ADDED   mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Sensitivity/sRCr/sRCr_desc.tex
Index: mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Sensitivity/sRCr/sRCr_desc.tex
--- /dev/null
+++ mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Sensitivity/sRCr/sRCr_desc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Verbal description for system sRCr (sRCr_desc.tex)
+% Generated by MTT on Sun Aug 24 11:03:55 BST 1997.
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %% Version control history
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %% $Id$
+% %% $Log$
+% %% Revision 1.1  1997/08/24 10:27:18  peterg
+% %% Initial revision
+% %%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+   The acausal bond graph of system \textbf{sRCr} is
+   displayed in Figure \Ref{sRCr_abg} and its label
+   file is listed in Section \Ref{sec:sRCr_lbl}.
+   The subsystems are listed in Section \Ref{sec:sRCr_sub}.
+The system \textbf{sRCr} is the the sensitivity version simple
+electrical sRCr circuit shown in Figure \Ref{sRCr_abg}. The circuit itself can be
+regarded as a single-input single-output system with input $e_1$ and
+output $e_2$; the sensitivity system has {\em two\/} outputs: $e_2$
+and $\frac{\partial e_2}{\partial r}$.
+All bonds are two-bond vector bonds, and the {\bf sR} and {\bf sC}
+components are two-port versions of the usual {\bf R} and {\bf C}
+components respectively. One port conveys the usual effort/flow pair;
+the other port conveys the sensitivity of the effort and flow with
+respect to the $r$ parameter.

ADDED   mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Sensitivity/sRCr/sRCr_lbl.txt
Index: mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Sensitivity/sRCr/sRCr_lbl.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Sensitivity/sRCr/sRCr_lbl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+%% Label file for system sRCr (sRCr_lbl.txt)
+%SUMMARY sRCr Sensitivity of output of RC circuit wrt value of r
+%DESCRIPTION Uses the sR and sC components and vector bonds
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %% Version control history
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %% $Id$
+% %% $Log$
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Port aliases
+% Argument aliases
+%% Each line should be of one of the following forms:
+%	     a comment (ie starting with %)
+%	     component-name	cr_name	arg1,arg2,..argn
+%	     blank
+% ---- Component labels ----
+% Component type sSe
+	e1	
+% Component type sDe
+	e2
+% Component type sC
+	c	 lin;lin	effort,c;0
+% Component type sR
+	r	 lin;lin	flow,r;1