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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 8604) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module bcoeff; % Computation of base coefficients. % Definitions of base coefficient operations for distributive % polynomial package. Fields and rings are supported as coefficient % domains. Side relations (computing modulo an ideal) are supported % if the list bczerodivl is non-zero. % % In this module, a standard quotient coefficient is assumed, unless % !*grmod!* is true, in which case it is a small modular number. %/*Authors: R. Gebauer, A. C. Hearn, H. Kredel*/ % H. Melenk: added routines for faster computation with % quotients representing integers. % June 94: Added side relations (zero divisor list) bczerodivl!*; % Nov 94: Using quotfx and quotientx for divison with known zero % remainder. fluid '(!*balanced_mod dmode!* bczerodivl!* % List of expressions (sf) equivalent to zero. !*bcsubs2 % check bc for substitutions. !*grmod!* % indicating small modular coefficients !*vdpinteger % if t: arithmetic restricted to ring mode. ); symbolic procedure bcint2op(a1,a2,op); null dmode!* and 1=denr a1 and numberp (a1:=numr a1) and 1=denr a2 and numberp (a2:=numr a2) and % (a1 := idapply(op,list(a1,a2))) and (a1 := apply2(op,a1,a2)) and ((if a1=0 then nil else a1) ./ 1); fluid '(!*nat); % symbolic procedure bcless!? (a1,a2); % /* Base coefficient less. a1 and a2 are base coefficients. % bcless!?(a1,a2) returns a boolean expression, true if % a1 is less than a2 else false. */ % minusf numr addsq(a1,negsq a2); % The following two could be smacros. However, they would then need to % be included in dipoly, thus destroying the modularity of the base % coefficient code. symbolic procedure bcminus!? u; % /* Boolean function. Returns true if u is a negative base coeff*/ null !*grmod!* and minusf numr u; symbolic procedure bczero!? u; % /* Returns a boolean expression, true if the base coefficient u is % zero*/ if !*grmod!* then eqn(u,0) else null numr u; %symbolic procedure bcxzero!? u; % extended zero test: check for zero divisors. % begin scalar l,d; % l:=bczerodivl!*; % u := numr u; % while not d and l do <<d:=quotf(u,car l);l:=cdr l>>; % return d; % end; % symbolic procedure bccomp (a1,a2); % /* Base coefficient compare a1 and a2 are base coefficients. % bccomp(a1,a2) compares the base coefficients a1 and a2 and returns % a digit 1 if a1 greater than a2, a digit 0 if a1 equals a2 else a % digit -1. */ % (if bczero!? sl then 0 % else if bcminus!? sl then -1 % else 1) % where sl = bcdif(a1, a2); symbolic procedure bcfd a; % /* Base coefficient from domain. a is a domain element. bcfd(a) % returns the base coefficient a. */ if null !*grmod!* then mkbc(a,1) else if fixp a then bcfi a else if not(car a eq '!:mod!:) then rederr list("Invalid modular coefficient",a) else bcfi cdr a; symbolic procedure bcfi a; % /* Base coefficient from integer. a is an integer. bcfi(a) % returns the base coefficient a. */ (if u<0 then if !*balanced_mod and u+u > - current!-modulus then u else u #+ current!-modulus else if !*balanced_mod and u+u > current!-modulus then u #- current!-modulus else u) where u=remainder(a,current!-modulus); symbolic procedure bcdomain!? u; % True if base coefficient u is a domain element. !*grmod!* or (denr u =1 and domainp numr u); symbolic procedure bclcmd(u,v); % Base coefficient least common multiple of denominators. % u and v are two base coefficients. bclcmd(u,v) calculates the % least common multiple of the denominator of u and the % denominator of v and returns a base coefficient of the form % 1/lcm(denom u,denom v). if bczero!? u then mkbc(1,denr v) else if bczero!? v then mkbc(1,denr u) else mkbc(1,multf(quotfx(denr u,gcdf(denr u,denr v)),denr v)); symbolic procedure bclcmdprod(u,v); % Base coefficient least common multiple denominator product. % u is a basecoefficient of the form 1/integer. v is a base % coefficient. bclcmdprod(u,v) calculates (denom u/denom v)*nom v/1 % and returns a base coefficient. mkbc(multf(quotfx(denr u,denr v),numr v),1); % symbolic procedure bcquod(u,v); % Base coefficient quotient. u and v are base coefficients. % bcquod(u,v) calculates u/v and returns a base coefficient. % bcprod(u,bcinv v); symbolic procedure bcone!? u; % /* Base coefficient one. u is a base coefficient. % bcone!?(u) returns a boolean expression, true if the % base coefficient u is equal 1. */ if !*grmod!* then eqn(u,1) else denr u = 1 and numr u = 1; symbolic procedure bcinv u; % /* Base coefficient inverse. u is a base coefficient. % bcinv(u) calculates 1/u and returns a base coefficient. */ if !*grmod!* then if !*balanced_mod then (if v+v>current!-modulus then v #- current!-modulus else v) where v= modular!-reciprocal u else reciprocal!-by!-gcd(current!-modulus,u,0,1) else invsq u; symbolic procedure bcneg u; % /* Base coefficient negative. u is a base coefficient. % bcneg(u) returns the negative of the base coefficient % u, a base coefficient. */ if !*grmod!* then if eqn(u,0) then u else current!-modulus #- u else negsq u; symbolic procedure bcprod (u,v); % /* Base coefficient product. u and v are base coefficients. % bcprod(u,v) calculates u*v and returns a base coefficient. if !*grmod!* then bcfi(u*v) else bcint2op(u,v,'times2) or bccheckz multsq(u,v); symbolic procedure mkbc(u,v); % /* Convert u and v into u/v in lowest terms*/ if !*grmod!* then bcfi(u*modular!-reciprocal v) else if v = 1 then u ./ v else if minusf v then mkbc(negf u,negf v) else quotfx(u,m) ./ quotfx(v,m) where m = gcdf(u,v); if null getd 'quotientx then copyd('quotientx,'quotient); symbolic procedure bcquot(u,v); % /* Base coefficient quotient. u and v are base coefficients. % bcquot(u,v) calculates u/v and returns a base coefficient. */ if !*grmod!* then bcfi(u*modular!-reciprocal v) else if !*vdpinteger then (bcint2op(u,v,'quotientx) or !*f2q quotfx(numr u,numr v)) else quotsq(u,v); symbolic procedure bcsum(u,v); % /* Base coefficient sum. u and v are base coefficients. % bcsum(u,v) calculates u+v and returns a base coefficient. */ if !*grmod!* then bcfi(u+v) else bcint2op(u,v,'plus2) or bccheckz addsq(u,v); symbolic procedure bccheckz u; % Reduce a sum/difference result by members of bczerodivl!*. if null numr u then u else if !*bcsubs2 then subs2 u else <<while l and n do <<n:=cdr qremf(n,car l);l := cdr l>>; n./d>> where l=bczerodivl!*,n=numr u,d=denr u; symbolic procedure bcdif(u,v); % /* Base coefficient difference. u and v are base coefficients. % bcdif(u,v) calculates u-v and returns a base coefficient. */ if !*grmod!* then bcfi(u - v) else bcint2op(u,v,'difference) or bcsum(u,bcneg v); symbolic procedure bcpow(u,n); % /*Returns the base coefficient u raised to the nth power, where % n is an integer*/ if !*grmod!* then modular!-expt(u,n) else exptsq(u,n); symbolic procedure a2bc u; % /*Converts the algebraic (kernel) u into a base coefficient. if !*grmod!* then if not domainp u then rederr list("Invalid coefficient",u) else bcfd u else simp!* u; symbolic procedure bc2a u; % /* Returns the prefix equivalent of the base coefficient u*/ if !*grmod!* then u else prepsq u; fluid '(!*groebigpos !*groebigneg !*groescale); !*groescale := 20; !*groebigpos:= 10** !*groescale; !*groebigneg := - 10** !*groescale; symbolic procedure bcprin u; % /* Prints a base coefficient in infix form*/ if !*grmod!* then prin2 u else begin scalar nat; nat := !*nat; !*nat := nil; if cdr u = 1 and numberp car u and (car u>!*groebigpos or car u<!*groebigneg) then bcprin2big car u else if cdr u neq 1 or not numberp car u then <<prin2!* "[";sqprint u; prin2!* "]">> else sqprint u; !*nat := nat end; symbolic procedure bcprin2big u; <<if u<0 then<< prin2 "-"; u:= -u>>; bcprin2big1(u,0)>>; symbolic procedure bcprin2big1 (u,n); if u>!*groebigpos then bcprin2big1 (u/!*groebigpos,n#+!*groescale) else <<prin2 u; prin2 "e"; prin2 n>>; endmodule; end;