Artifact 53cfc86e6b2b9b906ca46e2cb8ae6015e1b86cf60c837009b97abf2fe3c42b9e:
- File
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3430) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3430) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
comment Integer functions that work in all domain modes, independent of switch NUMVAL, so long as their arguments evaluate to real numbers. Functions of one argument: FIX, SGN, ROUND, CEILING, FLOOR, ISQRT, ICBRT, ILOG2. Function of two arguments: IROOTN The second argument of IROOTN must evaluate to an integer; $ fix a; % will be evaluated only if a evaluates to a real number. a := 27/4; fix a; fix 12.345; sgn (-15/2); round 12.5; ceiling 12.5; floor 12.5; isqrt 12.5; icbrt 12.5; ilog2 130.7; irootn(72,4); irootn(72,3/2); % this will not evaluate. comment Functions which require arguments which evaluate to integers: Function of one argument: FACTORIAL Fumction of two arguments: PERM, CHOOSE;$ factorial 10; perm(5,10); % permutations of 5 out of 10. choose(5,10); % choose 5 out of 10; comment These functions are evaluated in dmodes REALS and COMPLEX-VARIABLE (ON REALS,COMPLEX) so long as their arguments and values evaluate to real numbers and NUMVAL (normally ON) is ON. Variable treated as function of no arguments: E, PI. Functions of one argument: EXP, LOG, LN, LOG10, NORM, ARG, SQRT, CBRT, RAD2DEG, RAD2DMS, DEG2RAD, DEG2DMS, DMS2DEG, DMS2RAD, SIN, ASIN, COS, ACOS, TAN, ATAN, COT, ACOT, SEC, ASEC, CSC, ACSC, SINH, ASINH, COSH, ACOSH, TANH, ATANH, COTH, ACOTH, SECH, ASECH, CSCH, ACSCH, SIND, ASIND, COSD, ACOSD, TAND, ATAND, COTD, ACOTD, SECD, ASECD, CSCD, ACSCD. Functions of two arguments: EXPT, LOGB, HYPOT, ATAN2, ATAN2D. Function evaluation is carried out to the precision specified in the latest PRECISION statement.; $ on rounded; precision 6; a := exp 3; log a; ln a; log10 1000; norm (-12.345); % for real x, this is equivalent to ABS x. arg (-12.345); % for real x, this -> if x<0 then pi else 0.0. sqrt 3; ws**2; cbrt 3; ws**3; deg2rad 30; rad2deg ws; a := deg2dms 12.345; % a will be a list. dms2deg ws; dms2rad a; rad2deg ws; asin 0.5; sin ws; acos 0.5; cos ws; atan 0.5; tan ws; acot 0.5; cot ws; asec 3; sec ws; acsc 3; csc ws; asinh 0.5; sinh ws; acosh 2; cosh ws; atanh 0.5; tanh ws; acoth 2; coth ws; sech 1; asech ws; csch 1; acsch ws; sind 30; asind ws; cosd 30; acosd ws; tand 30; atand ws; cotd 30; acotd ws; secd 30; asecd ws; cscd 30; acscd ws; expt(2,1.234); logb(ws,2); hypot(3,4); a := -3*pi/4; % any -pi<a<=pi should work. atan2(sin a,cos a); % this should = a. a := -135; atan2d(sind a,cosd a); precision 20; % functions will be computed to 20 places. sind 60; asind ws; precision 50; % fuctions computed to 50 places. sind 60; asind ws; precision 6; comment If argument or value are complex, functions are not computed when dmode is REALS; $ sin(1+i); % complex argument. asin 2; % value would be complex. on complex; comment Complex functions of one argument: EXP, LOG, NORM, ARG, SQRT, SIN, ASIN, COS, ACOS, TAN, ATAN, COT, ACOT, SEC, ASEC, CSC, ACSC, SINH, ASINH, COSH. ACOSH, TANH, ATANH, COTH, ACOTH, SECH, ASECH, CSCH, ACSCH. Complex function of two variables: EXPT; $ e**(pi*i); log(1+i); exp ws; norm(5*exp(2i)); arg(5*exp(2i)); sqrt(1+i); ws**2; asin 2; sin ws; acos 2; cos ws; atan(1+i); tan ws; acot(1+i); cot ws; asec 0.1; sec ws; acsc 0.1; csc ws; sinh(1+i); asinh ws; cosh(1+i); acosh ws; atanh 2; tanh ws; acoth 0.3; coth ws; asech(1-i); sech ws; acsch(1-i); csch ws; expt(1+i,1-i); logb(ws,1+i); end;