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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 85882) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module excalc; % header for EXCALC, a differential geometry package. % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; create!-package('(excalc exintro aux degform exdf forder frames hodge idexf indices indxprin innerprod liedf lievalform partdf partitsf vardf vecanalys wedge), '(contrib excalc)); %************ patches ***************; % Meaning of ^ and # changed. !!!! BE AWARE OF THIS "!!! remprop('!^,'newnam); % plus and difference changed because we are dealing with non- % homogenous terms deflist(' ((difference getrtypeor) (plus getrtypeor) ),'rtypefn); fluid '(depl!*); % !*ignoreeol global '(bndeq!* detm!*); share bndeq!*,detm!*; global '(lftshft!*); % !*ignoreeol := t; % To allow for Excalc's special constructs. % Smacros used by more than one EXCALC module: smacro procedure ldpf u; %selector for leading standard form in patitioned sf; caar u; smacro procedure tpsf u; %selector for leading term in partitioned sf; car u; smacro procedure !*k2pf u; u .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil; smacro procedure negpf u; multpfsq(u,(-1) ./ 1); smacro procedure lowerind u; list('minus,u); smacro procedure lwf u; %selector for leading factor in wedge. car u; smacro procedure rwf u; %selector for the rest of factors in wedge. cdr u; smacro procedure lftshftp u; smemqlp(lftshft!*,u); smacro procedure get!-impfun!-args u; % Get dependencies of id u. cdr assoc(u,depl!*); smacro procedure get!*fdeg u; (if x then car x else nil) where x = get(u,'fdegree); smacro procedure get!*ifdeg u; (if x then cdr x else nil) where x = assoc(length cdr u,get(car u,'ifdegree)); %*********************************************************************; %*********************************************************************; % Differential Geometry Package ; %*********************************************************************; % This version runs in REDUCE 3.3 %*********************************************************************; % Version: 2.z ; % E.Schruefer 03/12/87 ; %*********************************************************************; % testsite copy ; % ====== this program must not be redistributed or copied ====== ; %*********************************************************************; endmodule; module exintro; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer. fluid '(depl!*); global '(dimex!* lftshft!* detm!* basisforml!* sgn!* wedgemtch!* bndeq!* basisvectorl!* indxl!* nosuml!* !*nosum coord!* keepl!* metricd!* metricu!* !*product!-rule); % Some initialiations. dimex!* := !*q2f simp 'dim; sgn!* := !*k2q 'sgn; !*product!-rule := t; rlistat('(pform fdomain remfdomain tvector spacedim forder remforder frame dualframe keep closedform xpnd noxpnd isolate remisolate)); symbolic procedure spacedim u; begin dimex!* := !*q2f simp car u end; symbolic procedure fdomain u; %Sets up implicit dependencies; while u do <<if not eqexpr car u then errpri2(car u,'hold) else begin scalar y; rmsubs(); y := get(cadar u,'rtype); remprop(cadar u,'rtype); for each x in cdr caddar u do <<if indvarp x then for each j in mkaindxc flatindxl cdr x do depend1(cadar u,prepsq simpindexvar sublis(pair(flatindxl cdr x,j),x),t) else depend1(cadar u,x,t)>>; flag(list cadar u,'impfun); if y then put(cadar u,'rtype,y) end; u := cdr u>>; symbolic procedure remfdomain u; %Removes implicit dependencies; begin scalar x; for each j in u do if x := assoc(j,depl!*) then <<depl!* := delete(x,depl!*); remflag(list j,'impfun)>> else rerror(excalc,1,list(j," had no dependencies")); end; symbolic procedure putform(u,v); if atom u then put(!*a2k u,'fdegree,list !*q2f simp v) else begin scalar x,y; integer n; n := length cdr u; if (x := get(car u,'ifdegree)) and (y := assoc(n,x)) then x := delete(y,x); put(car u,'ifdegree,if x then (n . !*q2f simp v) . x else list(n . !*q2f simp v)); x := car u; flag(list x,'indexvar); %this should go. put(x,'rtype,'indexed!-form); put(x,'simpfn,'simpindexvar); put(x,'partitfn,'partitindexvar); flag(list x,'full); put(x,'prifn,'indvarprt); if null numr simp v then flag(list x,'covariant) end; symbolic procedure pform u; begin rmsubs(); for each j in u do if not eqexpr j then errpri2(j,'hold) else putform(cadr j,caddr j) end; symbolic procedure tvector u; for each j in u do putform(j,-1); symbolic procedure getlower u; cdr atsoc(u,metricd!*); symbolic procedure getupper u; cdr atsoc(u,metricu!*); symbolic procedure xpnd u; <<rmsubs(); remflag(u,'noxpnd)>>; symbolic procedure noxpnd u; <<rmsubs(); flag(u,'noxpnd)>>; symbolic procedure closedform u; <<rmsubs(); flag(u,'closed)>>; symbolic procedure memqcar(u,v); null atom u and car u memq v; endmodule; module aux; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; fluid '(!*nat); global '(coord!* basisforml!* keepl!*); symbolic procedure boundindp(u,v); if null u then t else member(car u,v) and boundindp(cdr u,v); symbolic procedure memblp(u,v); if null u then nil else if atom u then member(u,v) else memblp(car u,v) or memblp(cdr u,v); symbolic procedure displayframe; begin scalar x,scoord; terpri!* t; scoord := coord!*; coord!* := nil; for each j in basisforml!* do <<x := assoc(j,keepl!*); maprin car x; prin2!* " = "; maprin reval cdr x; terpri!* t>>; %was varpri(reval cdr x,list mkquote car x,t)>>; if !*nat then terpri!* t; coord!* := scoord end; put('displayframe,'stat,'endstat); %symbolic procedure form!*coeff u; %begin scalar x,inds; %integer n; %inds:=cdr u; %n:=length inds; %x:=simp!* car u; %y:=dstrsdf numr x; %put('fcoeff,'simpfn,'form!*coeff); endmodule; module degform; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; global '(frlis!* dimex!*); symbolic procedure deg!*farg u; %Calculates the sum of degrees of the elements of the list u; if null cdr u then deg!*form car u else begin scalar z; for each j in u do z := addf(deg!*form j,z); return z end; symbolic procedure deg!*form u; %U is a prefix expression. Result is the degree of u; if atom u then get!*fdeg u else (if flagp(x,'indexvar) then get!*ifdeg u else if x eq 'wedge then deg!*farg cdr u else if x eq 'd then addd(1,deg!*form cadr u) else if x eq 'hodge then addf(dimex!*,negf deg!*form cadr u) else if x eq 'partdf then if cddr u then nil else -1 else if x eq 'liedf then deg!*form caddr u else if x eq 'innerprod then addd(-1,deg!*form caddr u) else if x memq '(plus minus difference quotient) then deg!*form cadr u else if x eq 'times then deg!*farg cdr u else nil) where x = car u; symbolic procedure exformp u; %test for exterior forms and vectors in prefix expressions; if null u or numberp u then nil else if atom u and u memq frlis!* then t else if atom u then get(u,'fdegree) else if flagp(car u,'indexvar) then assoc(length cdr u,get(car u,'ifdegree)) else if car u eq '!*sq then exformp prepsq cadr u else if car u memq '(wedge d partdf hodge innerprod liedf) then t else if get(car u,'dname) then nil else lexformp cdr u or exformp car u; symbolic procedure lexformp u; u and (exformp car u or lexformp cdr u); endmodule; module exdf; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; global '(naturalframe2coframe dbaseform2base2form basisforml!* dimex!* subfg!*); put('d,'simpfn,'simpexdf); put('d,'rtypefn,'getrtypecar); put('d,'partitfn,'partitexdf); symbolic procedure partitexdf u; exdfpf partitop car u; symbolic procedure simpexdf u; !*pf2sq partitexdf u; symbolic procedure mkexdf u; begin scalar x,y; return if x := opmtch(y := list('d,u)) then partitop x else mkupf y end; symbolic procedure exdfpf u; if null u then nil else addpf(if ldpf u = 1 then exdf0 lc u else addpf(multpfsq(exdfk ldpf u,lc u), mkuniquewedge wedgepf2(exdf0 lc u, !*k2pf list ldpf u)), exdfpf red u); symbolic procedure exdfk u; if u = 1 or eqcar(u,'d) or dim!<!=deg u or flagp(lid u,'closed) then nil else if flagp('d,'noxpnd) or lftshftp u then mkexdf u else if atomf u then if (not flagp('partdf,'noxpnd)) and flagp(lid u,'impfun) then dimpfun(u,get!-impfun!-args lid u) else if coordp u then if subfg!* then !*pfsq2pf cdr atsoc(u,naturalframe2coframe) else mkexdf u else if basisformp u and dbaseform2base2form then !*pfsq2pf cdr atsoc(u,dbaseform2base2form) else mkexdf u else if (car u eq 'wedge) then dwedge cdr u else if car u memq '(hodge innerprod liedf) then mkexdf u else if car u eq 'partdf then if not flagp('partdf,'noxpnd) and atomf cadr u then dimpfun(u,get!-impfun!-args lid cadr u) else mkexdf u else begin scalar x,y,z; if null(x := get(car u,'dfn)) then return mkexdf u; z := cdr u; for each j in for each k in z collect partitexdf list k do <<if j then y := addpf(multpfsq(j,simp subla(pair(caar x,z),cdar x)), y); x := cdr x>>; return y end; symbolic procedure lid u; if atom u then u else car u; symbolic procedure atomf u; atom u or flagp(car u,'indexvar); symbolic procedure dim!<!=deg u; (null x or (fixp x and x<=0)) where x = addf(dimex!*,negf deg!*form u); symbolic procedure dim!<deg u; begin scalar x; x := addf(dimex!*,negf deg!*farg u); return if numberp x and minusp x then t else nil end; symbolic procedure dimpfun(u,v); if null v then nil else addpf(multpfsq(exdfp0(car v . 1),partdfsq(simp u,car v)), dimpfun(u,cdr v)); symbolic procedure exdf0 u; multpfsq(addpf(exdff0 numr u,multpfsq(exdff0 negf denr u,u)), 1 ./ denr u); symbolic procedure exdff0 u; if domainp u then nil else addpf(addpf(multpfsq(exdff0 lc u,!*p2q lpow u), multpfsq(exdfp0 lpow u,lc u ./ 1)), exdff0 red u); symbolic procedure exdfp0 u; %weighted vars ?? begin scalar pv,n,z; pv := car u; n := pdeg u; return if (sfp pv or exformp pv or null subfg!*) and (z := if sfp pv then exdff0 pv else exdfk pv) then if n = 1 then z else multpfsq(z,!*t2q((pv to (n - 1)) .* n)) else nil end; symbolic procedure dwedge u; %u is a wedge argument, result is a pf. mkuniquewedge dwedge1(u,nil); symbolic procedure dwedge1(u,v); if null rwf u then mkunarywedge multpfsq(exdfk lwf u,mksgnsq v) else addpf(wedgepf2(!*k2pf lwf u, dwedge1(rwf u,addf(v,deg!*form lwf u))), multpfsq(wedgepf2(exdfk lwf u,!*k2pf rwf u),mksgnsq v)); symbolic procedure exdfprn u; <<prin2!* "d"; rembras cadr u>>; put('d,'prifn,'exdfprn); endmodule; module forder; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; global '(keepl!* wedgemtch!* lftshft!* indxl!* subfg!*); fluid '(kord!*); symbolic procedure add2l(u,v); !*a2k u . if u memq v then delete(u,v) else v; symbolic procedure forder u; forder1 u; symbolic procedure forder1 u; (lambda x; while x do <<kord!* := add2l(car x,kord!*); if eqcar(car x,'wedge) then for each j in reverse cdar x do kord!* := add2l(j,kord!*); x:=cdr x>>) reverse u; symbolic procedure remforder u; for each j in u do kord!* := delete(j,kord!*); symbolic procedure isolate u; rerror(excalc,2,"Sorry, ISOLATE not supported in this version"); % for each j in u do % <<lftshft!* := !*a2k car u . lftshft!*; % kord!* := !*a2k car u . kord!*>>; symbolic procedure remisolate u; for each j in u do lftshft!* := delete(j,lftshft!*); symbolic procedure worderp(x,y); if null atom x and flagp(car x,'indexvar) and null atom y and flagp(car y,'indexvar) then indexvarordp(x,y) else if atom x or (x memq kord!*) then if atom y or (y memq kord!*) then ordop(x,y) else worderp(x,peel y) else if atom y or (y memq kord!*) then worderp(peel x,y) else worderp(peel x,peel y); symbolic procedure indexvarordp(u,v); if null(car u eq car v) then ordop(u,v) else ((if boundindp(x,indxl!*) then if boundindp(y,indxl!*) then indordlp(x,y) else t else if boundindp(y,indxl!*) then nil else ordop(u,v)) where x = flatindxl cdr u, y = flatindxl cdr v); symbolic procedure indordlp(u,v); if null u then nil else if null v then t else if car u eq car v then indordlp(cdr u, cdr v) else if atom car u then if atom car v then indordp(car u,car v) else t else nil; symbolic procedure peel u; if car u memq '(liedf innerprod) then u := caddr u else if car u eq 'quotient then if worderp(cadr u,caddr u) then u:=cadr u else u:=caddr u else u:=cadr u; symbolic procedure indordp(u,v); begin scalar x; x := indxl!*; if null(u memq x) then return t; a: if null x then return orderp(u,v); if u eq car x then return t else if v eq car x then return nil; x:=cdr x; go to a end; symbolic procedure indordn u; if null u then nil else if null cdr u then u else if null cddr u then indord2(car u,cadr u) else indordad(car u,indordn cdr u); symbolic procedure indord2(u,v); if indordp(u,v) then list(u,v) else list(v,u); symbolic procedure indordad(a,u); if null u then list a else if indordp(a,car u) then a . u else car u . indordad(a,cdr u); symbolic procedure keep u; while u do <<if not eqexpr car u then errpri2(car u,'hold) else begin scalar x,y,z; z := subfg!*; subfg!* := nil; x := !*a2k cadar u; y := !*a2k caddar u; forder1 list(x,y); keepl!* := (x . y) . keepl!*; flag(list x,'keep); put(x,'keepl,list y); subfg!* := z; putdep(x,y); if null exdfk y then flag(list x,'closed); if eqcar(y,'wedge) then <<wedgemtch!*:=(cdr y . x) . wedgemtch!*; for each j in cdr y do wedgemtch!* := (list(x,j) . nil) . wedgemtch!*>> else let2(y,x,nil,t) end; u := cdr u>>; symbolic procedure putdep(u,v); for each j in cdr v do if atom j then depend1(u,j,t) else putdep(u,j); endmodule; module frames; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; global '(basisforml!* basisvectorl!* keepl!* naturalframe2coframe dbaseform2base2form dimex!* indxl!* naturalvector2framevector subfg!* metricd!* metricu!* coord!* cursym!* detm!* commutator!-of!-framevectors); fluid '(alglist!* kord!*); symbolic procedure coframestat; begin scalar framel,metric; flag('(with),'delim); framel := cdr rlis(); remflag('(with),'delim); if cursym!* eq '!*semicol!* then go to a; if scan() eq 'metric then metric := xread t else if cursym!* eq 'signature then metric := rlis() else symerr('coframe,t); a: cofram(framel,metric) end; put('coframe,'stat,'coframestat); %put('cofram,'formfn,'formcofram); symbolic procedure cofram(u,v); begin scalar alglist!*; rmsubs(); u := for each j in u collect if car j eq 'equal then cdr j else list j; putform(caar u,1); basisforml!* := for each j in u collect !*a2k car j; indxl!* := for each j in basisforml!* collect cadr j; dimex!* := length u; basisvectorl!* := nil; if null v then metricd!* := nlist(1,dimex!*) else if car v eq 'signature then metricd!* := for each j in cdr v collect aeval j; if null v or (car v eq 'signature) then <<detm!* := simp car metricd!*; for each j in cdr metricd!* do detm!* := multsq(simp j,detm!*); detm!* := mk!*sq detm!*; metricu!* := metricd!*:= pair(indxl!*,for each j in pair(indxl!*,metricd!*) collect list j)>> else mkmetric v; if flagp('partdf,'noxpnd) then remflag('(partdf),'noxpnd); putform('eps . indxl!*,0); flag('(eps),'antisymmetric); flag('(eps),'covariant); setk('eps . for each j in indxl!* collect lowerind j,1); if null cdar u then return; keepl!* := append(for each j in u collect !*a2k car j . cadr j,keepl!*); coframe1 for each j in u collect cadr j end; symbolic procedure coframe1 u; begin scalar osubfg,scoord,v,y,w; osubfg := subfg!*; subfg!* := nil; v := for each j in u collect <<y := partitop j; scoord := pickupcoords(y,scoord); y>>; if length scoord neq dimex!* then rerror(excalc,3,"badly formed basis"); w := !*pf2matwrtcoords(v,scoord); naturalvector2framevector := v; subfg!* := nil; naturalframe2coframe := pair(scoord, for each j in lnrsolve(w,for each k in basisforml!* collect list !*k2q k) collect mk!*sqpf partitsq!* car j); subfg!* := osubfg; coord!* := scoord; dbaseform2base2form := pair(basisforml!*, for each j in v collect mk!*sqpf repartit exdfpf j) end; symbolic procedure pickupcoords(u,v); %u is a pf, v a list. Picks up vars in exdf and declares them as %zero forms. if null u then v else if null eqcar(ldpf u,'d) then rerror(excalc,4,"badly formed basis") else if null v then <<putform(cadr ldpf u,0); pickupcoords(red u,cadr ldpf u . nil)>> else if ordop(cadr ldpf u,car v) then if cadr ldpf u eq car v then pickupcoords(red u,v) else <<putform(cadr ldpf u,0); pickupcoords(red u,cadr ldpf u . v)>> else pickupcoords(red u,car v . pickupcoords(!*k2pf ldpf u,cdr v)); symbolic procedure !*pf2matwrtcoords(u,v); if null u then nil else !*pf2colwrtcoords(car u,v) . !*pf2matwrtcoords(cdr u,v); symbolic procedure !*pf2colwrtcoords(u,v); if null v then nil else if u and (cadr ldpf u eq car v) then lc u . !*pf2colwrtcoords(red u,cdr v) else (nil ./ 1) . !*pf2colwrtcoords(u,cdr v); symbolic procedure coordp u; u memq coord!*; symbolic procedure mkmetric u; begin scalar x,y,okord; putform(list(cadr u,nil,nil),0); flag(list cadr u,'symmetric); flag(list cadr u,'covariant); okord := kord!*; kord!* := basisforml!*; x := simp!* caddr u; y := indxl!*; metricu!* := t; %to make simpindexvar work; for each j in indxl!* do <<for each k in y do setk(list(cadr u,lowerind j,lowerind k),0); y := cdr y>>; for each j on partitsq(x,'basep) do if ldeg ldpf j = 2 then setk(list(cadr u,lowerind cadr mvar ldpf j, lowerind cadr mvar ldpf j), mk!*sq lc j) else setk(list(cadr u,lowerind cadr mvar ldpf j, lowerind cadr mvar lc ldpf j), mk!*sq multsq(lc j,1 ./ 2)); kord!* := okord; x := for each j in indxl!* collect for each k in indxl!* collect simpindexvar list(cadr u,lowerind j,lowerind k); y := lnrsolve(x,generateident length indxl!*); metricd!* := mkasmetric x; metricu!* := mkasmetric y; detm!* := mk!*sq detq x end; symbolic procedure mkasmetric u; for each j in pair(indxl!*,u) collect car j . begin scalar w,z; w := indxl!*; for each k in cdr j do <<if numr k then z := (car w . mk!*sq k) . z; w := cdr w>>; return z end; symbolic procedure frame u; begin scalar y; putform(list(car u,nil),-1); flag(list car u,'covariant); basisvectorl!* := for each j in indxl!* collect !*a2k list(car u,lowerind j); if null dbaseform2base2form then return; commutator!-of!-framevectors := for each j in pickupwedges dbaseform2base2form collect list(cadadr j,cadadr cdr j) . mk!*sqpf mkcommutatorfv(j, dbaseform2base2form); y := pair(basisvectorl!*, naturalvector2framevector); naturalvector2framevector := for each j in coord!* collect j . mk!*sqpf mknat2framv(j,y) end; symbolic procedure pickupwedges u; pickupwedges1(u,nil); symbolic procedure pickupwedges1(u,v); if null u then v else if null cdar u then pickupwedges1(cdr u,v) else if null v then pickupwedges1((caar u . red cdar u) . cdr u, ldpf cdar u . nil) else if ldpf cdar u memq v then pickupwedges1(if red cdar u then (caar u . red cdar u) . cdr u else cdr u,v) else pickupwedges1(if red cdar u then (caar u . red cdar u) . cdr u else cdr u,ldpf cdar u . v); symbolic procedure mkbasevector u; !*a2k list(caar basisvectorl!*,lowerind u); symbolic procedure mkcommutatorfv(u,v); if null v then nil else addpf(mkcommutatorfv1(u,mkbasevector cadaar v,cdar v), mkcommutatorfv(u,cdr v)); symbolic procedure mkcommutatorfv1(u,v,w); if null w then nil else if u eq ldpf w then v .* negsq simp!* lc w .+ nil else if ordop(u,ldpf w) then nil else mkcommutatorfv1(u,v,red w); symbolic procedure mknat2framv(u,v); if null v then nil else addpf(mknat2framv1(u,caar v,cdar v),mknat2framv(u,cdr v)); symbolic procedure mknat2framv1(u,v,w); if null w then nil else if u eq cadr ldpf w then v .* lc w .+ nil else if ordop(u,cadr ldpf w) then nil else mknat2framv1(u,v,red w); symbolic procedure dualframe u; rerror(excalc,5,"Dualframe no longer supported - use frame instead"); symbolic procedure riemannconx u; riemconnection car u; put('riemannconx,'stat,'rlis); smacro procedure mkbasformsq u; mksq(list(caar basisforml!*,u),1); symbolic procedure riemconnection u; %calculates the riemannian connection and stores it in u; begin putform(list(u,nil,nil),1); flag(list u,'covariant); flag(list u,'antisymmetric); for each j in indxl!* do for each k in indxl!* do if (j neq k) and indordp(j,k) then setk(list(u,lowerind j,lowerind k),0); riemconpart1 u; riemconpart2 u; riemconpart3 u end; symbolic procedure riemconpart1 u; begin scalar covbaseform,indx1,indx2,indx3,varl,w,z; for each l in dbaseform2base2form do <<covbaseform := partitindexvar list(caar l, lowerind cadar l); for each j on cdr l do <<varl := cdr ldpf j; indx1 := cadar varl; indx2 := cadadr varl; for each y on covbaseform do <<w := list(u,lowerind indx1,lowerind indx2); z := multsq(-1 ./ 2,!*pf2sq multpfsq(lt y .+ nil, simp!* lc j)); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(z,mksq(w,1))); indx3 := cadr ldpf y; z := multsq(-1 ./ 2,multsq(lc y,simp!* lc j)); if indx1 neq indx3 then if indordp(indx1,indx3) then <<w := list(u,lowerind indx1,lowerind indx3); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(multsq(z,mkbasformsq indx2), mksq(w,1)))>> else <<w := list(u,lowerind indx3,lowerind indx1); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(multsq(negsq z, mkbasformsq indx2),mksq(w,1)))>>; if indx2 neq indx3 then if indordp(indx2,indx3) then <<w := list(u,lowerind indx2,lowerind indx3); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(multsq(negsq z, mkbasformsq indx1),mksq(w,1)))>> else <<w := list(u,lowerind indx3,lowerind indx2); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(multsq(z, mkbasformsq indx1),mksq(w,1)))>> >>>>>> end; symbolic procedure riemconpart2 u; begin scalar dgkl,indx1,indx2,varl,w,z; if null(dgkl := mkmetricconx2 metricd!*) then return; for each j in dgkl do for each y on cdr j do <<varl := ldpf y; indx1 := cadar varl; indx2 := cadadr varl; w := list(u,lowerind indx1,lowerind indx2); z := multsq(-1 ./ 2,multsq(!*k2q car j,lc y)); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(z,mksq(w,1)))>> end; symbolic procedure mkmetricconx2 u; if null u then nil else (if x then (ldpf mkupf list(caar basisforml!*,caar u) . x) . mkmetricconx2 cdr u else mkmetricconx2 cdr u) where x = mkmetricconx21 cdar u; symbolic procedure mkmetricconx21 u; if null u then nil else addpf(wedgepf2(exdf0 simp!* cdar u, !*k2pf list ldpf mkupf list(caar basisforml!*,caar u)), mkmetricconx21 cdr u); symbolic procedure riemconpart3 u; begin scalar dg,dgk,dgkl,w,x,z; if null (dg := mkmetricconx3 metricd!*) then return; remflag(list u,'antisymmetric); for each j in indxl!* do <<if dg and (dgk := atsoc(j,dg)) then dgk := cdr dgk else dgk := nil; for each k in indxl!* do if indordp(j,k) then <<w := list(u,lowerind j,lowerind k); x := if j eq k then nil ./ 1 else mksq(w,1); if dgk and (dgkl := atsoc(k,dgk)) then dgkl := cdr dgkl else dgkl := nil ./ 1; z := multsq(1 ./ 2,dgkl); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(z,x)); w := list(u,lowerind k,lowerind j); setk(w,mk!*sq addsq(z,negsq x))>>>> end; symbolic procedure mkmetricconx3 u; if null u then nil else ((if x then (caar u . x) . mkmetricconx3 cdr u else mkmetricconx3 cdr u) where x = mkmetricconx31 cdar u); symbolic procedure mkmetricconx31 u; if null u then nil else ((if x then (caar u . x) . mkmetricconx31 cdr u else mkmetricconx31 cdr u) where x = !*pf2sq exdf0 simp!* cdar u); symbolic procedure basep u; if domainp u then nil else or(if sfp mvar u then basep mvar u else eqcar(mvar u,caar basisforml!*), basep lc u,basep red u); symbolic procedure wedgefp u; if domainp u then nil else or(if sfp mvar u then wedgefp mvar u else eqcar(mvar u,'wedge), wedgefp lc u,wedgefp red u); endmodule; module hodge; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; global '(dimex!* sgn!* detm!* basisforml!*); symbolic procedure formhodge(u,vars,mode); if mode eq 'symbolic then 'hash . formlis(cdr u,vars,mode) else 'list . mkquote 'hodge . formlis(cdr u,vars,mode); put('hash,'formfn,'formhodge); put('hodge,'simpfn,'simphodge); put('hodge,'rtypefn,'getrtypecar); put('hodge,'partitfn,'partithodge); symbolic procedure partithodge u; hodgepf partitop car u; symbolic procedure simphodge u; !*pf2sq partithodge u; symbolic procedure mkhodge u; begin scalar x,y; return if x := opmtch(y := list('hodge,u)) then partitop x else if deg!*form u = dimex!* then 1 .* mksq(y,1) .+ nil else mkupf y end; smacro procedure mkbaseform u; mkupf list(caar basisforml!*,u); symbolic procedure basisformp u; null atom u and (u memq basisforml!*); symbolic procedure hodgepf u; if null u then nil else addpf(multpfsq(hodgek ldpf u,lc u),hodgepf red u); symbolic procedure hodgek u; if eqcar(u,'hodge) then cadr u .* multsq(mksgnsq multf(deg!*form cadr u, addf(dimex!*,negf deg!*form cadr u)), sgn!*) .+ nil else if basisformp u then dual list u else if eqcar(u,'wedge) and boundindp(cdr u,basisforml!*) then dual cdr u else mkhodge u; symbolic procedure dual u; (multpfsq(mkdual xpnddual u, simpexpt list(mk!*sq(absf!* numr x ./ absf!* denr x),'(quotient 1 2)))) where x = simp!* detm!*; symbolic procedure !*met2pf u; metpf1 getupper cadr u; symbolic procedure xpnddual u; if null cdr u then mkunarywedge !*met2pf car u else wedgepf2(!*met2pf car u,xpnddual cdr u); symbolic procedure metpf1 u; if null u then nil else addpf(multpfsq(mkbaseform caar u,simp cdar u),metpf1 cdr u); symbolic procedure mkdual u; if null u then nil else addpf(multpfsq(((if null x then nil else if cdr ldpf x then multpfsq(mkuniquewedge1 ldpf x, lc x) else car ldpf x .* lc x .+ nil) where x = dualk ldpf u), lc u),mkdual red u); symbolic procedure dualk u; begin scalar x; x := !*k2pf basisforml!*; a: x := dualk2(car u,x); if null(u := cdr u) then return x; go to a end; symbolic procedure dualk2(u,v); dualk0(u,v,nil); symbolic procedure dualk0(u,v,w); if u eq car ldpf v then if null cdr ldpf v then list 1 .* multsq(mksgnsq w,lc v) .+ nil else cdr ldpf v .* multsq(mksgnsq w,lc v) .+ nil else if null cdr ldpf v then nil else wedgepf2(!*k2pf ldpf car v, dualk0(u,cdr ldpf v .* lc v .+ nil,addf(w,1))); symbolic procedure hodgeprn u; <<prin2!* "#"; rembras cadr u>>; put('hodge,'prifn,'hodgeprn); endmodule; module idexf; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer global '(exfideal!*); symbolic procedure exterior!-ideal u; begin scalar x,y; rmsubs(); for each j in u do if indexvp j then for each k in mkaindxc(y := flatindxl cdr j) do x := partitsq(simpindexvar(car j . subla(pair(y,k),cdr j)), 'wedgefp) . x else x := partitsq(simp!* j,'wedgefp) . x; exfideal!* := append(x,exfideal!*); end; rlistat '(exterior!-ideal); symbolic procedure remexf(u,v); begin scalar lu,lv,x,y,z; lv := ldpf v; a: if null u or domainp(lu := ldpf u) then return u; if x := divexf(lu,lv) then <<y := partitsq(simp list('wedge,prepf v,x),'wedgefp); z := negsq quotsq(lc u,lc y); u := addpsf(u,multpsf(1 .* z .+ nil,y))>> else return u; go to a end; symbolic procedure divexf(u,v); begin scalar x,y; x := prepf u; y := prepf v; if atom x then x := list x else if car x eq 'wedge then x := cdr x; if atom y then y := list y else if car y eq 'wedge then y := cdr y; a: if null y then return 'wedge . x; if null(x := delform(car y,x)) then return nil; y := cdr y; go to a end; symbolic procedure delform(u,v); delform1(u,v,nil); symbolic procedure delform1(u,v,w); if null v then nil else if u = car v then if w or cdr v then append(reverse w,cdr v) else list 1 else delform1(u,cdr v,car v . w); symbolic procedure exf!-mod!-ideal u; begin for each j in exfideal!* do u := remexf(u,j); return u end; endmodule; module indices; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer. fluid '(!*exp !*msg !*nat !*sub2 alglist!* frasc!*); global '(mcond!*); global '(!*nosum indxl!* nosuml!* metricu!*); symbolic procedure indexeval(u,v); % Toplevel evaluation function for indexed quantities. begin scalar v,x,alglist!*; v := simp!* u; x := subfg!*; subfg!* := nil; % We don't substitute values here, since indexsymmetries can % save us a lot of work. v := quotsq(xpndind partitsq(numr v ./ 1,'indvarpf), xpndind partitsq(denr v ./ 1,'indvarpf)); subfg!* := x; % If there are no free indices, we have already the result; % otherwise indxlet does the further simplification. if numr v and null indvarpf !*t2f lt numr v then v := exc!-mk!*sq2 resimp v else v := prepsqxx v; % We have to convert to prefix here, since we don't have a tag. % This is a big source of inefficiency. return v end; symbolic procedure exc!-mk!*sq2 u; %this is taken from matr; begin scalar x; x := !*sub2; %since we need value for each element; u := subs2 u; !*sub2 := x; return mk!*sq u end; symbolic procedure xpndind u; %performs the implied summation over repeated indices; begin scalar x,y; y := nil ./ 1; a: if null u then return y; if null(x := contind ldpf u) then y := addsq(multsq(!*f2q ldpf u,lc u),y) else for each k in mkaindxc x do y := addsq(multsq(subcindices(ldpf u,pair(x,k)),lc u),y); u := red u; go to a end; symbolic procedure subcindices(u,l); % Substitutes dummy indices from a-list l into s.f. u; % discriminates indices from variables. begin scalar alglist!*; return if domainp u then u ./ 1 else addsq(multsq( exptsq(if flagp(car mvar u,'indexvar) then simpindexvar subla(l,mvar u) else simp subindk(l,mvar u),ldeg u), subcindices(lc u,l)), subcindices(red u,l)) end; symbolic procedure subindk(l,u); %Substitutes indices from a-list l into kernel u; %discriminates indices from variables; car u . for each j in cdr u collect if atom j then j else if idp car j and get(car j,'dname) then j else if flagp(car j,'indexvar) then car j . subla(l,cdr j) else subindk(l,j); put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'evfn,'indexeval); put('indexed!-form,'rtypefn,'freeindexchk); put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'setprifn,'indxpri); symbolic procedure freeindexchk u; if u and indxl!* and indxchk u then 'form!-with!-free!-indices else nil; symbolic procedure indvarp u; %typechecking for variables with free indices on prefix forms; null !*nosum and indxl!* and if eqcar(u,'!*sq) then indvarpf numr cadr u or indvarpf denr cadr u else freeindp u; symbolic procedure indvarpf u; %typechecking for free indices in s.f.'s; if domainp u then nil else or(if sfp mvar u then indvarpf mvar u else freeindp mvar u, indvarpf lc u,indvarpf red u); symbolic procedure freeindp u; begin scalar x; return if null u or numberp u then nil else if atom u then nil else if car u eq '!*sq then freeindp prepsq cadr u else if idp car u and get(car u,'dname) then nil else if flagp(car u,'indexvar) then indxchk cdr u else if (x := get(car u,'indexfun)) then freeindp apply1(x,cdr u) else if car u eq 'partdf then if null cddr u then freeindp cadr u else freeindp cadr u or freeindp caddr u else lfreeindp cdr u or freeindp car u end; symbolic procedure lfreeindp u; u and (freeindp car u or lfreeindp cdr u); symbolic procedure indxchk u; %returns t if u contains at least one free index; begin scalar x,y; x := u; y := union(indxl!*,nosuml!*); a: if null x then return nil; if null ((if atom car x then if numberp car x then !*num2id abs car x else car x else if numberp cadar x then !*num2id cadar x else cadar x) memq y) then return t; x := cdr x; go to a end; symbolic procedure indexrange u; <<indxl!* := mkindxl u; nil>>; symbolic procedure nosum u; <<nosuml!* := union(mkindxl u,nosuml!*); nil>>; symbolic procedure renosum u; <<nosuml!* := setdiff(mkindxl u,nosuml!*); nil>>; symbolic procedure mkindxl u; for each j in u collect if numberp j then !*num2id j else j; rlistat('(indexrange nosum renosum)); smacro procedure upindp u; %tests if u is a contravariant index; atom revalind u; symbolic procedure allind u; %returns a list of all unbound indices found in standard form u; allind1(u,nil); symbolic procedure allind1(u,v); if domainp u then v else allind1(red u,allind1(lc u,append(v,allindk mvar u))); symbolic procedure allindk u; begin scalar x; return if atom u then nil else if flagp(car u,'indexvar) then <<for each j in cdr u do if atom(j := revalind j) then if null(j memq indxl!*) then x := j . x else nil else if null(cadr j memq indxl!*) then x := j . x; reverse x>> else if (x := get(car u,'indexfun)) then allindk apply1(x,cdr u) else if car u eq 'partdf then if null cddr u then for each j in allindk cdr u collect lowerind j else append(allindk cadr u, for each j in allindk cddr u collect lowerind j) else append(allindk car u,allindk cdr u) end; symbolic procedure contind u; %returns a list of indices over which summation has to be performed; begin scalar dnlist,uplist; for each j in allind u do if upindp j then uplist := j . uplist else dnlist := cadr j . dnlist; return setdiff(intersection(uplist,dnlist),nosuml!*) end; symbolic procedure mkaindxc u; %u is a list of free indices. result is a list of lists of all %possible index combinations; begin scalar r,x; r := list u; for each k in u do if x := getindexr k then r := mappl(x,k,r); return r end; symbolic procedure mappl(u,v,w); if null u then nil else append(subst(car u,v,w),mappl(cdr u,v,w)); symbolic procedure getindexr u; %Kludge to indexclasses; if memq(u,indxl!*) then nil else indxl!*; symbolic procedure flatindxl u; for each j in u collect if atom j then j else cadr j; symbolic procedure indexlet(u,v,ltype,b,rtype); if flagp(car u,'indexvar) then if b then setindexvar(u,v) else begin scalar y,z,msg; msg := !*msg; !*msg := nil; %for now. u := mvar numr simp0 u; %is this right? z := flatindxl cdr u; for each j in if flagp(car u,'antisymmetric) then comb(indxl!*,length z) else mkaindxc z do let2(mvar numr simp0 subla(pair(z,j),u),nil,nil,nil); !*msg := msg; y := get(car u,'ifdegree); z := assoc(length cdr u,y); y := delete(z,y); remprop(car u,'ifdegree); if y then put(car u,'ifdegree,y) else <<remprop(car u,'rtype); remflag(list car u,'indexvar)>> end else if subla(frasc!*,u) neq u then put(car(u := subla(frasc!*,u)),'opmtch, xadd!*((for each j in cdr u collect revalind j) . list(nil . (if mcond!* then mcond!* else t),v,nil), get(car u,'opmtch),b)) else setindexvar(u,v); put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'typeletfn,'indexlet); symbolic procedure setindexvar(u,v); begin scalar r,s,w,x,y,z,z1,alglist!*; x := metricu!* . flagp(car u,'covariant); metricu!* := nil; %index position must not be changed here; if cdr x then remflag(list car u,'covariant); u := simp0 u; if red numr u or (denr u neq 1) then rerror(excalc,6,"Illegal assignment"); u := numr u; r := cancel(1 ./ lc u); u := mvar u; metricu!* := car x; if cdr x then flag(list car u,'covariant); z1 := allindk u; z := flatindxl z1; if indxl!* and metricu!* then <<z1 := for each j in z1 collect if flagp(car u,'covariant) then if upindp j then <<u := car u . subst(lowerind j,j,cdr u); 'lower . j>> else cadr j else if upindp j then j else <<u := car u . subst(j,cadr j,cdr u); 'raise . cadr j>>; u := car u . for each j in cdr u collect revalind j>> else z1 := z; r := multsq(simp!* v,r); w := for each j in if flagp(car u,'antisymmetric) then comb(indxl!*,length z) else mkaindxc z collect <<x := mkletindxc pair(z1,j); s := nil ./ 1; y := subfg!*; subfg!* := nil; for each k in x do s := addsq(multsq(car k,subfindices(numr r,cdr k)),s); subfg!* := y; y := !*q2f simp0 subla(pair(z,j),u); mvar y . exc!-mk!*sq2 multsq(subf(if minusf y then negf numr s else numr s,nil), invsq subf(multf(denr r,denr s),nil))>>; for each j in w do let2(car j,cdr j,nil,t) end; symbolic procedure mkletindxc u; %u is a list of dotted pairs. Left part is unbound index and action. %Right part is bound index. begin scalar r; integer n; r := list((1 ./ 1) . for each j in u collect if atom car j then car j else cdar j); for each k in u do <<n := n + 1; if atom car k then r := for each j in r collect car j . subindexn(k,n,cdr j) else r := mapletind(if caar k eq 'raise then getupper cdr k else getlower cdr k, cdar k,r,n)>>; return r end; symbolic procedure subindexn(u,n,v); if n=1 then u . cdr v else car v . subindexn(u,n-1,cdr v); symbolic procedure mapletind(u,v,w,n); if null u then nil else append(for each j in w collect multsq(simp!* cdar u,car j) . subindexn(v . caar u,n,cdr j), mapletind(cdr u,v,w,n)); put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'setelemfn,'setindexvar); remflag('(clear),'lose); % We must use this definition. symbolic procedure clear u; begin rmsubs(); remflag('(t),'reserved); %t is very often used as a coordinate; for each x in u do if flagp(x,'share) then if not flagp(x,'reserved) then set(x,x) else rsverr x else <<let2(x,x,nil,nil); let2(x,x,t,nil); % Above, x instead of nil is passed to let2 as rhs to make % type inference work. if atom x and get(x,'fdegree) then <<remprop(x,'fdegree); remprop(x,'rtype)>>>>; mcond!* := frasc!* := nil; flag('(t),'reserved) end; symbolic procedure subfindices(u,l); %Substitutes free indices from a-list l into s.f. u; %discriminates indices from variables; begin scalar alglist!*; return if domainp u then u ./ 1 else addsq(multsq(if atom mvar u then !*p2q lpow u else if sfp mvar u then exptsq(subfindices(mvar u,l),ldeg u) else if flagp(car mvar u,'indexvar) then exptsq(simpindexvar subla(l,mvar u),ldeg u) else if car mvar u memq '(wedge d partdf innerprod liedf hodge vardf) then exptsq(simp subindk(l,mvar u),ldeg u) else !*p2q lpow u,subfindices(lc u,l)), subfindices(red u,l)) end; symbolic procedure indxpri1 u; begin scalar metricu,il,dnlist,uplist,r,x,y,z; metricu := metricu!*; metricu!* := nil; il := allind !*t2f lt numr simp0 u; for each j in il do if upindp j then uplist := j . uplist else dnlist := cadr j . dnlist; for each j in intersection(uplist,dnlist) do il := delete(j,delete(revalind lowerind j,il)); metricu!* := metricu; y := flatindxl il; r := simp!* u; for each j in mkaindxc y do <<x := pair(y,j); z := exc!-mk!*sq2 multsq(subfindices(numr r,x),1 ./ denr r); if null(!*nero and (z = 0)) then <<maprin list('setq,subla(x,'ns . il),z); if not !*nat then prin2!* "$"; terpri!* t>>>> end; symbolic procedure indxpri(v,u); begin scalar x,y,z; y := flatindxl allindk v; for each j in if flagp(car v,'antisymmetric) and coposp cdr v then comb(indxl!*,length y) else mkaindxc y do <<x := pair(y,j); z := aeval subla(x,v); if null(!*nero and (z = 0)) then <<maprin list('setq,subla(x,v),z); if not !*nat then prin2!* "$"; terpri!* t>>>> end; symbolic procedure coposp u; %checks if all indices in list u are either in a covariant or %a contravariant position.; null cdr u or if atom car u then contposp cdr u else covposp cdr u; symbolic procedure contposp u; %checks if all indices in list u are contravariant; null u or (atom car u and contposp cdr u); symbolic procedure covposp u; %checks if all indices in list u are covariant; null u or (null atom car u and covposp cdr u); put('ns,'prifn,'indvarprt); symbolic procedure simpindexvar u; %simplification function for indexed quantities; !*pf2sq partitindexvar u; symbolic procedure partitindexvar u; %partition function for indexed quantities; begin scalar freel,x,y,z,v,sgn,w; x := for each j in cdr u collect (if atom k then if numberp k then if minusp k then lowerind !*num2id abs k else !*num2id k else k else if numberp cadr k then lowerind !*num2id cadr k else k) where k = revalind j; w := deg!*form u; if null metricu!* then go to a; z := x; if null flagp(car u,'covariant) then <<while z and (atom car z or not(cadar z memq indxl!*)) do <<y := car z . y; if null atom car z then freel := cadar z . freel; z := cdr z>>; if z then <<v := nil; y := reverse y; for each j in getlower cadar z do v := addpf(multpfsq(partitindexvar(car u . append(y,car j . cdr z)), simp cdr j),v); return v>>>> else <<while z and (null atom car z or not(car z memq indxl!*)) do <<y := car z . y; if atom car z then freel := car z . freel; z := cdr z>>; if z then <<v := nil; y := reverse y; for each j in getupper car z do v := addpf(multpfsq(partitindexvar(car u . append(y,lowerind car j . cdr z)), simp cdr j),v); return v>>>>; a: if null coposp x or (null flagp(car u,'symmetric) and null flagp(car u,'antisymmetric)) then return if w then mkupf(car u . x) else 1 .* mksq(car u . x,1) .+ nil; x := for each j in x collect if atom j then j else cadr j; if flagp(car u,'symmetric) then x := indordn x else if flagp(car u,'antisymmetric) then <<if repeats x then return nil else if not permp(z := indordn x,x) then sgn := t; x := z>>; if flagp(car u,'covariant) then x := for each j in x collect if j memq freel then j else lowerind j else if null metricu!* and null atom cadr u then x := for each j in x collect lowerind j else x := for each j in x collect if j memq freel then lowerind j else j; return if w then if sgn then negpf mkupf(car u . x) else mkupf(car u . x) else if sgn then 1 .* negsq mksq(car u . x,1) .+ nil else 1 .* mksq(car u . x,1) .+ nil end; symbolic procedure !*num2id u; %converts a numeric index to an id; %if u = 0 then rerror(excalc,7,"0 not allowed as index") else if u<10 then intern cdr assoc(u, '((0 . !0) (1 . !1) (2 . !2) (3 . !3) (4 . !4) (5 . !5) (6 . !6) (7 . !7) (8 . !8) (9 . !9))) else intern compress append(explode '!!,explode u); symbolic procedure revalind u; begin scalar x,y,alglist!*; x := subfg!*; subfg!* := nil; u := subst('!0,0,u); % The above line is used to avoid the simplifaction of -0 to 0. y := prepsq simp u; subfg!* := x; return y end; endmodule; module indxprin; % Functions for special print. % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; fluid '(!*nat !*nero !*revpri orig!* pline!* posn!* ycoord!* ymax!* ymin!*); global '(obrkp!* !*eraise spare!*); symbolic procedure indvarprt u; if null !*nat then <<prin2!* car u; prin2!* "("; if cddr u then inprint('!*comma!*,0,cdr u) else maprin cadr u; prin2!* ")" >> else begin scalar y; integer l; l := flatsizec flatindxl u+length cdr u-1; if l>(linelength nil-spare!*)-posn!* then terpri!* t; %avoid breaking of an indexed variable over a line; y := ycoord!*; prin2!* car u; for each j on cdr u do <<ycoord!* := y + if atom car j then 1 else -1; if ycoord!*>ymax!* then ymax!* := ycoord!*; if ycoord!*<ymin!* then ymin!* := ycoord!*; prin2!* if atom car j then car j else cadar j; if cdr j then prin2!* " ">>; ycoord!* := y end; symbolic procedure rembras u; if !*nat and (atom u or null get(car u,'infix)) then <<prin2!* " "; maprin u>> else <<prin2!* "("; maprin u; prin2!* ")">>; put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'tag,'form!-with!-free!-indices); put('form!-with!-free!-indices,'prifn,'indxpri1); flag('(form!-with!-free!-indices),'sprifn); put('indvarprt,'expt,'inbrackets); endmodule; module innerprod; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer. global '(basisvectorl!* keepl!*); newtok '((!_ !|) innerprod); infix innerprod; precedence innerprod,times; %flag('(innerprod),'nary); %not done for now, but might be worthwhile. flag('(innerprod),'spaced); put('innerprod,'simpfn,'simpinnerprod); put('innerprod,'rtypefn,'getrtypeor); put('innerprod,'partitfn,'partitinnerprod); symbolic procedure partitinnerprod u; innerprodpf(partitop car u, partitop cadr u); symbolic procedure mkinnerprod(u,v); begin scalar x,y; return if x := opmtch(y := list('innerprod,u,v)) then partitop x else if deg!*form v = 1 then if numr(x := mksq(y,1)) then 1 .* x .+ nil else nil else mkupf y end; symbolic procedure simpinnerprod u; !*pf2sq partitinnerprod u; symbolic procedure innerprodpf(u,v); if null u or null v then nil else if ldpf v = 1 then nil else begin scalar res,x; for each j on u do for each k on v do if x := innerprodf(ldpf j,ldpf k) then res := addpf(multpfsq(x,multsq(lc j,lc k)),res); return res end; symbolic procedure basisvectorp u; null atom u and u memq basisvectorl!*; symbolic procedure tvectorp u; (numberp x and x<0) where x = deg!*form ldpf u; symbolic procedure innerprodf(u,v); %Inner product dispatching routine. if null tvectorp !*k2pf u then rerror(excalc,8, "First argument of inner product must be a vector") else if v = 1 then nil %is this test necessary?? else if eqcar(v,'wedge) then innerprodwedge(u,cdr v) else if eqcar(u,'partdf) and null freeindp cadr u then innerprodnvec(u,v) else if basisvectorp u and basisformp v then innerprodbasis(u,v) else if eqcar(v,'innerprod) then if u eq cadr v then nil else if ordop(u,cadr v) then mkinnerprod(u,v) else negpf innerprodpf(!*k2pf cadr v, innerprodf(u,caddr v)) else mkinnerprod(u,v); symbolic procedure innerprodwedge(u,v); mkuniquewedge innerprodwedge1(u,v,nil); symbolic procedure innerprodwedge1(u,v,w); if null rwf v then mkunarywedge multpfsq(innerprodf(u,lwf v),mksgnsq w) else addpf(if null rwf rwf v and (deg!*form lwf rwf v = 1) then multpfsq(!*k2pf list lwf v, multsq(mksgnsq addf(deg!*form lwf v,w), !*pf2sq innerprodf(u,lwf rwf v))) else wedgepf2(!*k2pf lwf v, innerprodwedge1(u,rwf v, addf(w,deg!*form lwf v))), if deg!*form lwf v = 1 then multpfsq(!*k2pf rwf v, multsq(!*pf2sq innerprodf(u,lwf v), mksgnsq w)) else wedgepf2(innerprodf(u,lwf v), rwf v .* mksgnsq w .+ nil)); symbolic procedure innerprodnvec(u,v); if eqcar(v,'d) and null deg!*form cadr v and null freeindp cadr v then if cadr u eq cadr v then 1 .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil else nil else if basisformp v then begin scalar x,osubfg; osubfg := subfg!*; subfg!* := nil; x := innerprodpf(!*k2pf u, partitop cdr assoc(v,keepl!*)); subfg!* := osubfg; return repartit x end; symbolic procedure innerprodbasis(u,v); if freeindp u or freeindp v then mkinnerprod(u,v) else if cadadr u eq cadr v then 1 .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil else nil; endmodule; module liedf; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; global '(commutator!-of!-framevectors); newtok '((!| !_ ) liedf); infix liedf; %flag('(liedf),'nary); %Not done for now, but should be considered. flag('(liedf),'spaced); precedence liedf,innerprod; put('liedf,'simpfn,'simpliedf); put('liedf,'rtypefn,'getrtypeor); symbolic procedure simpliedf u; !*pf2sq partitliedf u; put('liedf,'partitfn,'partitliedf); symbolic procedure partitliedf u; liedfpf(partitop car u,partitop cadr u); symbolic procedure mkliedf(u,v); begin scalar x,y; return if x := opmtch(y := list('liedf,u,v)) then partitop x else mkupf y end; symbolic procedure liedfpf(u,v); if null tvectorp u then rerror(excalc,9, "First argument of lie derivative must be a vector") else if null tvectorp v then addpf(exdfpf innerprodpf(u,v), innerprodpf(u,exdfpf v)) else begin scalar x; for each k on u do for each l on v do x := addpf(liedftt(lt k,lt l),x); return x end; symbolic procedure liedftt(u,v); begin scalar x; return addpf(multpfsq(liedfk(car u,car v),multsq(tc u,tc v)), addpf(if x := innerprodpf(!*k2pf car u,exdf0 tc v) then car v .* multsq(!*pf2sq x,tc u) .+ nil else nil, if x := innerprodpf(!*k2pf car v,exdf0 tc u) then car u .* negsq multsq(!*pf2sq x,tc v) .+ nil else nil)) end; symbolic procedure liedfk(u,v); if u eq v then nil else if eqcar(u,'partdf) and eqcar(v,'partdf) then nil else if basisvectorp u and basisvectorp v then if null ordop(u,v) then negpf liedfk(v,u) else if commutator!-of!-framevectors then get!-structure!-const(u,v) else mkliedf(u,v) else if eqcar(v,'liedf) then if ordop(u,cadr v) then mkliedf(u,v) else addpf(liedfpf(liedfk(u,cadr v),!*k2pf caddr v), liedfpf(!*k2pf cadr v, liedfpf(!*k2pf u,!*k2pf caddr v))) else if worderp(u,v) then mkliedf(u,v) else negpf mkliedf(v,u); symbolic procedure get!-structure!-const(u,v); %We currently assume that only the basis has structure consts. begin scalar x; return if x := assoc(list(cadadr u,cadadr v), commutator!-of!-framevectors) then !*pfsq2pf cdr x else nil end; endmodule; module lievalform; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer symbolic procedure liebrackstat; begin scalar x; x := xread nil; scan(); return 'lie . cdr x end; flag(list '!},'delim); %Since Liebrackets can be nested we can't %remove the flag in the stat proc; put('!{,'stat,'liebrackstat); %We'd rather liked to use squarebrackets; %but they are not available on most terminals; put('lie,'prifn,'lieprn); symbolic procedure lieprn u; <<prin2!* "{"; inprint('!*comma!*,0,u); prin2!* "}">>; endmodule; module partdf; % Adaption of df module. % Author: Eberhard Schruefer. fluid '(alglist!* depl!* posn!* wtl!*); global '(frlis!* naturalvector2framevector keepl!* !*product!-rule); newtok '((!@) partdf); symbolic procedure simppartdf0 u; begin scalar v; if null cdr u then if coordp(u := reval car u) and (v := atsoc(u,naturalvector2framevector)) then return !*pf2sq !*pfsq2pf cdr v else return mksq(list('partdf,u),1); if null subfg!* or freeindp car u or freeindp cadr u or (cddr u and freeindp caddr u) then return mksq('partdf . revlis u,1); v := cdr u; u := simp!* car u; for each j in v do u := partdfsq(u,!*a2k j); return u end; put('partdf,'simpfn,'simppartdf); put('partdf,'rtypefn,'getrtypeor); put('partdf,'partitfn,'partitpartdf); symbolic procedure partitpartdf u; if null cdr u then mknatvec !*a2k car u else 1 .* simppartdf0 u .+ nil; symbolic procedure simppartdf u; !*pf2sq partitpartdf u; symbolic procedure mknatvec u; begin scalar x,y; return if x := atsoc(u,naturalvector2framevector) then !*pfsq2pf cdr x else if x := opmtch(y := list('partdf,u)) then partitop x else mkupf y end; symbolic procedure partdfsq(u,v); multsq(addsq(partdff(numr u,v), multsq(u,partdff(negf denr u,v))), 1 ./ denr u); symbolic procedure partdff(u,v); if domainp u then nil ./ 1 else addsq(if null !*product!-rule then partdft(lt u,v) else addsq(multpq(lpow u,partdff(lc u,v)), multsq(partdfpow(lpow u,v),lc u ./ 1)), partdff(red u,v)); symbolic procedure partdft(u,v); begin scalar x,y; x := partdft1(!*t2q u,v); y := nil ./ 1; for each j on x do if null domainp ldpf j then y := addsq(multsq(if domainp lc ldpf j then multsq(partdfpow(lpow ldpf j,v), lc ldpf j ./ 1) else mksq(list('partdf,prepf ldpf j,v),1), lc j),y); return y end; symbolic procedure partdft1(u,v); (if null x then nil else if domainp x then 1 .* u .+ nil else addpsf(if sfp mvar x and numr partdfpow(lpow mvar x,v) then multpsf(exptpsf(partdft1(mvar u ./ 1,v), ldeg x), partdft1(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)) else if null sfp mvar x and numr partdfpow(lpow x,v) then multpsf(!*p2f lpow x .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil, partdft1(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)) else multsqpsf(!*p2q lpow x, partdft1(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)), partdft1(cancel(red x ./ y),v))) where x = numr u, y = denr u; symbolic procedure partdfpow(u,v); begin scalar x,z; integer n; n := cdr u; u := car u; z := nil ./ 1; if u eq v then z := 1 ./ 1 else if atomf u then if x := assoc(u,keepl!*) then begin scalar alglist!*; z := partdfsq(simp0 cdr x,v) end else if ndepends(if x := get(lid u,'varlist) then lid u . cdr x else lid u,v) then z := mksq(list('partdf,u,v),1) else return nil ./ 1 else if sfp u then z := partdff(u,v) else if car u eq '!*sq then z := partdfsq(cadr u,v) else if x := get(car u,'dfn) then for each j in for each k in cdr u collect partdfsq(simp k,v) do <<if numr j then z := addsq(multsq(j,simp subla(pair(caar x,cdr u),cdar x)), z); x := cdr x>> else if car u eq 'partdf then if ndepends(lid cadr u,v) then if assoc(list('partdf,cadr u,v), get('partdf,'kvalue)) then <<z := mksq(list('partdf,cadr u,v),1); for each j in cddr u do z := partdfsq(z,j)>> else <<z := 'partdf . cadr u . ordn(v . cddr u); z := if x := opmtch z then simp x else mksq(z,1)>> else return nil ./ 1; if x := atsoc(u,wtl!*) then z := multpq('k!* to (-cdr x),z); return if n=1 then z else multsq(!*t2q((u to (n-1)) .* n),z) end; symbolic procedure ndepends(u,v); if null u or numberp u or numberp v then nil else if u=v then u else if atom u and u memq frlis!* then t else if (lambda x; x and lndepends(cdr x,v)) assoc(u,depl!*) then t else if not atom u and idp car u and get(car u,'dname) then nil else if not atomf u and (lndepends(cdr u,v) or ndepends(car u,v)) then t else if atomf v or idp car v and get(car v,'dname) then nil else ndependsl(u,cdr v); symbolic procedure lndepends(u,v); u and (ndepends(car u,v) or lndepends(cdr u,v)); symbolic procedure ndependsl(u,v); u and (ndepends(u,car v) or ndependsl(u,cdr v)); symbolic procedure partdfprn u; if null !*nat then <<prin2!* '!@; prin2!* "("; if cddr u then inprint('!*comma!*,0,cdr u) else maprin cadr u; prin2!* ")" >> else begin scalar y; integer l; l := flatsizec flatindxl cdr u+1; if l>(linelength nil-spare!*)-posn!* then terpri!* t; %avoids breaking of the operator over a line; y := ycoord!*; prin2!* '!@; ycoord!* := y - if (null cddr u and indexvp cadr u) or (cddr u and indexvp caddr u) then 2 else 1; if ycoord!*<ymin!* then ymin!* := ycoord!*; if null cddr u then <<maprin cadr u; ycoord!* := y>> else <<for each j on cddr u do <<maprin car j; if cdr j then prin2!* " ">>; ycoord!* := y; if atom cadr u then prin2!* cadr u else <<prin2!* "("; maprin cadr u; prin2!* ")">>>> end; put('partdf,'prifn,'partdfprn); symbolic procedure indexvp u; null atom u and flagp(car u,'indexvar); endmodule; module partitsf; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; fluid '(alglist!* !*exp); symbolic procedure partitop u; begin scalar x,alglist!*; return if atom u then if x := get(u,'avalue) then partitsq!* simp!* cadr x else if get!*fdeg u then mkupf u else if numr(x := simp!* u) then 1 .* x .+ nil else nil else if x := get(car u,'partitfn) then if flagp(car u,'full) then apply1(x,u) else apply1(x,cdr u) else if car u eq '!*sq then partitsq!* simp!* u else if car u eq 'plus then <<for each j in cdr u do x := addpf(partitop j,x); x>> else if car u eq 'minus then negpf partitop cadr u else if car u eq 'difference then addpf(partitop cadr u, negpf partitop caddr u) else if car u eq 'times then <<x := partitop cadr u; for each j in cddr u do x := multpfs(partitop j,x); x>> else if car u eq 'quotient then multpfsq(partitop cadr u,simprecip cddr u) else if car u eq 'recip then 1 .* simprecip cdr u .+ nil else if numr(x := simp!* u) then 1 .* x .+ nil else nil end; symbolic procedure mkupf u; begin scalar x; x := mksq(u,1); return if null numr x then nil else if (denr x = 1) and (lc numr x = 1) and null red numr x and null sfp mvar numr x then !*k2pf mvar numr x else partitsq!* x end; symbolic procedure partitsq(u,v); %U is a standardquotient. Result is a form in which expressions %satisfying the test v are distributed and the rest is kept %recursive. Leaves unexpanded structure if possible; (if null x then nil else if domainp x then 1 .* u .+ nil else addpsf(if sfp mvar x and apply1(v,mvar x) then multpsf(exptpsf(partitsq(mvar x ./ 1,v), ldeg x), partitsq(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)) else if null sfp mvar x and apply1(v,!*k2f mvar x) then multpsf(!*p2f lpow x .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil, partitsq(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)) else multsqpsf(!*p2q lpow x, partitsq(cancel(lc x ./ y),v)), partitsq(cancel(red x ./ y),v))) where x = numr u, y = denr u; symbolic procedure exptpsf(u,n); begin scalar x; x := u; while (n := n-1) > 0 do x := multpsf(u,x); return x end; symbolic procedure exptpf(u,n); begin scalar x; x := u; while (n := n-1) > 0 do x := multpfs(u,x); return x end; symbolic procedure addpsf(u,v); if null u then v else if null v then u else if domainp ldpf u then addmpsf(u,v) else if domainp ldpf v then addmpsf(v,u) else if ldpf u = ldpf v then (lambda x,y; if null numr x then y else ldpf u .* x .+ y) (addsq(lc u,lc v),addpsf(red u,red v)) else if ordpp(lpow ldpf u,lpow ldpf v) then lt u .+ addpsf(red u,v) else lt v .+ addpsf(u,red v); symbolic procedure addpf(u,v); if null u then v else if null v then u else if ldpf u = 1 then addmpf(u,v) else if ldpf v = 1 then addmpf(v,u) else if ldpf u = ldpf v then (lambda x,y; if null numr x then y else ldpf u .* x .+ y) (addsq(lc u,lc v),addpf(red u,red v)) else if ordop(ldpf u,ldpf v) then lt u .+ addpf(red u,v) else lt v .+ addpf(u,red v); symbolic procedure addmpf(u,v); if null v then u else if ldpf v = 1 then 1 .* addsq(lc u,lc v) .+ nil else lt v .+ addmpf(u,red v); symbolic procedure addmpsf(u,v); if null v then u else if domainp ldpf v then 1 .* addsq(multsq(ldpf u ./ 1,lc u), multsq(ldpf v ./ 1,lc v)) .+ nil else lt v .+ addmpsf(u,red v); symbolic procedure multpsf(u,v); if null u or null v then nil else addpsf(addpsf(multtpsf(lt u,lt v),multpsf(red u,v)), multpsf(!*t2f lt u,red v)); symbolic procedure multpfs(u,v); if null u or null v then nil else if ldpf u = 1 then multpfsq(v,lc u) else if ldpf v = 1 then multpfsq(u,lc v) else addpf(addpf(multttpf(lt u,lt v),multpfs(red u,v)), multpfs(lt u .+ nil,red v)); symbolic procedure multttpf(u,v); if car u = 1 then car v .* multsq(tc u,tc v) .+ nil else if car v = 1 then car u .* multsq(tc u,tc v) .+ nil else rerror(excalc,10,"Illegal factor in pf"); symbolic procedure multpfsq(u,v); if null u or null numr v then nil else ldpf u .* multsq(lc u,v) .+ multpfsq(red u,v); symbolic procedure multtpsf(u,v); begin scalar x,xexp; xexp := !*exp; !*exp := t; x := if car u = 1 then car v else if car v = 1 then car u else multf(tpsf u,tpsf v); !*exp := xexp; return multsqpsf(multsq(tc u,tc v),x .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil) end; symbolic procedure multsqpsf(u,v); if null numr u or null v then nil else ldpf v .* multsq(u,lc v) .+ multsqpsf(u,red v); symbolic procedure repartit u; if null u then nil else addpf(multpfsq(partitop ldpf u,lc u),repartit red u); symbolic procedure partitsq!* u; %U is a standardquotient. Partitfunction for *sq's. %Leaves unexpanded structure if possible; (if null x then nil else if domainp x then 1 .* u .+ nil else addpf(if sfp mvar x and sfexform1p lt mvar x then multpfsq(exptpf(partitsq!*(mvar x ./ 1), ldeg x), cancel(lc x ./ y)) else if null sfp mvar x and deg!*form mvar x then mvar x .* cancel(lc x ./ y) .+ nil else multpfsq(partitsq!*(lc x ./ y), !*p2q lpow x), partitsq!*(red x ./ y))) where x = numr u, y = denr u; symbolic procedure sfexform1p u; (if sfp tvar u then sfexform1p lt tvar u else deg!*form tvar u) or (null domainp tc u and sfexform1p lt tc u); symbolic procedure !*pf2sq u; begin scalar res; res := nil ./ 1; if null u then return res; for each j on u do res := addsq(multsq(if ldpf j = 1 then 1 ./ 1 else !*k2q ldpf j,lc j),res); return res end; symbolic procedure mk!*sqpf u; if null u then nil else ldpf u .* mk!*sq lc u .+ mk!*sqpf red u; symbolic procedure !*pfsq2pf u; if null u then nil else (lambda x; if numr x then ldpf u .* x .+ !*pfsq2pf red u else !*pfsq2pf red u) simp!* lc u; endmodule; module vardf; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer. fluid '(depl!* kord!*); global '(keepl!* bndeq!*); symbolic procedure simpvardf u; if indvarpf numr simp0 cadr u then mksq('vardf . u,1) else begin scalar b,r,v,w,x,y,z; v := !*a2k cadr u; if null cddr u then w := intern compress append(explode '!', explode if atom v then v else car v) else w := caddr u; if null atom v then w := w . cdr v; putform(w,prepf deg!*form v); kord!* := append(list(w := !*a2k w),kord!*); if x := assoc(v,depl!*) then for each j in cdr x do depend1(w,j,t); x := varysq(simp!* car u,v,w); b := y := nil ./ 1; while x do if (z := mvar ldpf x) eq w then <<y := addsq(lc x,y); x := red x>> else if eqcar(z,'wedge) then if cadr z eq w then <<y := addsq(multsq(!*k2q('wedge . cddr z), lc x),y); x := red x>> else if eqcar(cadr z,'d) then <<y := addsq(simp list('wedge,list('d, list('times,'wedge . cddr z, prepsq lc x))),y); b := addsq(multsq(!*k2q('wedge . w . cddr z),lc x), b); x := red x>> else rerror(excalc,11,list("Wrong ordering ",z)) else if eqcar(z,'partdf) then <<r := reval list('innerprod, list('partdf,caddr z), prepsq lc x); x := addpsf((if cdddr z then !*k2f('partdf . w . cdddr z) else !*k2f w) .* negsq simp list('d,r) .+ nil,red x); b := addsq(multsq(if cdddr z then !*k2q('partdf . w . cdddr z) else !*k2q w,simp r),b)>> else << b := addsq(multsq(simp cadr z,lc x),b); x := red x>>; kord!* := cdr kord!*; bndeq!* := mk!*sq b; return y end; put('vardf,'simpfn,'simpvardf); put('vardf,'rtypefn,'getrtypeor); put('vardf,'partitfn,'partitvardf); symbolic procedure partitvardf u; partitsq!* simpvardf u; symbolic procedure varysq(u,v,w); multpsf(addpsf(varyf(numr u,v,w), multpsf(1 .* u .+ nil,varyf(negf denr u,v,w))), 1 .* (1 ./ denr u) .+ nil); symbolic procedure varyf(u,v,w); if domainp u then nil else addpsf(addpsf(multpsf(1 .* !*p2q lpow u .+ nil, varyf(lc u,v,w)), multpsf(varyp(lpow u,v,w), 1 .* (lc u ./ 1) .+ nil)), varyf(red u,v,w)); symbolic procedure varyp(u,v,w); begin scalar x,z; integer n; n := cdr u; u := car u; if u eq v then z := !*k2f w .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil else if atomf u then if x := assoc(u,keepl!*) then begin scalar alglist!*; z := varysq(simp0 cdr x,v,w) end else if null atom u and null atom v then if u=v then !*k2f w .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil else nil else if null atom v then nil else if depends(u,v) then z := !*k2f w .* simp list('partdf,u,v) .+ nil else nil else if sfp u then z := varyf(u,v,w) else if car u eq '!*sq then z := varysq(cadr u,v,w) else if x := get(car u,'dfn) then for each j in for each k in cdr u collect varysq(simp k,v,w) do <<if j then z := addpsf(multpsf(j,1 .* simp subla(pair(caar x,cdr u),cdar x) .+ nil),z); x := cdr x>> else if x := get(car u,'varyfn) then z := apply3(x,cdr u,v,w) else if ndepends(u,v) then z := !*k2f w .* simp list('partdf,u,v) .+ nil else nil; return if n=1 then z else multpsf(1 .* !*t2q((u to (n-1)) .* n) .+ nil,z) end; symbolic procedure varywedge(u,v,w); begin scalar x,y,z; x := list 'wedge; for each j on u do <<y := varysq(simp car j,v,w); if y then z := addpsf(if deg!*form w then !*a2f append(x,prepf ldpf y . cdr j) .* lc y .+ nil else ldpf y .* multsq(1 ./ denr lc y,simp append(x,prepf numr lc y . cdr j)) .+ nil,z); x := append(x,list car j)>>; return z end; put('wedge,'varyfn,'varywedge); symbolic procedure varyexdf(u,v,w); begin scalar x; for each j on varysq(simp car u,v,w) do if j then x := addpsf(!*a2f list('d,mvar ldpf j) .* lc j .+ nil,x); return x end; put('d,'varyfn,'varyexdf); symbolic procedure varyhodge(u,v,w); begin scalar x; for each j on varysq(simp car u,v,w) do if j then x := addpsf(!*a2f list('hodge,mvar ldpf j) .* lc j .+ nil,x); return x end; put('hodge,'varyfn,'varyhodge); symbolic procedure varypartdf(u,v,w); begin scalar x; for each j on varysq(simp car u,v,w) do if j then x := addpsf(!*a2f('partdf . mvar ldpf j . cdr u) .* lc j .+ nil, x); return x end; put('partdf,'varyfn,'varypartdf); symbolic procedure simpnoether u; if indvarpf numr simp0 caddr u then mksq('noether . u,1) else begin scalar x,y; simpvardf list(car u,cadr u); x := simp!* bndeq!*; y := intern compress append(explode '!', explode if atom cadr u then cadr u else caadr u); if null atom cadr u then y := y . cdadr u; y := list(y . list('liedf,caddr u,cadr u)); return addsq(multsq(subf(numr x,y),1 ./ denr x), negsq simp list('innerprod,caddr u,car u)) end; put('noether,'simpfn,'simpnoether); symbolic procedure noetherind u; caddr u; put('noether,'indexfun,'noetherind); put('noether,'rtypefn,'getrtypeor); endmodule; module vecanalys; %author: Eberhard Schruefer; symbolic procedure basis u; cofram(for each j in u collect cdr j,nil); rlistat '(basis); symbolic procedure simpgrad u; simp!*('d . u); put('grad,'simpfn,'simpgrad); symbolic procedure simpcurl u; simp!* list('hodge,'d . u); put('curl,'simpfn,'simpcurl); symbolic procedure simpdiv u; simp!* list('hodge,list('d,'hodge . u)); put('div,'simpfn,'simpdiv); newtok '((!. !* !.) crossprod); infix crossprod; symbolic procedure simpcrossprod u; simp!* list('hodge,'wedge . u); put('crossprod,'simpfn,'simpcrossprod); symbolic procedure simpdotprod u; simp!* list('hodge,list('wedge,car u,list('hodge,cadr u))); put('cons,'simpfn,'simpdotprod); symbolic procedure hodge3dpri u; %converts the form notation to vector notation for output; if caar u eq 'd then if eqcar(cadar u,'hodge) then maprin('div . cdadar u) else maprin('curl . cdar u) else if caar u eq 'wedge then if eqcar(cadar u,'hodge) then inprint('cons,0,cdadar u) else inprint('crossprod,0,cdar u); endmodule; module wedge; % Author: Eberhard Schruefer; global '(dimex!* lftshft!* wedgemtch!*); newtok '((!^) wedge); flag('(wedge),'nary); infix wedge; precedence wedge,times; smacro procedure wedgeordp(u,v); worderp(u,v); put('wedge,'simpfn,'simpwedge); put('wedge,'rtypefn,'getrtypeor); put('wedge,'partitfn,'partitwedge); symbolic procedure partitwedge u; if null cdr u then partitop car u else mkuniquewedge xpndwedge u; symbolic procedure oddp m; fixp m and remainder(m,2)=1; symbolic procedure mksgnsq u; if null (u := evenfree u) then 1 ./ 1 else if u = 1 then (-1) ./ 1 else simpexpt list(-1,mk!*sq(u ./ 1)); symbolic procedure evenfree u; if null u then nil else if numberp u then absf cdr qremd(u,2) else addf(absf cdr qremd(!*t2f lt u,2),evenfree red u); symbolic procedure mkwedge u; !*k2pf u; symbolic procedure wedgemtch u; begin scalar x,y,z; y := u; a: x := car y . x; if z := assoc(reverse x,wedgemtch!*) then return if cdr z then if cdr y then 'wedge . append(cdr z,cdr y) else cdr z else 0; y := cdr y; if y then go to a else return nil end; symbolic procedure simpwedge u; !*pf2sq partitwedge u; symbolic procedure xpndwedge u; if null cdr u then mkunarywedge partitop car u else wedgepf2(partitop car u,xpndwedge cdr u); symbolic procedure mkunarywedge u; if null u then nil else list ldpf u .* lc u .+ mkunarywedge red u; symbolic procedure mkuniquewedge u; if null u then nil else addpf(multpfsq(mkuniquewedge1 ldpf u,lc u), mkuniquewedge red u); symbolic procedure mkuniquewedge1 u; if null cdr u then mkupf car u else begin scalar x; return if wedgemtch!* and (x := wedgemtch u) then partitop x else mkupf('wedge . u) end; symbolic procedure wedgepf2(u,v); %Basic binary exterior product routine. %v is an exterior product (without wedge tag), u a form. if null u or null v then nil else addpf(wedget2(lt u,lt v), addpf(wedgepf2(lt u .+ nil,red v),wedgepf2(red u,v))); smacro procedure multwedgesq(u,v); %possible entry for lazy multiplication. multsq(u,v); symbolic procedure wedget2(u,v); if car u = 1 then car v .* multsq(cdr u,cdr v) .+ nil else if caar v = 1 then list car u .* multsq(cdr u,cdr v) .+ nil else multpfsq(wedgek2(car u,car v,nil),multwedgesq(tc u,tc v)); symbolic procedure wedgek2(u,v,w); if u eq car v and null eqcar(u,'wedge) then if oddp deg!*form u then nil else multpfsq(wedgef(u . v),mksgnsq w) else if eqcar(car v,'wedge) then wedgek2(u,cdar v,w) else if eqcar(u,'wedge) then multpfsq(wedgewedge(cdr u,v),mksgnsq w) else if wedgeordp(u,car v) then multpfsq(wedgef(u . v),mksgnsq w) else if cdr v then wedgepf2(!*k2pf car v, wedgek2(u,cdr v,addf(w,multf(deg!*form u, deg!*form car v)))) else multpfsq(wedgef list(car v,u), mksgnsq addf(w,multf(deg!*form u,deg!*form car v))); symbolic procedure wedgewedge(u,v); if null cdr u then wedgepf2(!*k2pf car u,!*k2pf v) else wedgepf2(!*k2pf car u,wedgewedge(cdr u,v)); symbolic procedure wedgef u; if dim!<deg u then nil else if eqcar(car u,'hodge) then (if m = deg!*farg cdr u then multpfsq(wedgepf2(!*k2pf cadar u, mkunarywedge hodgepf if cddr u then mkuniquewedge1 cdr u else !*k2pf cadr u), mksgnsq multf(m,addf(m,negf dimex!*))) else mkwedge u) where m = deg!*form cadar u else if eqcar(car u,'d) and (flagp('d,'noxpnd) or lftshftp cadar u) then addpf(mkunarywedge dwedge(cadar u . cdr u), multpfsq(wedgepf2(!*k2pf cadar u, mkunarywedge if cddr u then dwedge cdr u else exdfk cadr u), negsq mksgnsq deg!*form cadar u)) else mkwedge u; endmodule; end;