function model = mttApplyInterfaceCausality(model,specified_rule,branch) ; is_root_model = (nargin==2) ; objects = mttGetFieldNames(model,'obj') ; for i = 1:length(objects) object_name = objects{i} ; object = getfield(model,'obj',object_name) ; if isfield(object,'obj') if is_root_model branch = object_name ; else branch = [branch,'/',object_name] ; end object = mttApplyInterfaceCausality(object,specified_rule,branch) ; model = setfield(model,'obj',object_name,object) ; else if ~isempty( if is_root_model branch = mttDetachText(model.source,'/') ; end here = [branch,':',object_name] ; port_names = mttGetFieldNames(,'port') ; for j = 1:length(port_names) port_name = port_names{j} ; port = getfield(,'port',port_name) ; inbond = ; outbond = port.out ; for k = 1:mttGetFieldLength(port,'causality') rule = port.causality(k).rule ; definition = port.causality(k).def ; association = port.causality(k).with ; not_applied = ~port.causality(k).applied ; switch rule case 'assert', is_assertion = 1 ; case 'prefer', is_assertion = 0 ; otherwise error(['Unrecognised rule "',port_causality.rule,'" in ',here]) ; end apply_rule = strcmp(specified_rule,rule) & not_applied ; if apply_rule switch definition % case 'effort_state', % mttAssert(mttIsEqual(port.is_flow_state,0),... % ['Attempt to overwrite state assignment at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; % port.is_effort_state = 1 ; % case 'flow_state', % mttAssert(mttIsEqual(port.is_effort_state,0),... % ['Attempt to overwrite state assignment at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; % port.is_flow_state = 1 ; case {'effort_in_flow_out','flow_in_effort_out','flow_out_effort_in','effort_out_flow_in'} mttAssert(isempty(association),... ['Over-constraint at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; switch definition case {'effort_in_flow_out','flow_out_effort_in'}, [model,inbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,inbond,1,1,1) ; [model,outbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,outbond,0,0,1) ; case {'flow_in_effort_out','effort_out_flow_in'}, [model,inbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,inbond,0,0,1) ; [model,outbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,outbond,1,1,1) ; end ok = inbond_ok & outbond_ok ; if is_assertion mttAssert(ok,['Causal conflict at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; end case 'effort_in' mttAssert(isempty(association),... ['Over-constraint at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; [model,inbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,inbond,1,[],1) ; [model,outbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,outbond,0,[],1) ; ok = inbond_ok & outbond_ok ; if is_assertion mttAssert(ok,['Causal conflict at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; end case 'effort_out' mttAssert(isempty(association),... ['Over-constraint at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; [model,inbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,inbond,0,[],1) ; [model,outbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,outbond,1,[],1) ; ok = inbond_ok & outbond_ok ; if is_assertion mttAssert(ok,['Causal conflict at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; end case 'flow_in' mttAssert(isempty(association),... ['Over-constraint at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; [model,inbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,inbond,[],0,1) ; [model,outbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,outbond,[],1,1) ; ok = inbond_ok & outbond_ok ; if is_assertion mttAssert(ok,['Causal conflict at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; end case 'flow_out' mttAssert(isempty(association),... ['Over-constraint at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; [model,inbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,inbond,[],1,1) ; [model,outbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,outbond,[],0,1) ; ok = inbond_ok & outbond_ok ; if is_assertion mttAssert(ok,['Causal conflict at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; end case 'unicausal', mttAssert(isempty(association),... ['Over-constraint at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; [model,inbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,inbond,[],[],1) ; [model,outbond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,outbond,[],[],1) ; ok = inbond_ok & outbond_ok ; if is_assertion mttAssert(ok,['Causal conflict at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; end case {'equicausal','anticausal'} mttAssert(length(association)==1,... ['Incorrect constraint at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; associated_port_name = association{1} ; associated_port = getfield(cr.interface,'port',associated_port_name) ; associated_inbond = ; associated_outbond = associated_port.out ; mttAsert(xor(isempty(inbond),isempty(outbond)),... ['Causal rule expects unique bond at port "',port_name,'" in ',here]) ; mttAsert(xor(isempty(associated_inbond),isempty(associated_outbond)),... ['Causal rule expects unique bond at port "',associated_port_name,'" in ',here]) ; if isempty(associated_inbond) a = associated_outbond ; else a = associated_inbond ; end if isempty(inbond) b = outbond ; else b = inbond ; end switch definition case 'equicausal', [model,bond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,b,...,, ; [model,associated_bond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,a,...,, ; case 'anticausal', [model,bond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,b,...,, ; [model,associated_bond_ok] = mttUpdateBondCausality(model,a,...,, ; end ok = bond_ok & associated_bond_ok ; if is_assertion mttAssert(ok,['Causal conflict between ports "',port_name,... 'and',associated_port_name,'" in ',here]) ; end otherwise, error(['Unrecognised constraint "',definition,'" in ',here]) ; end port.causality(k).applied = 1 ; object = setfield(object,'cr','interface','port',port_name,port) ; model = setfield(model,'obj',object_name,object) ; end end end end end end