Index: mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/struc2gnuplot_txt2wish ================================================================== --- mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/struc2gnuplot_txt2wish +++ mttroot/mtt/bin/trans/struc2gnuplot_txt2wish @@ -329,20 +329,20 @@ switch -- \$plottype { Single { do_cmd "set xlabel '\$xtitle'" do_cmd "set ylabel '\$ytitle'" do_cmd "set nokey" - do_cmd "plot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' with lines" + do_cmd "plot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } Multi { do_cmd "set xlabel ''" do_cmd "set ylabel ''" do_cmd "set key" if {"\$lastplot" != "2D"} { - do_cmd "plot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' with lines" + do_cmd "plot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } else { - do_cmd "replot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' with lines" + do_cmd "replot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn title 'y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } } } } 3D { @@ -351,21 +351,21 @@ Single { do_cmd "set xlabel '\$xtitle'" do_cmd "set ylabel '\$ytitle'" do_cmd "set zlabel '\$ztitle'" do_cmd "set nokey" - do_cmd "splot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' with lines" + do_cmd "splot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } Multi { do_cmd "set xlabel ''" do_cmd "set ylabel ''" do_cmd "set zlabel ''" do_cmd "set key" if {"\$lastplot" != "3D"} { - do_cmd "splot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' with lines" + do_cmd "splot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } else { - do_cmd "replot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' with lines" + do_cmd "replot '${dat2}' using \$xcolumn:\$ycolumn:\$zcolumn title 'z:\$ztitle y:\$ytitle x:\$xtitle' " } } } } } @@ -558,8 +558,9 @@ do_cmd "set timestamp" do_cmd "set grid" do_cmd "set nopolar" do_cmd "set term X11 0" do_cmd "set key" +do_cmd "set data style lines" EOF chmod +x ${out}