function tex = pol2tex(pol,name,f) ## pol2tex: converts polynomial into LaTeX form. ## tex = pol2tex(pol,[name,f]) ## pol polynomial (row vector) ## name name of the variable (eg s or z) ## f format of the coefficients (eg %2.4f) ############################################################### ## Version control history ############################################################### ## $Id$ ## $Log$ ## Revision 1.3 2001/07/11 03:58:41 gawthrop ## removed {} ## ## Revision 1.2 2001/05/10 19:08:35 gawthrop ## Cosmetic improvements ## ## Revision 1.1 2001/05/10 11:44:40 gawthrop ## Useful conversion functions ## ## Revision 1.1 1999/03/25 01:33:51 peterg ## Initial revision ## ############################################################### if nargin<2 name = "s"; endif if nargin<3 f = "%2.2f"; endif n = length(pol); if n<1 tex = "--"; return endif if pol(1) == 1 if n>1 tex = ''; else tex = '1'; endif else ff = sprintf(" %s",f); tex = sprintf(ff, pol(1)); endif if n>2 tex = sprintf("%s%s^%i", tex, name, n-1); elseif n==2 tex = sprintf("%s%s", tex, name); else tex = sprintf("%s", tex); endif for i=2:n if pol(i)<0 plusminus = '-'; else plusminus = '+'; endif ff = sprintf("%%s %%s %s",f); tex = sprintf(ff, tex, plusminus, abs(pol(i))); if i