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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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% GeoProver | Version 1.3a | Jan 20 2003 % Author: H.-G. Graebe, Univ. Leipzig, Germany % module geoprover; comment GeoProver inline part. Version 1.3 Data structures: Point A :== {a1,a2} <=> A=(a1,a2) Line a :== {a1,a2,a3} <=> a1*x+a2*y+a3 = 0 Circle c :== {c0,c1,c2,c3} <=> c0*(x^2+y^2)+c1*x+c2*y+c3 = 0 end comment; put ('geoprover,'name," GeoProver ")$ put ('geoprover,'version," 1.3a ")$ put ('geoprover,'date," December 30, 2002")$ algebraic(write(" Geoprover ", get('geoprover,'version), " Last update ",get('geoprover,'date))); % ============= Handling non degeneracy conditions =============== algebraic procedure clear_ndg; !*ndg!*:={}; algebraic procedure print_ndg; !*ndg!*; algebraic procedure add_ndg(d); if not member(d,!*ndg!*) then !*ndg!*:=d . !*ndg!*; clear_ndg(); % Initialization % ================= elementary geometric constructions =============== % Generators: algebraic procedure is_equal(a,b); a-b; %algebraic procedure Normal(a); a; algebraic procedure Point(a,b); {a,b}; algebraic procedure Line(a,b,c); reduce_coords({a,b,c}); algebraic procedure par_point(a,b,c); Point(part(a,1)-part(b,1)+part(c,1), part(a,2)-part(b,2)+part(c,2)); algebraic procedure pp_line(a,b); % The line through A and B. Line(part(b,2)-part(a,2),part(a,1)-part(b,1), part(a,2)*part(b,1)-part(a,1)*part(b,2)); algebraic procedure intersection_point(a,b); % The intersection point of the lines a,b. begin scalar d,d1,d2; d:=part(a,1)*part(b,2)-part(b,1)*part(a,2); d1:=part(a,3)*part(b,2)-part(b,3)*part(a,2); d2:=part(a,1)*part(b,3)-part(b,1)*part(a,3); if d=0 then rederr"Lines are parallel"; add_ndg(num d); return Point(-d1/d,-d2/d); end; algebraic procedure ortho_line(p,a); % The line through P orthogonal to the line a. begin scalar u,v; u:=first a; v:=second a; return Line(v,-u,u*second p-v*first p); end; algebraic procedure par_line(p,a); % The parallel to line a through P. Line(part(a,1),part(a,2), -(part(a,1)*part(p,1)+part(a,2) *part(p,2))); algebraic procedure varpoint(b,a,l); % The point D=l*A+(1-l)*B. Point(l*part(a,1)+(1-l)*part(b,1),l*part(a,2)+(1-l)*part(b,2)); algebraic procedure line_slider(a,u); % Slider on the line a using parameter u. begin scalar p,d; if part(a,2)=0 then << p:=Point(-part(a,3)/part(a,1),u); d:=part(a,1); >> else << p:=Point(u,-(part(a,3)+part(a,1)*u)/part(a,2)); d:=part(a,2); >>; add_ndg(num d); return p; end; algebraic procedure circle_slider(M,A,u); % Slider on the circle with center M and circumfere point A using % parameter u. begin scalar a1,a2,m1,m2,d; a1:=part(A,1); a2:=part(A,2); d:= u^2 + 1; m1:=part(M,1); m2:=part(M,2); add_ndg(num d); return Point((a1*(u^2-1) + 2*m1 + 2*(m2-a2)*u)/d, (a2 + 2*(m1-a1)*u + (2*m2-a2)*u^2)/d); end; algebraic procedure sqrdist(a,b); % The square of the distance between the points A and B. (part(b,1)-part(a,1))^2+(part(b,2)-part(a,2))^2; % ================= elementary geometric properties =============== algebraic procedure is_collinear(a,b,c); % A,B,C are on a common line. det mat((part(a,1),part(a,2),1), (part(b,1),part(b,2),1), (part(c,1),part(c,2),1)); algebraic procedure is_concurrent(a,b,c); % Lines a,b,c have a common point. det mat((part(a,1),part(a,2),part(a,3)), (part(b,1),part(b,2),part(b,3)), (part(c,1),part(c,2),part(c,3))); algebraic procedure is_parallel(a,b); % 0 <=> the lines a,b are parallel. part(a,1)*part(b,2)-part(b,1)*part(a,2); algebraic procedure is_orthogonal(a,b); % 0 <=> the lines a,b are orthogonal. part(a,1)*part(b,1)+part(a,2)*part(b,2); algebraic procedure on_line(p,a); % Substitute point P into the line a. part(p,1)*part(a,1)+part(p,2)*part(a,2)+part(a,3); algebraic procedure eq_dist(a,b,c,d); sqrdist(a,b)-sqrdist(c,d); % ######################################### % # # % # Non linear geometric objects # % # # % ######################################### % ===================== angles algebraic procedure l2_angle(a,b); % tan of the angle between the lines a and b. begin scalar d; d:=(part(a,1)*part(b,1)+part(a,2)*part(b,2)); add_ndg(num(d)); return (part(a,2)*part(b,1)-part(b,2)*part(a,1))/d; end; algebraic procedure angle_sum(a,b); % a=tan(\alpha), b=tan(\beta). Returns tan(\alpha+\beta) begin scalar d; d:=(1-a*b); add_ndg(num d); return (a+b)/d; end; algebraic procedure eq_angle(a,b,c,d,e,f); p3_angle(a,b,c)-p3_angle(d,e,f); algebraic procedure on_bisector(P,A,B,C); % P is a point on the bisector of the angle ABC. % Returns num(u)*den(v)-num(v)*den(u) with % u:=angle(pp_line(A,B),pp_line(P,B)) % v:=angle(pp_line(P,B),pp_line(C,B)) begin scalar a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,p1,p2; a1:=part(A,1); a2:=part(A,2); b1:=part(b,1); b2:=part(b,2); c1:=part(c,1); c2:=part(c,2); p1:=part(p,1); p2:=part(p,2); return ( - a1*b2 + a1*p2 + a2*b1 - a2*p1 - b1*p2 + b2*p1)*(b1^2 - b1*c1 - b1*p1 + b2^2 - b2*c2 - b2*p2 + c1*p1 + c2*p2) - (a1*b1 - a1*p1 + a2*b2 - a2*p2 - b1^2 + b1*p1 - b2^2 + b2*p2)*(b1*c2 - b1*p2 - b2*c1 + b2*p1 + c1*p2 - c2*p1) end; algebraic procedure rotate(C, A, angle); begin scalar ac1,ac2; ac1:=part(A,1)-part(C,1); ac2:=part(A,2)-part(C,2); return Point(part(C,1)+ac1*cos(angle*pi)-ac2*sin(angle*pi), part(C,2)+ac1*sin(angle*pi)+ac2*cos(angle*pi)); end; % ========== symmetric lines and points algebraic procedure sym_line(a,l); % The line symmetric to a wrt. the line l. begin scalar a1,a2,a3,l1,l2,l3,u; a1:=part(a,1); a2:=part(a,2); a3:=part(a,3); l1:=part(l,1); l2:=part(l,2); l3:=part(l,3); u:=l1^2 - l2^2; return Line(- a1*u - 2*a2*l1*l2, - 2*a1*l1*l2 + a2*u, - 2*(a1*l1 + a2*l2)*l3 + a3*(l1^2 + l2^2)); end; % ===================== circles algebraic procedure Circle(c1,c2,c3,c4); reduce_coords({c1,c2,c3,c4}); algebraic procedure pc_circle(M,A); % Circle with center M and Point A on circumference. Circle(1, -2*part(M,1), -2*part(M,2), part(A,1)*(2*part(M,1)-part(A,1)) + part(A,2)*(2*part(M,2)-part(A,2))); algebraic procedure circle_center c; % The center of the circle c. begin add_ndg(num part(c,1)); return Point(-part(c,2)/2/part(c,1) ,-part(c,3)/(2*part(c,1))); end; algebraic procedure circle_sqradius c; % The squared radius of the circle c. begin add_ndg(num part(c,1)); return ((part(c,2)^2+part(c,3)^2) - 4*part(c,4)*part(c,1)) / (2*part(c,1))^2; end; algebraic procedure p3_circle(A,B,C); % The circle through three given points begin scalar a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3; a1:=part(A,1); a2:=part(A,2); a3:=a1^2+a2^2; b1:=part(b,1); b2:=part(b,2); b3:=b1^2+b2^2; c1:=part(c,1); c2:=part(c,2); c3:=c1^2+c2^2; return Circle(a1*(b2-c2) + (a2-b2)*c1 + b1*(c2-a2), a3*(c2-b2) + (a2-c2)*b3 + (b2-a2)*c3, a3*(b1-c1) + (c1-a1)*b3 + (a1-b1)*c3, a3*(b2*c1-b1*c2) + (a1*c2-a2*c1)*b3 + (a2*b1-a1*b2)*c3) end; algebraic procedure on_circle(P,c); begin scalar p1,p2; p1:=part(P,1); p2:=part(P,2); return part(c,1)*(p1^2+p2^2)+part(c,2)*p1+part(c,3)*p2+part(c,4); end; % Intersecting with circles algebraic procedure other_cl_point(P,c,l); % circle c and line l intersect at P. The procedure returns their % second intersection point. if on_line(P,l) neq 0 then rederr "Point not on the line" else if on_circle(P,c) neq 0 then rederr "Point not on the circle" else begin scalar c1,c2,c3,l1,l2,d,d1,p1,p2; c1:=part(c,1); c2:=part(c,2); c3:=part(c,3); l1:=part(l,1); l2:=part(l,2); p1:=part(P,1); p2:=part(P,2); d:=c1*(l1^2 + l2^2); add_ndg(num d); d1:=c1*(l1^2-l2^2); return {(d1*p1+((2*c1*p2 + c3)*l1-c2*l2)*l2)/d, (- d1*p2+((2*c1*p1 + c2)*l2-c3*l1)*l1)/d}; end; algebraic procedure radical_axis(c1,c2); % Radical axis of the circles c1 and c2, i.e. the line through the % intersection points of the two circles if they intersect. for i:=2:4 collect (part(c1,1)*part(c2,i)-part(c1,i)*part(c2,1)); algebraic procedure other_cc_point(P,c1,c2); % Circles c1 and c2 intersect at P. The procedure returns their % second intersection point. other_cl_point(P,c1,radical_axis(c1,c2)); algebraic procedure is_cl_tangent(c,l); % Line l is tangent to the circle c. begin scalar c1,c2,c3,c4,l1,l2,l3; c1:=part(c,1); c2:=part(c,2); c3:=part(c,3); c4:=part(c,4); l1:=part(l,1); l2:=part(l,2); l3:=part(l,3); return - 4*c1^2*l3^2 + 4*c1*c2*l1*l3 + 4*c1*c3*l2*l3 - 4*c1*c4*l1^2 - 4*c1*c4*l2^2 + c2^2*l2^2 - 2*c2*c3*l1*l2 + c3^2*l1^2 end; algebraic procedure is_cc_tangent(c,d); % Two circles c,d are tangent. begin scalar c1,c2,c3,c4,d1,d2,d3,d4; c1:=part(c,1); c2:=part(c,2); c3:=part(c,3); c4:=part(c,4); d1:=part(d,1); d2:=part(d,2); d3:=part(d,3); d4:=part(d,4); return 4*c1^2*d4^2 - 4*c1*c2*d2*d4 - 4*c1*c3*d3*d4 - 8*c1*c4*d1*d4 + 4*c1*c4*d2^2 + 4*c1*c4*d3^2 + 4*c2^2*d1*d4 - c2^2*d3^2 + 2*c2*c3*d2*d3 - 4*c2*c4*d1*d2 + 4*c3^2*d1*d4 - c3^2*d2^2 - 4*c3*c4*d1*d3 + 4*c4^2*d1^2 end; % ============= some additional tools =============== symbolic operator list2mat; symbolic procedure list2mat u; 'mat. for each x in cdr reval u collect cdr x; algebraic procedure extractmat(polys,vars); % extract the coefficient matrix from the linear system polys. begin if length polys neq length vars then rederr"Number of variables doesn't match"; for each p in polys do for each x in vars do if deg(p,x)>1 then rederr"Equations not of linear type"; return list2mat for each x in vars collect for each p in polys collect coeffn(p,x,1); end; algebraic procedure reduce_coords u; % Divide out the content of homogeneous coordinates. begin scalar l,g; l:=den first u; g:=num first u; for each x in rest u do <<l:=lcm(l,den x); g:=gcd(g,num x) >>; add_ndg(g); return for each x in u collect (x*l/g); end; % ================ new algebraic procedure circle_inverse(M,R,P); % compute the inverse of P wrt. the circle pc_circle(M,R) begin scalar m1,m2,r1,r2,p1,p2,d; m1:=part(M,1); m2:=part(M,2); r1:=part(R,1); r2:=part(R,2); p1:=part(P,1); p2:=part(P,2); d:=(m1-p1)^2+(m2-p2)^2; add_ndg(d); return ((m1-p1)^2+(m2-p2)^2+(m1-r1)^2+(m2-r2)^2)/d; end; % GeoProver code generated from database algebraic procedure altitude(A__,B__,C__); ortho_line(A__,pp_line(B__,C__)); algebraic procedure centroid(A__,B__,C__); intersection_point(median(A__,B__,C__),median(B__,C__,A__)); algebraic procedure circumcenter(A__,B__,C__); intersection_point(p_bisector(A__,B__), p_bisector(B__,C__)); algebraic procedure csym_point(P__,Q__); varpoint(Q__,P__,-1); algebraic procedure fixedpoint(A__,B__,u_); varpoint(A__,B__,u_); algebraic procedure is_concyclic(A__,B__,C__,D__); on_circle(D__,p3_circle(A__,B__,C__)); algebraic procedure median(A__,B__,C__); pp_line(A__,midpoint(B__,C__)); algebraic procedure midpoint(A__,B__); fixedpoint(A__,B__,1/2); algebraic procedure orthocenter(A__,B__,C__); intersection_point(altitude(A__,B__,C__),altitude(B__,C__,A__)); algebraic procedure other_incenter(M__,A__,B__); intersection_point(ortho_line(A__,pp_line(M__,A__)), ortho_line(B__,pp_line(M__,B__))); algebraic procedure p3_angle(A__,B__,C__); l2_angle(pp_line(B__,A__),pp_line(B__,C__)); algebraic procedure p9_center(A__,B__,C__); circle_center(p9_circle(A__,B__,C__)); algebraic procedure p9_circle(A__,B__,C__); p3_circle(midpoint(A__,B__),midpoint(A__,C__),midpoint(B__,C__)); algebraic procedure p_bisector(B__,C__); ortho_line(midpoint(B__,C__),pp_line(B__,C__)); algebraic procedure pappus_line(A__,B__,C__,D__,E__,F__); pp_line(intersection_point(pp_line(A__,E__),pp_line(B__,D__)), intersection_point(pp_line(A__,F__),pp_line(C__,D__))); algebraic procedure pedalpoint(P__,a_); intersection_point(ortho_line(P__,a_),a_); algebraic procedure sqrdist_pl(A__,l_); sqrdist(A__,pedalpoint(A__,l_)); algebraic procedure sym_point(P__,l_); fixedpoint(P__,pedalpoint(P__,l_),2); algebraic procedure triangle_area(A__,B__,C__); 1/2*is_collinear(A__,B__,C__); endmodule; % GeoProver end;