$ slx:=cdr slx$ sly:=cdr sly>>$ ans:= list(1,reverse ans) >> else if rnk=2 then <<mtx:=tensval x$ mty:=tensval y$ while mtx do <<slx:=car mtx$ sly:=car mty$ ans1:=nil$ while slx do <<ans1:=addsq(car slx,car sly) . ans1$ slx:=cdr slx$ sly:=cdr sly>>$ ans:=reverse ans1 . ans$ mtx:=cdr mtx$ mty:=cdr mty>>$ ans:=list(2,reverse ans) >>$ return ans end$ symbolic procedure timesexpress u$ begin scalar z$ z:=car u$ a:u:=cdr u$ if null u then return z$ z:=times2ex(z,car u)$ go to a end$ put('times,'express,'timesexpress)$ symbolic procedure times2ex(x,y)$ begin scalar rnkx,rnky$ rnkx:=tensrnk x$ rnky:=tensrnk y$ return if rnkx=0 then list(rnky,times0ex(tensval x,tensval y,rnky)) else if rnky=0 then list(rnkx,times0ex(tensval y,tensval x,rnkx)) else lprie " Tensor mishmash " end$ symbolic procedure times0ex(x,y,rnk)$ if rnk=0 then multsq(x,y) else if rnk=1 then for each a in y collect multsq(x,a) else if rnk=2 then for each a in y collect for each b in a collect multsq(x,b) else lprie " Tensor mishmash "$ symbolic procedure minusexpress expn$ timesexpress list(list(0,cons(-1,1)),car expn)$ put('minus,'express,'minusexpress)$ symbolic procedure differenceexpress expn$ plusexpress list(car expn,minusexpress list cadr expn)$ put('difference,'express,'differenceexpress)$ symbolic procedure quotientexpress expn$ if tensrnk cadr expn = 0 then times2ex(list(0,simp!* list('recip,prepsq tensval cadr expn)), car expn) else lprie " Tensor mishmash "$ put('quotient,'express,'quotientexpress)$ symbolic procedure exptexpress expn$ if tensrnk car expn=0 and tensrnk cadr expn = 0 then list(0,simp!* list('expt, prepsq tensval car expn, prepsq tensval cadr expn)) else lprie " Tensor mishmash "$ put('expt,'express,'exptexpress)$ symbolic procedure recipexpress expn$ if tensrnk car expn = 0 then list(0,simp!* list('recip, prepsq tensval car expn)) else lprie " Tensor mishmash "$ put('recip,'express,'recipexpress)$ symbolic procedure inprodexpress expn$ begin scalar arg1,arg2,rnk1,rnk2$ arg1:=tensval car expn$ arg2:=tensval cadr expn$ rnk1:=tensrnk car expn$ rnk2:=tensrnk cadr expn$ return if rnk1=1 then inprod1ex(arg1,arg2,rnk2) else if rnk1=2 then inprod2ex(arg1,arg2,rnk2) else lprie " Tensor mishmash " end$ put('cons,'express,'inprodexpress)$ symbolic procedure inprod1ex(x,y,rnk)$ begin scalar lstx,lsty,mty,z,zz$ lstx:=x$ lsty:=y$ if rnk=1 then <<z:=nil . 1$ while lstx do <<z:=addsq(z,multsq(car lstx,car lsty))$ lstx:=cdr lstx$ lsty:=cdr lsty>>$ z:=list(0,z)>> else if rnk=2 then <<z:=nil$ lsty:=mty:=copy2(y,t)$ while car mty do <<lstx:=x$ lsty:=mty$ zz:=nil . 1$ while lstx do <<zz:=addsq(zz,multsq(car lstx,caar lsty))$ rplaca(lsty,cdar lsty)$ lsty:=cdr lsty$ lstx:=cdr lstx>>$ z:=nconc(z,list zz) >>$ z:=list(1,z)>> else lprie " Tensor mishmash "$ return z end$ symbolic procedure inprod2ex(x,y,rnk)$ begin scalar mtx,z$ mtx:=x$ if rnk=1 then while mtx do <<z:=nconc(z,cdr inprod1ex(car mtx,y,1))$ mtx:=cdr mtx>> else if rnk=2 then while mtx do <<z:=nconc(z,cdr inprod1ex(car mtx,copy2(y,t),2))$ mtx:=cdr mtx>> else lprie " Tensor mishmash "$ return list(rnk,z) end$ symbolic procedure outexpress expn$ begin scalar x,y,z$ x:=tensval car expn$ y:=tensval cadr expn$ if tensrnk car expn=1 and tensrnk cadr expn=1 and null cddr expn then for each i in x do z:=(for each a in y collect multsq(a,i) ) . z else lprie list(" Outer product of ",expn)$ return list(2,reverse z) end$ put('!&,'express,'outexpress)$ flag('(!&),'tensfn)$ symbolic procedure copy2(x,p)$ if null x then nil else if p then copy2(car x,nil) . copy2(cdr x,t) else car x . copy2(cdr x,nil)$ symbolic procedure listar(arg,j)$ if j=1 then car arg else if j=2 then cadr arg else if j=3 then caddr arg else lprie list(" LISTAR ",arg,j)$ symbolic procedure listarsq(arg,j)$ prepsq listar(arg,j)$ symbolic procedure dinprod expn$ begin scalar x,y,z,xx,yy$ x:=tensval car expn$ y:=copy2(tensval cadr expn,t)$ z:=nil . 1$ if not(tensrnk car expn=2 and tensrnk cadr expn=2 and null cddr expn) then lprie list(" D-scalar product of ",expn)$ a:if null x and null y then go to d else if null x or null y then go to er$ xx:=car x$ yy:=car y$ b:if null xx and null yy then go to c else if null xx or null yy then go to er$ z:=addsq(z,multsq(car xx,car yy))$ xx:=cdr xx$ yy:=cdr yy$ go to b$ c:x:=cdr x$ y:=cdr y$ go to a$ d:return list(0,z)$ er:lprie list(" EXPRESS error ",expn," D-S dyads of dif. size") end$ put('!#,'express,'dinprod)$ put('hash,'express,'dinprod)$ put('hash,'rtypefn,'ptensor)$ symbolic procedure antisymsum(u,v)$ if dimension!* = 2 then difmul(car u,cadr u,cadr v,car v) else if dimension!* = 3 then list (difmul(cadr u,caddr u,caddr v,cadr v), difmul(caddr u,car u,car v,caddr v), difmul(car u,cadr u,cadr v,car v)) else lprie list(" ANTISYMSUM ",u,v)$ symbolic procedure difmul(a,b,c,d)$ % A*C-B*D$ addsq(multsq(a,c),negsq multsq(b,d))$ symbolic procedure vectprod expn$ begin scalar x,y,rnx,rny$ x:=tensval car expn$ y:=tensval cadr expn$ rnx:=tensrnk car expn$ rny:=tensrnk cadr expn$ if rnx=1 and rny=1 then return list(dimension!* - 2,antisymsum(x,y)) else if rnx=2 and rny=1 then return list(dimension!* - 1,for each a in x collect antisymsum(a,y) ) else if rnx=1 and rny=2 then return list(dimension!* - 1, if dimension!*=3 then tp1 copy2(for each a in tp1(copy2(y,t)) collect antisymsum(x,a),t) else for each a in tp1(copy2(y,t)) collect antisymsum(x,a) ) else lprie list(" VECTPROD of ",expn) end$ put('!?,'express,'vectprod)$ algebraic operator diff$ symbolic procedure gradexpress expn$ begin scalar arg,vt,ans,row,z$ arg:=tensval car expn$ vt:=tensrnk car expn$ if vt=0 then for each i in coordindx!* do ans:=simp!* list('quotient, list('diff, list('!*sq,arg,nil), getel list('coordinats,i)), getel list('sf,i)) . ans else if vt=1 then for each i in coordindx!* do <<row:=nil$ for each j in coordindx!* do <<z:=list('diff, listarsq(arg,j), getel list('coordinats,i))$ z:=list list('quotient, z, getel list('sf,i))$ for each k in coordindx!* do z:=list('times, getel list('christoffel,i,j,k), listarsq(arg,k)) . z$ row:=simp!*('plus.z) . row>>$ ans:=row . ans>> else lprie list(" GRAD of ",expn)$ return list(vt+1,ans) end$ put('grad,'express,'gradexpress)$ symbolic procedure divexpress expn$ begin scalar arg,vt,ans,z$ arg:=tensval car expn$ vt:=tensrnk car expn$ if vt=1 then <<for each i in coordindx!* do z:=list('diff, list('times, sfprod!*, listarsq(arg,i), list('recip, getel list('sf,i))), getel list('coordinats,i)) . z$ z:='plus . z$ z:=list('quotient, z, sfprod!*)$ ans:=simp!* z>> else if vt=2 then for each i in coordindx!* do <<z:=nil$ for j:=1:dimension!* do <<z:=list('quotient, list('diff, list('times, listarsq(listar(arg,j),i), sfprod!*, list('recip, getel list('sf,j))), getel list('coordinats,j)), sfprod!*) . z$ for l:=1:dimension!* do z:=list('times, listarsq(listar(arg,j),l), getel list('christoffel,j,i,l)) . z>>$ ans:=simp!*('plus.z) . ans>> else lprie list(" DIV of ",expn)$ return list(vt-1,ans) end$ put('div,'express,'divexpress)$ symbolic procedure laplexpress expn$ begin scalar arg,vt,ans$ arg:=tensval car expn$ vt:=tensrnk car expn$ if vt=0 then <<for i:=1:dimension!* do ans:=list('diff, list('times, sfprod!*, list('expt, getel list('sf,i), -2), list('diff, list('!*sq,arg,nil), getel list('coordinats,i))), getel list('coordinats,i)).ans$ ans:=list(0,simp!* list('quotient, 'plus . ans, sfprod!*))>> else if vt=1 then ans:=divexpress list gradexpress expn else lprie list(" LAPLACIAN of ",expn)$ return ans end$ put('lapl,'express,'laplexpress)$ symbolic procedure curlexpress expn$ begin scalar arg,vt,ans,ic1,ic2$ arg:=tensval car expn$ vt:=tensrnk car expn$ if vt=1 then for each i in (if dimension!* = 3 then coordindx!* else '(1) ) do <<ic1:=listar(cyclic1!*,i)$ ic2:=listar(cyclic2!*,i)$ ans:=simp!* list('times, getel list('sf,i), list('recip,sfprod!*), list('difference, list('diff, list('times, getel list('sf,ic2), listarsq(arg,ic2)), getel list('coordinats,ic1)), list('diff, list('times, getel list('sf,ic1), listarsq(arg,ic1)), getel list('coordinats,ic2)))) . ans>> else lprie list(" CURL of ",expn)$ return (if dimension!* = 3 then list(1,ans) else list(0,car ans)) end$ put('curl,'express,'curlexpress)$ flag('(cons grad div lapl curl tens vect dyad dirdf !& !# !?) ,'tensfn)$ symbolic procedure exscalval u$ begin scalar fce,args$ fce:=car u$ args:=for each a in cdr u collect cddr express a$ fce:=eval(get(fce,'express) . list mkquote args)$ if car fce=0 then return cadr fce else typerr(u," is not scalar ")$ return (nil . 1) end$ algebraic$ infix #,?,&$ precedence .,**$ precedence #,.$ precedence ?,#$ precedence &,?$ symbolic flag('(cons !# !? div lapl curl dirdf),'full)$ symbolic for each a in '(cons !# !? div lapl curl dirdf) do put(a,'simpfn,'exscalval)$ symbolic procedure scalefactors transf$ begin scalar var$ dimension!*:=car transf$ transf:=cdr transf$ if dimension!*=2 then <<var:=cddr transf$ transf:=list( car transf,cadr transf)>> else if dimension!*:=3 then <<var:=cdddr transf$ transf:=list(car transf,cadr transf,caddr transf)>> else lprie list(" Can't handle dimension = ",dimension!*)$ if dimension!*=length var then t else lprie list(" Transformation ",transf,var)$ for i:=1:dimension!* do setel(list('coordinats,i),listar(var,i))$ for row:=1:dimension!* do for col:=1:dimension!* do setel(list('jacobian,row,col), aeval list('df, listar(transf,col), getel list('coordinats ,row)))$ updatedimen()$ rscale() end$ deflist('((scalefactors rlis)),'stat)$ flag('(remd),'eval); remd 'jacobian; remprop('jacobian,'opfn); % For bootstrapping. array jacobian(3,3),coordinats (3),sf(3),christoffel(3,3,3)$ procedure rscale()$ begin sfprod!*:=1$ nscal!*:=nscal!* + 1$ for row:=1:dimension!* do <<for col:=1:(row-1) do <<sf(row):=gcov(row,col)$ if sf(row)=0 then nil else write " WARNING: Coordinate system is nonorthogonal" ," unless following simplifies to zero: ", sf(row) >>$ sf(row):=sqrt gcov(row,row)$ sfprod!*:=sfprod!* *sf(row)>>$ on nero$ for i:=1:dimension!* do for j:=1:dimension!* do for k:=1:dimension!* do begin christoffel(i,j,k):= ((if i=j then df(sf(j),coordinats (k)) else 0) -(if i=k then df(sf(k),coordinats (j)) else 0)) /(sf(j)*sf(k))$ if wrchri(a)=0 then write christoffel(i,j,k):= christoffel(i,j,k) end$ off nero end$ procedure gcov(j,k)$ for l:=1:dimension!* sum jacobian(j,l)*jacobian(k,l)$ symbolic$ symbolic procedure simpwrchri u$ if !*wrchri then nil . 1 else 1 . 1$ put('wrchri,'simpfn,'simpwrchri)$ symbolic procedure rmat$ 'dyad . cdr matstat()$ symbolic procedure formdyad(u,v,m)$ 'list . mkquote 'dyad . cddr formmat(u,v,m)$ put('dyad,'stat,'rmat)$ put('dyad,'formfn,'formdyad)$ symbolic procedure dirdfexpress expn$ begin scalar arg,vt,direc,ans,z,dj,di,argj,sfj,sfi,cooj$ arg:=cadr expn$ vt:=tensrnk arg$ direc:=car expn$ if not (tensrnk direc=1) then return lprie list (" Direction in DIRDF is not a vector ",expn)$ if vt=0 then return inprodexpress list (direc, gradexpress list arg)$ arg:=tensval arg$ direc:=tensval direc$ if not(vt=1) then return lprie list (" Argument of DIRDF is dyadic ",expn)$ for each i in coordindx!* do <<z:=nil$ di:=listarsq(direc,i)$ sfi:=getel list('sf,i)$ for j:=1:dimension!* do <<dj:=listarsq(direc,j)$ argj:=listarsq(arg,j)$ sfj:=getel list('sf,j)$ cooj:=getel list('coordinats,j)$ z:=list('times, dj, list('recip,sfj), list('diff, listarsq(arg,i), cooj)) . z$ z:=list('times, di, argj, list('recip,sfi), list('recip,sfj), list('df,sfi,cooj)) . z$ z:=list('minus, list('times, dj, argj, list('recip,sfi), list('recip,sfj), list('df, sfj, getel list('coordinats,i)))) . z>>$ z:='plus . z$ z:=simp!* z$ ans:=z . ans >>$ return list(1,ans) end$ put('dirdf,'express,'dirdfexpress)$ symbolic procedure dfexpress expn$ begin scalar arg,vt,rest$ arg:=tensval car expn$ vt:=tensrnk car expn$ rest:=cdr expn$ rest:=for each a in rest collect if tensrnk a=0 then if atom tensval a then tensval a else if cdr tensval a=1 and numberp car tensval a then car tensval a else !*q2k tensval a else lprie list(" Bad arg of DF ",expn)$ if vt=0 then return list(0,simpdf(list('!*sq,arg,t) . rest)) else if vt=1 then return list(1,for each a in arg collect simpdf(list('!*sq,a,t) . rest) ) else if vt=2 then return list(2,for each a in arg collect for each b in a collect simpdf(list('!*sq,b,t) . rest) ) else lprie list(" Bad tensor in DF ",expn) end$ put('df,'express,'dfexpress)$ symbolic procedure diffexpress expn$ begin scalar arg,vt,rest$ arg:=tensval car expn$ vt:=tensrnk car expn$ rest:=cdr expn$ rest:=for each a in rest collect if tensrnk a=0 then if atom tensval a then tensval a else if cdr tensval a=1 and numberp car tensval a then car tensval a else !*q2k tensval a else lprie list(" Bad arg of DIFF ",expn)$ if vt=0 then return list(0,simp('diff . (prepsq arg . rest))) else if vt=1 then return list(1,for each a in arg collect simp('diff . (prepsq a . rest)) ) else if vt=2 then return list(2,for each a in arg collect for each b in a collect simp('diff . (prepsq b . rest))) else lprie list(" Bad tensor in DIFF ",expn) end$ put('diff,'express,'diffexpress)$ remprop('diff,'number!-of!-args); % Until we understand what's up. algebraic$ scalefactors 3,x,y,z,x,y,z$ endmodule; end;