function [port_bonds, status] = abg2cbg(system_name, ... system_type, full_name, ... port_bonds, typefile, infofile) % abg2cbg - acausal to causal bg conversion % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%%%% Model Transformation Tools %%%%% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Matlab function abg2cbg.m % Acausal bond graph to causal bond graph: mfile format % [bonds,status] = abg2cbg(system_name, system_type, full_name, port_bonds, infofile) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% Version control history % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% $Id$ % %% $Log$ % %% Revision 1.12 1996/12/31 11:42:36 peterg % %% *** empty log message *** % %% % %% Revision 1.11 1996/12/07 17:10:48 peterg % %% Allows port SS at top level - ie takes it to be an ardianry SS at top % %% level. % %% % %% Revision 1.10 1996/12/04 21:48:55 peterg % %% Compares full-name with empty string (instead of testing for zero % %% length. % %% % %% Revision 1.9 1996/08/30 12:55:40 peter % %% More heirachical stuff added. % %% % %% Revision 1.8 1996/08/26 10:04:25 peterg % %% Fixed error due to a line wrap. % %% % %%Revision 1.7 1996/08/16 12:58:58 peter % %% Now does preferred causality of I and C. % %% Revision 1.6 1996/08/09 08:27:29 peter % %% Added a few deguging lines % %% % %% Revision 1.5 1996/08/08 18:06:18 peter % %% Unified file naming scheme % %% % %% Revision 1.4 1996/08/08 08:30:06 peter % %% The cbg filename contains the system name - this makes things easier % %% when setting up the m to fig translation and m to ese translation % %% % %% Revision 1.3 1996/08/05 18:53:21 peter % %% Fixed bug passing causality from subsystems. % %% % %% Revision 1.2 1996/08/05 15:41:41 peter % %% Now recursively does causality on subsystems. % %% % %% Revision 1.1 1996/08/04 17:55:55 peter % %% Initial revision % %% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pc = '%'; if nargin<1 system_name = 'no_name'; end; if nargin<4 port_bonds = []; end; if nargin<5 infofile = 'stdout'; end; % Are we at the top level of the heirarchy? at_top_level = strcmp(full_name, ''); % Create a file to contain shell commands which map subsystem types % onto components if at_top_level % Then at top level fprintf(typefile, '# Commands to map types onto subsystems\n'); fprintf(typefile, '# File\n', system_name); fprintf(typefile, '# Generated by MTT on %s\n\n', date); end; full_name length(full_name) % Create the (full) system name if at_top_level full_name = system_name; system_type = system_name; else full_name = [full_name, '_', system_name]; end; % Add to file to contain shell commands which map subsystem types % onto components fprintf(typefile, '$1%s$2%s$3\n', system_type, full_name); fun_name = [system_type, '_abg'] % If no such function - then there is nothing to be done. if exist(fun_name)~=2 mtt_info(['m-file ', fun_name, ' does not exist'], infofile); bonds = []; status = []; return end; % Evaluate the system function to get the bonds eval(['[bonds,components,n_ports]=', fun_name, ';']); % Find number of bonds [n_bonds,columns] = size(bonds); if (columns ~= 2)&(n_bonds>0) error('Incorrect bonds matrix: must have 2 columns'); end; % Find number of components [n_components,columns] = size(components); if n_components==0 % there is nothing to be done return end; % If not at top level, then sort out the port bonds. if at_top_level==0 % Find number of port bonds [n_port_bonds,columns] = size(port_bonds); % Check compatibility - if ok copy port bonds to the internal bonds list. if n_port_bonds~=n_ports mtt_info(sprintf('%1.0f port bonds incompatible with %1.0f ports', ... n_port_bonds, n_ports), infofile); else % Copy the port bonds -- but only if not set already for i = 1:n_ports % The port SSs come first j = abs(components(i,1)); % Get the bonds attached to the ports direction = -sign(components(i,1)); for k=1:2 if bonds(j,k)==0 % causality not set yet - so copy. bonds(j,k) = direction*port_bonds(i,k); end; end; end; end; end; % Set initial status status = -ones(n_components,1); total = 2*n_bonds; done = sum(sum(abs(bonds)))/total*100; % Outer while loop sets preferred causality ci_index=1; while( ci_index>0) old_done = inf; % Inner loop propogates causality while done~=old_done disp(sprintf('Causality is %3.0f%s complete.', done, pc)); old_done = done; for i = 1:n_components if status(i) ~= 0 % only do this if causality not yet complete % Get the bonds on this component comp = nozeros(components(i,:)); bond_list = abs(comp); direction = sign(comp)'*[1 1]; % Convert from arrow orientated to component orientated causality comp_bonds = bonds(bond_list,:).*direction; % Get the component details eval([ '[comp_type,name,cr,arg] = ', system_type, '_cmp(i);' ]); % Change name of 0 and 1 components -- matlab doesn't like numbers here if strcmp(comp_type,'0') comp_type = 'zero'; end; if strcmp(comp_type,'1') comp_type = 'one'; end; % Component causality procedure name cause_name = [comp_type, '_cause']; % Invoke the appropriate causality procedure if exist(cause_name)~=2 % Try a compound component [comp_bonds,s] = abg2cbg(name, comp_type, full_name, comp_bonds, ... typefile, infofile); % Create a single status from the status vector s if max(abs(s)) == 0 % Causal status(i) = 0; else if max(s) == 1 % At least one component is overcausal status(i) = 1; else % no component is overcausal but some are undercausal status(i) = -1; end; end; else % its a simple component disp(['---', name, ' (', cause_name, ') ---']); % comp_bonds eval([ '[comp_bonds,status(i)] = ', cause_name, '(comp_bonds);' ]); % comp_bonds end; % Update the full bonds list % and convert from component orientated to arrow orientated causality bonds(bond_list,:) = comp_bonds.*direction; end; end; done = sum(sum(abs(bonds)))/total*100; % mtt_info(sprintf('Causality is %3.0f%s complete.', done, pc), infofile); end; % Set causality of a C or I which is not already set [ci_index,prefered] = getdynamic(status,system_type); if ci_index>0 bond_index = components(ci_index,1) % its a one port bonds(bond_index,1) = prefered; bonds(bond_index,2) = prefered; end; end; % Print final causality final_done = (sum(status==zeros(n_components,1))/n_components)*100;; mtt_info(sprintf('Final causality of %s is %3.0f%s complete.', ... full_name, final_done, pc), infofile); % List overcausal bonds [over_causal_bonds,n] = getindex(status,1); if n>0 for i=over_causal_bonds' eval([ '[comp_type,name] = ', system_type, '_cmp(i);' ]); mtt_info(sprintf('Component %s (%s) is overcausal', name, comp_type), ... infofile); end; end; % List undercausal bonds [under_causal_bonds,n] = getindex(status,-1); if n>0 for i=under_causal_bonds' eval([ '[comp_type,name] = ', system_type, '_cmp(i);' ]); mtt_info(sprintf('Component %s (%s) is undercausal', name, comp_type), ... infofile); end; end; % $$$ file_name = [full_name, '_', system_type] file_name = [full_name, '_cbg.m'] cbgfilenum = fopen(file_name,'w'); write_cbg(cbgfilenum,full_name,system_type,bonds,status); fclose(cbgfilenum); % Return the port bonds for i = 1:n_ports % The port SSs come first j = abs(components(i,1)); % Get the bonds attached to the ports direction = -sign(components(i,1)); port_bonds(i,:) = direction*bonds(j,:); end; disp('----------------------');