function figfig(filename,language,boxed) ## Usage: figfig(filename[,language,boxed]) ## Puts octave figure into fig file (filename.fig) ## If second argument, converts to filename.language using fig2dev ## eg: ## figfig("foo"); ## figfig("foo","eps"); ## figfig("foo","pdf"); ## Boxed=1 gives a box aroundd the figure ############################################################### ## Version control history ############################################################### ## $Id$ ## $Log$ ## Revision 1.4 2001/05/08 15:18:12 gawthrop ## Added trig and hyperbolic functions to argument exclusion list ## ## Revision 1.3 2001/04/10 12:54:50 gawthrop ## Minor fixes for sensitivity versions ## ## Revision 1.2 2000/12/27 16:06:02 peterg ## *** empty log message *** ## ## Revision 1.1 2000/11/03 10:43:10 peterg ## Initial revision ############################################################### if nargin<3 boxed=1; endif figfilename = sprintf("%s.fig",filename); eval(sprintf("gset output \"%s\" ",figfilename)); gset term fig color portrait fontsize 16 size 20 10 metric replot; gset term x11 gset output replot; if boxed # Add a box - makes a visible bounding box fid = fopen(figfilename,"a+"); fprintf(fid,"2 4 0 2 31 7 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5\n"); fprintf(fid,"\t9675 5310 9675 270 225 270 225 5310 9675 5310\n"); fclose(fid); endif if nargin>1 # Do a ps file psfilename = sprintf("%s.%s",filename,language); convert = sprintf("fig2dev -L%s %s > %s", language, figfilename, psfilename); system(convert); endif endfunction