function [known] = mtt_component_eqn (fullname, port, causality, \ known, Cbg) ## function [known] = mtt_component_eqn (fullname, port, causality, known) ## ## Recursively finds the equations giving the signal of specified ## causality on the specified port of component named "name" within ## subsystem Name ## fullname: name of component and subsystem ## port: port number of component ## causality: effort or flow ## know_list: list of components already known ## Data structures. ## A signal is a row vector containing three numbers: ## Index -- a unique (within a subsystem) signed integer ## abs(index) is the unique bond number, sign is the direction. ## Causality -- 1 for effort, -1 for flow ## Port -- the port of the component to which it is connected. ## [Name,name] = mtt_subname(fullname); # Split fullname SD = "__"; # Subsystem delimiter CD = "\n%%"; # Comment delimiter DEBUG = 0; if DEBUG disp("======================================="); fullname, name, Name, port,causality,known endif eqn="## No equation -- something wrong"; # Default if length(known)<2 # Invalid known = " "; endif cbg = mtt_cbg(Name); # Structure for this subsystem if struct_contains (cbg, "ports") ## Combine ports with the other subsystems for [component_structure, component] = cbg.ports eval(sprintf("cbg.subsystems.%s=cbg.ports.%s;",component,component)); endfor endif ## Call to a subsystem (represented by name="") if strcmp(name,"") if !struct_contains(cbg,"portlist") N_ports = 0; else [N_ports,M_ports] = size(cbg.portlist); endif if port>N_ports error(sprintf("port (%i) > N_ports (%i)", port, N_ports)); else # Get name and find equation name = deblank(cbg.portlist(port,:)); if DEBUG disp("----> lower-level system") endif known = mtt_component_eqn (mtt_fullname(Name,name), 1, \ causality, known, cbg); return endif endif ## Other causality representations if strcmp(causality,"effort") i_cause = 1; othercausality = "flow"; index_cause = 1; cause = "e"; elseif strcmp(causality,"flow") i_cause = -1; othercausality = "effort"; index_cause = 2; cause = "f"; else error(sprintf("mtt_component_eqn: causality %s invalid", causality)); endif ## A useful composite name name_port_cause = sprintf("%s_%i_%s",name, port, cause); full_name_port_cause = mtt_fullname(Name,name_port_cause); ## If value is known, don't do anything. if findstr(sprintf(" %s ", full_name_port_cause), known)>0 eqn = sprintf("%s The %s signal on port %i of %s is known already", \ CD, causality, port, name); return else # Add to list known = sprintf("%s %s", known, full_name_port_cause); endif ## Component type comp_type = eval(sprintf("cbg.subsystems.%s.type;", name)); if DEBUG comp_type endif ## Component cr cr = eval(sprintf(";", name)); ## Component arg arg = eval(sprintf("cbg.subsystems.%s.arg;", name)); ## To which bond(s) is the component connected? connections = eval(sprintf("cbg.subsystems.%s.connections;", name)); bond_list = abs(connections); # Unsigned list out_bond_number = bond_list(port); # The bond at the output of this component direction = sign(connections); # Bond directions directions = direction'*[1 1]; ## List of system bonds bonds = cbg.bonds; ## List of component bond causality (component-orientated causality) comp_bonds = bonds(bond_list,:).*directions; # Component bonds ## What components are at the other ends of the in bonds? ## Effort [in_e_bonds,in_e_components,in_e_ports,N_e] = mtt_component_inputs \ (name,comp_type,causality,"effort",comp_bonds,connections,cbg); ## Flow [in_f_bonds,in_f_components,in_f_ports,N_f] = mtt_component_inputs \ (name,comp_type,causality,"flow",comp_bonds,connections,cbg); ##Composite values N_ef = N_e + N_f; in_ef_bonds = [in_e_bonds; in_f_bonds]; in_ef_components = [in_e_components; in_f_components]; in_ef_ports = [in_e_ports; in_f_ports]; in_causality = [ones(N_e,1); -ones(N_f,1)]; ## Lists of signals relevant to this component outsig = [out_bond_number i_cause port]; insigs = [in_ef_bonds in_causality in_ef_ports]; innames = in_ef_components; if DEBUG outsig insigs innames endif ## Is the signal the output of a port? is_port_output = 0; # Default if struct_contains (cbg, "ports") if struct_contains (cbg.ports,name) is_port_output = (outsig(2)!=insigs(1,2)); endif endif if is_port_output ## Which port (number) is it? [N_ports,M_ports] = size(cbg.portlist); for i=1:N_ports if strcmp(deblank(cbg.portlist(i,:)), name) port_index = i; break; endif endfor ## File containing data structure NAME = mtt_subname(Name); CBG = mtt_cbg(NAME); ## And to which component (at higher level) is it connected? [new_Name,new_name] = mtt_subname(Name); port_bond = eval(sprintf("CBG.subsystems.%s.connections(%i);", new_name, port_index)); [in_name, in_port, in_bond] = mtt_other_end (new_name,port_bond,CBG); ## Find its equation if DEBUG disp("----> higher level system") endif known = mtt_component_eqn (mtt_fullname(new_Name,in_name), \ in_port, causality, known, cbg); LHS = Source_seqn ("external",Name); RHS = varname(NAME, abs(in_bond), i_cause); eqn = sprintf("%s%s%s := %s;", LHS, SD, name, RHS); if !DEBUG comment = sprintf("%s PORT", CD); disp(sprintf("%s\n%s",comment, eqn)); endif endif ## Handle special components if strcmp(comp_type,"0")||strcmp(comp_type,"1") # Junctions [eqn,insigs,innames] = junction_seqn (comp_type,Name, outsig, \ insigs, innames); else # Everything else if exist(sprintf("%s_cause", comp_type)) # Simple component ## Do the equations [eqn,insigs,innames] = eval(sprintf("%s_seqn (Name, name, cr, arg, outsig, insigs, innames);", comp_type)); else # Compound component new_NAME = Name; new_Name = mtt_fullname(Name,name); new_name = ""; ## Get relevant data structure Cbg = mtt_cbg(new_Name); port_name = Cbg.portlist(port,:); LHS = varname(Name, outsig(1,1), outsig(1,2)); RHS = Sensor_seqn ("external",new_Name); eqn = sprintf("%s := %s%s%s;", LHS, RHS, SD, port_name); if DEBUG disp("----> same-level subsystem") endif [known] = mtt_component_eqn \ (mtt_fullname(new_Name,new_name), port, causality, known, cbg); endif endif comment = \ sprintf("%s Equation for %s signal on port %i of %s (%s), subsystem %s.", \ CD, causality, port, name, comp_type, Name); if DEBUG disp(sprintf("%s\n%s",comment, eqn)); endif is_external = mtt_is_external(comp_type,outsig, insigs, is_port_output); if !is_external ## Find the corresponding input equations [N_other,M_other] = size(insigs); for i = 1:N_other if insigs(i,2)==1 other_causality = "effort"; else other_causality = "flow"; endif other_port = insigs(i,3); other_name = deblank(innames(i,:)); if DEBUG disp("----> same-level component") endif [known] = mtt_component_eqn \ (mtt_fullname(Name,other_name), other_port, other_causality, \ known, cbg); endfor endif ## Write this signal ##comment_2 = sprintf("Connected to:%s", in_component_list); if !DEBUG disp(sprintf("%s\n%s",comment, eqn)); endif endfunction