Artifact 572420dc69edfbdfca187b37ad385efeef303f45468479c52eaa84f39b40cd5b:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 7476) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Output-Stream.SL (TOPS-20 Version) - File Output Stream Objects % % Author: Alan Snyder % Hewlett-Packard/CRC % Date: 29 July 1982 % % This package is 6.7 times faster than the standard unbuffered I/O. % (Using message passing, it is only 1.9 times faster.) % % Note: this code will only run COMPILED. % % See TESTING code at the end of this file for examples of use. % Be sure to include "(CompileTime (load objects))" at the beginning % of any file that uses this package. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (BothTimes (load objects jsys)) (defun open-output (file-name) (let ((s (make-instance 'output-stream))) (=> s open file-name) s)) (defun open-append (file-name) (let ((s (make-instance 'output-stream))) (=> s open-append file-name) s)) %(CompileTime (setq *pgwd t)) (CompileTime (setq FILE-BUFFER-SIZE (* 5 512))) (defflavor output-stream ((jfn NIL) % TOPS-20 file number ptr % "pointer" to next free slot in buffer file-name % full name of actual file buffer % output buffer ) () (gettable-instance-variables file-name) ) (CompileTime (put 'sout 'OpenCode '((jsys 43) (move (reg 1) (reg 3))))) (CompileTime (put 'closf 'OpenCode '((jsys 18) (move (reg 1) (reg 1))))) (defmethod (output-stream putc) (ch) % Append the character CH to the file. Line termination % is indicated by writing a single NEWLINE (LF) character. (if (WEq ch (char lf)) (output-stream$put-newline self) (iputs buffer ptr ch) (if (WGEQ (setf ptr (wplus2 ptr 1)) #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE) (output-stream$flush self)) )) % The above function was coded to produce good compiled code % using the current PSL compiler. Here's the output. Note % that no stack variables are used. The main path uses 16 % instructions. % (*ENTRY OUTPUT-STREAM$PUTC EXPR 2) % (MOVE (REG 4) (REG 1)) % (CAIE (REG 2) 10) % (JRST G0004) % (JRST (ENTRY OUTPUT-STREAM$PUT-NEWLINE)) % G0004 (MOVE (REG 3) (REG 2)) % (MOVE (REG 2) (INDEXED (REG 1) 5)) % (MOVE (REG 1) (INDEXED (REG 1) 4)) % (AOS (REG 1)) % (ADJBP (REG 2) "L0008") % (DPB (REG 3) (REG 2)) % (MOVE (REG 1) (INDEXED (REG 4) 5)) % (AOS (REG 1)) % (MOVEM (REG 1) (INDEXED (REG 4) 5)) % (CAIGE (REG 1) 2560) % (JRST G0007) % (MOVE (REG 1) (REG 4)) % (JRST (ENTRY OUTPUT-STREAM$FLUSH)) % G0007 (MOVE (REG 1) (REG NIL)) % (POPJ (REG ST) 0) % L0008 (FULLWORD (FIELDPOINTER (INDEXED (REG 1) 0) 0 7)) (defmethod (output-stream put-newline) () % Output a line terminator. (iputs buffer ptr (char cr)) (if (WGEQ (setf ptr (wplus2 ptr 1)) #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE) (output-stream$flush self)) (iputs buffer ptr (char lf)) (if (WGEQ (setf ptr (wplus2 ptr 1)) #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE) (output-stream$flush self)) ) (defmethod (output-stream puts) (str) % Write string to output stream (highly optimized!) (let ((i 0) (high (isizes str)) ) (while (WLEQ i high) (iputs buffer ptr (igets str i)) (if (WGEQ (setf ptr (wplus2 ptr 1)) #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE) (output-stream$flush self)) (setq i (WPlus2 i 1)) ))) (defmethod (output-stream putl) (str) % Write string followed by line terminator to output stream. (output-stream$puts self str) (output-stream$put-newline self) ) (defmethod (output-stream open) (name-of-file) % Open the specified file for output via SELF. If the file cannot % be opened, a Continuable Error is generated. (if jfn (output-stream$close self)) (setf buffer (MkString #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE (char space))) (setf ptr 0) (setf jfn (Dec20Open name-of-file (int2sys 2#100000000000000001000000000000000000) (int2sys 2#000111000000000000001000000000000000) )) (if (= jfn 0) (setf jfn NIL)) (if (null JFN) (=> self open (ContinuableError 0 (BldMsg "Unable to Open '%w' for Output" name-of-file) name-of-file)) (setf file-name (MkString 200 (char space))) (jsys1 file-name jfn #.(bits 2 5 8 11 14 35) 0 #.(get 'jsJFNS 'NewNam)) (setf file-name (recopystringtonull file-name)) )) (defmethod (output-stream open-append) (name-of-file) % Open the specified file for append output via SELF. If the file cannot % be opened, a Continuable Error is generated. (if jfn (output-stream$close self)) (setf buffer (MkString #.FILE-BUFFER-SIZE (char space))) (setf ptr 0) (setf jfn (Dec20Open name-of-file (int2sys 2#000000000000000001000000000000000000) (int2sys 2#000111000000000000000010000000000000) )) (if (= jfn 0) (setf jfn NIL)) (if (null JFN) (=> self open (ContinuableError 0 (BldMsg "Unable to Open '%w' for Append" name-of-file) name-of-file)) (setf file-name (MkString 200 (char space))) (jsys1 file-name jfn #.(bits 2 5 8 11 14 35) 0 #.(get 'jsJFNS 'NewNam)) (setf file-name (recopystringtonull file-name)) )) (defmethod (output-stream close) () (if jfn (progn (output-stream$flush self) (closf jfn) (setf jfn NIL) (setf buffer NIL) ))) (defmethod (output-stream flush) () (if (WGreaterP ptr 0) (progn (sout jfn (jconv buffer) (WDifference 0 ptr)) (setf ptr 0) )) ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TESTING CODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (CompileTime (setq time-output-test-string "This is a line of text for testing.")) (CommentOutCode (progn (de time-buffered-output (n-lines) % This is the FAST way to do buffered output. (setq start-time (time)) (setq s (open-output "test.output")) (for (from i 1 n-lines 1) (do (for (in ch '#.(String2List time-output-test-string)) (do (output-stream$putc s ch)) ) (output-stream$put-newline s) )) (=> s close) (- (time) start-time) ) (de time-buffered-output-1 (n-lines) % This is the SLOW (but GENERAL) way to do buffered output. (setq start-time (time)) (setq s (open-output "test.output")) (for (from i 1 n-lines 1) (do (for (in ch '#.(String2List time-output-test-string)) (do (=> s putc ch)) ) (=> s put-newline) )) (=> s close) (- (time) start-time) ) (de time-standard-output (n-lines) (setq start-time (time)) (setq chan (open "test.output" 'OUTPUT)) (for (from i 1 n-lines 1) (do (for (in ch '#.(String2List time-output-test-string)) (do (ChannelWriteChar chan ch)) ) (ChannelWriteChar chan (char lf)) )) (close chan) (- (time) start-time) ) (de time-output (n-lines) (list (time-buffered-output-string n-lines) (time-buffered-output n-lines) (time-buffered-output-1 n-lines) (time-standard-output n-lines) )) (de time-buffered-output-string (n-lines) % This is the FAST way to do buffered output from strings. (setq start-time (time)) (setq s (open-output "test.output")) (for (from i 1 n-lines 1) (do (output-stream$putl s #.time-output-test-string)) ) (=> s close) (- (time) start-time) ) )) % End CommentOutCode