Artifact 5b7ca6b0402c559756e554d6261b856c98192c1372134a9996edbbf708ba028e:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 5174) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 5174) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module fixsubf; % Author: James H. Davenport. fluid '(!*nosubs asymplis!* dmode!* ncmp!*); % The standard version of SUBF messes with the order of variables before % calling SUBF1, something we can't afford, so we define a new version. symbolic procedure algint!-subf(a,b); algint!-subf1(a,b); symbolic procedure algint!-subsq(u,v); !*multsq(algint!-subf(numr u,v),!*invsq algint!-subf(denr u,v)); symbolic procedure algint!-subf1(u,l); %U is a standard form, %L an association list of substitutions of the form %(<kernel> . <substitution>). %Value is the standard quotient for substituted expression. %Algorithm used is essentially the straight method. %Procedure depends on explicit data structure for standard form; if domainp u then if atom u then if null dmode!* then u ./ 1 else simpatom u else if dmode!* eq car u then !*d2q u else simp prepf u else begin integer n; scalar kern,m,w,x,xexp,y,y1,z; z := nil ./ 1; a0: kern := mvar u; if m := assoc(kern,asymplis!*) then m := cdr m; a: if null u or (n := degr(u,kern))=0 then go to b else if null m or n<m then y := lt u . y; u := red u; go to a; b: if not atom kern and not atom car kern then kern := prepf kern; if null l then xexp := if kern eq 'k!* then 1 else kern else if (xexp := algint!-subsublis(l,kern)) = kern and not assoc(kern,asymplis!*) then go to f; c: w := 1 ./ 1; n := 0; if y and cdaar y<0 then go to h; if (x := getrtype xexp) then typerr(x,"substituted expression"); x := simp!* xexp; % SIMP!* here causes problem with HE package in subf, % but we probably need the extra power of simp!* x := reorder numr x ./ reorder denr x; % needed in case substitution variable is in XEXP; if null l and kernp x and mvar numr x eq kern then go to f else if null numr x then go to e; %Substitution of 0; for each j in y do <<m := cdar j; w := !*multsq(!*exptsq(x,m-n),w); n := m; z := !*addsq(!*multsq(w,algint!-subf1(cdr j,l)),z)>>; e: y := nil; if null u then return z else if domainp u then return !*addsq(algint!-subf1(u,l),z); go to a0; f: sub2chk kern; for each j in y do z := !*addsq(!*multsq(!*f2q !*p2f car j, algint!-subf1(cdr j,l)),z); go to e; h: %Substitution for negative powers; x := simprecip list xexp; j: y1 := car y . y1; y := cdr y; if y and cdaar y<0 then go to j; k: m := -cdaar y1; w := !*multsq(!*exptsq(x,m-n),w); n := m; z := !*addsq(!*multsq(w,algint!-subf1(cdar y1,l)),z); y1 := cdr y1; if y1 then go to k else if y then go to c else go to e end; symbolic procedure algint!-subsublis(u,v); begin scalar x; return if x := assoc(v,u) then cdr x else if atom v then v else if car v eq '!*sq then list('!*sq,algint!-subsq(cadr v,u),caddr v) % Previous two lines added by JHD 7 July 1982. % without them, CDRs in SQ expressions buried inside; % !*SQ forms are lost; else if x := get(car v,'subfunc) then apply2(x,u,v) else for each j in v collect algint!-subsublis(u,j) end; put('int,'subfunc,'algint!-subsubf); symbolic procedure algint!-subsubf(l,expn); %Sets up a formal SUB expression when necessary; begin scalar x,y; for each j in cddr expn do if (x := assoc(j,l)) then <<y := x . y; l := delete(x,l)>>; expn := sublis(l,car expn) . for each j in cdr expn collect algint!-subsublis(l,j); %to ensure only opr and individual args are transformed; if null y then return expn; expn := aconc!*(for each j in reversip!* y collect list('equal,car j,aeval cdr j),expn); return mk!*sq if l then algint!-simpsub expn else !*p2q mksp('sub . expn,1) end; symbolic procedure algint!-simpsub u; begin scalar !*nosubs,w,x,z; a: if null cdr u then <<if getrtype car u or eqcar(car u,'equal) then typerr(car u,"scalar"); u := simp!* car u; z := reversip!* z; % to put replacements in same % order as input. return quotsq(algint!-subf(numr u,z), algint!-subf(denr u,z))>>; !*nosubs := t; % We don't want left side of eqns to change. w := reval car u; !*nosubs := nil; if getrtype w eq 'list then <<u := append(cdr w,cdr u); go to a>> else if not eqexpr w then errpri2(car u,t); x := cadr w; if null getrtype x then x := !*a2k x; z := (x . caddr w) . z; u := cdr u; go to a; end; endmodule; end;