History of file mttroot/mtt/lib/examples/Dia/Mechanical-2D/StackOfSupportedBars/RigidBar2D_lbl.txt at check-in 6c69f0f28f1ceb4f
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11:39 | Deleted: Cleanup repository after cvs2git conversion. check-in: [af3953deae] user: jeff@gridfinity.com, branch: master, size: 0 | |
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01:30 |
Example system consisting of a stack of 2D rigid bars mounted on oscillating supports.
Demonstrates Dia-built hierarchical models, including vector ports, repeated components and aliasing of parameters. file: [95bc109297] check-in: [d4a035ed51] user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net, branch: origin/master, size: 1498 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |