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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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module extout; % Extended output package for expressions. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn. % Copyright (c) 1991 RAND. All rights reserved. fluid '(!*allfac !*div !*mcd !*noequiv !*pri !*rat factors!* kord!* !*combinelogs wtl!*); global '(dnl!* ordl!* upl!*); switch allfac,div,pri,rat; !*allfac := t; % factoring option for this package !*pri := t; % to activate this package % dnl!* := nil; % output control flag: puts powers in denom % factors!* := nil; % list of output factors % ordl!* := nil; % list of kernels introduced by ORDER statement % upl!* := nil; % output control flag: puts denom powers in % numerator % !*div := nil; % division option in this package % !*rat := nil; % flag indicating rational mode for output. symbolic procedure factor u; factor1(u,t,'factors!*); symbolic procedure factor1(u,v,w); begin scalar x,y,z,r; y := lispeval w; for each j in u do if (x := getrtype j) and (z := get(x,'factor1fn)) then apply2(z,u,v) else <<while eqcar(j:=reval j,'list) and cdr j do <<r:=append(r,cddr j); j:=cadr j>>; x := !*a2kwoweight j; if v then y := aconc!*(delete(x,y),x) else if not(x member y) then msgpri(nil,j,"not found",nil,nil) else y := delete(x,y)>>; set(w,y); if r then return factor1(r,v,w) end; symbolic procedure remfac u; factor1(u,nil,'factors!*); rlistat '(factor remfac); symbolic procedure order u; <<rmsubs(); % Since order of terms in an operator argument can % affect simplification. if u and null car u and null cdr u then (ordl!* := nil) else for each x in kernel!-list u do <<if x member ordl!* then ordl!* := delete(x,ordl!*); ordl!* := aconc!*(ordl!*,x)>>>>; rlistat '(order); symbolic procedure up u; factor1(u,t,'upl!*); symbolic procedure down u; factor1(u,t,'dnl!*); % rlistat '(up down); % Omitted since not documented. symbolic procedure formop u; if domainp u then u else raddf(multop(lpow u,formop lc u),formop red u); symbolic procedure multop(u,v); if null kord!* then multpf(u,v) else if car u eq 'k!* then v else rmultpf(u,v); symbolic smacro procedure lcx u; % Returns leading coefficient of a form with zero reductum, or an % error otherwise. cdr carx(u,'lcx); symbolic procedure quotof(p,q); % P is a standard form, Q a standard form which is either a domain % element or has zero reductum. % Returns the quotient of P and Q for output purposes. if null p then nil else if p=q then 1 else if q=1 then p else if domainp q then quotofd(p,q) else if domainp p % Make sure free variable degrees are accommodated. then (mksp(mvar q, if numberp x then -x else {'minus,x}) .* quotof(p,lcx q) .+ nil) where x = ldeg q else (lambda (x,y); if car x eq car y then (lambda (n,w,z); if n=0 then raddf(w,z) else ((car y .** n) .* w) .+ z) (cdr x-cdr y,quotof(lc p,lcx q),quotof(red p,q)) else if ordop(car x,car y) then (x .* quotof(lc p,q)) .+ quotof(red p,q) else mksp(car y,- cdr y) .* quotof(p,lcx q) .+ nil) (lpow p,lpow q); symbolic procedure quotofd(p,q); % P is a form, Q a domain element. Value is quotient of P and Q % for output purposes. if null p then nil else if domainp p then quotodd(p,q) else (lpow p .* quotofd(lc p,q)) .+ quotofd(red p,q); symbolic procedure quotodd(p,q); % P and Q are domain elements. Value is domain element for P/Q. if atom p and atom q then int!-equiv!-chk mkrn(p,q) else lowest!-terms(p,q); symbolic procedure lowest!-terms(u,v); % Reduces compatible domain elements U and V to a ratio in lowest % terms. Value as a rational may contain domain arguments rather % just integers. Modified to use dcombine for field division. if u=v then 1 else if flagp(dmode!*,'field) or not atom u and flagp(car u,'field) or not atom v and flagp(car v,'field) % then multdm(u,!:recip v) then dcombine!*(u,v,'quotient) else begin scalar x; if atom(x := dcombine!*(u,v,'gcd)) and x neq 1 then <<u := dcombine!*(u,x,'quotient); v := dcombine!*(v,x,'quotient)>>; return if v=1 then u else '!:rn!: . (u . v) end; symbolic procedure dcombine!*(u,v,w); if atom u and atom v then apply2(w,u,v) else dcombine(u,v,w); symbolic procedure ckrn u; % Factors out the leading numerical coefficient from field domains. if flagp(dmode!*,'field) and not(dmode!* memq '(!:rd!: !:cr!:)) then begin scalar x; x := lnc u; x := multf(x,ckrn1 quotfd(u,x)); if null x then x := 1; % NULL could be caused by floating point underflow. return x end else ckrn1 u; symbolic procedure ckrn1 u; begin scalar x; if domainp u then return u; a: x := gck2(ckrn1 cdar u,x); if null cdr u then return if noncomp mvar u then x else list(caar u . x) else if domainp cdr u or not(caaar u eq caaadr u) then return gck2(ckrn1 cdr u,x); u := cdr u; go to a end; symbolic procedure gck2(u,v); % U and V are domain elements or forms with a zero reductum. % Value is the gcd of U and V. if null v then u else if u=v then u else if domainp u then if domainp v then if flagp(dmode!*,'field) or pairp u and flagp(car u,'field) or pairp v and flagp(car v,'field) then 1 else if dmode!* eq '!:gi!: then intgcdd(u,v) else gcddd(u,v) else gck2(u,cdarx v) else if domainp v then gck2(cdarx u,v) else (lambda (x,y); if car x eq car y then list((if cdr x>cdr y then y else x) . gck2(cdarx u,cdarx v)) else if ordop(car x,car y) then gck2(cdarx u,v) else gck2(u,cdarx v)) (caar u,caar v); symbolic procedure cdarx u; cdr carx(u,'cdar); symbolic procedure negf!* u; negf u where !*noequiv = t; symbolic procedure prepsq!* u; begin scalar x,y,!*combinelogs; if null numr u then return 0; % The following leads to some ugly output. % else if minusf numr u % then return list('minus,prepsq!*(negf!* numr u ./ denr u)); x := setkorder ordl!*; setkorder append(sort(for each j in factors!* join if not idp j then nil else if y := get(j,'prepsq!*fn) then apply2(y,u,j) else for each k in get(j,'klist) collect car k,'ordop), append(sort(factors!*,'ordop),ordl!*)); if kord!* neq x or wtl!* then u := formop numr u . formop denr u; % u := if !*rat or (not flagp(dmode!*,'field) and !*div) u := if !*rat or !*div or upl!* or dnl!* then replus prepsq!*1(numr u,denr u,nil) else sqform(u,function prepsq!*2); setkorder x; return u end; symbolic procedure prepsq!*0(u,v); % U is a standard quotient, but not necessarily in lowest terms. % V a list of factored powers. % Value is equivalent list of prefix expressions (an implicit sum). begin scalar x; return if null numr u then nil else if (x := gcdf(numr u,denr u)) neq 1 then prepsq!*1(quotf(numr u,x),quotf(denr u,x),v) else prepsq!*1(numr u,denr u,v) end; symbolic procedure prepsq!*1(u,v,w); % U and V are the numerator and denominator expression resp, % in lowest terms. % W is a list of powers to be factored from U. begin scalar x,y,z; % Look for "factors" in the numerator. if not domainp u and (mvar u member factors!* or (not atom mvar u and car mvar u member factors!*)) then return nconc!*( if v=1 then prepsq!*0(lc u ./ v,lpow u . w) else (begin scalar n,v1,z1; % See if the same "factor" appears in denominator. n := ldeg u; v1 := v; z1 := !*k2f mvar u; while (z := quotfm(v1,z1)) do <<v1 := z; n := n-1>>; return prepsq!*0(lc u ./ v1, if n>0 then (mvar u .** n) . w else if n<0 then mksp(list('expt,mvar u,n),1) . w else w) end), prepsq!*0(red u ./ v,w)); % Now see if there are any remaining "factors" in denominator. % (KORD!* contains all potential kernel factors.) if not domainp v then for each j in kord!* do begin integer n; scalar z1; n := 0; z1 := !*k2f j; while z := quotfm(v,z1) do <<n := n-1; v := z>>; if n<0 then w := mksp(list('expt,j,n),1) . w end; % Now all "factors" have been removed. if kernlp u then <<u := mkkl(w,u); w := nil>>; if dnl!* then <<x := if null !*allfac then 1 else ckrn u; z := ckrn!*(x,dnl!*); x := quotof(x,z); u := quotof(u,z); v := quotof(v,z)>>; if upl!* then <<y := ckrn v; z := ckrn!*(y,upl!*); y := quotof(y,z); u := quotof(u,z); v := quotof(v,z)>> else if !*div then y := ckrn v else y := 1; u := canonsq (u . quotof(v,y)); % if !*gcd then u := cancel u; u := quotof(numr u,y) ./ denr u; if !*allfac then <<x := ckrn numr u; y := ckrn denr u; if (x neq 1 or y neq 1) and (x neq numr u or y neq denr u) then <<v := quotof(denr u,y); u := quotof(numr u,x); w := prepf mkkl(w,x); x := prepf y; u := addfactors(w,u); v := addfactors(x,v); return if v=1 then rmplus u else list if eqcar(u,'minus) then list('minus, list('quotient,cadr u,v)) else list('quotient,u,v)>>>>; return if w then list retimes aconc!*(exchk w,prepsq u) else rmplus prepsq u end; symbolic procedure addfactors(u,v); % U is a (possible) product of factors, v a standard form. % Result is a folded prefix expression. if u = 1 then prepf v else if v = 1 then u else if eqcar(u,'times) then 'times . aconc!*(cdr u,prepf v) else retimes list(u,prepf v); symbolic procedure rmplus u; if eqcar(u,'plus) then cdr u else list u; symbolic procedure prepsq!*2 u; replus prepsq!*1(u,1,nil); symbolic procedure ckrn!*(u,v); if null u then errach 'ckrn!* else if domainp u then 1 else if caaar u member v then list (caar u . ckrn!*(cdr carx(u,'ckrn),v)) else ckrn!*(cdr carx(u,'ckrn),v); symbolic procedure mkkl(u,v); if null u then v else mkkl(cdr u,list (car u . v)); symbolic procedure quotfm(u,v); begin scalar !*mcd; !*mcd := t; return quotf(u,v) end; endmodule; end;