Artifact 5184d5a9f57473b1f8a2677dc53406e986a4bc0888b087cd6785b7cc15fe940b:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8321) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % 9836-Bitmap.SL - Terminal Interface for 9836 Bitmap Display % % Author: Alan Snyder % Hewlett-Packard/CRC % Date: 16 March 1983 % % This code is adapted from 9836-COLOR.SL. It assumes a contiguous bitmap % memory, one bit per pixel, byte-aligned, with an integral number of bytes % per scan row. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (BothTimes (load objects)) (CompileTime (load display-char fast-vectors numeric-operators syslisp)) (on fast-integers) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % External variables: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (fluid '(font8-patterns)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (defflavor 9836-bitmap ( % The following parameters may be set at initialization: (device-address (+ 16#600000 (* 28 16#10000))) % address of device (plane device-address) % address of bitmap (raster-width 512) % must be a multiple of 8! (raster-height 392) (character-height 14) % raster lines in each character (interline-spacing 0) % raster lines between each text row (patterns font8-patterns) % raster images of characters (display-on-function NIL) % optional function to turn on display (display-off-function NIL) % optional function to turn off display % the following variables are computed from the above: character-row-spacing % number of raster lines per text row height % number of rows of characters width % number of columns of characters maxrow % highest numbered row of characters maxcol % highest numbered column of characters raster-area % number of bits in display raster raster-area-words % number of words in display raster bytes-per-row % number of bytes per raster row bytes-per-character-row % number of bytes per character row blank-pattern % raster for blank character % State variables: (cursor-row 0) % cursor position (cursor-column 0) % cursor position (raw-mode NIL) (inverse-video? NIL) ) () (gettable-instance-variables height width maxrow maxcol raw-mode) (settable-instance-variables inverse-video?) (initable-instance-variables device-address plane raster-width raster-height character-height interline-spacing patterns display-on-function display-off-function ) ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (defmethod (9836-bitmap get-character) () (keyboard-input-character) ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap ring-bell) () (ChannelWriteChar 1 #\Bell) ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap move-cursor) (row column) (=> self xor-cursor) (setf cursor-row row) (setf cursor-column column) (=> self xor-cursor) ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap xor-cursor) () (when (and cursor-row cursor-column) (let ((byte-offset (* cursor-row bytes-per-character-row))) (setf byte-offset (+ byte-offset cursor-column)) (for (from i 1 character-height) (do (putbyte plane byte-offset (~ (byte plane byte-offset))) (setf byte-offset (+ byte-offset bytes-per-row)) ))))) (defmethod (9836-bitmap enter-raw-mode) () (when (not raw-mode) % (EchoOff) % Enable Keypad? (=> self display-on) (setf raw-mode T) )) (defmethod (9836-bitmap leave-raw-mode) () (when raw-mode (setf raw-mode NIL) % Disable Keypad? % (EchoOn) )) (defmethod (9836-bitmap display-on) () (when display-on-function (apply display-on-function (list device-address)) )) (defmethod (9836-bitmap display-off) () (when display-off-function (apply display-off-function (list device-address)) )) (defmethod (9836-bitmap erase) () % This method should be invoked to initialize the screen to a known state. (=> self &fill-plane plane 0 raster-area-words) (setf cursor-column NIL) (setf cursor-row NIL) (=> self move-cursor 0 0) ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap &fill-plane) (address word-value count) (when (> count 0) (wputv address 0 word-value) (=> self &fill-plane (+ address 4) word-value (- count 1)) )) (defmethod (9836-bitmap clear-line) () % Not implemented yet. ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap convert-character) (ch) (setq ch (& ch (display-character-cons (dc-make-enhancement-mask INVERSE-VIDEO) (dc-make-font-mask 0) 16#FF))) % 8 bits ch) (defmethod (9836-bitmap normal-enhancement) () (dc-make-enhancement-mask) ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap highlighted-enhancement) () (dc-make-enhancement-mask INVERSE-VIDEO) ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap supported-enhancements) () (dc-make-enhancement-mask INVERSE-VIDEO) ) (defmethod (9836-bitmap write-line) (row line) (for (from col 0 maxcol) (do (=> self write-char row col (vector-fetch line col))) )) (defmethod (9836-bitmap write-char) (row column ch) (let* ((pattern (vector-fetch patterns (dc-character-code ch))) (inverse-bit (& ch (dc-make-enhancement-mask INVERSE-VIDEO))) (byte-offset (mul16 row bytes-per-character-row)) (address (+ plane (+ byte-offset column))) (inverse? (xor (~= 0 inverse-bit) inverse-video?)) ) (if (xor inverse? (and (= cursor-row row) (= cursor-column column))) (write-inverted-char-raster pattern address bytes-per-row 14) (write-char-raster pattern address bytes-per-row 14) ))) (defmethod (9836-bitmap set-character-pattern) (ch pattern) % CH must be an ASCII code (0..255); pattern must be a vector of bytes or % NIL. (when (and (fixp ch) (>= ch 0) (<= ch (vector-upper-bound patterns)) (or (null pattern) (vectorp pattern)) ) (if (null pattern) (setf pattern blank-pattern) (setf pattern (copyvector pattern)) ) (when (< (vector-size pattern) character-height) (setf pattern (concat pattern (make-vector (- character-height (vector-size pattern)) 0)))) (vector-store patterns ch pattern) )) % The following methods are provided for INTERNAL use only! (defmethod (9836-bitmap init) (init-plist) (setf raster-area (* raster-width raster-height)) (setf raster-area-words (/ raster-area 32)) (setf character-row-spacing (+ character-height interline-spacing)) (setf height (/ (+ raster-height interline-spacing) character-row-spacing)) (setf width (/ raster-width 8)) (setf maxrow (- height 1)) (setf maxcol (- width 1)) (setf bytes-per-row (/ raster-width 8)) (setf bytes-per-character-row (* bytes-per-row character-row-spacing)) (setf blank-pattern (make-vector character-height 0)) (fixup-font-patterns patterns character-height) ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Examples of bitmap devices: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (de create-color-bitmap () (create-color-bitmap-selectcode 28) ) (de create-color-bitmap-selectcode (select-code) (let ((device-address (+ 16#600000 (* select-code 16#10000)))) (make-instance '9836-bitmap 'device-address device-address 'plane (+ device-address (* 2 32768)) 'raster-width 512 'raster-height 392 'character-height 14 'interline-spacing 0 'patterns font8-patterns 'display-on-function #'color-display-on-function 'display-off-function #'color-display-off-function ))) (de color-display-on-function (device-address) (let ((device-register-values [41 32 34 3 50 5 49 49 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0])) (for (from i 0 17) (do (putbyte device-address 16 i) (putbyte device-address 18 (vector-fetch device-register-values i)) )) (putbyte device-address 1 -128) )) (de color-display-off-function (device-address) (putbyte device-address 1 0) ) (de create-graphics-bitmap () (let ((device-address 16#530000)) (make-instance '9836-bitmap 'device-address device-address 'plane device-address 'raster-width 512 'raster-height 392 'character-height 14 'interline-spacing 0 'patterns font8-patterns ))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (off fast-integers)