Artifact 036c9f7c56eaa43205bac08d0a76d3f3c2903129e498934eb115394aa42b5a92:
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 10711) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
- Executable file
— part of check-in
2011-09-02 18:13:33
on branch master
— Some historical releases purely for archival purposes
git-svn-id: 2bfe0521-f11c-4a00-b80e-6202646ff360 (user:, size: 10711) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
module edsaux; % Miscellaneous support functions % Author: David Hartley fluid '(!*edsverbose !*edsdebug); % Operations on eds % Storing these kernel lists seems to have <1% effect on speed. symbolic procedure indkrns s; % s:eds -> indkrns:list of lpow pf % independent kernels - leading basis forms in eds_ind s % geteds(s,'indkrns) or % puteds(s,'indkrns, foreach f in eds_ind s join if tc(f := trterm f) = (1 ./ 1) then {tpow f}; %); symbolic procedure depkrns s; % s:eds -> depkrns:list of lpow pf % dependent kernels - a basis for edscob s/eds_ind s % OK? % geteds(s,'depkrns) or % puteds(s,'depkrns, foreach f in eds_sys s join if lc f = (1 ./ 1) and degreepf f = 1 then {lpow f}; %); symbolic procedure prlkrns s; % s:eds -> prlkrns:list of lpow pf % principal kernels - a basis for the non-linear part of s % geteds(s,'prlkrns) or % puteds(s,'prlkrns, setdiff(edscob s,append(indkrns s,depkrns s)); %); symbolic procedure remkrns s; % s:eds -> remkrns:nil foreach p in {'indkrns,'depkrns,'prlkrns} do rempropeds(s,p); % Operations on sys symbolic procedure degreepart(s,d); % s:sys, d:int -> degreepart:sys foreach f in s join if degreepf f = d then {f}; symbolic procedure scalarpart s; % s:sys -> scalarpart:sys degreepart(s,0); symbolic procedure pfaffpart s; % s:sys -> pfaffpart:sys degreepart(s,1); symbolic procedure nonpfaffpart s; % s:sys -> nonpfaffpart:sys foreach f in s join if degreepf f neq 1 then {f}; symbolic procedure solvedpart s; % s:sys -> solvedpart:sys foreach f in s join if f and lc f = (1 ./ 1) then {f}; symbolic procedure lpows s; % s:list of pf -> lpows:list of lpow pf % returns the leading kernels in s foreach f in s collect lpow f; symbolic procedure singleterms s; % s:list of pf -> singleterms:bool % true if each form in s is a single term null s or null red car s and singleterms cdr s; symbolic procedure !*a2sys u; % u:prefix list -> !*a2sys:list of pf if rlistp u then foreach f in cdr indexexpandeval{u} collect xpartitop f else typerr(u,'list); symbolic procedure !*sys2a u; % u:list of pf -> !*sys2a:prefix list makelist foreach f in u collect !*pf2a f; symbolic procedure !*sys2a1(u,v); % u:list of pf -> !*sys2a:prefix list % !*sys2a with choice of !*sq or true prefix makelist foreach f in u collect !*pf2a1(f,v); % Operations on pf symbolic procedure xpows f; % f:pf -> xpows:list of lpow pf if f then lpow f . xpows red f; symbolic procedure xcoeffs f; % f:pf -> xcoeffs:list of sq if f then lc f . xcoeffs red f; symbolic procedure degreepf f; % f:pf -> degreepf:int % assumes f homogeneous % could replace with xdegree from XIDEAL2 if null f then 0 else (if null x then 0 else if fixp x then x else rerror('eds,130,"Non-integral degree not allowed in EDS")) where x = deg!*form lpow f; symbolic procedure xreorder f; % f:pf -> xreorder:pf if f then addpf(multpfsq(xpartitop lpow f,reordsq lc f), xreorder red f); symbolic procedure xreorder!* f; % f:pf -> xreorder!*:pf % Like xreorder when it is known that only the order between terms % has changed (and not within terms). if f and red f then addpf(lt f .+ nil,xreorder!* red f) else f; symbolic procedure xrepartit f; % f:pf -> xrepartit:pf if f then addpf(wedgepf(xpartitsq subs2 resimp lc f,xpartitop lpow f), xrepartit red f); symbolic procedure xrepartit!* f; % f:pf -> xrepartit!*:pf % Like xrepartit when xvars!* hasn't changed. if f then addpf(multpfsq(xpartitop lpow f,subs2 resimp lc f), xrepartit!* red f); symbolic procedure trterm f; % f:pf -> trterm:lt pf % the trailing term in f if null red f then lt f else trterm red f; symbolic procedure linearpart(f,p); % f:pf, p:list of 1-form kernel -> linearpart:pf % result is the part of f of degree 1 in p if null f then nil else if length intersection(wedgefax lpow f,p) = 1 then lt f .+ linearpart(red f,p) else linearpart(red f,p); symbolic procedure inhomogeneouspart(f,p); % f:pf, p:list of 1-form kernel -> inhomogeneouspart:pf % result is the part of f of degree 0 in p if null f then nil else if length intersection(wedgefax lpow f,p) = 0 then lt f .+ inhomogeneouspart(red f,p) else inhomogeneouspart(red f,p); symbolic procedure xcoeff(f,c); % f:pf, c:pffax -> xcoeff:pf if null f then nil else begin scalar q,s; q := xdiv(c,wedgefax lpow f); if null q then return xcoeff(red f,c); q := mknwedge q; if append(q,c) = lpow f then s := 1 % an easy case else s := numr lc wedgepf(!*k2pf q,!*k2pf mknwedge c); return q .* (if s = 1 then lc f else negsq lc f) .+ xcoeff(red f,c); end; symbolic procedure xvarspf f; % f:pf -> xvarspf:list of kernel if null f then nil else union(foreach k in append(wedgefax lpow f, append(kernels numr lc f, kernels denr lc f)) join if xvarp k then {k}, xvarspf red f); symbolic procedure kernelspf f; % f:pf -> kernelspf:list of kernel % breaks up wedge products if null f then nil else union(append(wedgefax lpow f, append(kernels numr lc f, kernels denr lc f)), kernelspf red f); symbolic procedure mkform!*(u,p); % u:prefix, p:prefix (usually int) -> mkform!*:prefix % putform with u returned, and covariant flag removed begin putform(u,p); return u; end; % Operations on lists symbolic procedure purge u; % u:list -> purge:list % remove repeated elements from u, leaving last occurence only if null u then nil else if car u member cdr u then purge cdr u else car u . purge cdr u; symbolic procedure rightunion(u,v); % u,v:list -> rightunion:list % Like union, but appends v to right. Ordering of u and v preserved % (last occurence of each element in v used). append(u,foreach x on v join if not(car x member u) and not(car x member cdr x) then {car x}); symbolic procedure sublisq(u,v); % u:a-list, v:any -> sublisq:any % like sublis, but leaves structure untouched where possible if null u or null v then v else begin scalar x,y; if (x := atsoc(v,u)) then return cdr x; if atom v then return v; y := sublisq(u,car v) . sublisq(u,cdr v); return if y = v then v else y; end; symbolic procedure ordcomb(u,n); % u:list, n:int -> ordcomb:list of list % List of all combinations of n distinct elements from u. % Order of u is preserved: ordcomb(u,1) = mapcar(u,'list) % which is not true for comb, from which this is copied. begin scalar v; integer m; if n=0 then return {{}} else if (m:=length u-n)<0 then return {} else for i := 1:m do <<v := nconc!*(v,mapcons(ordcomb(cdr u,n-1),car u)); u := cdr u>>; return nconc!*(v,{u}) end; symbolic procedure updkordl u; % u:list of kernel -> updkordl:list of kernel % list version of updkorder % kernels in u will have highest precedence, order of % other kernels unchanged begin scalar v,w; v := kord!*; w := append(u,setdiff(v,u)); if v=w then return v; kord!* := w; alglist!* := nil . nil; % Since kernel order has changed. return v end; symbolic procedure allequal u; % u:list of any -> allequal:bool % t if all elements of u are equal if length u < 2 then t else car u = cadr u and allequal cdr u; symbolic procedure allexact u; % u:list of kernel -> allexact:bool % t if all elements of u are exact pforms if null u then t else exact car u and allexact cdr u; symbolic procedure coords u; % u:list of kernel -> coords:list of kernel % kernels in u are 1-forms, returns coordinates involved % THIS SHOULD GO foreach k in u join if exact k then {cadr k}; symbolic procedure zippf(pfl,sql); % pfl:list of pf, sql:list of sq % -> zippf:pf % Multiply elements of pfl by corresponding elements of sql, and add % results together. If trailing nulls on pfl or sql can be omitted. if null pfl or null sql then nil else if numr car sql and car pfl then addpf(multpfsq(car pfl,car sql),zippf(cdr pfl,cdr sql)) else zippf(cdr pfl,cdr sql); % EDS tracing and debugging symbolic procedure errdhh u; % Special error call for errors that shouldn't happen rerror(eds,999,"Internal EDS error -- please contact David Hartley *****" . if atom u then {u} else u); symbolic procedure edsverbose(msg,v,type); % msg:atom or list, v:various, type:id|nil % -> edsverbose:nil % type gives the type of v, one of % nil - v is empty % 'sf - v is a list of sf % 'sq - v is a list of sq % 'sys - v is a list of pf % 'cob - v is a list of kernel % 'map - v is a map (list of kernel.prefix) % 'xform - v is an xform (list of % 'prefix- v is prefix if !*edsverbose or !*edsdebug then begin if atom msg then msg := {msg}; lpri msg; terpri(); if null type then nil else if type = 'sf then foreach f in v do edsmathprint prepf f else if type = 'sq then foreach f in v do edsmathprint prepsq f else if type = 'sys then foreach f in v do edsmathprint preppf f else if type = 'cob then edsmathprint makelist v else if type = 'map then foreach p in v do edsmathprint {'equal,car p,cdr p} else if type = 'rmap then << foreach p in car v do edsmathprint {'equal,car p,cdr p}; foreach p in cadr v do edsmathprint {'neq,p,0} >> else if type = 'xform then foreach p in v do edsmathprint {'equal,car p,preppf cdr p} else if type = 'prefix then edsmathprint v else errdhh{"Unrecognised type",type,"in edsverbose"}; end; symbolic procedure edsdebug(msg,v,type); % msg:string, v:various, type:id|nil % -> edsdebug:nil % Like edsverbose, just for debugging. if !*edsdebug then edsverbose(msg,v,type); symbolic procedure edsmathprint f; % f:prefix -> nil % Similar to mathprint, except going in at writepri, % so TRI package picks it up too. <<writepri(mkquote f,'only); terpri!* t; >>; endmodule; end;