Artifact 577a99be4591efd517ae6c4a39aace1d565444d1b51a90ae38037a1a035e0169:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 5081) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% {DSK}WINDOW.PSL;1 4-MAR-83 16:25:00 (GLISPOBJECTS (MENU (listobject (ITEMS (LISTOF ATOM)) (window window)) MSG ((SELECT MENU-select RESULT ATOM))) (MOUSE ANYTHING) (WINDOW (listobject (start vector) (size vector) (title string) (lastfilledline integer)) PROP ((leftmargin (left + 1)) (rightmargin (right - 2))) MSG ((CLEAR window-clear) (OPEN window-open) (CLOSE window-close) (movetoxy window-movetoxy) (invertvideo ((pbout escapechar)(pbout (char !p)))) (normalvideo ((pbout escapechar)(pbout (char !q)))) (graphicsmode (nil)) (normalmode (nil)) (eraseeol ((pbout escapechar)(pbout (char K)))) (INVERTAREA WINDOW-INVERTAREA) (MOVETO WINDOW-MOVETO) (PRINTAT WINDOW-PRINTAT) (printatxy window-printatxy) (PRETTYPRINTAT WINDOW-PRETTYPRINTAT) (UNPRINTAT WINDOW-UNPRINTAT) (unprintatxy window-unprintatxy) (DRAWLINE WINDOW-DRAWLINE) (drawlinexy window-drawlinexy) (UNDRAWLINE WINDOW-UNDRAWLINE) (undrawlinexy window-undrawlinexy) (CENTEROFFSET WINDOW-CENTEROFFSET)) supers (region) ) ) (GLISPGLOBALS (MOUSE MOUSE) ) (glispconstants (windowcharwidth 8 integer) (windowlineyspacing 12 integer) (verticalbarchar 73 integer) (horizontalbarchar 33 integer) (escapechar 27 integer) (blankchar 32 integer) ) % Initialize graphics routines. (dg window-init (w:window) ) % Done with graphics (dg window-term (w:window) ) % Open a graphics window. (dg window-open (w:window) (prog (ttl nbl) (send w movetoxy w:left + 1 w:top) (ttl _ w:title or " ") (l _ ttl:length) (send w invertvideo) (if ttl:length > w:width - 2 then (ttl _ (substring ttl 1 w:width - 2))) (nbl _ (w:width - ttl:length)/2 - 1) (printnc nbl blankchar) (prin2 ttl) (printnc (w:width - ttl:length - nbl - 2) blankchar) (send w normalvideo) (terpri) (w:lastfilledline _ w:bottom + 1) (send w movetoxy w:left w:top) (pbout verticalbarchar) (send w movetoxy w:right - 1 w:top) (pbout verticalbarchar) (send w movetoxy w:left w:bottom) (pbout verticalbarchar) (printnc w:width - 2 horizontalbarchar) (pbout verticalbarchar) (terpri) (send w clear) (send w movetoxy 0 2)) ) % Close a graphics window. (dg window-close (w:window) ) % GSN 2-FEB-83 13:57 (DG WINDOW-CENTEROFFSET (W:WINDOW V:VECTOR) (SEND W:REGION CENTEROFFSET V)) % GSN 28-FEB-83 16:10 (DG WINDOW-DRAWLINE (W:WINDOW FROM:VECTOR TO:VECTOR) (if from:y=to:y then (send w moveto from) (printnc (to:x - from:x + 1) horizontalbarchar))) % GSN 28-FEB-83 16:58 (DG WINDOW-INVERTAREA (W:WINDOW AREA:REGION) nil) % GSN 13-JAN-83 15:29 (DG WINDOW-MOVETO (W:WINDOW POS:VECTOR) (send w movetoxy pos:x pos:y)) % Move to position specified as separate x and y coordinates. (dg window-movetoxy (w:window x:integer y:integer) (if x < 0 then (x _ 0) elseif x > 79 then (x _ 79)) (if y < 0 then (y _ 0) elseif Y > 23 then (y _ 23)) (pbout escapechar) (pbout (char Y)) (pbout (55 - y)) (pbout (32 + x))) % GSN 2-MAR-83 13:58 (DG WINDOW-PRETTYPRINTAT (W:WINDOW VALUE POSITION:VECTOR) (send w printat value position)) % GSN 13-JAN-83 16:25 (DG WINDOW-PRINTAT (W:WINDOW S:STRING POS:VECTOR) (send w moveto pos) (prin2 s)) % GSN 28-FEB-83 16:10 (DG WINDOW-unDRAWLINE (W:WINDOW FROM:VECTOR TO:VECTOR) (if from:y=to:y then (send w moveto from) (printnc (to:x - from:x + 1) blankchar))) % GSN 13-JAN-83 16:24 (DG WINDOW-UNPRINTAT (W:WINDOW S:STRING POS:VECTOR) (send w moveto pos) (printnc s:length " ")) % Present a pop-up menu and select an item from it. GSN 14 March 83 (dg menu-select (m:menu) (prog (maxw i n) (maxw _ 0) (for x in m:items do (maxw _ (max maxw x:pname:length))) (maxw _ (min maxw 20)) (m:window _ (a window with start = menustart size = (a vector with x = (maxw + 5)* windowcharwidth y = (min (length n:items) 19) * windowlineyspacing) title = "Menu")) (send m:window open) (I _ 0) (for x in m:items do (i _+ 1) (send m:window printatxy (concat (gevstringify i) (if i<10 then " " else " ") (gevstringify x)))) (send m:window movetoxy 0 2) (send m:window eraseeol) lp (send m:window movetoxy 0 2) (prin2 "Menu:") (n _ (read)) (if n is integer and n > 0 and n <= (length m:items) then (return (nth m:items n)) else (prin1 n) (prin2 " ?") (send m:window eraseeol) (go lp) ))) % Print the same character n times. (dg printnc (n:integer c:integer) (while n > 0 do (n _- 1) (prin2 c))) (dg window-clear (w:window) (prog (y) (y _ w:top - 1) (while y >= w:lastfilledline do (send w movetoxy w:left y) (prin2 verticalbarchar) (send w eraseeol) (send w movetoxy w:right - 1 y) (prin2 verticalbarchar) (y _- 1)) ))