Artifact 090891db502acca995ba50175972a1e104de4233325fac7fdba4454d9459a563:
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— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 9485) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
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git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 9485) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module coeffts; % Authors: A. C. Norman and P. M. A. Moore, 1981. fluid '(!*trfac alphalist best!-known!-factor!-list best!-known!-factors coefft!-vectors deg!-of!-unknown difference!-for!-unknown divisor!-for!-unknown factor!-level factor!-trace!-list full!-gcd hensel!-growth!-size image!-factors m!-image!-variable multivariate!-factors multivariate!-input!-poly non!-monic number!-of!-factors polyzero reconstructing!-gcd true!-leading!-coeffts unknown unknowns!-list); %**********************************************************************; % Code for trying to determine more multivariate coefficients % by inspection before using multivariate hensel construction. symbolic procedure determine!-more!-coeffts(); % ... begin scalar unknowns!-list,uv,r,w,best!-known!-factor!-list; best!-known!-factors:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; uv:=mkvect number!-of!-factors; for i:=number!-of!-factors step -1 until 1 do putv(uv,i,convert!-factor!-to!-termvector( getv(image!-factors,i),getv(true!-leading!-coeffts,i))); r:=red multivariate!-input!-poly; % we know all about the leading coeffts; if not depends!-on!-var(r,m!-image!-variable) or null(w:=try!-first!-coefft( ldeg r,lc r,unknowns!-list,uv)) then << for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do putv(best!-known!-factors,i,force!-lc( getv(image!-factors,i),getv(true!-leading!-coeffts,i))); coefft!-vectors:=uv; return nil >>; factor!-trace << printstr "By exploiting any sparsity wrt the main variable in the"; printstr "factors, we can try guessing some of the multivariate"; printstr "coefficients." >>; try!-other!-coeffts(r,unknowns!-list,uv); w:=convert!-and!-trial!-divide uv; % trace!-time % if full!-gcd then prin2t "Possible gcd found" % else prin2t "Have found some coefficients"; return set!-up!-globals(uv,w) end; symbolic procedure convert!-factor!-to!-termvector(u,tlc); % ... begin scalar termlist,res,n,slist; termlist:=(ldeg u . tlc) . list!-terms!-in!-factor red u; res:=mkvect (n:=length termlist); for i:=1:n do << slist:=(caar termlist . i) . slist; putv(res,i,car termlist); termlist:=cdr termlist >>; putv(res,0,(n . (n #- 1))); unknowns!-list:=(reversip slist) . unknowns!-list; return res end; symbolic procedure try!-first!-coefft(n,c,slist,uv); % ... begin scalar combns,unknown,w,l,d,v,m; combns:=get!-term(n,slist); if (combns='no) or not null cdr combns then return nil; l:=car combns; for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do << w:=getv(getv(uv,i),car l); % degree . coefft ; if null cdr w then << if unknown then <<c := nil; i := number!-of!-factors + 1>> else <<unknown := i . car l; d := car w>>>> else << c:=quotf(c,cdr w); if didntgo c then i := number!-of!-factors+1>>; l:=cdr l >>; if didntgo c then return nil; putv(v:=getv(uv,car unknown),cdr unknown,(d . c)); m:=getv(v,0); putv(v,0,(car m . (cdr m #- 1))); if cdr m = 1 and factors!-complete uv then return 'complete; return c end; symbolic procedure solve!-next!-coefft(n,c,slist,uv); % ... begin scalar combns,w,unknown,deg!-of!-unknown,divisor!-for!-unknown, difference!-for!-unknown,v; difference!-for!-unknown:=polyzero; divisor!-for!-unknown:=polyzero; combns:=get!-term(n,slist); if combns='no then return 'nogood; while combns do << w:=split!-term!-list(car combns,uv); if w='nogood then combns := nil else combns:=cdr combns >>; if w='nogood then return w; if null unknown then return; w:=quotf(addf(c,negf difference!-for!-unknown), divisor!-for!-unknown); if didntgo w then return 'nogood; putv(v:=getv(uv,car unknown),cdr unknown,(deg!-of!-unknown . w)); n:=getv(v,0); putv(v,0,(car n . (cdr n #- 1))); if cdr n = 1 and factors!-complete uv then return 'complete; return w end; symbolic procedure split!-term!-list(term!-combn,uv); % ... begin scalar a,v,w; a:=1; for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do << w:=getv(getv(uv,i),car term!-combn); % degree . coefft ; if null cdr w then if v or (unknown and not(( term!-combn)=unknown)) then <<v:='nogood; i := number!-of!-factors+1>> else << unknown:=(i . car term!-combn); deg!-of!-unknown:=car w; v:=unknown >> else a:=multf(a,cdr w); if not(v eq 'nogood) then term!-combn:=cdr term!-combn >>; if v='nogood then return v; if v then divisor!-for!-unknown:=addf(divisor!-for!-unknown,a) else difference!-for!-unknown:=addf(difference!-for!-unknown,a); return 'ok end; symbolic procedure factors!-complete uv; % ... begin scalar factor!-not!-done,r; r:=t; for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do if not(cdr getv(getv(uv,i),0)=0) then if factor!-not!-done then <<r:=nil; i:=number!-of!-factors+1>> else factor!-not!-done:=t; return r end; symbolic procedure convert!-and!-trial!-divide uv; % ... begin scalar w,r,fdone!-product!-mod!-p,om; om:=set!-modulus hensel!-growth!-size; fdone!-product!-mod!-p:=1; for i:=1:number!-of!-factors do << w:=getv(uv,i); w:= if (cdr getv(w,0))=0 then termvector2sf w else merge!-terms(getv(image!-factors,i),w); r:=quotf(multivariate!-input!-poly,w); if didntgo r then best!-known!-factor!-list:= ((i . w) . best!-known!-factor!-list) else if reconstructing!-gcd and i=1 then <<full!-gcd:=if non!-monic then car primitive!.parts( list w,m!-image!-variable,nil) else w; i := number!-of!-factors+1>> else << multivariate!-factors:=w . multivariate!-factors; fdone!-product!-mod!-p:=times!-mod!-p( reduce!-mod!-p getv(image!-factors,i), fdone!-product!-mod!-p); multivariate!-input!-poly:=r >> >>; if full!-gcd then return; if null best!-known!-factor!-list then multivariate!-factors:= primitive!.parts(multivariate!-factors,m!-image!-variable,nil) else if null cdr best!-known!-factor!-list then << if reconstructing!-gcd then if not(caar best!-known!-factor!-list=1) then errorf("gcd is jiggered in determining other coeffts") else full!-gcd:=if non!-monic then car primitive!.parts( list multivariate!-input!-poly, m!-image!-variable,nil) else multivariate!-input!-poly else multivariate!-factors:=primitive!.parts( multivariate!-input!-poly . multivariate!-factors, m!-image!-variable,nil); best!-known!-factor!-list:=nil >>; factor!-trace << if null best!-known!-factor!-list then printstr "We have completely determined all the factors this way" else if multivariate!-factors then << prin2!* "We have completely determined the following factor"; printstr if (length multivariate!-factors)=1 then ":" else "s:"; for each ww in multivariate!-factors do printsf ww >> >>; set!-modulus om; return fdone!-product!-mod!-p end; symbolic procedure set!-up!-globals(uv,f!-product); if null best!-known!-factor!-list or full!-gcd then 'done else begin scalar i,r,n,k,flist!-mod!-p,imf,om,savek; n:=length best!-known!-factor!-list; best!-known!-factors:=mkvect n; coefft!-vectors:=mkvect n; r:=mkvect n; k:=if reconstructing!-gcd then 1 else 0; om:=set!-modulus hensel!-growth!-size; for each w in best!-known!-factor!-list do << i:=car w; w:=cdr w; if reconstructing!-gcd and i=1 then << savek:=k; k:=1 >> else k:=k #+ 1; % in case we are reconstructing gcd we had better know % which is the gcd and which the cofactor - so don't move % move the gcd from elt one; putv(r,k,imf:=getv(image!-factors,i)); flist!-mod!-p:=(reduce!-mod!-p imf) . flist!-mod!-p; putv(best!-known!-factors,k,w); putv(coefft!-vectors,k,getv(uv,i)); if reconstructing!-gcd and k=1 then k:=savek; % restore k if necessary; >>; if not(n=number!-of!-factors) then << alphalist:=for each modf in flist!-mod!-p collect (modf . remainder!-mod!-p(times!-mod!-p(f!-product, cdr get!-alpha modf),modf)); number!-of!-factors:=n >>; set!-modulus om; image!-factors:=r; return 'need! to! reconstruct end; symbolic procedure get!-term(n,l); % ... if n#<0 then 'no else if null cdr l then get!-term!-n(n,car l) else begin scalar w,res; for each fterm in car l do << w:=get!-term(n#-car fterm,cdr l); if not(w='no) then res:= append(for each v in w collect (cdr fterm . v),res) >>; return if null res then 'no else res end; symbolic procedure get!-term!-n(n,u); if null u or n #> caar u then 'no else if caar u = n then list(cdar u . nil) else get!-term!-n(n,cdr u); endmodule; end;