Artifact 3639951ea3a2d89ff4e7521a7caeeebea19d095c89a85caad0856384017b34ae:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 3980) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% % LOAD.RED - New version of LOAD function, with search path % % Author: Eric Benson % Symbolic Computation Group % Computer Science Dept. % University of Utah % Date: 2 April 1982 % Copyright (c) 1982 University of Utah % % <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.17, 23-Mar-83 11:44:39, Edit by KESSLER % Change Apollo Load directory % Edit by Cris Perdue, 21 Mar 1983 1440-PST % Put "" back in loaddirectories*. Fun, huh? % Edit by Cris Perdue, 7 Mar 1983 1527-PST % Removed ".sl" from loadextensions* and "" from loaddirectories*. % Edit by MLG, 6 March 1983. % Corrected bug in fix to Imports -- "else" was matched with incorrect "then". % Edit by Cris Perdue, 17 Feb 1983 1201-PST % Corrected use of *verboseload in top of load1 % MLG, 15 Feb 1983 % Added !*VERBOSELOAD and !*PRINTLOADNAMES % M. Griss, 9 Feb 1983 % Changed LoadDirectories!* for the VAX to refer to "$pl/" % <PSL.NEW>-SOURCE-CHANGES.LOG.15, 15-Dec-82 15:45:55, Edit by PERDUE % LOAD will now handle ".sl" extension % <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.7, 1-Dec-82 16:07:38, Edit by BENSON % Added if_system(HP9836, ...) % EDIT by GRISS 28 Oct 1982: Added EvLoad to Imports % <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.4, 4-Oct-82 09:46:54, Edit by BENSON % Moved addition of U to Options!* to avoid double load % <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.3, 30-Sep-82 11:57:03, Edit by BENSON % Removed "FOO already loaded" message % <PSL.KERNEL>LOAD.RED.2, 22-Sep-82 15:38:48, Edit by BENSON % Added ReLoad, changed VAX search path fluid '(LoadDirectories!* % list of strings to append to front LoadExtensions!* % a-list of (str . fn) to append to end % and apply PendingLoads!* % created by Imports, aux loads !*Lower % print IDs in lowercase, for building % filename for Unix !*RedefMSG % controls printing of redefined % function message !*UserMode % Controls query of user for redefining % system functions !*InsideLoad % Controls "already loaded" message !*VerboseLoad % Print REDEFs and LOAD file names !*PrintLoadNames % Print Names of files loading Options!*); % list of modules already loaded if_system(Apollo, LoadDirectories!* := '("" "~p/l/")); if_system(Tops20, LoadDirectories!* := '("" "pl:")); if_system(Unix, LoadDirectories!* := '("" "$pll/" "$pl/")); if_system(HP9836, LoadDirectories!* := '("" "pl:")); if_system(Wicat, LoadDirectories!* := '("" "PSL.LAP/")); LoadExtensions!* := '((".b" . FaslIN) (".lap" . LapIN)); !*VerboseLoad :=NIL; !*PrintLoadNames := NIL; macro procedure Load U; list('EvLoad, MkQuote cdr U); lisp procedure EvLoad U; for each X in U do Load1 X; macro procedure ReLoad U; list('EvReLoad, MkQuote cdr U); lisp procedure EvReLoad U; << for each X in U do Options!* := Delete(X, Options!*); EvLoad U >>; lisp procedure Load1 U; begin scalar !*RedefMSG, !*UserMode, LD, LE, F, Found; If !*VerBoseLoad then !*RedefMSG := T; return if U memq Options!* then if !*VerboseLoad then ErrorPrintF("*** %w already loaded", U) else NIL else (lambda(!*InsideLoad); << LD := LoadDirectories!*; (lambda (!*Lower); while not null LD and not Found do << LE := LoadExtensions!*; while not null LE and not Found do << if FileP(F := BldMsg("%w%w%w", first LD, U, car first LE)) then Found := cdr first LE; % Found is function to apply LE := rest LE >>; LD := rest LD >>)(T); if not Found then StdError BldMsg("%r load module not found", U) else << Options!* := U . Options!*; If !*VerboseLoad or !*PrintLoadNames then ErrorPrintf("*** loading %w%n",F); Apply(Found, list F); while not null PendingLoads!* do << Found := car PendingLoads!*; PendingLoads!* := cdr PendingLoads!*; Load1 Found >> >> >>)(T); end; lisp procedure Imports L; if !*InsideLoad then <<for each X in L do if not (X memq Options!* or X memq PendingLoads!*) then PendingLoads!* := Append(PendingLoads!*, list X)>> else EvLoad L; END;