function ports = comp_ports(comp_type,N) % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%%%% Model Transformation Tools %%%%% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Matlab function comp_ports % ports = comp_ports(comp_type) % Returns the port list for simple components % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% Version control history % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% $Id$ % %% $Log$ % %% Revision 1.8 1998/06/29 12:16:05 peterg % %% Whoops - FP bonds are p and f (in that order) % %% % %% Revision 1.7 1998/06/29 12:13:36 peterg % %% Changed FP ports to f and p % %% % %% Revision 1.6 1998/06/29 09:55:17 peterg % %% Changed name to FP from ES % %% % %% Revision 1.5 1998/04/12 15:01:53 peterg % %% Converted to uniform port notation - always use [] % %% % %% Revision 1.4 1998/03/31 08:39:31 peterg % %% Added EBTF % %% % %% Revision 1.3 1997/11/21 11:32:57 peterg % %% N ports numbered 1..N % %% % %% Revision 1.2 1997/08/28 08:08:24 peterg % %% Added RS component to the two-port list % %% % %% Revision 1.1 1997/08/02 19:35:47 peterg % %% Initial revision % %% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% junctions = '-zero-one-'; one_ports = '-SS-'; two_ports = '-TF-GY-AE-AF-FMR-RS-EBTF-'; N_ports = '-R-C-I-'; comp_type = ['-', comp_type, '-']; #if length(findstr(comp_type,junctions))==1 # ports = ['[undefined]']; #elseif length(findstr(comp_type,one_ports))==1 # ports = ['[in]']; #elseif length(findstr(comp_type,two_ports))==1 # ports = ['[in]';'[out]']; #elseif length(findstr(comp_type,'[-EMTF-]'))==1 # ports = ['[in]';'[out]';'[mod]']; #elseif length(findstr(comp_type,'[-FP-]'))==1 # ports = ['[p]';'[f]']; #elseif length(findstr(comp_type,'[-PS-]'))==1 # ports = ['[in]';'[out]';'[power]']; #elseif length(findstr(comp_type,N_ports))==1 # if N==1 # ports = ['[in]']; # elseif N==2 # ports = ['[in]';'[out]']; # elseif N>2 # ports = '[1]'; # for i=2:N # ports = [ports; sprintf("[%i]",i)]; # end; # end; #end; # All the above is now done in the alias files ports = '[1]'; for i=2:N ports = [ports; sprintf("[%i]",i)]; end; endfunction