Artifact 56622c72448f47b73285b0957b6d5f030d4771bf3adf2dccf3c82f8c326f53bc:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 32915) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% NBIG0.RED - Vector based BIGNUM package with INUM operations % M. L. Griss & B Morrison, 25 June 1982. % Copyright (C) 1982, A. C. Norman, B. Morrison, M. Griss % % Revision log: % 7 February 1983, MLG % Merged in NBIG1 (see its "revision history" below), plus clean-up. % Revision History of old NBIG1: % 28 Dec 1982, MLG: % Added BigZeroP and BigOneP for NArith % Changed Name to NBIG1.RED from BIGFACE % 22 Dec 1982, MLG: % Change way of converting from VECT to BIGN % Move Module dependency to .BUILD file % Changes for NEW-ARITH, involve name changes for MAKEFIXNUM % ISINUM, etc. % 21 December, 82: MLG % Change PRIN1 and PRIN2 hooks to refer to RecursiveChannelprinx % which changed in PK:PRINTERS.RED for prinlevel stuff % November: Variety of Bug Fixes by A. Norman % Use the BIGN tag for better Interface % % 31 Dec 1982, MLG % Changed BNUM to check if arg ALREADY Big. Kludge % since new NARITH makes some things BIG earlier % since it calls the BIG funcs directly % 20 Dec 1982, MLG % Changed TrimBigNUM to TrimBigNum1 in BhardDivide % % 14 Dec 1982, MLG % Changed to put LOAD and IMPORTS in BUILD file % % 31 August 1982, A. C . Norman % Adjustments to many routines: in particular corrections to BHardDivide % (case D6 utterly wrong), and adjustments to BExpt (for performance) and % all logical operators (for treatment of negative inputs); % --------------------------------------------------------------- % ----------------------- % A bignum will be a VECTOR of Bigits: (digits in base BigBase): % [BIGPOS b1 ... bn] or [BIGNEG b1 ... bn]. BigZero is thus [BIGPOS] % All numbers are positive, with BIGNEG as 0 element to indicate negatives. % BETA.RED - some values of BETA testing % On DEC-20, Important Ranges are: % -------------------------------- % POSBETA | 0 | n | % -------------------------------- % 19 17 bits % -------------------------------- % NEGBETA | -1 | | % -------------------------------- % % -------------------------------- % POSINT | 0 | 0 | | % -------------------------------- % 5 13 18 bits % -------------------------------- % NEGINT | -1 | -1 | | % -------------------------------- % Thus BETA: 2^17-1 -131072 ... 131071 % INT 2^18-1 -262144 ... 262143 % FIX 2^35-1 -34359738368 ... 34359738367 % [Note that one bit used for sign in 36 bit word] fluid '(BigBetaHi!* % Largest BetaNum in BIG format BigBetaLow!* % Smallest BetaNum in BIG format BetaHi!* % Largest BetaNum as Inum BetaLow!* % Smallest BetaNum as Inum SysHi!* % Largest SYSINT in FixN format SysLow!* % Smallest SYSINT in FixN format BigSysHi!* % Largest SYSINT in BIG format BigSysLow!* % Smallest SYSINT in BIG format FloatSysHi!* % Largest SYSINT in Float format FloatSysLow!* % Smallest SYSINT in Float format BBase!* % BETA, base of system FloatBbase!* % As a float BigFloatHi!* % Largest Float in BIG format BigFloatLow!* % Smallest Float in BIG format StaticBig!* % Warray for conversion of SYS to BIG Bone!* % A one Bzero!* % A zero BBits!* % Number of Bits in BBASE!* LogicalBits!* Digit2Letter!* Carry!* OutputBase!* ); % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Support functions: % % U, V, V1, V2 for arguments are Bignums. Other arguments are usually % fix/i-nums. smacro procedure PutBig(b,i,val); % Access elements of a BIGNUM IputV(b,i,val); smacro procedure GetBig(b,i); % Access elements of a BIGNUM IgetV(B,i); procedure setbits x; % % This function sets the globals for big bignum package. % "x" should be total # of bits per word. Begin scalar y; BBits!*:=iquotient(isub1 x,2); % Total number of bits per word used. BBase!*:=TwoPower BBits!*; % "Beta", where n=A0 + A1*beta + A2*(beta^2). FloatBbase!* := IntFloat Bbase!*; LogicalBits!*:=ISub1 BBase!*; % Used in LAnd,Lor, etc. BetaHi!*:=isub1 Bbase!*; BetaLow!* :=Iminus Bbase!*; Bone!* := Bnum 1; Bzero!* := Bnum 0; BigBetaHi!*:=BNum BetaHi!*; % Highest value of Ai BigBetaLow!*:=BMinus BigBetaHi!*; % Lowest value of Ai % here assume 2's complement y:=TwoPower idifference (x,2); % eg, 36 bits, 2^35-1=2^34+2^34-1 SysHi!* :=y+(y-1); y:=-y; Syslow!* :=y+y; BigSysHi!*:=bdifference(btwopower isub1 x, Bone!*); % Largest representable Syslisp integer. % Note that SYSPOS has leading 0, ie only x-1 active bits BigSysLow!*:=BMinus BPlus2(Bone!*, BigSysHi!*); % Smallest representable Syslisp integer. end; procedure NonBigNumError(V,L); StdError BldMsg(" Expect a BIGNUM in %r, given %p%n",L,V); procedure BSize V; % Upper Limit of [BIGxxx a1 ... An] If BigP V then VecLen VecInf V else 0; procedure GtPOS N; % Allocate [BIGPOS a1 ... an] Begin N:=MkVect N; IPutV(N,0,'BIGPOS); Return MkBigN Vecinf N; End; procedure GtNeg N; % Allocate [BIGNEG a1 ... an] Begin N:=MkVect N; IPutV(N,0,'BIGNEG); Return MkBigN VecInf N; End; procedure TrimBigNum V3; % truncate trailing 0 If Not BigP V3 then NonBigNumError(V3,'TrimBigNum) else TrimBigNum1(V3,BSize V3); procedure TrimBigNum1(B,L3); Begin scalar v3; V3:=BigAsVec B; While IGreaterP(L3,0) and IZeroP IGetV(V3,L3) do L3:=ISub1 L3; If IZerop UpBv TruncateVector(V3,L3) then return GtPOS 0 else return B; end; procedure BigAsVec B; % In order to see BIGITS MkVec Inf B; procedure VecAsBig V; MkBigN VecInf V; Procedure BIG2Sys U; % Convert a BIG to SYS, if in range If Blessp(U,BigSysLow!*) or Bgreaterp(U,BigSysHi!*) then ContinuableError(99,"BIGNUM too large to convert to SYS", U) else Big2SysAux U; procedure Big2SysAux U; % Convert a BIGN that is in range to a SYSINT begin scalar L,Sn,res; L:=BSize U; if IZeroP L then return 0; res:=IGetV(U,L); L:=ISub1 L; If BMinusP U then <<res:=-res; while L neq 0 do <<res:=ITimes2(res, Bbase!*); res:=IDifference(res, IGetV(U,L)); L:=ISub1 L>>; >> else while L neq 0 do <<res:=ITimes2(res, Bbase!*); res:=IPlus2(res, IGetV(U,L)); L:=ISub1 L>>; return Res; end; procedure TwoPower N; %fix/i-num 2**n Lsh(1,n); procedure BTwoPower N; % gives 2**n; n is fix/i-num; result BigNum if not (fixp N or BigP N) then NonIntegerError(N, 'BTwoPower) else begin scalar quot, rem, V; if BigP N then n:=big2sys n; quot:=Quotient(N,Bbits!*); rem:=Remainder(N,Bbits!*); V:=GtPOS(IAdd1 quot); IFor i:=1:quot do IPutV(v,i,0); IPutV(V,IAdd1 quot,twopower rem); return TrimBigNum1(V,IAdd1 quot); end; procedure BZeroP V1; IZerop BSize V1 and not BMinusP V1; procedure BOneP V1; Not BMinusP V1 and IOneP (BSize V1) and IOneP IGetV(V1,1); procedure BAbs V1; if BMinusP V1 then BMinus V1 else V1; procedure BMax(V1,V2); if BGreaterP(V2,V1) then V2 else V1; procedure BMin(V1,V2); if BLessP(V2,V1) then V2 else V1; procedure BExpt(V1,N); % V1 is Bignum, N is fix/i-num if not fixp N then NonIntegerError(N,'BEXPT) else if IZeroP N then Bone!* else if IOneP N then V1 else if IMinusP N then BQuotient(Bone!*,BExpt(V1,IMinus N)) else begin scalar V2; V2 := BExpt(V1,IQuotient(N,2)); if IZeroP IRemainder(N,2) then return BTimes2(V2,V2) else return BTimes2(BTimes2(V2,V1),V2) end; % --------------------------------------- % Logical Operations % % All take Bignum arguments procedure BLOr(V1,V2); % The main body of the OR code is only obeyed when both arguments % are positive, and so the result will be positive; if BMinusp V1 or BMinusp V2 then BLnot BLand(BLnot V1,BLnot V2) else begin scalar L1,L2,L3,V3; L1:=BSize V1; L2:=BSize V2; IF L2>L1 then <<L3:=L2; L2:=L1;L1:=L3; V3:=V2; V2:=V1;V1:=V3>>; V3:=GtPOS L1; IFor I:=1:L2 do IPutV(V3,I,ILor(IGetV(V1,I),IGetV(V2,I))); IFor I:=(IAdd1 L2):L1 do IPutV(V3,i,IGetV(V1,I)); Return V3 end; procedure BLXor(V1,V2); % negative arguments are coped with using the identity % LXor(a,b) = LNot LXor(Lnot a,b) = LNor LXor(a,Lnot b); begin scalar L1,L2,L3,V3,S; if BMinusp V1 then << V1 := BLnot V1; S := t >>; if BMinusp V2 then << V2 := BLnot V2; S := not S >>; L1:=BSize V1; L2:=BSize V2; IF L2>L1 then <<L3:=L2; L2:=L1;L1:=L3; V3:=V2; V2:=V1;V1:=V3>>; V3:=GtPOS L1; IFor I:=1:L2 do IPutV(V3,I,ILXor(IGetV(V1,I),IGetV(V2,I))); IFor I:=(IAdd1 L2):L1 do IPutV(V3,i,IGetV(V1,I)); V1:=TrimBigNum1(V3,L1); if S then V1:=BLnot V1; return V1 end; % Not Used Currently: % % procedure BLDiff(V1,V2); % ***** STILL NEEDS ADJUSTING WRT -VE ARGS ***** % begin scalar V3,L1,L2; % L1:=BSize V1; % L2:=BSize V2; % V3:=GtPOS(max(L1,L2)); % IFor i:=1:min(L1,L2) do % IPutV(V3,i,ILAnd(IGetV(V1,i),ILXor(LogicalBits!*,IGetV(V2,i)))); % if IGreaterP(L1,L2) then IFor i:=(IAdd1 L2):L1 do IPutV(V3,i,IGetV(V1,i)); % if IGreaterP(L2,L1) then IFor i:=(IAdd1 L1):L2 do IPutV(V3,i,0); % return TrimBigNum1(V3,max(L1,L2)); % end; procedure BLAnd(V1,V2); % If both args are -ve the result will be too. Otherwise result will % be positive; if BMinusp V1 and BMinusp V2 then BLnot BLor(BLnot V1,BLnot v2) else begin scalar L1,L2,L3,V3; L1:=BSize V1; L2:=BSize V2; L3:=Min(L1,L2); V3:=GtPOS L3; if BMinusp V1 then IFor I:=1:L3 do IPutV(V3,I,ILand(ILXor(Logicalbits!*,IGetV(V1,I)), IGetV(V2,I))) else if BMinusp V2 then IFor I:=1:L3 do IPutV(V3,I,ILand(IGetV(V1,I), ILXor(Logicalbits!*,IGetV(V2,I)))) else IFor I:=1:L3 do IPutV(V3,I,ILand(IGetV(V1,I),IGetV(V2,I))); return TrimBigNum1(V3,L3); End; procedure BLNot(V1); BMinus BSmallAdd(V1,1); procedure BLShift(V1,V2); % This seems a grimly inefficient way of doing things given that % the representation of big numbers uses a base that is a power of 2. % However it will do for now; if BMinusP V2 then BQuotient(V1, BTwoPower BMinus V2) else BTimes2(V1, BTwoPower V2); % ----------------------------------------- % Arithmetic Functions: % % U, V, V1, V2 are Bignum arguments. procedure BMinus V1; % Negates V1. if BZeroP V1 then V1 else begin scalar L1,V2; L1:=BSize V1; if BMinusP V1 then V2 := GtPOS L1 else V2 := GtNEG L1; IFor I:=1:L1 do IPutV(V2,I,IGetV(V1,I)); return V2; end; % Returns V1 if V1 is strictly less than 0, NIL otherwise. % procedure BMinusP V1; if (IGetV(V1,0) eq 'BIGNEG) then V1 else NIL; % To provide a conveninent ADD with CARRY. procedure AddCarry A; begin scalar S; S:=IPlus2(A,Carry!*); if IGeq(S,BBase!*) then <<Carry!*:= 1; S:=IDifference(S,BBase!*)>> else Carry!*:=0; return S; end; procedure BPlus2(V1,V2); begin scalar Sn1,Sn2; Sn1:=BMinusP V1; Sn2:=BMinusP V2; if Sn1 and Not Sn2 then return BDifference2(V2,BMinus V1,Nil); if Sn2 and Not Sn1 then return BDifference2(V1,BMinus V2,Nil); return BPlusA2(V1,V2,Sn1); end; procedure BPlusA2(V1,V2,Sn1); % Plus with signs pre-checked and begin scalar L1,L2,L3,V3,temp; % identical. L1:=BSize V1; L2:=BSize V2; If IGreaterP(L2,L1) then <<L3:=L2; L2:=L1;L1:=L3; V3:=V2; V2:=V1;V1:=V3>>; L3:=IAdd1 L1; If Sn1 then V3:=GtNeg L3 else V3:=GtPOS L3; Carry!*:=0; IFor I:=1:L2 do <<temp:=IPlus2(IGetV(V1,I),IGetV(V2,I)); IPutV(V3,I,AddCarry temp)>>; temp:=IAdd1 L2; IFor I:=temp:L1 do IPutV(V3,I,AddCarry IGetV(V1,I)); IPutV(V3,L3,Carry!*); % Carry Out Return TrimBigNum1(V3,L3); end; procedure BDifference(V1,V2); if BZeroP V2 then V1 else if BZeroP V1 then BMinus V2 else begin scalar Sn1,Sn2; Sn1:=BMinusP V1; Sn2:=BMinusP V2; if (Sn1 and Not Sn2) or (Sn2 and Not Sn1) then return BPlusA2(V1,BMinus V2,Sn1); return BDifference2(V1,V2,Sn1); end; procedure SubCarry A; begin scalar S; S:=IDifference(A,Carry!*); if ILessP(S,0) then <<Carry!*:=1; S:=IPlus2(BBase!*,S)>> else Carry!*:=0; return S; end; Procedure BDifference2(V1,V2,Sn1); % Signs pre-checked and identical. begin scalar i,L1,L2,L3,V3; L1:=BSize V1; L2:=BSize V2; if IGreaterP(L2,L1) then <<L3:=L1;L1:=L2;L2:=L3; V3:=V1;V1:=V2;V2:=V3; Sn1:=not Sn1>> else if L1 Eq L2 then <<i:=L1; while (IGetV(V2,i) Eq IGetV(V1,i) and IGreaterP(i,1)) do i:=ISub1 i; if IGreaterP(IGetV(V2,i),IGetV(V1,i)) then <<L3:=L1;L1:=L2;L2:=L3; V3:=V1;V1:=V2;V2:=V3;Sn1:=not Sn1>> >>; if Sn1 then V3:=GtNEG L1 else V3:=GtPOS L1; carry!*:=0; IFor I:=1:L2 do IPutV(V3,I,SubCarry IDifference(IGetV(V1,I),IGetV(V2,I))); IFor I:=(IAdd1 L2):L1 do IPutV(V3,I,SubCarry IGetV(V1,I)); return TrimBigNum1(V3,L1); end; procedure BTimes2(V1,V2); begin scalar L1,L2,L3,Sn1,Sn2,V3; L1:=BSize V1; L2:=BSize V2; if IGreaterP(L2,L1) then <<V3:=V1; V1:=V2; V2:=V3; % If V1 is larger, will be fewer L3:=L1; L1:=L2; L2:=L3>>; % iterations of BDigitTimes2. L3:=IPlus2(L1,L2); Sn1:=BMinusP V1; Sn2:=BMinusP V2; If (Sn1 and Sn2) or not(Sn1 or Sn2) then V3:=GtPOS L3 else V3:=GtNEG L3; IFor I:=1:L3 do IPutV(V3,I,0); IFor I:=1:L2 do BDigitTimes2(V1,IGetV(V2,I),L1,I,V3); return TrimBigNum1(V3,L3); end; Procedure BDigitTimes2(V1,V2,L1,I,V3); % V1 is a bignum, V2 a fixnum, L1=BSize L1, I=position of V2 in a bignum, % and V3 is bignum receiving result. I affects where in V3 the result of % a calculation goes; the relationship is that positions I:I+(L1-1) % of V3 receive the products of V2 and positions 1:L1 of V1. % V3 is changed as a side effect here. begin scalar J,carry,temp1,temp2; if zerop V2 then return V3 else << carry:=0; IFor H:=1:L1 do << temp1:=ITimes2(IGetV(V1,H),V2); temp2:=IPlus2(H,ISub1 I); J:=IPlus2(IPlus2(temp1,IGetV(V3,temp2)),carry); IPutV(V3,temp2,IRemainder(J,BBase!*)); carry:=IQuotient(J,BBase!*)>>; IPutV(V3,IPlus2(L1,I),carry)>>; % carry should be < BBase!* here return V3; end; Procedure BSmallTimes2(V1,C); % V1 is a BigNum, C a fixnum. % Assume C positive, ignore sign(V1) % also assume V1 neq 0. if ZeroP C then return GtPOS 0 % Only used from BHardDivide, BReadAdd. else begin scalar J,carry,L1,L2,L3,V3; L1:=BSize V1; L2:=IPlus2(IQuotient(C,BBase!*),L1); L3:=IAdd1 L2; V3:=GtPOS L3; carry:=0; IFor H:=1:L1 do << J:=IPlus2(ITimes2(IGetV(V1,H),C),carry); IPutV(V3,H,IRemainder(J,BBase!*)); carry:=IQuotient(J,BBase!*)>>; IFor H:=(IAdd1 L1):L3 do << IPutV(V3,H,IRemainder(J:=carry,BBase!*)); carry:=IQuotient(J,BBase!*)>>; return TrimBigNum1(V3,L3); end; procedure BQuotient(V1,V2); car BDivide(V1,V2); procedure BRemainder(V1,V2); cdr BDivide(V1,V2); % BDivide returns a dotted pair, (Q . R). Q is the quotient and R is % the remainder. Both are bignums. R is of the same sign as V1. %; smacro procedure BSimpleQuotient(V1,L1,C,SnC); car BSimpleDivide(V1,L1,C,SnC); smacro procedure BSimpleRemainder(V1,L1,C,SnC); cdr BSimpleDivide(V1,L1,C,SnC); procedure BDivide(V1,V2); begin scalar L1,L2,Q,R,V3; L2:=BSize V2; If IZerop L2 then error(99, "Attempt to divide by 0 in BDIVIDE"); L1:=BSize V1; If ILessP(L1,L2) or (L1 Eq L2 and ILessP(IGetV(V1,L1),IGetV(V2,L2))) % This also takes care of case then return (GtPOS 0 . V1); % when V1=0. if IOnep L2 then return BSimpleDivide(V1,L1,IGetV(V2,1),BMinusP V2); return BHardDivide(V1,L1,V2,L2); end; % C is a fixnum (inum?); V1 is a bignum and L1 is its length. % SnC is T if C (which is positive) should be considered negative. % Returns quotient . remainder; each is a bignum. % procedure BSimpleDivide(V1,L1,C,SnC); begin scalar I,P,R,RR,Sn1,V2; Sn1:=BMinusP V1; if (Sn1 and SnC) or not(Sn1 or SnC) then V2:=GtPOS L1 else V2:=GtNEG L1; R:=0; I:=L1; While not IZeroP I do <<P:=IPlus2(ITimes2(R,BBase!*),IGetV(V1,I)); % Overflow. IPutV(V2,I,IQuotient(P, C)); R:=IRemainder(P, C); I:=ISub1 I>>; If Sn1 then RR:=GtNeg 1 else RR:=GtPOS 1; IPutV(RR,1,R); return (TrimBigNum1(V2,L1) . TrimBigNum1(RR,1)); end; procedure BHardDivide(U,Lu,V,Lv); % This is an algorithm taken from Knuth. begin scalar U1,V1,A,D,LCV,LCV1,f,f2,J,K,Lq,carry,temp, LL,M,N,N1,P,Q,QBar,SnU,SnV,U2; N:=Lv; N1:=IAdd1 N; M:=IDifference(Lu,Lv); Lq:=IAdd1 M; % Deal with signs of inputs; SnU:=BMinusP U; SnV:=BMinusp V; % Note that these are not extra-boolean, i.e. % for positive numbers MBinusP returns nil, for % negative it returns its argument. Thus the % test (SnU=SnV) does not reliably compare the signs of % U and V; if SnU then if SnV then Q := GtPOS Lq else Q := GtNEG Lq else if SnV then Q := GtNEG Lq else Q := GtPOS Lq; U1 := GtPOS IAdd1 Lu; % U is ALWAYS stored as if one digit longer; % Compute a scale factor to normalize the long division; D:=IQuotient(BBase!*,IAdd1 IGetV(V,Lv)); % Now, at the same time, I remove the sign information from U and V % and scale them so that the leading coefficeint in V is fairly large; carry := 0; IFor i:=1:Lu do << temp := IPlus2(ITimes2(IGetV(U,I),D),carry); IPutV(U1,I,IRemainder(temp,BBase!*)); carry := IQuotient(temp,BBase!*) >>; Lu := IAdd1 Lu; IPutV(U1,Lu,carry); V1:=BSmallTimes2(V,D); % So far all variables contain safe values, % i.e. numbers < BBase!*; IPutV(V1,0,'BIGPOS); if ILessp(Lv,2) then NonBigNumError(V,'BHARDDIVIDE); % To be safe; LCV := IGetV(V1,Lv); LCV1 := IGetv(V1,ISub1 Lv); % Top two digits of the scaled V accessed once % here outside the main loop; % Now perform the main long division loop; IFor I:=0:M do << J:=IDifference(Lu,I); % J>K; working on U1[K:J] K:=IDifference(J,N1); % in this loop. A:=IGetV(U1,J); P := IPlus2(ITimes2(A,BBase!*),IGetv(U1,Isub1 J)); % N.B. P is up to 30 bits long. Take care! ; if A Eq LCV then QBar := ISub1 BBase!* else QBar := Iquotient(P,LCV); % approximate next digit; f:=ITimes2(QBar,LCV1); f2:=IPlus2(ITimes2(IDifference(P,ITimes2(QBar,LCV)),BBase!*), IGetV(U1,IDifference(J,2))); while IGreaterP(f,f2) do << % Correct most overshoots in Qbar; QBar:=ISub1 QBar; f:=IDifference(f,LCV1);; f2:=IPlus2(f2,ITimes2(LCV,BBase!*)) >>; carry := 0; % Ready to subtract QBar*V1 from U1; IFor L:=1:N do << temp := IPlus2( Idifference( IGetV(U1,IPlus2(K,L)), ITimes2(QBar,IGetV(V1,L))), carry); carry := IQuotient(temp,BBase!*); temp := IRemainder(temp,BBase!*); if IMinusp temp then << carry := ISub1 carry; temp := IPlus2(temp,BBase!*) >>; IPutV(U1,IPlus2(K,L),temp) >>; % Now propagate borrows up as far as they go; LL := IPlus2(K,N); while (not IZeroP carry) and ILessp(LL,J) do << LL := IAdd1 LL; temp := IPlus2(IGetV(U1,LL),carry); carry := IQuotient(temp,BBase!*); temp := IRemainder(temp,BBase!*); if IMinusP temp then << carry := ISub1 carry; temp := IPlus2(temp,BBase!*) >>; IPutV(U1,LL,temp) >>; if not IZerop carry then << % QBar was still wrong - correction step needed. % This should not happen very often; QBar := ISub1 QBar; % Add V1 back into U1; carry := 0; IFor L := 1:N do << carry := IPlus2( IPlus2(IGetV(U1,Iplus2(K,L)), IGetV(V1,L)), carry); IPutV(U1,IPlus2(K,L),IRemainder(carry,BBase!*)); carry := IQuotient(carry,BBase!*) >>; LL := IPlus2(K,N); while ILessp(LL,J) do << LL := IAdd1 LL; carry := IPlus2(IGetv(U1,LL),carry); IPutV(U1,LL,IRemainder(carry,BBase!*)); carry := IQuotient(carry,BBase!*) >> >>; IPutV(Q,IDifference(Lq,I),QBar) >>; % End of main loop; U1 := TrimBigNum1(U1,IDifference(Lu,M)); f := 0; f2 := 0; % Clean up potentially wild values; if not BZeroP U1 then << % Unnormalize the remainder by dividing by D if SnU then IPutV(U1,0,'BIGNEG); if not IOnep D then << Lu := BSize U1; carry := 0; IFor L:=Lu step -1 until 1 do << P := IPlus2(ITimes2(carry,BBase!*),IGetV(U1,L)); IPutv(U1,L,IQuotient(P,D)); carry := IRemainder(P,D) >>; P := 0; if not IZeroP carry then BHardBug("remainder when unscaling", U,V,TrimBigNum1(U1,Lu),TrimBigNum1(Q,Lq)); U1 := TrimBigNum1(U1,Lu) >> >>; Q := TrimBigNum1(Q,Lq); % In case leading digit happened to be zero; P := 0; % flush out a 30 bit number; % Here, for debugging purposes, I will try to validate the results I % have obtained by testing if Q*V+U1=U and 0<=U1<V. I Know this slows things % down, but I will remove it when my confidence has improved somewhat; % if not BZerop U1 then << % if (BMinusP U and not BMinusP U1) or % (BMinusP U1 and not BMinusP U) then % BHardBug("remainder has wrong sign",U,V,U1,Q) >>; % if not BAbs U1<BAbs V then BHardBug("remainder out of range",U,V,U1,Q) % else if not BZerop(BDifference(BPlus2(BTimes2(Q,V),U1),U)) then % BHardBug("quotient or remainder incorrect",U,V,U1,Q); return (Q . U1) end; procedure BHardBug(msg,U,V,R,Q); % Because the inputs to BHardDivide are probably rather large, I am not % going to rely on BldMsg to display them; << Prin2T "***** Internal error in BHardDivide"; Prin2 "arg1="; Prin2T U; Prin2 "arg2="; Prin2T V; Prin2 "computed quotient="; Prin2T Q; Prin2 "computed remainder="; Prin2T R; StdError msg >>; procedure BGreaterP(U,V); if BMinusP U then if BMinusP V then BUnsignedGreaterP(V,U) else nil else if BMinusP V then U else BUnsignedGreaterP(U,V); procedure BLessp(U,V); if BMinusP U then if BMinusP V then BUnsignedGreaterP(U,V) else U else if BMinusP V then nil else BUnsignedGreaterP(V,U); procedure BGeq(U,V); if BMinusP U then if BMinusP V then BUnsignedGeq(V,U) else nil else if BMinusP V then U else BUnsignedGeq(U,V); procedure BLeq(U,V); if BMinusP U then if BMinusP V then BUnsignedGeq(U,V) else U else if BMinusP V then nil else BUnsignedGeq(V,U); procedure BUnsignedGreaterP(U,V); % Compare magnitudes of two bignums; begin scalar Lu,Lv,I; Lu := BSize U; Lv := BSize V; if not (Lu eq Lv) then << if IGreaterP(Lu,Lv) then return U else return nil >>; while IGetV(U,Lv) eq IGetV(V,Lv) and IGreaterP(Lv,1) do Lv := ISub1 Lv; if IGreaterP(IGetV(U,Lv),IGetV(V,Lv)) then return U else return nil end; procedure BUnsignedGeq(U,V); % Compare magnitudes of two unsigned bignums; begin scalar Lu,Lv; Lu := BSize U; Lv := BSize V; if not (Lu eq Lv) then << if IGreaterP(Lu,Lv) then return U else return nil >>; while IGetV(U,Lv) eq IGetV(V,Lv) and IGreaterP(Lv,1) do Lv := ISub1 Lv; If IGreaterP(IGetV(V,Lv),IGetV(U,Lv)) then return nil else return U end; procedure BAdd1 V; BSmallAdd(V, 1); procedure BSub1 U; BSmallDiff(U, 1); % ------------------------------------------------ % Conversion to Float: procedure FloatFromBigNum V; if BZeroP V then 0.0 else if BGreaterP(V, BigFloatHi!*) or BLessp(V, BigFloatLow!*) then Error(99,list("Argument, ",V," to FLOAT is too large")) else begin scalar L,Res,Sn,I; % Careful, do not want to call itself recursively L:=BSize V; Sn:=BMinusP V; Res:=IntFloat IGetv(V,L); I:=ISub1 L; While not IZeroP I do << Res:=FloatTimes2(res,FloatBBase!*); Res:=FloatPlus2(Res, IntFloat IGetV(V,I)); I:=ISub1 I>>; if Sn then Res:=minus res; return res; end; % ------------------------------------------------ % Input and Output: Digit2Letter!* := % Ascii values of digits and characters. '[48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90]; % OutputBase!* is assumed to be positive and less than 37. procedure BChannelPrin2(Channel,V); If not BigP V then NonBigNumError(V, 'BPrin) %need? else begin scalar quot, rem, div, result, resultsign, myobase; myobase:=OutputBase!*; resultsign:=BMinusP V; div:=BSimpleDivide(V,Bsize V,OutputBase!*,nil); quot:=car div; rem:=cdr div; if Bzerop rem then rem:=0 else rem:=IGetV(rem,1); result:=rem . result; while Not BZeroP quot do <<div:=BSimpleDivide(quot,Bsize quot,OutputBase!*,nil); quot:=car div; rem:=cdr div; if Bzerop rem then rem:=0 else rem:=IGetV(rem,1); result:=rem . result>>; if resultsign then channelwritechar(Channel,char !-); if myobase neq 10 then <<ChannelWriteSysInteger(channel,myobase,10); ChannelWriteChar(Channel, char !#)>>; For each u in result do ChannelWriteChar(Channel, IGetV(digit2letter!*,u)); OutputBase!*:=myobase; return; end; procedure BRead(s,radix,sn); % radix is < Bbase!* %s=string of digits, radix=base, sn=1 or -1 begin scalar sz, res, ch; sz:=size s; res:=GtPOS 1; ch:=indx(s,0); if IGeq(ch,char A) and ILeq(ch,char Z) then ch:=IPlus2(IDifference(ch,char A),10); if IGeq(ch,char 0) and ILeq(ch,char 9) then ch:=IDifference(ch,char 0); IPutV(res,1,ch); IFor i:=1:sz do <<ch:=indx(s,i); if IGeq(ch,char A) and ILeq(ch,char Z) then ch:=IDifference(ch,IDifference(char A,10)); if IGeq(ch,char 0) and ILeq(ch,char 9) then ch:=IDifference(ch,char 0); res:=BReadAdd(res, radix, ch)>>; if iminusp sn then res:=BMinus res; return res; end; procedure BReadAdd(V, radix, ch); << V:=BSmallTimes2(V, radix); V:=BSmallAdd(V,ch)>>; procedure BSmallAdd(V,C); %V big, C fix. if IZerop C then return V else if Bzerop V then return int2Big C else if BMinusp V then BMinus BSmallDiff(BMinus V, C) else if IMinusP C then BSmallDiff(V, IMinus C) else begin scalar V1,L1; Carry!*:=C; L1:=BSize V; V1:=GtPOS(IAdd1 L1); IFor i:=1:L1 do IPutV(V1,i,addcarry IGetV(V,i)); if IOneP carry!* then IPutV(V1,IAdd1 L1,1) else return TrimBigNum1(V1,L1); return V1 end; procedure BNum N; % Creates a Bignum of one BETA digit, value N. % N is POS or NEG IF BIGP N then N else BnumAux N; procedure BNumAux N; % Creates a Bignum of one BIGIT value N. % N is POS or NEG begin scalar B; if IZerop n then return GtPOS 0 else if IMinusp N then <<b:=GtNEG 1; n:= IMinus n>> else b:=GtPos 1; IPutV(b,1,N); Return b; end; procedure BSmallDiff(V,C); %V big, C fix if IZerop C then V else if BZeroP V then int2Big IMinus C else if BMinusP V then BMinus BSmallAdd(BMinus V, C) else if IMinusP C then BSmallAdd(V, IMinus C) else begin scalar V1,L1; Carry!*:=C; L1:=BSize V; V1:=GtPOS L1; IFor i:=1:L1 do IPuTV(V1,i,subcarry IGetV(V,i)); if not IZeroP carry!* then StdError BldMsg(" BSmallDiff V<C %p %p%n",V,C); return TrimBigNum1(V1,L1); end; on syslisp; syslsp procedure int2Big n; % Creates BigNum of value N. % From any N, BETA,INUM,FIXNUM or BIGNUM case tag n of NEGINT,POSINT: sys2Big n; FIXN: sys2Big fixval fixinf n; BIGN: N; default: NonIntegerError(n, 'int2Big); End; off syslisp; % Convert BIGNUMs to FLOAT procedure bigfromfloat X; if fixp x or bigp x then x else begin scalar bigpart,floatpart,power,sign,thispart; if minusp X then <<sign:=-1; X:=minus X>> else sign:=1; bigpart:=bzero!*; while neq(X, 0) and neq(x,0.0) do << if X < bbase!* then << bigpart:=bplus2(bigpart, bnum fix x); X:=0 >> else <<floatpart:=x; power:=0; while floatpart>=bbase!* do % get high end of number. <<floatpart:=floatpart/bbase!*; power:=power + bbits!* >>; thispart:=btimes2(btwopower power, bnum fix floatpart); X:=X- floatfrombignum thispart; bigpart:=bplus2(bigpart, thispart) >> >>; if minusp sign then bigpart := bminus bigpart; return bigpart; end; % Now Install Interfacing on syslisp; syslsp procedure SetUpGlobals; << Prin2t '"SetupGlobals"; SetBits BitsPerWord; Prin2T '" ... done";>>; off syslisp; SetupGlobals(); LoadTime << StaticBig!*:=GtWarray 10>>; % Assume dont need more than 10 slots to represent a BigNum % Version of SYSint % -- Output--- % MLG Change to interface to Recursive hooks, added for % Prinlevel stuff CopyD('OldChannelPrin1,'RecursiveChannelPrin1); CopyD('OldChannelPrin2,'RecursiveChannelPrin2); Procedure RecursiveChannelPrin1(Channel,U,Level); <<if BigP U then BChannelPrin2(Channel,U) else OldChannelPrin1(Channel, U,Level);U>>; Procedure RecursiveChannelPrin2(Channel,U,level); <<If BigP U then BChannelPrin2(Channel, U) else OldChannelPrin2(Channel, U,level);U>>; procedure checkifreallybig UU; % If BIGNUM result is in older FIXNUM or INUM range % Convert Back. %/ Need a faster test if BLessP(UU, BigSysLow!*) or BGreaterp(UU,BigSysHi!*) then UU else Sys2Int Big2SysAux UU; procedure checkifreallybigpair VV; % Used to process DIVIDE checkifreallybig car VV . checkifreallybig cdr VV; procedure checkifreallybigornil UU; % Used for EXTRA-boolean tests if Null UU or BLessp(UU, BigSysLow!*) or BGreaterP(UU,BigSysHi!*) then UU else Sys2Int Big2SysAux UU; procedure BigPlus2(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BPlus2(U,V); procedure BigDifference(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BDifference(U,V); procedure BigTimes2(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BTimes2(U,V); procedure BigDivide(U,V); CheckIfReallyBigPair BDivide(U,V); procedure BigQuotient(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BQuotient(U,V); procedure BigRemainder(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BRemainder(U,V); procedure BigLAnd(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BLand(U,V); procedure BigLOr(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BLOr(U,V); procedure BigLXOr(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BLXor(U,V); procedure BigLShift(U,V); CheckIfReallyBig BLShift(U,V); on syslisp; procedure Lshift(U,V); If BetaP U and BetaP V then (if V<0 then Sys2Int Wshift(U,V) else if V< LispVar (BBits!* ) then Sys2Int Wshift(U,V) else BigLshift(Sys2Big U, Sys2Big V) ) else BigLshift(Sys2Big U, Sys2Big V) ; off syslisp; Copyd('LSH,'Lshift); procedure BigGreaterP(U,V); CheckIfReallyBigOrNil BGreaterP(U,V); procedure BigLessP(U,V); CheckIfReallyBigOrNil BLessP(U,V); procedure BigAdd1 U; CheckIfReallyBig BAdd1 U; procedure BigSub1 U; CheckIfReallyBig BSub1 U; procedure BigLNot U; CheckIfReallyBig BLNot U; procedure BigMinus U; CheckIfReallyBig BMinus U; procedure BigMinusP U; CheckIfReallyBigOrNil BMinusP U; procedure BigOneP U; CheckIfReallyBigOrNil BOneP U; procedure BigZeroP U; CheckIfReallyBigOrNil BZeroP U; % ---- Input ---- procedure MakeStringIntoLispInteger(S,Radix,Sn); CheckIfReallyBig BRead(S,Radix,Sn); on syslisp; procedure Int2Sys N; % Convert a random FIXed number to WORD Integer case tag(N) of POSINT,NEGINT: N; FIXN: FixVal FixInf N; BIGN: Big2SysAux N; default: NonNumber1Error(N,'Int2SYS); End; syslsp procedure Sys2Big N; % Convert a SYSint to a BIG % Must NOT use generic arith here % Careful that no GC if this BIGger than INUM Begin scalar Sn, A, B; If N=0 then return GtPos 0; A:= LispVar StaticBig!*; % Grab the base If N<0 then sn:=T; A[1]:=N; % Plant number N:=1; % now use N as counter While A[n]>=Bbase!* do <<N:=N+1; A[n]:=A[n-1]/Bbase!*; A[n-1]:=A[n-1]-a[n]*Bbase!*>>; % Careful handling of -N in case have largest NEG, not just % flip sign If Sn then <<B:=GtNeg N; For i:=1:N do Iputv(B,i,-A[i])>> else << B:= GtPos N; For i:=1:N do IputV(B,i,A[i])>>; Return B; End; off syslisp; % Coercion/Transfer Functions copyd('oldFloatFix,'FloatFix); procedure FloatFix U; % Careful of sign and range If FloatSysLow!* <= U and U <= FloatSysHi!* then Oldfloatfix U else bigfromfloat U; on syslisp; procedure BetaP x; % test if NUMBER in reduced INUM range If Intp x then (x <= Lispvar(betaHi!*)) and (x >= LispVar(betaLow!*)) else NIL; procedure BetaRangeP x; % Test if SYSINT in reduced INUM range if (x <= Lispvar(betaHi!*)) then (x>=LispVar(betaLow!*)) else NIL; procedure Beta2P(x,y); % Check for 2 argument arithmetic functions if BetaP x then BetaP y; off syslisp; End; end;