Artifact 1f91e400578d4724462949c7d27ffb505054541ad8d732c2b69b68f18389bde3:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-04-21 19:40:01
on branch master
— Add Reduce 3.0 to the historical section of the archive, and some more
files relating to version sof PSL from the early 1980s. Thanks are due to
Paul McJones and Nelson Beebe for these, as well as to all the original
authors.git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 1484) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
% NEW-TIME.SL Driver of PSL "spectral" tests % After loading psl-timer.b, LAPIN this file (de test(x y) (prin2 x) (setq y (timeeval y)) (print y) (setq Cases!* (cons (cons x y) Cases!*)) 0) (de rtest(x y) (reclaim) (test x y)) (de printcases (fil) (wrs (open fil 'output)) (setq c (reverse Cases!*)) (prin2t "(") (while (pairp c) (print (car c)) (setq c (cdr c))) (prin2t ")") (close (wrs NIL)) ) (TestSetup) (setq Cases!* (cons (cons (versionname) (date)) NIL)) (prin2 '!") (prin2 "PSL Spectral Tests, ") (prin2 (versionname)) (prin2 ", ") (prin2 (date)) (prin2t '!") (rtest "EmptyTest-10000 " '(EmptyTest 10000)) (test "GEmptyTest-10000 " '(SlowEmptyTest 10000)) (test "Cdr1Test-100 " '(Cdr1Test 100)) (test "Cdr2Test-100 " '(Cdr2Test 100)) (test "CddrTest-100 " '(CddrTest 100)) (test "ListOnlyCdrTest1 " '(ListOnlyCdrTest1)) (test "ListOnlyCddrTest1 " '(ListOnlyCddrTest1)) (test "ListOnlyCdrTest2 " '(ListOnlyCdrTest2)) (test "ListOnlyCddrTest2 " '(ListOnlyCddrTest2)) (test "ReverseTest-10 " '(ReverseTest 10)) (rtest "MyReverse1Test-10 " '(MyReverse1Test 10)) (rtest "MyReverse2Test-10 " '(MyReverse2Test 10)) (rtest "LengthTest-100 " '(LengthTest 100)) (test "ArithmeticTest-10000 " '(ArithmeticTest 10000)) (test "EvalTest-10000 " '(EvalTest 10000)) (test "tak-18-12-6 " '(topleveltak 18 12 6)) (test "gtak-18-12-6 " '(toplevelgtak 18 12 6)) (test "gtsta-g0 " '(gtsta 'g0)) (test "gtsta-g1 " '(gtsta 'g1))