Index: mttroot/mtt/bin/mtt
--- mttroot/mtt/bin/mtt
+++ mttroot/mtt/bin/mtt
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@
 ## Version control history
 ## $Header$
 ## $Log$
+## Revision 1.358  2002/08/07 11:04:40  geraint
+## Now updates timestamp on lbl.txt after processing in make. This eliminates the delay where MTT spends a long period of time uselessly recursing through the model on subsequent passes if the label file is older than the bondgraph.
 ## Revision 1.357  2002/06/28 10:13:40  geraint
 ## Includes fix_c.r in ese2rdae and def2write_r to eliminate occurrances of x**y.
 ## Revision 1.356  2002/06/17 13:14:50  geraint
 ## Fixed some rules to reduce number of implicit rule searches.
@@ -2545,10 +2548,14 @@
 	touch \$@
 $1_ode2odes_implicit.o: $1_cseo.o $1_csex.o $1_smxa.o $1_smxax.o mtt_implicit.o
 	@echo "Creating $1_ode2odes_implicit.o"
 	ar -cr \$@ \$^
+$1_ode2odes_dassl_oct.stamp: $1_ode.oct $1_odeo.oct mtt_dassl.oct
+	touch \$@
+$1_ode2odes_dassl_o.stamp: $1_ode.o $1_odeo.o mtt_dassl.o
+	touch \$@
 $1_ode2odes_dassl_%.stamp: $1_ode.% $1_odeo.%
 	touch \$@
 $1_ode2odes_dassl.o: $1_ode.o $1_odeo.o mtt_dassl.o
 	@echo "Creating \$@"
 	ar -cr \$@ \$^

Index: mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/make_ode2odes
--- mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/make_ode2odes
+++ mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/make_ode2odes
@@ -7,10 +7,13 @@
 ## Version control history
 ## $Id$
 ## $Log$
+## Revision 1.82  2002/07/24 14:00:12  geraint
+## Corrected arguments passed to mtt_write when dumping data (sigint).
 ## Revision 1.81  2002/07/11 13:00:23  geraint
 ## Declared more function arguments to be "const" - improves compiler optimisation.
 ## Revision 1.80  2002/05/22 09:35:49  geraint
 ## Added insertor variable to stop sh-mode font-lock from getting hopelessly confused by embedded C++.
@@ -825,11 +828,11 @@
-mtt_residual (const ColumnVector &X,
+Fmtt_residual (const ColumnVector &X,
 	      const ColumnVector &DX,
 	      double t,
 	      int &ires)
@@ -836,11 +839,11 @@
 DEFUN_DLD (mtt_residual, args, , "mtt_residual")
     static ColumnVector	X  (MTTNX+MTTNYZ);
     static ColumnVector	DX (MTTNX+MTTNYZ);
     static double      	t;
-    static int		&ires;
+    static int		ires;
     X  = args(0).${vector_value} ();
     DX = args(1).${vector_value} ();
     t  = args(2).double_value ();
     ires = static_cast<int>(args(3).double_value ());
@@ -1019,11 +1022,11 @@
 ${sys}_ode2odes (const ColumnVector &state0,
-		 const ColumnVector &numpar,
+		 const ColumnVector &par,
 		 const ColumnVector &simpar)
   static double first, dt, last, stepfactor;
   first		= simpar (0);
   last		= simpar (1);
@@ -1056,12 +1059,12 @@
       x (i) = state0 (i);
   for (register int j = 0, i = 1; i <= ilast; i++)
-      u	= mtt_input (x, y, t, numpar);
-      y	= mtt_output (x, u, t, numpar);
+      u	= mtt_input (x, y, t, par);
+      y	= mtt_output (x, u, t, par);
       if (0 == j)
            mtt_write (t, x, y, first, nrows);
@@ -1082,37 +1085,37 @@
           x1 (x),
           x2 (x),
           x3 (x);
-        k1 = ddt * mtt_rate (x , u, t , numpar); x1 += k1 * 0.5;
-        k2 = ddt * mtt_rate (x1, u, t1, numpar); x2 += k2 * 0.5;
-        k3 = ddt * mtt_rate (x2, u, t1, numpar); x3 += k3;
-        k4 = ddt * mtt_rate (x3, u, t2, numpar);
+        k1 = ddt * mtt_rate (x , u, t , par); x1 += k1 * 0.5;
+        k2 = ddt * mtt_rate (x1, u, t1, par); x2 += k2 * 0.5;
+        k3 = ddt * mtt_rate (x2, u, t1, par); x3 += k3;
+        k4 = ddt * mtt_rate (x3, u, t2, par);
         dx = (k1 + 2.0 * (k2 + k3) + k4) / (6.0 * ddt);
 	cat << EOF >> $filename
-      dx = mtt_rate (x, u, t, numpar);
-      AA = mtt_smxa (x, u, ddt, numpar);
-      AAx = mtt_smxax (x, u, ddt, numpar);
+      dx = mtt_rate (x, u, t, par);
+      AA = mtt_smxa (x, u, ddt, par);
+      AAx = mtt_smxax (x, u, ddt, par);
     "euler" | *)
 	cat << EOF >> $filename
-      dx = mtt_rate (x, u, t, numpar);
+      dx = mtt_rate (x, u, t, par);
 ## Common stuff
 cat <<EOF >> $filename
-      open_switches = mtt_logic (x, u, t, numpar);
+      open_switches = mtt_logic (x, u, t, par);
       x =  $algorithm; 
       t += ddt;
       j = (j == static_cast<int> (stepfactor)) ? 0 : j;

Index: mttroot/mtt/lib/cc/
--- mttroot/mtt/lib/cc/
+++ mttroot/mtt/lib/cc/
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
   static octave_value_list args, f;
   args(0) = octave_value (X);
   args(1) = octave_value (DX);
   args(2) = octave_value (t);
-  args(3) = octave_value (ires);
+  args(3) = octave_value (static_cast<double>(ires));
   f = feval ("mtt_residual", args, 1);
   return f(0).VECTOR_VALUE ();