History of file mttroot/mtt/lib/cc/mtt_Solver.cc at check-in f0b607e8f02e27de
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17:10 | Deleted: Created tag version-0-1 check-in: [e62ad9467f] user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net, branch: origin/master, size: 0 | |
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12:50 |
The solution vector (_ui) is no longer re-zeroed each step. Retaining the previous value appears to give dramatically better performance. Messages to the console are now buffered through clog instead of using cerr. file: [bc6c28056d] check-in: [eb84d8e84b] user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net, branch: origin/master, size: 291 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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09:51 | Deleted: Created branch unlabeled-1.7.2 check-in: [afb9dc617d] user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net, branch: origin/unlabeled-1.7.2, size: 0 | |
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02:15 | Rationalisation of solver code, beginning with algebraic solvers. file: [effe0746c4] check-in: [b94fab9d42] user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net, branch: origin/master, size: 257 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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01:06 | Initial guess set to one. file: [3335bb6d91] check-in: [498c1e0b78] user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net, branch: origin/numerical-algebraic-solution, size: 660 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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03:20 | Added: added -ae option to select algebraic equation solution method. file: [d33ce07dea] check-in: [6e5926c3aa] user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net, branch: origin/numerical-algebraic-solution, size: 660 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |