Artifact 38fdbb3bf8954c4aa39349aa9c7e9edbb2be5dc9e670b753c3e3debd83c18d5c:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 23247) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 23247) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module intrfc; %% GENTRAN Parsing Routines & Control Functions %% %% Author: Barbara L. Gates %% %% December 1986 %% % Entry Points: % DeclareStat, GENDECS, GenInStat (GentranIn), GenOutStat % (GentranOutPush), GenPopStat (GentranPop), GenPushStat, GenShutStat % (GentranShut), GenStat (Gentran), (GENTRANPAIRS), % LiteralStat, SYM!-GENTRAN, SYM!-GENTRANIN, SYM!-GENTRANOUT, % SYM!-GENTRANSHUT, % SYM!-GENTRANPUSH, SYM!-GENTRANPOP fluid '(!*getdecs); % GENTRAN Commands % put('gentran, 'stat, 'genstat )$ put('gentranin, 'stat, 'geninstat )$ put('gentranout, 'stat, 'genoutstat )$ put('gentranshut, 'stat, 'genshutstat)$ put('gentranpush, 'stat, 'genpushstat)$ put('gentranpop, 'stat, 'genpopstat )$ % Form Analysis Function % put('gentran, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$ put('gentranin, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$ put('gentranoutpush, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$ put('gentranshut, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$ put('gentranpop, 'formfn, 'formgentran)$ % GENTRAN Functions % put('declare, 'stat, 'declarestat)$ put('literal, 'stat, 'literalstat)$ % GENTRAN Operators % newtok '((!: !: !=) lsetq )$ infix ::= $ newtok '((!: != !:) rsetq )$ infix :=: $ newtok '((!: !: != !:) lrsetq)$ infix ::=:$ % User-Accessible Primitive Function % operator gendecs$ % GENTRAN Mode Switches % fluid '(!*gendecs)$ !*gendecs := t$ put('gendecs, 'simpfg, '((nil) (t (gendecs nil))))$ switch gendecs$ %See procedure gendecs: fluid '(!*keepdecs)$ !*keepdecs := nil$ switch keepdecs$ % GENTRAN Flags % fluid '(!*gentranopt !*gentranseg !*period); !*gentranseg := t$ switch gentranseg$ % User-Accessible Global Variable % global '(gentranlang!*)$ share gentranlang!*$ gentranlang!* := 'fortran$ % GENTRAN Global Variable % global '(!*term!* !*stdin!* !*stdout!* !*instk!* !*currin!* !*outstk!* !*currout!* !*outchanl!*)$ !*term!* := (t . nil)$ %terminal filepair !*stdin!* := !*term!*$ %standard input filepair !*stdout!* := !*term!*$ %standard output filepair !*instk!* := list !*stdin!*$ %template file stack !*currin!* := car !*instk!*$ %current input filepair !*outstk!* := list !*stdout!*$ %output file stack !*currout!* := car !*outstk!*$ %current output filepair !*outchanl!* := list cdr !*currout!*$ %current output channel list global '(!*do!* !*for!*)$ off quotenewnam$ !*do!* := 'do$ !*for!* := 'for$ on quotenewnam$ global '(!*lispstmtops!*); !*lispstmtops!* := !*for!* . !*lispstmtops!*; % added by R. Liska to % handle long FOR loops. % REDUCE Variables % global '(cursym!* !*vars!*)$ fluid '(!*mode)$ %% %% %% PARSING ROUTINES %% %% %% %% GENTRAN Command Parsers %% procedure genstat; % % % GENTRAN % % stmt % % [OUT f1,f2,...,fn]; % % % begin scalar stmt; flag('(out), 'delim); stmt := xread t; remflag('(out), 'delim); if cursym!* eq 'out then return list('gentran, stmt, readfargs()) else if endofstmtp() then return list('gentran, stmt, nil) else gentranerr('e, nil, "INVALID SYNTAX", nil) end$ procedure geninstat; % % % GENTRANIN % % f1,f2,...,fm % % [OUT f1,f2,...,fn]; % % % begin scalar f1, f2; flag('(out), 'delim); f1 := xread nil; if atom f1 then f1 := list f1 else f1 := cdr f1; remflag('(out), 'delim); if cursym!* eq 'out then f2 := readfargs(); return list('gentranin, f1, f2) end$ procedure genoutstat; % % % GENTRANOUT f1,f2,...,fn; % % % list('gentranoutpush, readfargs())$ procedure genshutstat; % % % GENTRANSHUT f1,f2,...,fn; % % % list('gentranshut, readfargs())$ procedure genpushstat; % % % GENTRANPUSH f1,f2,...,fn; % % % list('gentranoutpush, readfargs())$ procedure genpopstat; % % % GENTRANPOP f1,f2,...,fn; % % % list('gentranpop, readfargs())$ %% GENTRAN Function Parsers %% newtok '((!: !:) range); % Used for declarations with lower and upper bounds; procedure declarestat; % % % DECLARE v1,v2,...,vn : type; % % % % DECLARE % % << % % v1,v2,...,vn1 : type1; % % v1,v2,...,vn2 : type2; % % . % % . % % v1,v2,...,vnn : typen % % >>; % % % begin scalar res, varlst, type; scan(); put('range,'infix,4); put('range,'op,'((4 4))); if cursym!* eq '!*lsqbkt!* then << scan(); while cursym!* neq '!*rsqbkt!* do << varlst := list xread1 'for; while cursym!* neq '!*colon!* do varlst := append(varlst, list xread 'for); type := declarestat1(); res := append(res, list(type . varlst)); if cursym!* eq '!*semicol!* then scan() >>; scan() >> else << varlst := list xread1 'for; while cursym!* neq '!*colon!* do varlst := append(varlst, list xread 'for); type := declarestat1(); res := list (type . varlst); >>; if not endofstmtp() then gentranerr('e, nil, "INVALID SYNTAX", nil); remprop('range,'infix); remprop('range,'op); return ('declare . res) end$ procedure declarestat1; begin scalar res; scan(); if endofstmtp() then return nil; if cursym!* eq 'implicit then << scan(); res := intern compress append(explode 'implicit! , explode cursym!*) >> else res := cursym!*; scan(); if cursym!* eq 'times then << scan(); if numberp cursym!* then << res := intern compress append(append(explode res, explode '!*), explode cursym!*); scan() >> else gentranerr('e, nil, "INVALID SYNTAX", nil) >>; return res end$ procedure literalstat; % % % LITERAL arg1,arg2,...,argn; % % % begin scalar res; repeat res := append(res, list xread t) until endofstmtp(); if atom res then return list('literal, res) else if car res eq '!*comma!* then return rplaca(res, 'literal) else return('literal . res) end$ %% %% %% Symbolic Mode Functions %% %% %% procedure sym!-gentran form; lispeval formgentran(list('gentran, form, nil), !*vars!*, !*mode)$ procedure sym!-gentranin flist; if flist then lispeval formgentran(list('gentranin, (if atom flist then list flist else flist), nil), !*vars!*, !*mode)$ procedure sym!-gentranout flist; lispeval formgentran(list('gentranoutpush, if atom flist then list flist else flist), !*vars!*, !*mode)$ procedure sym!-gentranshut flist; lispeval formgentran(list('gentranshut, if atom flist then list flist else flist), !*vars!*, !*mode)$ procedure sym!-gentranpush flist; lispeval formgentran(list('gentranoutpush, if atom flist then list flist else flist), !*vars!*, !*mode)$ procedure sym!-gentranpop flist; lispeval formgentran(list('gentranpop, if atom flist then list flist else flist), !*vars!*, !*mode)$ %% %% %% Form Analysis Functions %% %% %% procedure formgentran(u, vars, mode); (car u) . foreach arg in cdr u collect formgentran1(arg, vars, mode)$ symbolic procedure formgentran1(u, vars, mode); if pairp u and car u eq '!:dn!: then mkquote <<precmsg length explode abs car(u := cdr u); decimal2internal(car u,cdr u)>> else if pairp u and car u eq '!:rd!: then mkquote u else if pairp u and not listp u then if !*getdecs then formgentran1(list ('declare,list(cdr u,car u)),vars,mode) % Amended mcd 13/11/87 to allow local definitions. else gentranerr('e,u, "Scalar definitions cannot be translated",nil) else if atom u then mkquote u else if car u eq 'eval then if mode eq 'algebraic then list('aeval, form1(cadr u, vars, mode)) else form1(cadr u, vars, mode) else if car u memq '(lsetq rsetq lrsetq) then % (LSETQ (var s1 s2 ... sn) exp) % % -> (SETQ (var (EVAL s1) (EVAL s2) ... (EVAL sn)) exp) % % (RSETQ var exp) % % -> (SETQ var (EVAL exp)) % % (LRSETQ (var s1 s2 ... sn) exp) % % -> (SETQ (var (EVAL s1) (EVAL s2) ... (EVAL sn)) (EVAL exp)) % begin scalar op, lhs, rhs; op := car u; lhs := cadr u; rhs := caddr u; if op memq '(lsetq lrsetq) and listp lhs then lhs := car lhs . foreach s in cdr lhs collect list('eval, s); if op memq '(rsetq lrsetq) then rhs := list('eval, rhs); return formgentran1(list('setq, lhs, rhs), vars, mode) end else 'list . foreach elt in u collect formgentran1(elt, vars, mode)$ %% %% %% Control Functions %% %% %% %% Command Control Functions %% symbolic procedure gentran(forms, flist); begin scalar !:print!-prec!: ; % Gentran ignores print_precision if flist then lispeval list('gentranoutpush, list('quote, flist)); forms := preproc list forms; if gentranparse(forms) then << forms := lispcode forms; if smemq('differentiate,forms) then <<load!-package 'adiff; forms := adiff!-eval forms>>; if !*gentranopt then forms := opt forms; if !*gentranseg then forms := seg forms; apply1(get(gentranlang!*,'formatter) or get('fortran,'formatter), apply1(get(gentranlang!*,'codegen) or get('fortran,'codegen), forms)) >>; if flist then << flist := car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*); lispeval '(gentranpop '(nil)); return flist >> else return car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*) end$ procedure gentranin(inlist, outlist); begin scalar ich; foreach f in inlist do if pairp f then gentranerr('e, f, "Wrong Type of Arg", nil) else if not !*filep!* f and f neq car !*stdin!* then gentranerr('e, f, "Nonexistent Input File", nil); if outlist then lispeval list('gentranoutpush, mkquote outlist); ich := rds nil; foreach f in inlist do << if f = car !*stdin!* then pushinputstack !*stdin!* else if retrieveinputfilepair f then gentranerr('e, f, "Template File Already Open for Input", nil) else pushinputstack makeinputfilepair f; rds cdr !*currin!*; lispapply(get(gentranlang!*,'proctem) or get('fortran,'proctem), nil); % if gentranlang!* eq 'ratfor then % procrattem() % else if gentranlang!* eq 'c then % procctem() % else % procforttem(); rds ich; popinputstack() >>; if outlist then << outlist := car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*); lispeval '(gentranpop '(nil)); return outlist >> else return car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*) end$ procedure gentranoutpush flist; << if onep length (flist := fargstonames(flist, t)) then flist := car flist; pushoutputstack (retrieveoutputfilepair flist or makeoutputfilepair flist); car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*) >>$ procedure gentranshut flist; % close, delete, [output to T] % begin scalar trm; flist := fargstonames(flist, nil); trm := if onep length flist then (car flist = car !*currout!*) else if car !*currout!* then (if car !*currout!* member flist then t) else lispeval('and . foreach f in cdr !*currout!* collect (if f member flist then t)); deletefromoutputstack flist; if trm and !*currout!* neq !*stdout!* then pushoutputstack !*stdout!*; return car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*) end$ procedure gentranpop flist; << if 'all!* member flist then while !*outstk!* neq list !*stdout!* do lispeval '(gentranpop '(nil)) else << flist := fargstonames(flist,nil); if onep length flist then flist := car flist; popoutputstack flist >>; car !*currout!* or ('list . cdr !*currout!*) >>$ %% Mode Switch Control Function %% procedure gendecs name; % Hacked 15/11/88 to make it actually tidy up symbol table properly. % KEEPDECS also added. mcd. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % ON/OFF GENDECS; % % % % GENDECS subprogname; % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% << if name equal 0 then name := nil; apply1(get(gentranlang!*,'formatter) or get('fortran,'formatter), apply1(get(gentranlang!*,'gendecs) or get('fortran,'gendecs), symtabget(name, '!*decs!*))); % if gentranlang!* eq 'ratfor then % formatrat ratdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*) % else if gentranlang!* eq 'c then % formatc cdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*) % else % formatfort fortdecs symtabget(name, '!*decs!*); % Sometimes it would be handy to know just what we've generated. % If the switch KEEPDECS is on (usually off) this is done. if null !*keepdecs then << symtabrem(name, '!*decs!*); symtabrem(name, '!*type!*); >>; symtabrem(name, nil); >>$ %% Misc. Control Functions %% procedure gentranpairs prs; % % % GENTRANPAIRS dottedpairlist; % % % begin scalar formatfn,assignfn; formatfn:=get(gentranlang!*,'formatter) or get('fortran,'formatter); assignfn:=get(gentranlang!*,'assigner) or get('fortran,'assigner); return for each pr in prs do apply1(formatfn,apply2(assignfn,lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period), lispcodeexp(cdr pr, !*period))) end; %procedure gentranpairs prs; %% % %% GENTRANPAIRS dottedpairlist; % %% % %if gentranlang!* eq 'ratfor then % for each pr in prs do % formatrat mkfratassign(lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period), % lispcodeexp(cdr pr, !*period)) %else if gentranlang!* eq 'c then % for each pr in prs do % formatc mkfcassign(lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period), % lispcodeexp(cdr pr, !*period)) %else % for each pr in prs do % formatfort mkffortassign(lispcodeexp(car pr, !*period), % lispcodeexp(cdr pr, !*period))$ %% %% %% Input & Output File Stack Manipulation Functions %% %% %% %% Input Stack Manipulation Functions %% procedure makeinputfilepair fname; (fname . open(mkfil fname, 'input))$ procedure retrieveinputfilepair fname; retrievefilepair(fname, !*instk!*)$ procedure pushinputstack pr; << !*instk!* := pr . !*instk!*; !*currin!* := car !*instk!*; !*instk!* >>$ procedure popinputstack; begin scalar x; x := !*currin!*; if cdr !*currin!* then close cdr !*currin!*; !*instk!* := cdr !*instk!* or list !*stdin!*; !*currin!* := car !*instk!*; return x end$ %% Output File Stack Manipulation Functions %% procedure makeoutputfilepair f; if atom f then (f . open(mkfil f, 'output)) else aconc((nil . f) . foreach fn in f conc if not retrieveoutputfilepair fn then list makeoutputfilepair fn, (nil . nil))$ procedure retrieveoutputfilepair f; if atom f then retrievefilepair(f, !*outstk!*) else retrievepfilepair(f, !*outstk!*)$ procedure pushoutputstack pr; << !*outstk!* := if atom cdr pr then (pr . !*outstk!*) else append(pr, !*outstk!*); !*currout!* := car !*outstk!*; !*outchanl!* := if car !*currout!* then list cdr !*currout!* else foreach f in cdr !*currout!* collect cdr retrieveoutputfilepair f; !*outstk!* >>$ procedure popoutputstack f; % [close], remove top-most exact occurrence, reset vars % begin scalar pr, s; if atom f then << pr := retrieveoutputfilepair f; while !*outstk!* and car !*outstk!* neq pr do if caar !*outstk!* then <<s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*>> else << while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do << s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>; s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>; if !*outstk!* then s := append(s, cdr !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := s; if not retrieveoutputfilepair f then close cdr pr >> else << pr := foreach fn in f collect retrieveoutputfilepair fn; while !*outstk!* and not filelistequivp(cdar !*outstk!*, f) do if caar !*outstk!* then << s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >> else << while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do << s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>; s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>; if !*outstk!* then << while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!*; s := append(s, cdr !*outstk!*) >>; !*outstk!* := s; foreach fn in f do pr := delete(retrieveoutputfilepair fn, pr); foreach p in pr do close cdr p >>; !*outstk!* := !*outstk!* or list !*stdout!*; !*currout!* := car !*outstk!*; !*outchanl!* := if car !*currout!* then list cdr !*currout!* else foreach fn in cdr !*currout!* collect cdr retrieveoutputfilepair fn; return f end$ procedure deletefromoutputstack f; begin scalar s, pr; if atom f then << pr := retrieveoutputfilepair f; while retrieveoutputfilepair f do !*outstk!* := delete(pr, !*outstk!*); close cdr pr; foreach pr in !*outstk!* do if listp cdr pr and pairp cdr pr and f member cdr pr then rplacd(pr, delete(f, cdr pr)) % Fixed 26-2-88 mcd >> else << foreach fn in f do deletefromoutputstack fn; foreach fn in f do foreach pr in !*outstk!* do if pairp cdr pr and fn member cdr pr then rplacd(pr, delete(fn, cdr pr)) >>; while !*outstk!* do if caar !*outstk!* and caar !*outstk!* neq 't then << s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >> else if cdar !*outstk!* and cdar !*outstk!* neq '(t) then << while car !*outstk!* neq (nil . nil) do << s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >>; s := aconc(s, car !*outstk!*); !*outstk!* := cdr !*outstk!* >> else if cdr !*outstk!* then !*outstk!* := cddr !*outstk!* else !*outstk!*:=nil; !*outstk!* := s or list !*stdout!*; !*currout!* := car !*outstk!*; !*outchanl!* := if car !*currout!* then list cdr !*currout!* else foreach fn in cdr !*currout!* collect cdr retrieveoutputfilepair fn; return f end$ procedure retrievefilepair(fname, stk); if null stk then nil else if caar stk and mkfil fname = mkfil caar stk then car stk else retrievefilepair(fname, cdr stk)$ procedure retrievepfilepair(f, stk); if null stk then nil else if null caar stk and filelistequivp(f, cdar stk) then list(car stk, (nil . nil)) else retrievepfilepair(f, cdr stk)$ procedure filelistequivp(f1, f2); if pairp f1 and pairp f2 then << f1 := foreach f in f1 collect mkfil f; f2 := foreach f in f2 collect mkfil f; while (car f1 member f2) do << f2 := delete(car f1, f2); f1 := cdr f1 >>; null f1 and null f2 >>$ %% procedure !*filep!* f; not errorp errorset(list('close, list('open,list('mkfil,mkquote f),''input)), nil,nil)$ %% %% %% Scanning & Arg-Conversion Functions %% %% %% procedure endofstmtp; if cursym!* member '(!*semicol!* !*rsqbkt!* end) then t$ procedure fargstonames(fargs, openp); begin scalar names; fargs := for each a in fargs conc if a memq '(nil 0) then if car !*currout!* then list car !*currout!* else cdr !*currout!* else if a eq 't then list car !*stdout!* else if a eq 'all!* then for each fp in !*outstk!* conc (if car fp and not(fp equal !*stdout!*) then list car fp) else if atom a then if openp then << if null getd 'bpsmove and % That essentially disables the test on IBM SLISP % where it causes chaos with the PDS management. !*filep!* a and null assoc(a, !*outstk!*) then gentranerr('w, a, "OUTPUT FILE ALREADY EXISTS", "CONTINUE?"); list a >> else if retrieveoutputfilepair a then list a else gentranerr('w, a, "File not Open for Output", nil) else gentranerr('e, a, "WRONG TYPE OF ARG", nil); repeat if not (car fargs member names) then names := append(names, list car fargs) until null (fargs := cdr fargs); return names end$ procedure readfargs; begin scalar f; while not endofstmtp() do f := append(f, list xread t); return f or list nil end$ endmodule; end;