function structure = cbg2ese(system_name, system_type, full_name, ... repetition,... structure, infofile) % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%%%% Model Transformation Tools %%%%% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Matlab function cbg2ese.m % Acausal bond graph to causal bond graph: mfile format % Structure matrix [states,nonstates,inputs,outputs,zero_outputs] % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% Version control history % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% $Id$ % %% $Log$ % %% Revision 1.5 1996/08/24 15:02:23 peter % %% Writes `END;' to keep reduce happy. % %% % %% Revision 1.4 1996/08/19 09:03:41 peter % %% Handles repeating components. % %% % %% Revision 1.3 1996/08/18 20:08:02 peter % %% Included additional structure: structure(5) = zero_outputs. % %% % %% Revision 1.2 1996/08/08 18:08:11 peter % %% Sorted out file naming sceme % %% % %% Revision 1.1 1996/08/08 15:53:23 peter % %% Initial revision % %% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% system_name, system_type, full_name, pc = '%'; if nargin<3 eqnfile = 'stdout'; end; if nargin<4 infofile = 'stdout'; end; % Create the (full) system name if length(full_name)==0 full_name = system_name; system_type = system_name; else full_name = [full_name, '_', system_name]; end; full_name_type = [full_name, '_', system_type]; cbg_name = [full_name_type, '_cbg']; abg_name = [system_type, '_abg']; cmp_name = [system_type, '_cmp']; % Return if cbg file doesn't exist if exist(cbg_name)~=2 return end; % Setup file ese_name = sprintf('%s_%1.0f_ese.r', full_name, repetition); filenum = fopen(ese_name, 'w'); % Evaluate the system function to get the bonds eval(['[junk,components]=', abg_name, ';']); eval(['bonds=', cbg_name, ';']); % Find number of bonds [n_bonds,columns] = size(bonds); if (columns ~= 2)&(n_bonds>0) error('Incorrect bonds matrix: must have 2 columns'); end; % Find number of components [n_components,columns] = size(components); n_components = n_components for i = 1:n_components comp = nozeros(components(i,:)); bond_list = abs(comp); direction = sign(comp)'*[1 1]; % Convert from arrow orientated to component orientated causality comp_bonds = bonds(bond_list,:).*direction; eval([ '[comp_type,comp_name,cr,args,repetitions] = ', cmp_name, '(i);' ]); % change name of 0 and 1 components -- matlab doesn't like numbers here if strcmp(comp_type,'0') comp_type = 'zero'; end; if strcmp(comp_type,'1') comp_type = 'one'; end; comp_type = comp_type ports = length(bond_list) repetitions = repetitions if repetitions>1 port_pairs = ports/2; if round(port_pairs)~=port_pairs; mtt_info(['Repeated component ', comp_name, ... ' has an odd number of ports - ignoring repetitions']); repetitions = 1; end; end; if repetitions>1 odd_bonds = bond_list(1:2:ports-1); even_bonds = bond_list(2:2:ports); next_bond = max(max(abs(components)))+1; end; for k = 1:repetitions if repetitions>1 if k==1 bond_list(1:2:ports-1) = odd_bonds; else bond_list(1:2:ports-1) = bond_list(2:2:ports); end; if k==repetitions bond_list(2:2:ports) = even_bonds; else new_bonds = [next_bond:next_bond+port_pairs-1]; next_bond = next_bond+port_pairs; bond_list(2:2:ports) = new_bonds; end; end; % Invoke the appropriate equation-generating procedure name_r = sprintf('%s_%1.0f', full_name, repetition); eqn_name = [comp_type, '_eqn'] if exist(eqn_name)~=2 % Try a compound component disp('---PUSH---'); structure = cbg2ese(comp_name, comp_type, full_name, k, ... structure, infofile); % Link up the bonds name_k = sprintf('%s_%1.0f', full_name, k); name_comp_name = sprintf('%s_%s_%1.0f', full_name, comp_name, k); for port_number=1:length(bond_list) % Effort if comp_bonds(port_number,1)==1 % Source fprintf(filenum, '%s_MTT_inport_%1.0f := %s;\n', ... name_comp_name, port_number, varname(name_r, ... bond_list(port_number),1)); else % sensor fprintf(filenum, '%s := %s_MTT_outport_%1.0f;\n', ... varname(name_r, ... bond_list(port_number),1), name_comp_name, port_number); end; % flow if comp_bonds(port_number,2)==-1 % Source fprintf(filenum, '%s_MTT_inport_%1.0f := %s;\n', ... name_comp_name, port_number, varname(name_r, ... bond_list(port_number),-1)); else % sensor fprintf(filenum, '%s := %s_MTT_outport_%1.0f;\n', ... varname(name_r, ... bond_list(port_number),-1), name_comp_name, port_number); end; end; disp('---POP---'); else % its a simple component eval(['structure = ', ... eqn_name, ... '(name_r,bond_list,comp_bonds,direction,cr,args,structure,filenum);' ]); end; end; end; fclose(filenum);