Artifact 5659f6c5cc711c3d6fd14aa9f0b9070c4c3420e4820e4db38f040262d550e4ce:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 12719) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 12719) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
% % DEFSTRUCT.RED - Interim structure definition facility. % % Author: Russ Fish % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 18 December 1981 % Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah % % See files Defstruct.{Hlp,Doc} for description of usage. %%%% To compile this code, it must first be loaded interpretively. %%%% %%%% Bootstrap is necessary because defstructs are used internally %%%% %%%% to record the descriptions of structures, including the %%%% %%%% descriptions of the defstruct descriptors themselves. %%%% % First, an aside to the compiler. CompileTime % Compiler needs to know about LHS forms which will be used. put( 'SlotDescInitForm, 'Assign!-Op, 'PUTSlotDescInitForm ); BothTimes % Declare lists of fluids used for binding options. << fluid '( DefstructOptions SlotOptions ); fluid ( DefstructOptions := '( !:Constructor !:Alterant !:Predicate !:Creator !:Prefix !:Include !:IncludeInit ) ); fluid ( SlotOptions := '( !:Type !:UserGet !:UserPut ) ); flag('(defstruct), 'Eval); >>; % ////////////// Externally known fns ////////////////////////// % Struct type predicate. lisp procedure DefstructP( Name ); get( Name, 'Defstruct ); % Access to "struct type name" field of structure. lisp procedure DefstructType( Struct ); if VectorP Struct then % Minimal checking. getv( Struct, 0 ) else NIL; % Type inclusion predicate. lisp procedure SubTypeP( I1, I2 ); % T if I1 is a subtype of I2. begin scalar Incl; return I1 eq I2 % Type is subtype of itself. (LEQ.) or (Incl := DsDescInclude GetDefstruct I2) % Done if no subtype. and ( I1 eq Incl % Proper subtype. or SubTypeP( I1, Incl ) ) % Or a subsubtype, or... end; % ////////////// Defstruct ///////////////////////////////////// fexpr procedure Defstruct( Spec ); begin scalar StructName, Init, NameValue, Desc, DsSize, SlotSpec, SlotAlist; if atom Spec then % Spec must be a list. TypeError( Spec, 'Defstruct, "a spec list" ); StructName := if atom first Spec then first Spec % Grab the struct id. else first first Spec; if not idp StructName then % Struct id better be one. UsageTypeError( StructName, 'Defstruct, "an id", "a StructName" ); % Defaults for options. !:Constructor := !:Alterant := !:Predicate := T; !:Creator := !:Include := !:IncludeInit := NIL; !:Prefix := ""; % Process option list if present. if pairp first Spec then ProcessOptions( rest first Spec, DefstructOptions ); if !:Prefix = T then % Default prefix is StructName. !:Prefix := id2string StructName; if idp !:Prefix then % Convert id to printname string. !:Prefix := id2string !:Prefix else if not stringp !:Prefix then % Error if not id or string. UsageTypeError( !:Prefix, 'Defstruct, "an id or a string", "a SlotName prefix" ); % Construct macro names in default pattern if necessary. if !:Constructor eq T then !:Constructor := IdConcat( 'MAKE, StructName ); if !:Alterant eq T then !:Alterant := IdConcat( 'ALTER, StructName ); if !:Predicate eq T then !:Predicate := IdConcat( StructName, 'P ); if !:Creator eq T then !:Creator := IdConcat( 'CREATE, StructName ); % Define the constructor, alterant, predicate, and creator, if desired. MkStructMac( !:Constructor, 'Make, StructName ); MkStructMac( !:Alterant, 'Alter, StructName ); MkStructPred( !:Predicate, StructName ); MkStructMac( !:Creator, 'Create, StructName ); DsSize := 0; % Accumulate size, starting with the DefstructType. SlotAlist := NIL; if !:Include then % If including another struct, start after it. if Desc := GetDefstruct( !:Include ) then << DsSize := DsDescDsSize( Desc ); % Get slots of included type, modified by !:IncludeInit. SlotAlist := for each Init in DsDescSlotAlist( Desc ) collect << if !:IncludeInit and (NameValue := atsoc( car Init, !:IncludeInit )) then << Init := TotalCopy Init; SlotDescInitForm cdr Init := second NameValue >>; Init >> >> else TypeError( !:Include, "Defstruct !:Include", "a type id" ); % Define the Selector macros, and build the alist of slot ids. SlotAlist := append( SlotAlist, for each SlotSpec in rest Spec collect ProcessSlot( SlotSpec, !:Prefix, DsSize := DsSize+1 ) ); if Defstructp Structname then ErrorPrintF("*** Defstruct %r has been redefined", StructName); Put( StructName, 'Defstruct, % Stash the Structure Descriptor. CreateDefstructDescriptor( DsSize, !:Prefix, SlotAlist, !:Constructor, !:Alterant, !:Predicate, !:Creator, !:Include, !:IncludeInit ) ); return StructName end; % Turn slot secifications into (SlotName . SlotDescriptor) pairs. lisp procedure ProcessSlot( SlotSpec, Prefix, SlotNum ); begin scalar SlotName, SlotFn, It, OptList, InitForm; % Got a few possibilities to unravel. InitForm := OptList := NIL; % Only slot-name required. if atom SlotSpec then SlotName := SlotSpec % Bare slot-name, no default-init or options. else << SlotName := first SlotSpec; if It := rest SlotSpec then % Default-init and/or options provided. << % See if option immediately after name. while pairp It do It := first It; % Down to first atom. if idp It and memq( It, SlotOptions ) then % Option keyword? OptList := rest SlotSpec % Yes, no init-form. else << InitForm := second SlotSpec; % Init-form after keyword. OptList := rest rest SlotSpec % Options or NIL. >> >> >>; if not idp SlotName then % Slot id better be one. UsageTypeError( SlotName, 'Defstruct, "an id", "a SlotName" ); SlotFn := if Prefix eq "" then % Slot fns may have a prefix. SlotName else IdConcat( Prefix, Slotname ); % Defaults for options. !:Type := !:UserGet := !:UserPut := NIL; if OptList then % Process option list ProcessOptions( OptList, SlotOptions ); % Make Selector and Depositor unless overridden. if not !:UserGet then MkSelector( SlotFn, SlotNum ); if not !:UserPut then MkDepositor( SlotFn, SlotNum ); % Return the ( SlotName . SlotDescriptor ) pair. return SlotName . CreateSlotDescriptor( SlotNum, InitForm, SlotFn, !:Type, !:UserGet, !:UserPut ) end; % ////////////// Internal fns ////////////////////////////////// % Process defstruct and slot options, binding values of valid options. lisp procedure ProcessOptions( OptList, OptVarList ); begin scalar OptSpec, Option, OptArg; for each OptSpec in OptList do << if atom OptSpec then % Bare option id. << Option := OptSpec; OptArg := T >> else << Option := first OptSpec; OptArg := rest OptSpec; % List of args to option. if not rest OptArg then % Single arg, unlist it. OptArg := first OptArg >>; if memq( Option, OptVarList ) then set( Option, OptArg ) else UsageTypeError( Option, 'ProcessOptions, ("one of" . OptVarList . "is needed"), "an option id" ) >> end; lisp procedure GetDefstruct( StructId ); % Yank struct defn from id. begin scalar Desc; if Desc := get( StructId, 'Defstruct ) then return Desc % Return Struct defn. else TypeError( StructId, 'GetDefstruct, "a defstruct id" ) end; lisp procedure IdConcat( I1, I2 ); % Make two-part names. << if idp I1 then I1 := id2String I1; if idp I2 then I2 := id2String I2; intern concat( I1, I2 ) >>; % ////////////// Fn building fns /////////////////////////////// % Fn to build specific Structure Fns as macros which use generic macros. % The generic macro is called with the StructName and the original % list of arguments. % MacName( arg1, arg2, ... ) % => GenericMac( StructName, arg1, arg2, ... ) lisp procedure MkStructMac( MacName, GenericMac, StructName ); if MacName then % No macro if NIL name. putd( MacName, 'macro, list( 'lambda, '(MacroArgs), list( 'append, list( 'quote, list( GenericMac, StructName ) ), '(rest MacroArgs) ) ) ); % Fn to build specific Structure Predicates. lisp procedure MkStructPred( FnName, StructName ); putd( FnName, 'expr, list( 'lambda, '(PredArg), list( 'and, '(vectorp PredArg), list( 'eq, list('quote,StructName), '(DefstructType PredArg) ) ) ) ); % RHS selector (get fn) constructor. lisp procedure MkSelector( Name, Slotnum ); putd( Name, 'expr, list( 'lambda, '(Struct), List( 'getV, 'Struct, SlotNum ) ) ); % LHS depositor (put fn) constructor. lisp procedure MkDepositor( Name, Slotnum ); begin scalar PutName; PutName := intern concat( "PUT", id2string Name ); putd( PutName, 'expr, list( 'lambda, '(Struct Val), List( 'putV, 'Struct, SlotNum, 'Val ) ) ); put( Name, 'Assign!-Op, PutName ); return PutName end; % ////////////// Fns used by macros. /////////////////////////// % Generic macro for constructors, called with structure name and list % of slot-name:value-form pairs to merge with default-inits. % Returns vector constructor. macro procedure Make( ArgList ); begin scalar StructName, OverrideAlist, Slot, NameValue; StructName := second ArgList; OverrideAlist := rest rest ArgList; return append( % Return vector constructor. list( 'vector, list('quote,StructName) ), % Mark struct type as first element. % Build list of init forms for vector constructor. for each Slot in DsDescSlotAlist GetDefstruct StructName collect if NameValue := atsoc( car Slot, OverrideAlist ) then second NameValue else SlotDescInitForm cdr Slot ) end; % Generic Alterant macro, called with structure name, struct instance and % slot name:value alist. A list of depositor calls is returned, with a % PROGN wrapped around it and the struct instance at the end for a return % value. macro procedure Alter( ArgList ); begin scalar StructName, StructInstance, SlotValueDlist, SlotAlist, NameValue, Slot; StructName := second ArgList; StructInstance := third ArgList; SlotValueDlist := rest rest rest ArgList; SlotAlist := DsDescSlotAList GetDefstruct StructName; return append( append( '(PROGN), % wraparound PROGN. % List of depositor calls. for each NameValue in SlotValueDlist collect if Slot := atsoc( first NameValue, SlotAlist) then list( % Use depositors, which may be user fns, rather than PutV. IdConCat( 'PUT, SlotDescSlotFn cdr Slot ), StructInstance, second NameValue ) else TypeError( car NameValue, 'Alter, concat( "a slot of ", id2string StructName ) ) ), list( StructInstance ) ) % Value of PROGN is altered instance. end; % Generic Create macro, called with struct name and list of positional args % which are slot value forms. Returns struct vector constructor. macro procedure Create( ArgList ); begin scalar StructName, SlotValues, DsSize; StructName := second ArgList; SlotValues := rest rest ArgList; DsSize := DsDescDsSize GetDefstruct StructName; if DsSize = Length SlotValues then return append( list( 'VECTOR, list( 'quote, StructName ) ), % Mark with struct id. SlotValues ) else UsageTypeError( SlotValues, 'Create, BldMsg( "a list of length %p", DsSize ), concat( "an initializer for ", id2string StructName) ) end; % ////////////// Boot Defstruct structs. /////////////////////// % Chicken-and-egg problem, need some knowledge of Defstruct descriptor % structures before they are defined, in order to define them. CompileTime << MkSelector( 'DsDescDsSize, 1 ); MkStructMac( 'CreateDefstructDescriptor, 'Create, 'DefstructDescriptor ); MkStructMac( 'CreateSlotDescriptor, 'Create, 'SlotDescriptor ); put( 'DefstructDescriptor, 'Defstruct, % Abbreviated struct defns for boot. '[ DefstructDescriptor 9 ] ); % Just DsSize, for Create Fns. put( 'SlotDescriptor, 'Defstruct, '[ SlotDescriptor 6 ] ); >>; % Now really declare the Defstruct Descriptor structs. Defstruct( DefstructDescriptor( !:Prefix(DsDesc), !:Creator ), DsSize( !:Type int ), % (Upper Bound of vector.) Prefix( !:Type string ), SlotAlist( !:Type alist ), % (Cdrs are SlotDescriptors.) ConsName( !:Type fnId ), AltrName( !:Type fnId ), PredName( !:Type fnId ), CreateName( !:Type fnId ), Include( !:Type typeid ), InclInit( !:Type alist ) ); Defstruct( SlotDescriptor( !:Prefix(SlotDesc), !:Creator ), SlotNum( !:Type int ), InitForm( !:Type form ), SlotFn( !:Type fnId ), % Selector/Depositor id. SlotType( !:Type type ), % Hm... UserGet( !:Type boolean ), UserPut( !:Type boolean ) ); END;