function [port_bonds, status] = abg2cbg(system_name, system_type, full_name,
typefile, infofile, errorfile)
## abg2cbg - acausal to causal bg conversion
## ######################################
## ##### Model Transformation Tools #####
## ######################################
## Matlab function abg2cbg.m
## Acausal bond graph to causal bond graph: mfile format
## [bonds,status] = abg2cbg(system_name, system_type, full_name, port_bonds, infofile)
## ###############################################################
## ## Version control history
## ###############################################################
## ## $Id$
## ## $Log$
## ## Revision 1.49 2001/07/26 05:02:53 geraint
## ## Now writes cbg.fig when under-causal (again).
## ##
## ## Revision 1.48 2001/07/23 23:20:27 gawthrop
## ## Now only writes to and cbg.m when causality is completed.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.47 2000/03/20 16:45:26 peterg
## ## *** empty log message ***
## ##
## ## Revision 1.46 2000/02/17 16:14:49 peterg
## ## *** empty log message ***
## ##
## ## Revision 1.45 1999/11/01 03:17:45 peterg
## ## Added extra info - current subsystem
## ##
## ## Revision 1.44 1999/03/11 23:54:11 peterg
## ## Include possibility of vector SS when finding port_bond_index
## ##
## ## Revision 1.43 1998/12/14 15:19:36 peterg
## ## Added missing "derivative_causality," argument to recursive call of
## ## this function
## ##
## ## Revision 1.42 1998/12/03 14:55:40 peterg
## ## Now uses number of components with complete causality to measure
## ## progress of algorithm -- Done.
## ## This replaces bond count -- done.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.41 1998/11/20 10:52:28 peterg
## ## Copies port bonds if the port bonds ARE set
## ## -- replaces Copies port bonds if the component bonds are NOT set
## ##
## ## Revision 1.40 1998/09/02 11:47:09 peterg
## ## Now uses explicit ordered list of ports instead of port.index.
## ## Note that subsystems are still treated in arbitrary order.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.39 1998/08/25 20:06:16 peterg
## ## Writes flipped port info
## ##
## ## Revision 1.38 1998/08/25 09:15:28 peterg
## ## Fixed couple of problems with using two copies of the one data
## ## stucture:
## ##
## ## ABG_field and ABG.field
## ##
## ## Maybe this is conceptually wrong?
## ##
## ## Revision 1.37 1998/08/25 08:33:29 peterg
## ## Now does ports as well - fixed string prob by using deblank
## ##
## ## Revision 1.36 1998/08/25 06:44:40 peterg
## ## Furhter revisions
## ##
## ## Revision 1.35 1998/08/24 10:16:32 peterg
## ## Coverted to new structure - still needs status sorting.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.34 1998/08/24 07:35:03 peterg
## ## About to go to new abg format.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.33 1998/07/29 13:36:37 peterg
## ## Don't set port status if there aren't any ports.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.32 1998/07/28 19:06:11 peterg
## ## *** empty log message ***
## ##
## ## Revision 1.31 1998/07/28 13:15:10 peterg
## ## Vector SS ports included.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.30 1998/07/27 20:29:49 peterg
## ## Had another go at causality ....
## ## 1. Impose external causality onto all port bonds
## ## 2. Set C_cause.m so that it DOESN'T set causality
## ## -- I_cause is already ok !
## ##
## ## Revision 1.29 1998/07/10 09:01:42 peterg
## ## Added error + info file in new form
## ##
## ## Revision 1.28 1998/07/08 09:23:42 peterg
## ## Undid the previous change -- needs more thought.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.27 1998/07/03 19:03:31 peterg
## ## Always override the causality of port bonds!
## ##
## ## Revision 1.26 1998/06/27 13:24:04 peterg
## ## Causality now set correctly for:
## ## multi-port C and I
## ## C and I with arrows pointing in
## ##
## ## Revision 1.25 1998/06/25 18:53:30 peterg
## ## Actually, the previous comment was optimistic.
## ## The port causalities on a compound are now forced to be the same as
## ## that specified by a a _cuase.m file (if it exists)
## ##
## ## Revision 1.24 1998/06/25 17:45:03 peterg
## ## No change -- but checked that explicit causality works!
## ##
## ## Revision 1.23 1998/04/04 10:46:37 peterg
## ## Coerces port bonds to have smae direction as the imposing bonds
## ## _cbg now generates the (coerced) components as welll as the (coerced)
## ## causality.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.22 1997/08/19 10:21:09 peterg
## ## Only copy port cuaslity info if not already set within the
## ## subsystem. I thought I'd done this already ....
## ##
## ## Revision 1.21 1997/08/18 16:25:25 peterg
## ## Minor bug fixes
## ##
## ## Revision 1.20 1997/08/18 12:45:24 peterg
## ## Replaced: comp_bonds = bonds(bond_list,:)
## ## by: for kk = 1:n_comp
## ## comp_bonds(kk,:) = bonds(comp(kk),:);
## ## end;
## ##
## ## to avoid an octave bug in 1.92.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.19 1997/08/18 11:23:59 peterg
## ## Main component loop now misses out the ports (SS:[]) -- the causality
## ## is merely passed through these components.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.18 1997/08/08 08:11:04 peterg
## ## Suppress compoment trace.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.17 1997/08/07 16:10:13 peterg
## ## Move the if status .. to the beginning of the main loop.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.16 1997/08/04 13:11:19 peterg
## ## Only change to component-orientated causality for simple components
## ## NOT for compound components.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.15 1997/01/05 12:25:59 peterg
## ## More informative message about port bonds incompatible with ports
## ##
## ## Revision 1.14 1996/12/31 16:20:42 peterg
## ## Just write causality information at top level -- it gets a bit
## ## voluminous if written at deeper levels.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.13 1996/12/31 11:49:09 peterg
## ## Don't copy port bond causality if already set -- allows subsystem
## ## causality to be preset directely on named SS.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.12 1996/12/31 11:42:36 peterg
## ## *** empty log message ***
## ##
## ## Revision 1.11 1996/12/07 17:10:48 peterg
## ## Allows port SS at top level - ie takes it to be an ardianry SS at top
## ## level.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.10 1996/12/04 21:48:55 peterg
## ## Compares full-name with empty string (instead of testing for zero
## ## length.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.9 1996/08/30 12:55:40 peter
## ## More heirachical stuff added.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.8 1996/08/26 10:04:25 peterg
## ## Fixed error due to a line wrap.
## ##
## ##Revision 1.7 1996/08/16 12:58:58 peter
## ## Now does preferred causality of I and C.
## ## Revision 1.6 1996/08/09 08:27:29 peter
## ## Added a few deguging lines
## ##
## ## Revision 1.5 1996/08/08 18:06:18 peter
## ## Unified file naming scheme
## ##
## ## Revision 1.4 1996/08/08 08:30:06 peter
## ## The cbg filename contains the system name - this makes things easier
## ## when setting up the m to fig translation and m to ese translation
## ##
## ## Revision 1.3 1996/08/05 18:53:21 peter
## ## Fixed bug passing causality from subsystems.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.2 1996/08/05 15:41:41 peter
## ## Now recursively does causality on subsystems.
## ##
## ## Revision 1.1 1996/08/04 17:55:55 peter
## ## Initial revision
## ##
## ###############################################################
mtt_info(sprintf("Completing causality for subsystem %s", system_name), infofile);
pc = '%';
sub_delim = "__"; # Subsystem delimiter
if nargin<1
system_name = 'no_name';
if nargin<4
port_bonds = [];
if nargin<5
infofile = 'stdout';
## Are we at the top level of the heirarchy?
at_top_level = strcmp(full_name, '');
## Create a file to contain shell commands which map subsystem types
## onto components
# if at_top_level # Then at top level
# fprintf(typefile, "# Commands to map types onto subsystems\n");
# fprintf(typefile, "# File\n", system_name);
# fprintf(typefile, "# Generated by MTT at %s\n\n", ctime(time));
# end;
## Create the (full) system name
if at_top_level
full_name = system_name;
system_type = system_name;
full_name = [full_name, sub_delim, system_name];
fun_name = [system_type, "_abg"];
disp(["BEGIN: ", full_name, " (", fun_name, ")"]);
## If no such function - then there is nothing to be done.
if exist(fun_name)~=2
mtt_error(["m-file ", fun_name, " does not exist"], errorfile);
bonds = [];
status = [];
## Evaluate the system function to get the bonds and number of ports
##eval(["[bonds,components,n_ports,N_ports]=", fun_name, ";"]);
eval(["[ABG]=", fun_name, ";"]);
if !struct_contains(ABG,"subsystems")# Are there any subsystems?
return; # Nothing to do
[n_subsystems,junk] = size(struct_elements(ABG.subsystems))
if struct_contains(ABG,"portlist")# Are there any ports?
[n_ports,junk] = size(ABG.portlist);
## port_bond_index=zeros(n_ports,1);
i_port = 0;
for i=1:n_ports # Find indices of the internal ports
name = deblank(ABG.portlist(i,:)); # Name of this port
eval(["port = ABG.ports.",name,";"]); # Extract port info
for j=1:length(port.connections) # Maybe vector SS
port_bond_index(++i_port) = abs(port.connections(j));
n_ports = 0;
[n_bonds,columns] = size(ABG.bonds);# Find number of bonds
if (columns ~= 2)&(n_bonds>0)
error("Incorrect bonds matrix: must have 2 columns");
## Find number of components
## [n_components,m_components] = size(components);
## if n_components==0 # there is nothing to be done
## return
## end;
## Coerce the port (SS:[]) component bonds to have the same direction as
## of the bonds in the encapsulating system -- but not at top level
if (n_ports>0)&&(!at_top_level) # Coerce directions
for i=1:n_ports
name = deblank(ABG.portlist(i,:)); # Name of this port
eval(["port = ABG.ports.",name,";"]); # Extract port info
disp ("----");
if (sign(port.connections)!=port_bond_direction(i)) # Direction different?
eval(["ABG.ports.",name,".connections = - port.connections;"]); # Flip direction at port
Flipped.ports=[Flipped.ports;name]; # Remember which port has been flipped
bond_index=abs(port.connections); # Index of bond on port
mtt_info(sprintf("Flip port %s on %s"\
,name,full_name),infofile); # And report
for [subsystem,name] = ABG.subsystems # and at the other end
for k=1:length(subsystem.connections)
if (abs(subsystem.connections(k))==bond_index) # Then flip the connection
eval(["ABG.subsystems.",name,".connections(k) = -subsystem.connections(k);"]);
Flipped.subs=[Flipped.subs;name]; # Remember which subsystem has been flipped
Flipped.cons=[Flipped.cons;k]; # Remember which connection has been flipped
mtt_info(sprintf("Flip subsystem %s on %s"\
,name,full_name),infofile); # And report
endfor # subsystem = ABG.subsystems
ABG.bonds(bond_index,:) = -ABG.bonds(bond_index,:); # Flip the bond causalities
##(these are arrow-orientated)
endif # Is the direction different?
endfor # port = ABG.ports
endif # (n_ports>0)&&(!at_top_level)
## If not at top level, then copy the port bonds.
if !at_top_level # Find number of port bonds
for j=1:n_ports
jj = port_bond_index(j); # The index of the bond
for k = 1:2
## if ABG.bonds(jj,k)==0 # only copy if not already set
## ABG.bonds(jj,k) = port_bonds(j,k);
## endif
if port_bonds(j,k)!=0 # only copy if port bonds are set
ABG.bonds(jj,k) = port_bonds(j,k);
## Causality indicator
total = 2*n_bonds;
done = sum(sum(abs(ABG.bonds)))/total*100;
fields=["ports";"subsystems"]; # Do for both ports and subsystems -
## ports first
for i=1:2
if struct_contains(ABG,field);
eval(["ABG_field = ABG.",field, ";"]);
sum_ok = 0; n_comp = 0;
for [subsystem,name] = ABG_field# Find % status = 0 (causally complete)
eval(["ok = (ABG_field.",name,".status==0);"]);
sum_ok = sum_ok + ok; n_comp ++;
Done = sum_ok/n_comp*100
## Outer while loop sets preferred causality
## for [subsystem,name] = ABG_field# Set new status field to -1
## eval(["ABG_field.",name,".status=-1;"]);
## endfor;
while( ci_index>0)
old_done = inf;
old_Done = inf;
while Done!=old_Done # Inner loop propagates causality
old_Done = Done;
for [subsystem,name] = ABG_field
if subsystem.status != 0 # only do this if causality not yet complete
comp = subsystem.connections; # Get the bonds on this component
bond_list = abs(comp);
direction = sign(comp)'*[1 1];
n_bonds = length(bond_list);
if strcmp(subsystem.type,"0") # Change names
subsystem.type = "zero";
if strcmp(subsystem.type,"1")
subsystem.type = "one";
cause_name = [subsystem.type, "_cause"];# Component causality procedure name
eqn_name = [subsystem.type, "_eqn"]; #Component equation procedure name
comp_bonds=[]; # Bonds on this component (arrow-orientated) -- these become the
for kk = 1:n_bonds # port bonds on the ith component of this subsystem.
comp_bonds(kk,:) = ABG.bonds(bond_list(kk),:);
if exist(eqn_name)!=2 # Try a compound component
## Port status depends on whether the corresponding bonds are
## fully causal at this stage.
one = ones(n_bonds,1);
port_status = (sum(abs(comp_bonds'))'==2*one) - one;
port_bond_direction = -sign(subsystem.connections)'; # Direction of bonds
if exist(cause_name)==2 # If there is a predefined causality function; use it
comp_bonds = comp_bonds.*(port_bond_direction*[1 1]); # Convert from arrow orientated to component orientated causality
eval([ "[comp_bonds] = ", cause_name, "(comp_bonds);" ]); # Evaluate the built-in causality procedure
comp_bonds = comp_bonds.*(port_bond_direction*[1 1]); # and convert from component orientated to arrow orientated causality
[comp_bonds,subsystem.status] = abg2cbg(name, subsystem.type, full_name,
comp_bonds, port_bond_direction, port_status, ...
derivative_causality, ...
typefile, infofile, errorfile);
else # its a simple component -- or explicit causality defined
mtt_info(sprintf("Completing causality for component %s (%s)",
name, subsystem.type), infofile);
disp(["---", name, " (", cause_name, ") ---"]);
comp_bonds_in = comp_bonds
## Convert from arrow orientated to component orientated causality
comp_bonds = comp_bonds.*direction;
## Evaluate the built-in causality procedure
##eval([ "[comp_bonds,status(i)] = ", cause_name, "(comp_bonds);" ]);
eval([ "[comp_bonds,subsystem.status] = ", cause_name, "(comp_bonds)" ]);
## and convert from component orientated to arrow orientated causality
comp_bonds = comp_bonds.*direction;
comp_bonds_out = comp_bonds
ABG.bonds(bond_list,:) = comp_bonds;# Update the full bonds list
eval(["ABG_field.",name,".status = subsystem.status;"]);
sum_ok = 0; n_comp = 0;
for [subsystem,name] = ABG_field# Find % status = 0 (causally complete)
eval(["ok = (ABG_field.",name,".status==0);"]);
sum_ok = sum_ok + ok; n_comp ++;
Done = sum_ok/n_comp*100
done = sum(sum(abs(ABG.bonds)))/total*100
##disp(sprintf("Causality is #3.0f#s complete.", done, pc), infofile));
endwhile # done!=old_done
[name,prefered] = getdynamic(ABG_field) # Set causality of a C or I which is not already set
if prefered==0
disp("Set causality of a C or I which is not already set")
eval(["ci_bond_index = ABG.",field,".",name,".connections;"]); # Get bonds
ci_direction = sign(ci_bond_index);
ci_bond_index = abs(ci_bond_index);
if derivative_causality
prefered = -prefered;
ABG.bonds(ci_bond_index,1:2) = prefered*ci_direction'*[1 1]
eval(["ABG.subsystems.",name,".status=0"]); #set status of the C or I
endwhile # ( ci_index>0)
eval(["ABG.",field," = ABG_field;"]); # Copy back to actual structure
endif # struct_contains(CBG,field(i,:));
## if n_ports>0
## status(1:n_ports) = zeros(n_ports,1); # Port status not relevant
## endif;
## Print final causality
## final_done = (sum(status==zeros(n_components,1))/n_components)*100;
if at_top_level
mtt_info(sprintf("Final causality of %s is %3.0f%s complete.", ...
full_name, Done, pc), infofile);
if Done<100
mtt_error(sprintf("Unable to complete causality"),errorfile);
endif # at_top_level
## Return the port bonds - arrow orientated causality - and the direction
if !at_top_level # Not at top level
port_bonds = ABG.bonds(port_bond_index,:); # Return port bonds
endif; # at top level
for [subsystem,name] = ABG.subsystems
if subsystem.status==-1 # Under causal
mtt_info(sprintf("Component %s (%s) is undercausal", name, subsystem.type), ...
elseif subsystem.status==1; # Over causal
mtt_info(sprintf("Component %s (%s) is overcausal", name, subsystem.type), ...
endfor; # [subsystem,name] = ABG.subsystems
## write out the component .cbg file
disp(["Writing ", full_name]);
fprintf(typefile, "$1%s$2%s$3\n", system_type, full_name);
status, port_bonds
disp(["END: ", full_name, " (", fun_name, ")"]);