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2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 19697) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
module xideal; % % XIDEAL % % Tools for calculations with ideals of polynomials in exterior algebra. % Uses Groebner basis algorithms described in D Hartley and P A Tuckey, % "A direct characterisation of Groebner bases in Clifford and Grassmann % algebras", Preprint MPI-Ph/93-96 1993. % % Authors: David Hartley Philip A Tuckey % GMD, Institute I1 Max Planck Institute for Physics % Schloss Birlinghoven Foehringer Ring 6 % D-53757 St Augustin D-80805 Munich % Germany Germany % % email: % % % Created: 1/5/92 as % % Modified: 5/8/92 Renamed % Chose xideal30 as algorithm % Renamed mod -> xmodulo, ideal -> xideal % Added xmodulop % Added subform % Added autoreduction (xfullreduce) % 4/3/94 Renamed % Compiles independently % Converted right reduction and spolys to % left % Added graded lexicographical ordering % Enabled non-graded ideals % Fixed trivial ideal bug % Removed subform % Renamed xtrace -> xstats % % % Algebraic mode entry points % % xideal(S) or xideal(S,r) % calculates an exterior Groebner basis for the list of generator S, % optionally up to degree r. % % xmodulo(F,S) or F xmodulo S % reduces F with respect to an exterior Groebner basis for the list of % generators S. In the first format, F may be either a single exterior % form, or a list of forms. If this routine is used more than once, % and S does not change between calls, then the Groebner basis is not % recalculated. % xmodulop(F,S) or F xmodulop S % reduces F with respect to the set of exterior polynomials S, which is % not necessarily a Groebner basis. In the first format, F may be % either a single exterior form, or a list of forms. This routine can % be used in conjunction with xideal to produce the same effect as % xmodulo: F xmodulo S = F xmodulop xideal(S,degree F). % Switches % % xstats - Produces counting and timing information (default OFF) % xfullreduce - Allows reduced Groebner bases to be calculated % (default ON) % ====================================================================== % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- create!-package('(xideal xutils),'(contrib xideal)); fluid '(!*xstats !*xfullreduce !*xdebug xtruncate!* xideal!* xbasis!* xdegree!* xidealtime!* xspolytime!* xwedgestime!* xreducetime!* xautoreducetime!* xwedges!* newxwedges!* xspolys!* newxspolys!*); !*xdebug := nil; % non-nil prints algorithm trace xtruncate!* := nil; % non-nil gives truncation degree for GB xbasis!* := nil; % last input set to xmodulo xideal!* := nil; % last output from xmodulo xdegree!* := nil; % largest recent degree to xmodulo switch 'xstats; !*xstats := nil; switch 'xfullreduce; !*xfullreduce := t; infix xmodulo; precedence xmodulo,freeof; infix xmodulop; precedence xmodulop,freeof; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % These definitions copied from E. Schruefer's EXCALC for compilation. global '(dimex!*); smacro procedure ldpf u; %selector for leading standard form in patitioned sf; caar u; smacro procedure !*k2pf u; u .* (1 ./ 1) .+ nil; smacro procedure negpf u; multpfsq(u,(-1) ./ 1); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic operator xmodulo; symbolic procedure xmodulo(x,l); % x is prefix form or algebraic list, l is algebraic list, result is % (possibly algebraic list of) !*sq prefix % if generators haven't changed, use last ideal (speeds up loops) begin scalar z; l := !*al2sl l; if atom x or car x neq 'list then z := x else % extract maximum degree from list <<z := 0; x := 'list . !*al2sl x; for each y in cdr x do if xdegree y > xdegree z then z := y>>; xtruncate!* := xdegree!*; % just in case it was used in-between if (l neq xbasis!*) or xdegreecheck z then <<xideal!* := xideal0(l,xdegree z); xdegree!* := xdegree z; xbasis!* := l>>; z := if atom x or car x neq 'list then list x else cdr x; z := for each y in z collect mk!*sq !*pf2sq xreduce(xreorder partitop y,xideal!*); return if atom x or car x neq 'list then car z else purge strip0('list . z); end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic operator xmodulop; symbolic procedure xmodulop(x,l); % x is prefix form or algebraic list, l is algebraic list, result is % (possibly algebraic list of) !*sq prefix begin l := for each q in !*al2sl l collect xreorder partitop q; if atom x or car x neq 'list then return mk!*sq !*pf2sq xreduce(xreorder partitop x,l); return purge strip0('list . for each y in !*al2sl x collect mk!*sq !*pf2sq xreduce(xreorder partitop y,l)); end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- put('xideal,'psopfn,'xidealeval); symbolic procedure xidealeval u; % u is a list with one or two items: an algebraic list of p-forms % and an integer begin scalar l,r,n; n := length u; if n < 1 or n > 2 then rederr "Wrong number of arguments to XIDEAL"; l := !*al2sl reval car u; if n = 2 then r := reval cadr u; return 'list . for each f in xideal0(l,r) collect mk!*sq !*pf2sq f; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xideal0(p,r); % p is list of prefix, r is an integer or nil, result is list of pf's xidealpf(for each f in p collect partitop f,r); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xidealpf(p,r); % p is list of pf's, r is an integer or nil, result is list of pf's begin scalar p1,p2,d,nongraded,vars; rmsubs(); if !*xstats then xstatsinitialise(); xtruncate!* := r; p := nil . p; while (p := cdr p) do begin vars := xvarcheck(car p,vars); d := xhomogeneous car p; if null d then <<nongraded := t; xtruncate!* := nil>>; if d = 0 then % quick escape, trivial ideal <<p := p1 := list partitop 1; p2 := nil>> else if d = 1 then p1 := xreorder car p . p1 else p2 := xreorder car p . p2; end; p1 := xautoreduce p1; for each s in p2 do if (s := xreduce(s,append(p1,p))) and not xdegreecheck ldpf s then begin p := xidealpf0(p,s); if !*xstats then <<prin2 "GB size : "; prin2t(length p + length p1)>>; if !*xfullreduce then p := xautoreduce p; if !*xstats and !*xfullreduce then <<prin2 "RGB size : "; prin2t(length p + length p1)>>; end; p := append(p1,p); if nongraded and !*xfullreduce and p1 then p := xautoreduce p; if !*xstats then xstatsprint(); return p; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xstatsinitialise; begin xidealtime!* := time(); xspolytime!* := 0; xwedgestime!* := 0; xreducetime!* := 0; xautoreducetime!* := 0; xwedges!* := 0; newxwedges!* := 0; xspolys!* := 0; newxspolys!* := 0; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xstatsprint; begin xidealtime!* := time() - xidealtime!*; prin2 "Wedges generated : "; prin2t xwedges!*; prin2 "Wedges surviving : "; prin2t newxwedges!*; prin2 "Survival rate : "; if xwedges!* = 0 then prin2 0 else prin2((100*newxwedges!*)/xwedges!*); prin2t "%"; prin2 "Spolys generated : "; prin2t xspolys!*; prin2 "Spolys surviving : "; prin2t newxspolys!*; prin2 "Survival rate : "; if xspolys!* = 0 then prin2 0 else prin2((100*newxspolys!*)/xspolys!*); prin2t "%"; prin2 "Total computing time : "; prin2 xidealtime!*; prin2t " ms"; prin2 "Spoly time : "; prin2 xspolytime!*; prin2t " ms"; prin2 "Wedges time : "; prin2 xwedgestime!*; prin2t " ms"; prin2 "Reduction time : "; prin2 xreducetime!*; prin2t " ms"; prin2 "Auto-reduction time : "; prin2 xautoreducetime!*; prin2t " ms"; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xidealpf0(p,s); % p is list of pf's, s is pf, result is list of pf's % p is a GB, result is a GB containing p and s. begin scalar h,b,y; if !*xstats then <<newxspolys!* := newxspolys!* - 1; princ '#; if !*xdebug then prin2t s>>; while s do begin if !*xstats then newxspolys!* := newxspolys!* + 1; y := xwedges(s,append(p,h)); if ldpf car y = 1 then % quick escape, trivial ideal return <<s := nil; h := nil; p := list partitop 1;>>; for each f in y do <<b := append(b, append(for each j in p collect list(j,f), for each j in h collect list(j,f))); h := append(h,list f)>>; s := nil; while b and null s do <<s := xreduce(xspoly(car b),append(p,h)); if !*xstats and s then <<princ "$"; if !*xdebug then <<prin2t caar b; prin2 "*"; prin2t cadar b; prin2 " --> "; prin2t s>> >>; b := cdr b>>; end; if !*xstats then prin2t ""; return append(p,h); end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xspoly p; % p is a list of two reordered pf's, result is reordered pf begin scalar u,v,lu,lv,cu,cv,z,t0; if !*xstats then t0 := time(); u := car p; v := cadr p; if null u or null v then return nil; lu := ldpffax u; lv := ldpffax v; cu := setdiff(lu,lv); cv := setdiff(lv,lu); if (cu = lu) % cv = lv as well in this case or xdegreecheck('wedge . append(lu,cv)) then return nil; if null cu then cu := list 1; if null cv then cv := list 1; u := partitwedge list('wedge . cv,mk!*sq !*pf2sq u); v := partitwedge list('wedge . cu,mk!*sq !*pf2sq v); z := negsq quotsq(lc u,lc v); z := xreorder addpf(u,multpfs(1 .* z .+ nil,v)); if !*xstats then xspolys!* := xspolys!* + 1; if !*xstats then xspolytime!* := xspolytime!* + time() - t0; return z; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xwedges(s,p); % s is reordered pf, p is a list of reordered pf's, % result is a list of reordered pf's (first element is always s, unless % trivial ideal detected) begin scalar t0,y,h,q,l; if xdegreecheck ldpf s then rederr "Major problem -- please contact XIDEAL authors"; if d and d leq 1 where d = xhomogeneous s then return list s; if !*xstats then t0 := time(); if xtruncate!* then xtruncate!* := xtruncate!* - 1; y := list s; h := p; while y do begin s := car y; y := cdr y; h := append(h,list s); if xdegreecheck ldpf s or null red s then return; l := nil . ldpffax s; while (l := cdr l) do begin if !*xstats then xwedges!* := xwedges!* + 1; q := xreorder wedgepf(!*k2pf car l,s); if null (q := xreduce(q,append(h,y))) then return; if !*xstats then <<newxwedges!* := newxwedges!* + 1; princ "^"; if !*xdebug then <<prin2 car l; prin2 " --> "; prin2t q>> >>; if ldpf q = 1 then % quick escape, trivial ideal return <<l := list nil; y := nil; % terminate loops h := append(p,list partitop 1)>>; y := append(y, list q); end; end; if xtruncate!* then xtruncate!* := xtruncate!* + 1; if !*xstats then xwedgestime!* := xwedgestime!* + time() - t0; return setdiff(h,p); end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xautoreduce0 p; % p is a list of pf's, result is a list of pf's % symbolic mode entry point to xautoreduce for unordered pf's foreach g in xautoreduce(foreach f in p collect xreorder f) collect repartit g; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xautoreduce p; % p is a list of reordered pf's, result is a list of reordered pf's begin scalar xreducetime!*, % so reduction and auto-reduction times % disjoint. q,s,x,t0; if !*xstats then xreducetime!* := t0 := time(); while p do begin % s := xleast p; p := delete(s,p); s := car p; p := cdr p; % seems to be faster x := xreduce(s,append(p,q)); if x then q := x . q; if x neq s then <<p := append(p,q); q := nil>>; end; if !*xstats then xautoreducetime!* := xautoreducetime!* + time() - t0; return reverse q; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xreduce0(s,p); % s is pf, p is list of pf's, result is pf % symbolic mode entry point to xreduce for unordered pf's xreduce1(xreorder s,foreach f in p collect xreorder f); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xreduce(s,p); % s is reordered pf, p is list of reordered pf's, result is reordered pf begin scalar t0,xwedgestime!*; % so wedge and reduction times disjoint if !*xstats then t0 := time(); s := xreorder xreduce1(s,p); if !*xstats then xreducetime!* := xreducetime!* + time() - t0; return s; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xreduce1(s,p); % s is reordered pf, p is list of reordered pf's, result is pf (NOT % reordered) if null s then nil else begin scalar q,f,x,y,z; q := p; while s and q do begin % f := xleast q; q := delete(f,q); f := car q; q := cdr q; % seems to be faster if x := xdivs(ldpffax s,ldpffax f) then <<y := partitsq!* simp list('wedge,x,prepsq !*pf2sq(lt f .+ nil)); z := negsq quotsq(lc s,lc y); y := partitsq!* simp list('wedge,x,prepsq !*pf2sq f); % the repartit here needed because of ordering differences s := xreorder repartit addpf(s,multpfs(1 .* z .+ nil,y)); q := p>>; end; return if s then addpf(lt s .+ nil,xreduce1(red s,p)); end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xdivs(u,v); % u,v are kernels, result is kernel % seems to be faster than old one begin scalar x; if setdiff(v,intersection(u,v)) then return nil; if (x := setdiff(u,v)) then return 'wedge . x else return 1; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure ldpffax u; % returns list of factors in a wedge product (including single factors) (if atom x or car x neq 'wedge then list x else cdr x) where x = ldpf u; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure wedgepf(u,v); % u and v are pf, result is pf partitwedge list(mk!*sq !*pf2sq u,mk!*sq !*pf2sq v); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xreorder u; % reorders pf u into (graded) lexicographical order. basic ordering % of 1-forms determined by worderp. sort(u,function xordpft); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xordpft(u,v); % u and v are terms from a pf apply(function xgradlexl, % can put xlexl or xgradlexl here list(sort(ldpffax list u,function worderp), sort(ldpffax list v,function worderp))); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xlexl(u,v); % u and v are sorted lists of factors from wedge products if null v then t else if null u then nil else if car v = 1 then t else if car u = 1 then nil else if car u = car v then xlexl(cdr u,cdr v) else worderp(car u,car v); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xgradlexl(u,v); % u and v are sorted lists of factors from wedge products if car v = 1 then t else if car u = 1 then nil else if length u = length v then xlexl(u,v) else length u > length v; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xleast p; % p is a list of reordered pf's, result is a reordered pf begin scalar s,x,y; if p then s := car p; p := nil . p; while (p := cdr p) do if xordpft(lt s,lt car p) then s := car p; return s; end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xdegree qform; % xdegree(qform: pform (prefix) ) % -> q: integer % % This procedure gives the degree of a homogeneous form. % Can distinguish 0- and p-forms. % Behaves erratically with inhomogeneous forms. (if null x then 0 else x) where x = (deg!*form qf) where qf = if eqcar(qform,'!*sq) then prepsq cadr qform else qform; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xvarcheck(u,v); % u is pf, v is list of kernels, result is list of kernels if null u then v else begin scalar vv; vv := setdiff(ldpffax u, 1 . v); v := append(v,vv); if fixp dimex!* and length v > dimex!* then rederr "more independent 1-forms than dimension of space in XIDEAL"; foreach f in vv do if xdegree f > 1 then rederr "p-form with p > 1 in XIDEAL"; return xvarcheck(red u,v); end; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xhomogeneous u; % u is pf, result is degree of u if homogeneous, otherwise nil if null u then 0 else if length u = 1 then xdegree ldpf u else (if d = xhomogeneous red u then d) where d = xdegree ldpf u; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure xdegreecheck u; % u is prefix % result is non-nil if degree of u exceeds truncation in graded GB's xtruncate!* and (xdegree u > xtruncate!*); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- xstatsinitialise(); % so that calls from other packages don't get % non-numeric errors if xstats happens to be on. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- endmodule; module xidealutils; % Various list utilities % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure !*al2sl l; % Converts algebraic mode lists to symbolic mode lists, with an error % if conversion not possible if atom l or car l neq 'list then typerr(l,'list) else for each j in cdr l collect if eqcar(j,'!*sq) then prepsq cadr j else j; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure deleteall(u,v); % removes all top-level occurences of u from v if null v then nil else if car v = u then deleteall(u, cdr v) else car v . deleteall(u, cdr v); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure purge l; % removes extra copies of repeated elements from algebraic and symbolic % lists if null l then nil else car l . purge deleteall(car l,cdr l); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- symbolic procedure strip0 l; % removes all all NIL's and 0's from algebraic and symbolic lists if null l then nil else deleteall(0,deleteall(nil,l)); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- endmodule; end;